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Many community-based sport and physical activity programs take a positive youth development approach when operating in underserved communities around the world (Forneris, Whitley, & Barker, 2013). However, one of the biggest challenges for these programs is sustainability (Lindsey, 2008). The purpose of this article is to present the 3 authors’ experiences related to program sustainability when working with community-based sport and physical activity programs using a positive youth development approach in underserved communities. The authors describe the challenges faced with program sustainability, including ineffective development approaches, building strong relationships with community partners, knowledge translation, and securing funding. Also described are the strategies used to overcome these challenges, such as planning, capacity building, recruitment, and evaluation. This article is intended to stimulate more open and honest discussions about the realities of positive youth development program sustainability around the world.  相似文献   

人力资源开发领域的学者和实践者都非常关注工作场所学习。关于正式培训和非正式学习,一直以来形成了大量的研究和讨论。本文从人力资源开发角度,结合已有的大量文献,提出了一个工作场所学习的概念性框架,框架包括三个互相作用的变量:学习的场所、在发展和传授学习经验时所制定的计划的程度和学习过程中培训者、推动者和其他人的角色。本文还讨论了这一框架对人力资源开发领域中理论建设和研究的启示。  相似文献   

中外合作办学英语能力培养模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要达到中外合作办学对学生英语能力的较高要求,就要改革传统的教学模式。本文在分析学生学习状况及留学生活语言需求调查基础上,以现代语言学理论为指导,论述了中外合作办学英语能力培养模式的主要内容与特点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed method research is to understand and support educators' continuing learning and growth better by using a lens of transformative learning to examine their experience and professional development practice and responsibility. Data from 58 participants and the course professor are analyzed to consider the occurrence of transformative learning and the related needs that emerged. This article also presents trends across the learning experiences and recommendations for practice and responsibility. Additionally, there are implications of the research for higher education professors, administrators, and developers reflecting on their concepts and planning of formal professional development.  相似文献   

转化学习理论对建构主义理论、哈贝马斯的社会学理论和弗莱雷的解放理论等进行消化和吸收,同时又以生活情境下丰富多彩的成人学习现象为现实基础,形成了较为系统和完善的理论体系。转化学习理论对成人教师的专业发展提供了重要的启示,即专业发展是持续不断的过程,营造专业发展氛围,增强专业发展意识,注重批判性反思,走进生活世界。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for assessing student motivation and self-regulated learning in the college classroom is presented. The framework is based on a self-regulatory (SRL) perspective on student motivation and learning in contrast to a student approaches to learning (SAL) perspective. The differences between SRL and SAL approaches are discussed, as are the implications of the SRL conceptual framework for developing instruments to assess college student motivation and learning. The conceptual framework may be useful in guiding future research on college student motivation and learning.  相似文献   

运用查阅文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对内江市中小学足球发展现状进行调查分析.过调查研究,找到相应的解决措施,为迅速提高我市青少年足球运动的整体水平提供发展策略,以供有关方面参考.  相似文献   

The potential of physical activity and sport programs to promote positive youth development (PYD) is well-recognized among youth sport researchers and practitioners. More recently, physical literacy has gained traction among sport organizations as an important component of long-term athlete development. With conceptual roots in academic writing, two approaches to physical literacy emerged: a holistic approach, encompassing cohesive developmental processes and outcomes; and a performance-driven approach, focused largely on physical competencies and performance. This article will evaluate the dual approaches to physical literacy through the lens of PYD. By pairing the theoretical foundation of the holistic approach with the attention to measurement in the performance-driven approach, we subsequently propose an integrated approach to physical literacy grounded firmly in sport and physical activity PYD research. Guided by this approach, we offer key insights and practical recommendations for the implementation of programs that seek to foster both physical literacy and PYD.  相似文献   

为探索中国文化下积极青少年发展的结构与内涵,丰富发展心理学的相关理论,并通过家庭、学校和社区指导青少年教育实践工作,本研究对教师、社工、教育专家、中小学生及家长共112人进行了深度访谈,并对访谈资料进行编码分析。结果发现:(1)能力、品格、自我价值和联结四者相互联系构成了积极青少年发展的核心结构。(2)能力包括学习能力、社会能力和生活能力三个部分;品格由爱、志、信和毅四个方面构成;自我价值涉及自尊、自信和自我接纳;联结涉及家庭、学校和社区联结。(3)中国文化下积极青少年发展的内涵是指健康、充分发展的青少年所具备的能力、品格、自我价值和联结方面的核心特征,这些特征反映了个体与发展情境之间良好的双向互动关系。研究结果与西方文化背景下的积极青少年发展相比,既有相似之处,更存在内涵上的差异。中国文化下积极青少年发展的结构与内涵融入了我国传统文化中的优秀元素,也充分体现了时代发展对人才的基本要求,对我国的教育理论和实践具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

Reservoir simulation is one of the core courses in the petroleum engineering curriculum and it requires knowledge and skills in three major disciplines, namely programming, numerical methods and reservoir engineering. However, there were often gaps in the students’ readiness to undertake the course, even after completing the necessary requirements. The disparate levels of competency of the good and poor students made it difficult to target a certain level. Cooperative learning in the form of projects and peer teaching was designed to address the major concern of disparate entry skills, and at the same time the method used should also succeed in keeping students interest in class, developing communication skills and improving self-learning. Slower and weaker students were expected to benefit from being taught by good students, who were better prepared, and good students would gain deeper comprehension of the subject matter. From evaluations, the approach was considered successful since the overall passing rate was greater than 95% compared to previous years of around 70–80%. It had also succeeded in improving the learning environment in class. Future simulation classes will continue to use the cooperative approach with minor adjustments.  相似文献   

One of the modules in the course Food Chemistry at Wageningen University (Wageningen, The Netherlands) focuses on quantitative problem-solving skills related to chemical reactions. The intended learning outcomes of this module are firstly, to be able to translate practical food chemistry related problems into mathematical equations and to solve them and secondly, to have a quantitative understanding of chemical reactions in food. Until 3 years ago the learning situation for this module was inefficient for both teachers and students. For this learning situation a staff/student ratio of 1/25 was experienced to be insufficient: the level of student frustration was high and many students could not finish the tasks within the scheduled time. To make this situation more efficient for both students and teachers and to lower the level of frustration, digital learning material was designed. The main characteristic of this learning material is that it provides just-in-time information, such as feedback, hints and links to background information. The material was evaluated in three case studies in a normal educational setting (n = 22, n = 31, n = 33). The results show that now frustration of students is low, the time in classes is efficiently used, and the staff/student ratio of 1/25 is indeed sufficient. A staff student ratio of around 1/40 is now regarded as realistic.  相似文献   

探索干预对提升数学学习困难学生数学学业表现的有效性及其调节因素.通过系统检索文献获得纳入符合标准的30篇文献,应用CMA2.0软件进行元分析,并检验被试特征、干预方案、干预目标、干预方法的调节效应.随机效应模型表明数学干预对数困生数学表现的合并效应量Hedges'g为0.438(p<0.001),对数困生干预效果呈中等...  相似文献   

通过收集整理近十年来我国成人转化学习的相关文献,本文对关于我国成人转化学习的研究成果进行了系统的总结和归纳。重点对成人学习的认知转化、学习目标转化、学习方式转化、学习问题转化的成果进行了梳理与评价,并对我国成人转化学习的研究趋势进行理性展望,研制中国特色成人转化学习研究的新方向。  相似文献   

Young people between the ages of 10 and 19 make up 23% of Pakistan's population. In Pakistan, young people face many challenges in terms of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues. These include early marriage and pregnancy, low use of contraception, use of unsafe abortion, lack of relevant information and poor knowledge about bodily development including puberty and menstruation, sexuality, reproduction and HIV. This paper examines the scale-up of a rights-based, life skills-based education programme during the period from 2004 until 2013, which included comprehensive education about SRH issues. The programme was introduced by Rutgers WPF Pakistan in a total of 1188 schools. Introduction and scale-up were made possible by a combination of attributes among the organisations leading the development of the programme and the users. The main challenge, which related to the conservative operating environment in which the programme was first introduced, was addressed through a multiplicity of media and advocacy activities in the community, among parents, and by involving teachers, school administrators, district education departments and Muslim scholars in the development and review of the curriculum. The scale-up of a comprehensive sexuality education programme that targets young people in a conservative Muslim country is possible when there is careful curriculum design and materials and approaches are developed in close collaboration with key stakeholders.  相似文献   

As universities create service-learning programs, educators are experimenting with pedagogical approaches that enhance learning outcomes while benefiting communities. We present a qualitative case study of a radio-based, service-learning program, grounded in a Freirean foundation and aimed at developing the cultural competence and sense of citizenship of undergraduate students while empowering working-class high school Latino/a students. Undergraduate students benefited the most from the program; they enhanced their cultural competence skills, awareness of social issues, and sense of civic responsibility. Latino/a high school students who stayed in the program for at least a year developed self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

从历时性角度分析,我国农村劳动力转移正步入"青年怪圈",并对农村剩余劳动力消化、城市劳动力市场的供求结构性矛盾等产生不良影响。农村劳动力文化素质和职业技能的相对不足,尤其是农村高中阶段教育的长期滞后发展,是这一"怪圈"形成和不断循环的重要原因。建议通过大力发展农村高中阶段教育,尤其是农村中等职业教育,继续推动农民工培训工程,加强企业在职培训,开发农村中年以上劳动力资源等途径,从而打破"青年怪圈"。  相似文献   

任国君 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(5):23+76-23,76
从演唱、演奏能力和音乐表现力入手,探讨将研究性学习引入声乐、器乐课教学的方法,使音乐技巧课教学更为规范、科学。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解非优势侧肢体(左上肢)的技能练习对优势侧肢体(右上肢)的技能学习效果的影响,通过文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法对普通大学生进行两侧迁移对乒乓球推挡球技术学习效果影响的实验.结果显示,非优势侧肢体的优先有效练习比优势侧肢体更能促进其技能的有效掌握,运动效应也会有更明显的体现,如肌肉力量素质的增长更明显.经过一段时间的训练学习,非优势侧肢体可以取得与优势侧肢体一样的运动效能.在乒乓球推挡球技能教学中不应忽视非优势侧肢体,应全面综合协调两侧肢体,共同提高动作技能的学习效果.  相似文献   

在成人英语教学中,教师应根据学生的特点,从阅读入手,培养学生的听、说、读、写、译的基本技能.  相似文献   

"结构力学"是土木、水利、交通及桥梁工程专业为设计建筑工程结构提供理论依据和计算数据的重要基础课程,它以其独有的课程特性、难度和灵活的解题技巧而为众多相关专业的师生所高度重视。文章通过对"结构力学"主要知识点学习方法的论述及相关解题技巧的分析,旨在培养学生掌握灵活的结构分析方法,开阔解题思路,提高结构计算能力,为工程类专业知识的学习奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

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