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Skills developed through qualitative research and community partnerships can be essential for developing education students’ cultural competency and understandings about diverse student populations. Toward this end, we developed a qualitative ‘service-research’ project in a teacher education course focused on child development, whereby undergraduate students examined the racial, linguistic, religious, and migration experiences of youth in St. Louis, Missouri. This paper provides a snapshot of this work by defining service-research and showcasing one student research team that developed and analyzed three case studies of young women from Bosnian Muslim families in partnership with a local organization. Through an analysis and discussion of service-research and the students’ results, we argue for the integration of qualitative research skills, service projects, and community partnerships into educator preparation programs.  相似文献   

This paper uses Tight (High Educ Res Dev 23(4):395–411, 2004; High Educ Res Dev 31(5):723–740, 2012; High Educ Res Dev 32(1):136–151, 2013)’s journal analysis and review framework to review a sample of 497 journal articles on researches concerning international students over the past 30 years. It was found that a majority of the articles focus on the students’ in-campus, academic and social experience. Even with different conceptualisation of the terms “international student” and “international student mobility”, international students undergo similar challenges throughout their sojourn duration, and much of the responsibilities in managing international students fall on universities and respective faculty members within the institutions. It might seem as if we are going in circles in terms of the issues and concerns in managing international students, but the silver lining out of this observation is the increased ethnical awareness among countries and higher education institutions in hosting and safeguarding the students throughout their international higher education experience, albeit rather slowly. The analysis brings to attention how much have we achieved in internationalisation of higher education in general and international student-related research in particular, and the potential for greater expansion and focus on managing the student population within a comprehensive “life cycle” approach.  相似文献   

Educational research in Norway has experienced unprecedented structural expansion and cognitive shifts over the last two decades because of greater state investments and the strategic use of extensive and multi-year thematic programmes to fund research projects. Using a neo-institutionalist framework, we examine institutionalisation dynamics in cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions by means of interviews, research programme calls, policy documents and funding data. In the cultural-cognitive dimension, we find references to the knowledge society, the perceived importance of evidence in policymaking and ideas of quality, excellence and relevance. In the normative dimension, we find the introduction of new professional and methodological standards, reflecting broader global patterns of academic and epistemic drift. In the regulative dimension, the strengthened role of both government and the Research Council of Norway is manifest in substantial growth in both funding and large-scale, long-term planning, including thematic choices—evidence of ‘programmification’. The importance of external models has grown in an era of internationalisation, yet translation occurs at every level of the governance of educational research. This results in a specific Norwegian research model, guided by a mode of governance of programmes that maintains social values that are traditionally strong in Nordic societies.  相似文献   

"it is(was)…that…"句式所代表的两种句型一直是语言学家们争论的焦点,其中关于它们的区别,无论是传统语法,还是现代语法都做出了详尽的分析,但对其共性的研究却几无涉及.运用功能语法的有关理论来研究这个常用句式,不仅能提供一种新的视角,而且还能指出它所旨导的两种句型的异同并作明晰归类.  相似文献   

A response to Maskiewicz and Lineback''s essay in the September 2013 issue of CBE-Life Sciences Education.Dear Editor:Maskiewicz and Lineback (2013) have written a provocative essay about how the term misconceptions is used in biology education and the learning sciences in general. Their historical perspective highlights the logic and utility of the constructivist theory of learning. They emphasize that students’ preliminary ideas are resources to be built upon, not errors to be eradicated. Furthermore, Maskiewicz and Lineback argue that the term misconception has been largely abandoned by educational researchers, because it is not consistent with constructivist theory. Instead, they conclude, members of the biology education community should speak of preconceptions, naïve conceptions, commonsense conceptions, or alternative conceptions.We respectfully disagree. Our objections encompass both the semantics of the term misconception and the more general issue of constructivist theory and practice. We now address each of these in turn. (For additional discussion, please see Leonard, Andrews, and Kalinowski , “Misconceptions Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” CBE—Life Sciences Education [LSE], in press, 2014.)Is misconception suitable for use in scholarly discussions? The answer depends partly on the intended audience. We avoid using the term misconception with students, because it could be perceived as pejorative. However, connotations of disapproval are less of a concern for the primary audience of LSE and similar journals, that is, learning scientists, discipline-based education researchers, and classroom teachers.An additional consideration is whether misconception is still used in learning sciences outside biology education. Maskiewicz and Lineback claim that misconception is rarely used in journals such as Cognition and Instruction, Journal of the Learning Sciences, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and Science Education, yet the term appears in about a quarter of the articles published by these journals in 2013 (National Research Council, 2012 ).

Table 1.

Use of the term misconception in selected education research journals in 2013
Journal (total articles published in 2013a)Articles using misconception (“nondisapproving” articles/total articles)Articles using other terms
LSE (59)23/24Alternative conception (4)
Commonsense conception (2)
Naïve conception (1)
Preconception (4)
Cognition and Instruction (16)3/3None
Journal of the Learning Sciences (17)4/4Commonsense science knowledge (1)
Naïve conception (1)
Prior conception (1)
Journal of Research in Science Teaching (49)11/13Commonsense idea (1)
Naïve conception (1)
Preconception (5)
Science Education (36)10/11Naïve conception (1)
Open in a separate windowaAs of November 25, 2013. Does not include very short editorials, commentaries, corrections, or prepublication online versions.A final consideration is whether any of the possible alternatives to misconception are preferable. We feel that the alternatives suggested by Maskiewicz and Lineback are problematic in their own ways. For example, naïve conception sounds more strongly pejorative to us than misconception. Naïve conception and preconception also imply that conceptual challenges occur only at the very beginning stages of learning, even though multiple rounds of conceptual revisions are sometimes necessary (e.g., see figure 1 of Andrews et al., 2012 ) as students move through learning progressions. Moreover, the terms preferred by Maskiewicz and Lineback are used infrequently (Smith et al. (1993) that they object to statements that misconceptions should be actively confronted, challenged, overcome, corrected, and/or replaced (Smith et al. (1993) argue on theoretical grounds that confrontation does not allow refinement of students’ pre-existing, imperfect ideas; instead, the students must simply choose among discrete prepackaged ideas. From Maskiewicz and Lineback''s perspective, the papers listed in Maskiewicz and Lineback (2013) as using outdated views of misconceptionsa
ArticleExample of constructivist languageExample of language suggesting confrontation
Andrews et al., 2011 “Constructivist theory argues that individuals construct new understanding based on what they already know and believe.… We can expect students to retain serious misconceptions if instruction is not specifically designed to elicit and address the prior knowledge students bring to class” (p. 400).Instructors were scored for “explaining to students why misconceptions were incorrect” and “making a substantial effort toward correcting misconceptions” (p. 399). “Misconceptions must be confronted before students can learn natural selection” (p. 399). “Instructors need to elicit misconceptions, create situations that challenge misconceptions.” (p. 403).
Baumler et al., 2012 “The last pair [of students]''s response invoked introns, an informative answer, in that it revealed a misconception grounded in a basic understanding of the Central Dogma” (p. 89; acknowledges students’ useful prior knowledge).No relevant text found
Cox-Paulson et al., 2012 No relevant text foundThis paper barely mentions misconceptions, but cites sources (Phillips et al., 2008 ; Robertson and Phillips, 2008 ) that refer to “exposing,” “uncovering,” and “correcting” misconceptions.
Crowther, 2012 “Prewritten songs may explain concepts in new ways that clash with students’ mental models and force revision of those models” (p. 28; emphasis added).“Songs can be particularly useful for countering … conceptual misunderstandings.… Prewritten songs may explain concepts in new ways that clash with students’ mental models and force revision of those models” (p. 28).
Kalinowski et al., 2010 “Several different instructional approaches for helping students to change misconceptions … agree that instructors must take students’ prior knowledge into account and help students integrate new knowledge with their existing knowledge” (p. 88).“One strategy for correcting misconceptions is to challenge them directly by ‘creating cognitive conflict,’ presenting students with new ideas that conflict with their pre-existing ideas about a phenomenon… In addition, study of multiple examples increases the chance of students identifying and overcoming persistent misconceptions” (p. 89).
Open in a separate windowaWhile these papers do not adhere to Smith et al.''s (1993) version of constructivism, they do adhere to the constructivist approach that advocates cognitive dissonance.Our own stance differs from that of Maskiewicz and Lineback, reflecting a lack of consensus within constructivist theory. We agree with those who argue that, not only are confrontations compatible with constructivist learning, they are a central part of it (e.g., Gilbert and Watts, 1983 ; Hammer, 1996 ). We note that Baviskar et al. (2009) list “creating cognitive dissonance” as one of the four main tenets of constructivist teaching. Their work is consistent with research showing that focusing students on conflicting ideas improves understanding more than approaches that do not highlight conflicts (e.g., Kowalski and Taylor, 2009 ; Gadgil et al., 2012 ). Similarly, the Discipline-Based Education Research report (National Research Council, 2012 , p. 70) advocates “bridging analogies,” a form of confrontation, to guide students toward more accurate ways of thinking. Therefore, we do not share Maskiewicz and Lineback''s concerns about the papers listed in Price, 2012 ). We embrace collegial disagreement.Maskiewicz and Lineback imply that labeling students’ ideas as misconceptions essentially classifies these ideas as either right or wrong, with no intermediate stages for constructivist refinement. In fact, a primary goal of creating concept inventories, which use the term misconception profusely (e.g., Morris et al., 2012 ; Prince et al., 2012 ), is to demonstrate that learning is a complex composite of scientifically valid and invalid ideas (e.g., Andrews et al., 2012 ). A researcher or instructor who uses the word misconceptions can agree wholeheartedly with Maskiewicz and Lineback''s point that misconceptions can be a good starting point from which to develop expertise.As we have seen, misconception is itself fraught with misconceptions. The term now embodies the evolution of our understanding of how people learn. We support the continued use of the term, agreeing with Maskiewicz and Lineback that authors should define it carefully. For example, in our own work, we define misconceptions as inaccurate ideas that can predate or emerge from instruction (e.g., Andrews et al., 2012 ). We encourage instructors to view misconceptions as opportunities for cognitive dissonance that students encounter as they progress in their learning.  相似文献   

Television criticism frequently focuses on the deconstruction of individual representations in texts, a practice that privileges specific characters rather than relationships among characters. This paper examines the usefulness of fictional television relationships for adolescent sexual identity formation by examining Dawson's Creek for its construction of gay character Jack McPhee. Jack's sexual identity is constructed and modified through dialectical tensions in his relationship with Jen Lindley, ultimately allowing him to express sexual identity in terms of acceptance rather than in terms of political or legal rights. This difference in narrative form illuminates potential differences between the formation of adult and adolescent sexual identity. Examining ethnographic work on gay men and their use of fictional media combined with a close reading of Dawson's Creek for sexual identity construction, this paper ultimately argues that fictional representations could serve as a template from which gay adolescents enact personal relationships. It also calls for critical media scholars to examine positive aspects of television representations.  相似文献   

Culturally-responsive pedagogies require moving beyond blanket assumptions about learners to focus deeply on local meaning-makings. This narrative analysis case study examines the ways a 20-year-old African American man challenges the negative educational identity with which he is forced to contend as he navigates a large and complex urban public school system. The ways in which Jamahl, a seeker of a High School Equivalency, refuses interpellation as an uneducated learner destined to be “nothin'” provides insight as to how formal education might be more responsive to learners' negotiation of deficiency discourses. Embracing agency, specifically through awareness of the ways Jamahl employs (re)positioning practices, this narrative analysis case study highlights paths for researchers and practitioners to tap into learners' resources to recognize and foster powerful learning identities.  相似文献   

This study extends Baxter and Wilmot's (1984) work on the secret tests couples use to acquire information about the state of their relationships. No gender differences were found in levels of testing or in the use of specific tests in our sample of 226 romantically‐involved individuals, who reported on 1025 instances of testing. The effects of commitment, perceptions of partner's commitment, courtship progress, and jealousy on testing were also examined. Overall amount of testing was inversely correlated with courtship progress, suggesting that such tests characterize the earliest stages of courtship, and positively correlated with jealousy. In addition, females who perceived that their partners were less committed to their relationships were slightly more likely to engage in relational information‐seeking. Reliance upon specific tests was associated with several of the relationship measures. For instance, Endurance tests were best predicted by perceptions of high partner commitment; Separation tests were used when commitment by self and partner was low, when the relationship had not advanced much, and when the information‐seeker was jealous; and use of Triangle tests was associated with jealousy. Several significant contingencies were found among dimensions of the testing situation. The type of test used was associated with what respondents learned about their partners' commitment, with the probability of engaging in state‐of‐the relationship talks, and with the deliberate versus accidental nature of the testing episode. It was also found that deliberate tests were more likely than accidental ones to lead to feelings that the future course of the relationship was predictable and to open communication about the relationship. Finally, tentative support was found for a confirmatory bias in testing in which testers set themselves up to learn that their partners value the relationship.  相似文献   

The challenge of teaching classic religious texts with flawed moral messages from a contemporary point of view is examined in the case of the Beautiful Captive of War (Deuteronomy 21:10–14). A moral dilemma is generated by contradictory ethical stands within the Jewish tradition, between which students have to choose. This dilemma is explored in the context of a kind of religious education which strives for critical commitment to sacred tradition. That kind of education is analysed for its roots in self‐persuasion, moral agency in complex social settings and an educational philosophy based on norms and conscience. Other issues explored are sexual education, international human rights, the relationship of abstract moral vignettes to real‐life situations and behaviour and the relationship of religious to moral education.  相似文献   

《敦煌研究》1992年第3期载杜爱英《敦煌遗书中俗体字的诸种类型》一文,读后受到不少启发。但该文第十二部分“音节符号类”把“(亻口)”和“(卅卅)”、“(卌卌)”分别作为“佛”和“菩萨”的俗体字,笔者却不敢苟同。现分论如下,以求教于杜先生和广大读者。一、关于“(亻口)”字(文中用浪号表示)。  相似文献   

Judging by their literacy proficiency scores, Nordic countries stand out from others. Their consistently high scores are intriguing and make their populations interesting benchmarks for other countries that participated in the International Adult Literacy Survey. This article addresses the question of whether there are any specific ‘Nordic’ ways of planning and implementing adult education policies. Are there any features that define a common approach to adult education, one that sets the Nordic countries apart from other advanced regions in Europe and North America?Beyond the general pattern, specific sub-groups of the population are explored, and especially the groups ‘at-risk’, i.e. those that score low on literacy proficiency scales, have the least education, are old or unemployed. All Nordic countries are included in the analysis: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden participated in the original IALS survey, whereas Iceland collected comparable data on adult education participation in a separate survey.That Nordic countries have a comparatively high level of participation in adult education is a fact that leaves no room for discussion. However, if not only the rate of participation but also volume is considered then the Nordic countries appear more similar to others. What sets the Nordic countries apart is the level of public support for adult education for the low-skilled population. More generally, it would seem that public support for disadvantaged groups is the main defining characteristic of Nordic countries.  相似文献   

从多义词capital说起Polysemy of Capital作为一个常用词,capital我们再熟悉不过了.这个词是一个多义词,其常用义项主要1包括:(1)资本;(2)首都,首府,省会;(3)大写字母.英语课上,老师不停地让我们注意句子开头的大写字母,所以capital的第三个义项我们早就熟悉了;北京是祖国的首都,所以第二个义项我们也不陌生;马克思在《资本论》中的名言:资本来到世间,从头到脚,每个毛孔都滴着血和肮脏的东西(Capital comes dripping from head to foot,from every pore,with blood and dirt.)也让我们记住了capital的第一个义项.可以说,capital的这几个主要义项对英语学习者而言都是小case.  相似文献   

吐鲁番阿斯塔那59号墓所出"北凉神玺三年(399)至玄始十二年(423)缺名随葬衣物疏"记有"帛(糸床) 一枚,(青)(革里)(履)一枚,脚爪囊一枚"、阿斯塔那62号墓所出"北凉缘禾五年(436)缺名随葬衣物疏"记有"连(练)(糸床)一枚, (革里)(履)一枚".  相似文献   

“七年之痒”是当前一个时尚热门成语。它指的是一种婚姻现象,意思是婚姻进入第七个年头时,浪漫与潇洒随着夫妻双方的熟悉,随着生活的压力而荡然无存,婚姻进入一个危险期。但为什么是“七年”?这种婚姻危机为什么称作“痒”,而不称作“七年之痛”“七年之酸”?那得从它的来历说起。  相似文献   

This article highlights the complexity of becoming a reader in public school classrooms, by describing the ways students’ reading bodies constituted the sites and discursive means for the performance of diverse reader identities. Drawing on sociocultural literacy and post-structural performance theories to suggest the notion of embodied performances of literate/reader identities, the article combines the presentation of meanings of reading in established curricula and assessment practices with the examination of the particular ways in which those inscribed students’ bodies. Data for this analysis were drawn from a yearlong ethnographic study of third-grade students’ performances across literacy events, and thematically analysed for the identification of patterns and divergences in their embodied performances. Events from students’ reading of standardized tests and of poetry are discussed in detail as instantiations of the reading body: the former of the docile body and the latter of the subversive body that is ultimately legitimized through the workings of school literacy. This study thus holds significance for deconstructing reader identities as inherently diverse and for unveiling both the visible and mundane ways in which discursive power inscribes students’ reading bodies.  相似文献   

学习的方法是书本与实践的结合。我常常从根本上去追溯人类的语言是怎么学的?一个婴儿,不会任何语言,靠的是听,百次千次万次地听,听了之后就去模仿,开始模仿的时候常常出错,又是百次千次万次地实践之后,就会说了。会听在前,其次会说,再次才学文字。就是说,学语言一  相似文献   

This essay forwards a theory of “visceral publics” through a case study of a bitter public health controversy in a small midcentury New England town. Proponents of fluoridation claimed that it yielded significant positive health outcomes, while opponents charged that the measure was politically suspect and physically dangerous. In this essay, I analyze the controversy as it took shape in letters to the editor and argue that the root of opposition to fluoridation was not in political ideology, as scholars have often claimed, but in a perceived threat to the body's boundaries, which created intense feelings. Although visceral publics are most clearly observable in controversies over the boundaries of the human body, the essay concludes by showing how the concept may be applied to controversies over the boundaries of the national body as well.  相似文献   

Actinomycosis is an uncommon disease, which is usually manifested as cervicofacial infection and related to poor oral hygiene or compromised immune function. Pulmonary actinomycosis is rare, but its diagnosis is changing due to its variable presentation and the similarity in appearance to other intrapulmonary diseases. Here we report an 80-year-old man with a solitary pulmonary nodule over the left upper lobe. Pulmonary neoplasm was highly suspected in this patient and thus resection of the mass was undertaken through video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Histopathological examination demonstrated this patient had an Actinomyeces infection. While the application of VATS in patients with pulmonary actinomycosis has rarely been reported in literature, we conclude that VATS is valuable for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with undetermined pulmonary nodule(s).  相似文献   

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