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宗教教育,是美国思想政治教育的重要形式,在美国的家庭教育、学校教育、政治活动和社会生活中随处可见,并发挥着独特的作用.对美国宗教教育的研究,不仅有助于了解美国思想政治教育的现状,而且有助于拓展我们对国外思想政治教育研究的视角.  相似文献   

美国北亚利桑那大学本科教学具有如下特点:成熟且富有成效的管理制度、有序安排课程表和课程教学、丰富而高效的网络资源、相互协作的教学风格、学生的积极参与和充分的师生互动、多样而综合的考核方式等。北亚利桑那大学的本科教学对我国本科教学有很大启示,给学生更多自主选择、尽快完成数字化课程网络辅助教学平台建设、增加师生互动、综合考评学生等。  相似文献   

美国是一个宗教气氛浓厚的国家,宗教对其慈善思想的产生和慈善活动的发展起了重要的作用。教徒因其信仰和重视教育的传统,纷纷捐资兴办大学。宗教不仅是美国早期高等教育的原动力,而且后世的美国人对教育的慷慨解囊也凸显了宗教的力量。纵观美国近40年来的捐赠历史和捐助领域,最突出的就是把教育放在至关重要的地位,宗教信仰是美国教育捐赠的基本动因。  相似文献   

This paper highlights how returnees and knowledge diaspora are important sources for China’s human resources development, identifying push and pull factors that also contribute significantly to innovation in the higher education sector. By outlining China’s key projects and schemes for recruiting international professional workers, the paper argues that bringing advanced knowledge and skills back to a country of origin through international education and experiences is neither new, nor limited to China. At the same time, the rise of a large, worldwide Chinese knowledge diaspora is now of global importance in promoting transnational scientific and business networks that underpin both research and development, and the quest for world-class universities. China’s size and weight, its determination to boost development and improve its higher education system, as well as the willingness of both diaspora and returnees to contribute, constitute its advantages. However, there remain limitations to its success, notably a lack of high-quality research, reservations regarding new ideas, low awareness of international collaborations, too much attention given to material rewards and quick results, corruption, and too many administrative controls and government regulations.  相似文献   

北美殖民地时期的宗教与教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北美殖民地时期教育的发展受到宗教的巨大影响,各类学校、学院最初都是出于宗教动机而兴办的。这为日后美国教育尤其是高等教育的发展奠定了基础。北美时期教育的各个方面,尤其是高等教育的发展都带有鲜明的宗教色彩。18世纪以后,宗教对教育的影响逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

研究型大学建设:拉美与亚洲国家高等教育政策取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过高等教育全面提高国家的综合国力和国际竞争力是目前许多发达国家和经济发展速度较快的发展中国家的既定国策。因此最近十几年来,建设研究型大学的热潮在世界范围内兴起。亚洲和拉美的许多国家也纷纷对本国的高等教育进行反思和改革,试图在新一轮的国际秩序整合中打破美国研究型大学在知识创新的主导地位。本文试图对韩国、日本、印度、阿根廷、巴西和墨西哥等国的研究型大学建设状况和改革思路进行分析,发现他们在建设研究型大学过程中遇到的问题,通过对比,发现他们在研究型大学建设中采取的策略与措施。  相似文献   

感受"美国教育"的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年初,笔有机会去美国,走访了哈佛、斯坦福等大学及美国众议院、教育部有关部门.在与同行的讨论过程中,涉及的问题杂多,诸如,为何而教、“在家上学”、“积极行动”、学券制、消费主义对学校教育的影响等.关于这些话题,人们都有不同意见,这既反映出当前美国教育的理论困惑,也使笔对美国教育的多样性和教育学话语的多样性有了切身的感受:当我们说“美国教育……”的时候,“美国教育”这个概念,所表达的不过是某种美国教育而已.美国教育的多样性特点格外鲜明,以致于不存在什么可以笼统地称为美国教育的东西.  相似文献   

In recent years, much research has documented the benefits of parent involvement and offered strategies on how educators can encourage parents’ participation in their children’s education. While the literature has brought much needed attention to school-family relationships, little is known about parents who are activists for educational improvement beyond their own children’s schooling and who concern themselves with district policymaking and governance. This article offers a portrait of one African American mother who is an education activist in Boston, Massachusetts. Drawing on social movement and Black feminist theories, the portrait documents how and why she has devoted her life to educational reform and equity with an emphasis on racial equality. The article concludes with a discussion of two possible factors that contribute to the making of an education activist: the development of a political racial identity and educators’ support for education activism.  相似文献   

As one of the oldest surviving educational religious models in the history of Muslim education, Mahdara remains a poorly studied desert-based religious institution of traditional learning. In its Bedouin context, the Mahdara produced religious scholars no less competent in the mastery of religious Islamic sciences than graduates of other reputable Islamic learning institutions. This article explores the historical development of the Mahdara, its academic program, social system, and contribution to the Mauritanian community while highlighting the major problems modernity poses to it in its struggle to preserve its sociohistorical position in society.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate the intergenerational changes that have occurred in Australian Jewish day schools and the challenges these pose for religious and Jewish education. Using a grounded theory approach according to the constant comparative method (Strauss 1987), data from three sources (interviews [296], observations [27], and documents) were analyzed, thus enabling triangulation. Findings show that there is an incongruity between what the adult community defines as the central components of Jewish and religious identity, which are more particularistic, and the perspectives of Jewish youth, which are more universalistic.  相似文献   


This panel presentation focuses on the complex relationship between Asian/Asian Canadians and Canada’s Indigenous peoples (First Nation, Meti, Innuit). In spite of many commonalities the two sets of communities share while being racialized as “visible minorities” with histories of oppression and exclusion, the former are still settlers on the land of the latter, and, along with Canada’s settlers of European origin, must take part in responding to the “Calls to Action” rising out of the 2015 report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  相似文献   

3.人才选拔的公平性 不可以说全部,但是绝大多数大学的申请的公平程度都不可置疑,尤其是顶尖大学的录取过程,在社会上甚至从未有民间对申请过程中存在腐败不公平等现象的指控和议论。虽然申请选拔制度着重对学生主观品质考察,但是这样的“主观考察”似乎没有为不公平带来空间。  相似文献   

当被问到中美大学最大的不同点的时候,斯坦福校长的答案是:“选拔学生的机制。”当我敲打着键盘写这篇文章的时候,在国内,正是高三年级学生第一次高考模拟考试的紧张日子。  相似文献   

学校教育永远离不开社会大环境的影响。美国、加拿大虽不是人间天堂,但是之所以他们的教育可以如此成功,吸引着全球无数学子来这里求学,让我们国内多少有条件的家庭将子女想方设法送到这里读书的最大原因,便是美国、加拿大的社会大环境。  相似文献   

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