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The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the triad components (amenorrhoea, disordered eating, and osteoporosis) in identifying physically active women at risk of long-term health problems. Eighty-two females (mean age 31.1 years, s = 6.7; body mass 58.4 kg, s = 6.6; stature 1.65 m, s = 0.06) completed training, menstrual, and dietary questionnaires. Bone mineral density and size-adjusted bone mineral density were assessed at the femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Seventy-eight percent of participants were eumenorrhoeic, 20% were oligomenorrhoeic, and 2% were amenorrhoeic. Thirty-six percent and 55% reported disordered eating practices in the present and past respectively. Eighty-one percent, 17%, and 2% were classified as normal, osteopaenic, and osteoporotic at the femoral neck respectively; 92% were normal, 7% osteopaenic, and 1% osteoporotic at the lumbar spine. No significant differences in femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density were observed between eumenorrhoeic and oligo/amenorrhoeic participants (F(2,80) = 0.119, P = 0.73); eumenorrhoeic participants had significantly greater lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F(2,80) = 9.79, P = 0.003). Disordered eating participants had significantly lower femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density than those reporting no disordered eating (F(2,80) = 13.816, P = 0.000). Twenty-two percent of participants fulfilled triad criteria, while 55% were "at risk" of long-term health problems. An accumulation of conditions resulted in lower lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F(1,80) = 6.074, P = 0.004). The current triad components do not identify all women "at risk" and more appropriate criteria such as exercise-related menstrual alterations, disordered eating, and osteopaenia are suggested.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the triad components (amenorrhoea, disordered eating, and osteoporosis) in identifying physically active women at risk of long-term health problems. Eighty-two females (mean age 31.1 years, s = 6.7; body mass 58.4 kg, s = 6.6; stature 1.65 m, s = 0.06) completed training, menstrual, and dietary questionnaires. Bone mineral density and size-adjusted bone mineral density were assessed at the femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Seventy-eight percent of participants were eumenorrhoeic, 20% were oligomenorrhoeic, and 2% were amenorrhoeic. Thirty-six percent and 55% reported disordered eating practices in the present and past respectively. Eighty-one percent, 17%, and 2% were classified as normal, osteopaenic, and osteoporotic at the femoral neck respectively; 92% were normal, 7% osteopaenic, and 1% osteoporotic at the lumbar spine. No significant differences in femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density were observed between eumenorrhoeic and oligo/amenorrhoeic participants (F 2,80 = 0.119, P = 0.73); eumenorrhoeic participants had significantly greater lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F 2,80 = 9.79, P = 0.003). Disordered eating participants had significantly lower femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density than those reporting no disordered eating (F 2,80 = 13.816, P = 0.000). Twenty-two percent of participants fulfilled triad criteria, while 55% were “at risk” of long-term health problems. An accumulation of conditions resulted in lower lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F 1,80 = 6.074, P = 0.004). The current triad components do not identify all women “at risk” and more appropriate criteria such as exercise-related menstrual alterations, disordered eating, and osteopaenia are suggested.  相似文献   

Drawing from Lent and Lopez's (2002) "tripartite" model of relational efficacy, the overall purpose of this study was to examine antecedents and consequences of self-efficacy, other-efficacy, and relation-inferred self-efficacy (RISE) within six international-level athlete dyads. Semistructured interviews were conducted and data were content analyzed using deductive and inductive procedures. Sources of efficacy emerged in relation to perceptions regarding (i) oneself, (ii) one's partner, (iii) the dyad/relationship, and (iv) external factors. Results also revealed the emergence of a number of salient intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes, incorporating cognitive, affective, as well as behavioral consequences. Implications for theory development and future research are considered, and applied propositions are discussed with regard to effective relationship management in elite sport.  相似文献   

Maintaining a positive iron balance is essential for female athletes to avoid the effects of iron deficiency and anaemia and to maintain or improve performance. A major function of iron is in the production of the oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying molecule, haemoglobin, via erythropoiesis. Iron balance is under the control of a number of factors including the peptide hormone hepcidin, dietary iron intake and absorption, environmental stressors (e.g. altitude), exercise, menstrual blood loss and genetics. Menstruating females, particularly those with heavy menstrual bleeding are at an elevated risk of iron deficiency. Haemoglobin concentration [Hb] and serum ferritin (sFer) are traditionally used to identify iron deficiency, however, in isolation these may have limited value in athletes due to: (1) the effects of fluctuations in plasma volume in response to training or the environment on [Hb], (2) the influence of inflammation on sFer and (3) the absence of sport, gender and individually specific normative data. A more detailed and longitudinal examination of haematology, menstrual cycle pattern, biochemistry, exercise physiology, environmental factors and training load can offer a superior characterisation of iron status and help to direct appropriate interventions that will avoid iron deficiency or iron overload. Supplementation is often required in iron deficiency; however, nutritional strategies to increase iron intake, rest and descent from altitude can also be effective and will help to prevent future iron deficient episodes. In severe cases or where there is a time-critical need, such as major championships, iron injections may be appropriate.  相似文献   

It is acknowledged that knowledge and knowledge bases are an important part of coach and athlete learning and that the coach – athlete relationship is crucial to knowledge created, shared and used. This said knowledge about nutrition as constructed by elite gymnasts would seem particularly important in a culture long associated with weight control practices and disordered eating. This paper provides an insight into the ways that 10 Brazilian Olympic gymnasts construct ideas pertaining to nutritional knowledge across generational periods (between 1980 and 2004) where significant organisational change in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil occurred and included the introduction of dieticians. Drawing upon different knowledge types and paying attention to the coaching context, the life histories of 10 Olympic gymnasts were used to open a window on knowledge construction pertaining to nutrition by three generations of gymnasts. The findings draw attention to two main illustrative themes. Firstly, coaches’ personal knowledge, whilst perceived as incomplete by gymnasts, reinforced a narrative of weight loss for gymnasts regardless of generation. Secondly, the younger generations of gymnasts perceived that the introduction of dieticians into structured provision enabled them to use better structured knowledge, and with it a sense of increased autonomy and corporeal learning via the construction of tacit embodied knowledge leading to healthier practices. Reflections are given to the role of the coach, dieticians and pedagogical actions, and the continued reshaping of knowledge in elite gymnastics.  相似文献   

Within the UK, the "Long Term Athlete Development" (LTAD) model has been proposed by a variety of national governing bodies to offer a first step to considering the approach to talent development. The model, which is primarily a physiological perspective, presents an advancement of understanding of developing athletic potential alongside biological growth. It focuses on training to optimize performance longitudinally, and considers sensitive developmental periods known as "windows of opportunity". However, it appears that there are a number of problems with this theoretical model that are not necessarily transparent to coaches. Principally, the model is only one-dimensional, there is a lack of empirical evidence upon which the model is based, and interpretations of the model are restricted because the data on which it is based rely on questionable assumptions and erroneous methodologies. Fundamentally, this is a generic model rather than an individualized plan for athletes. It is crucial that the LTAD model is seen as a "work in progress" and the challenge, particularly for paediatric exercise scientists, is to question, test, and revise the model. It is unlikely that this can be accomplished using classical experimental research methodology but this should not deter practitioners from acquiring valid and reliable evidence.  相似文献   


Comprised of three former collegiate female soccer players, SoccerGrlProbs initially built a large Twitter following before they began producing popular YouTube videos in 2012. Subsequently, SoccerGrlProbs has grown into a lifestyle brand, producing over 70 videos, and creating a complete line of apparel – designed ‘to establish a sense of unity and sisterhood in the female soccer community’. This study considers how the amusing videos produced by SoccerGrlProbs confront the female athlete paradox endured by competitive female soccer players. An analysis of a purposive sample drawn from the group’s YouTube channel video content revealed that SoccerGrlProbs addresses the female athlete paradox by ironically and humorously tackling femininity, competitiveness and aggression, and dedication and commitment.  相似文献   

Strenuous physical exercise induces oxidative stress. There may be a number of sources of this oxidative stress, including mitochondrial superoxide production, ischaemia-reperfusion mechanisms and auto-oxidation of catecholamines. Severe or prolonged exercise can overwhelm antioxidant defences, which include vitamins E and C and thiol antioxidants, which are interlinked in an antioxidant network, as well as antioxidant enzymes. Evidence for oxidative stress and damage during exercise comes from direct measurement of free radicals, from measurement of damage to lipids and DNA, and from measurement of antioxidant redox status, especially glutathione. There is little evidence that antioxidant supplementation can improve performance, but a large body of work suggests that bolstering antioxidant defences may ameliorate exercise-induced damage, suggesting that the benefits of antioxidant intervention may be for the long term rather than the short term.  相似文献   

Leadership research that examines follower characteristics as a potential moderator of leadership effectiveness is lacking. Within Bass's (1985) transformational leadership framework, we examined follower narcissism as a moderator of the coach behavior-coach effectiveness relationship. Youth athletes (male = 103, female = 106) from the Singapore Sports Academy (mean age = 14.28, SD = 1.40 years) completed the Differentiated Transformational Leadership Inventory (Callow, Smith, Hardy, Arthur, & Hardy, 2009), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Raskin & Terry, 1988), and indices of follower effort. Multilevel analyses revealed that athlete narcissism moderated the relationship between fostering acceptance of group goals and athlete effort and between high performance expectations and athlete effort. All the other transformational leader behaviors demonstrated main effects on follower effort, except for inspirational motivation.  相似文献   


Interest in Vitamin D has risen considerably recently with many athletes now advised to take daily vitamin D supplements. The reason for this interest is partly not only attributed to the resurgence of the Vitamin D-deficient disease rickets but also due to the discovery of a Vitamin D receptor in many tissues suggesting a more global role for Vitamin D than previously considered. Unlike the other vitamins that are obtained through the diet, Vitamin D is unique since endogenous synthesis following ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure is the predominant route of entry into systemic circulation. Moreover, Vitamin D could be better classed as a seco-steroid, given that its structure is similar to that of a steroid, and its production is derived from a cholesterol precursor (7-dehydrocholesteol) in the skin. The classification of Vitamin D status is currently subject to considerable debate with many authors opposing governing body recommendations. Regardless of the suggested optimal concentration, there is now growing evidence to suggest that many athletes are in fact Vitamin D deficient, especially in the winter months largely as a consequence of inadequate sun exposure, combined with poor dietary practices, although the consequences of such deficiencies are still unclear in athletic populations. Impaired muscle function and reduced regenerative capacity, impaired immune function, poor bone health and even impaired cardiovascular function have all been associated with low Vitamin D in athletes, however, to date, the majority of studies on Vitamin D have described associations and much more research is now needed examining causation.  相似文献   

Health literacy (HL) is a relatively new concept in health promotion and is concerned with empowering people through enhancing their knowledge of health issues and improving their ability to make choices about their health and well-being. Schools are seen increasingly as key settings for the dissemination of health messages through curricula and other on-site provision. However, such opportunities are amongst many demands being placed on educational providers and finding space in the school day to support the health agenda is a challenge. This practice-based, qualitative study examines the current practices in three schools in the UK. In total 34 pupils (n=16 from Year 9 and n = 18 from Year 11) were interviewed in six focus groups (3 in each school), with up to 6 pupils in each focus group. School staff (n = 8) were also interviewed individually. Findings suggest that pupils and staff have an understanding of health and a capacity for HL, though health education (via taught subjects) is not statutory across the four Key Stages of the National Curriculum. In order to engender health literate young people, with a view to reducing health inequalities, it is recommended that key health messages are delivered through an agenda that integrates current provision for health via the curriculum and other school-based practices, such as the Healthy Schools Programme.  相似文献   

女运动员心理健康调查及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用《心理健康测量量表(PHI)》,对河南省几个重点项目的女运动员进行测试,并与其他职业青年女性作对比分析。结果表明:女运动员与其他职业青年女性心理健康水平无明显差异,但在躯体化、抑郁、焦虑等方面症状明显;部分女运动员存在着某些心理问题和人格缺陷。影响女运动员心理健康的主要原因有身心因素、社会环境因素和文化程度因素。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法和实验法,对60名女大学生进行16周的有氧舞蹈训练,研究有氧舞蹈对大学女生身体形态、素质、机能的影响。结果显示:实验后女生的体脂百分率和腰臀比存在显著性差异,体重变化不大;800m、立定跳远、1min仰卧起坐存在显著性差异,坐位体前屈无明显变化;肺活量和最大吸氧量指标显著提高,呼吸频率降低。结论:有氧舞蹈能促进女大学生体内多余脂肪的燃耗,减少体脂肪;发展腰腹部力量以及腿部力量;锻炼呼吸器官的功能,提高心肺的工作能力。  相似文献   

实施全民健身计划若干问题的调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜丽萍 《体育科研》2000,21(1):41-42,46
分层抽样调查表明,我国切实实施全民健身计划状况并不尽如人意。直接表现为经常参加体育锻炼的人数较少,而影响和制约人们参与健身的最大因素是余暇时间。  相似文献   

大学生女子篮球运动员最大摄氧量及营养摄取的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马冀平 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):47-50
为提高女子篮球运动员的体力提供依据,调查大学生女子篮球运动员的最大摄氧量(VO2max)、血液指标及营养状况。受试者为大学生女子篮球运动员10名与没有运动习惯的女大学生10名。结果显示:大学生女子篮球运动员的VO2max=(35.6±3.0)mL·kg-1.min-1大于对照组(31.2±2.2)mL·kg-1.min-1,体脂肪率运动员组(19.6±3.0)%小于对照组(22.0±2.0)%。女子篮球运动员的LDH、CPK为381.0±33.0、197.0±12.2与对照组368.0±24.0、103.0±12.0比较明显增加。大学生女子篮球运动员的的Hb、Hb(%)和Hct均在正常范围内,但与对照组比较明显减少。大学生女子篮球运动员的能量的摄取,糖、蛋白质、钙和铁的摄取量,比没有运动习惯的女大学生低。因此,为了增强有氧能力,女子篮球运动员应该增加这些营养物质的摄取量。  相似文献   

In this study, the current issues of athlete brand management are discussed and the construct of athlete brand image is conceptualized. A conceptual model of athlete brand image (MABI) is developed incorporating three key dimensions: athletic performance, attractive appearance, and marketable lifestyle. These dimensions are defined by an athlete's on-field characteristics, attractive external appearance, and off-field marketable attributes. This study contributes to the sport branding literature by providing the first comprehensive conceptual framework of athlete brand image and offering managerial implications for building and managing the brand image of individual athletes.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):626-639
While research is emerging about transgender athletes, little is known about their experiences during their transition. Through the lens of transfeminism, this case study followed one U.S. transgender male college athlete as he transitioned from a women’s to a men’s team. The research questions were: (a) what are the experiences of this athlete as he comes out about his trans identity, (b) how is he received by teammates and coaches, and (c) what are his emotional, social, psychological, and athletic experiences during his transition. The athlete participated in a series of interviews across nine months during his transition. Narrative analysis (Smith & Sparkes, 2009) of the data resulted in five themes presented in a series of vignettes: setting the scene: early memories and identity, coming out, being a competitive college athlete, an emotional roller coaster, and contemplating the future. This case offers insights conceptually as well as practically.  相似文献   

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