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对语言认知的研究包括两个方面:一是语言概念形成中的认知,这涉及基本范畴与认知图式,意象与隐喻认知模式等;二是语言使用和理解的认知过程,即人怎样运用语言结构实现其交际功能,这涉及语义结构中的突显与选择,以此说明语言是认知发展的产物.文章拟通过对习语变体的探讨,重新划分习语变体种类,并说明认知和经验对语言结构和意义的决定作用.  相似文献   

本文将语言生态环境定义为包括语言本身、语言使用者、外部的物质和经济环境、法律制度意识形态环境以及语言和环境间的互动影响在内的复杂体系。在此基础上,基于国家安全和社会和谐的战略维度,提出了建设我国语言生态环境的具体方略,对于构建语言生态文明、促进我国的社会发展及维护国家稳定与安全都有着重要价值。  相似文献   

语言作为一种社会符号,其分类系统能反映人类对客观世界的认知,同时又反过来影响语言使用者认知世界的方式。批评语言学的分析方法论中,阐述了语言分类系统与意识形态密切相关。在《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的语篇中,名词短语作为其分类系统的重要组成部分,帮助了语言使用者建构梦幻世界、赋予该世界独特的秩序,体现了语篇的分类系统能反映语言使用者的意识形态并影响受众的认知方式。  相似文献   

复杂动态系统理论着眼于从语言认知和社会观融合的角度研究二语习得各因素的相互作用。文章从二语学习者能动性的构成、特点和机制阐释能动性的迭代、自适应、多维度和非线性等动态理论的特点,在能动性与学习者要素、社会环境、语言结构等发生交互作用下,充分展示学习者能动性发展过程的非线性、变异性以及时间、空间的关联性等真实发展轨迹;最后提出了研究对教学的启示作用,为学习者能动性研究创造实用价值。  相似文献   

本文在认知语法的理论框架下,通过跨语言的及语言内部的对比研究,解读句法结构、语义表达和认知过程间的依存关系,得出以下结论:1.认知方式决定语言形式,句法结构差异是基于个性化体验与互动的认知过程在语言层面的映射;2.语义表达是在意象图式或概念结构构建基础上对语义焦点的突显或实现过程;3.句法结构是语言符号的有机统一体,其整体意义永远大于部分意义之和。句法结构和认知方式存在着密不可分的关系,句法结构的选择和使用离不开人的认知方式。  相似文献   

文章综观反语的语用研究,并从认知语境顺应性的角度对反语进行诠释,指出反语的使用、识别与理解依赖并顺应于认知语境。反语的使用过程是语言使用者随着语境的变化而灵活地运用语用原则和语用策略,是一个顺应语境的语言的选择过程,从而达到语言使用者的交际的目的。  相似文献   

胡清 《考试周刊》2011,(17):99-100
空间介词是认知语言学中一个非常重要的研究对象。本文在认知语义学的框架下,以Tyler和Evans的原则性多义模式为依据,系统地分析英语介词beyond的认知语义结构,以期客观、全面地解释其中心意义产生、各个义项生成的原则,使语言使用者更加深刻地理解、记忆和使用介词beyond的多义结构,并证实Tyler和Evans的原则性多义模式在分析解释介词多义性方面的理据性。  相似文献   

CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning),即语言与内容的融合教学,是将外语作为教学语言来教授非语言学科的教学模式。该模式改变了传统英语课堂以教授语言知识、训练语言技能为主的教学目标。教师、学生、语境之间通过互动,将课堂构建为一个社会认知语境。通过使用英语在该语境中展开交际活动不仅能够提高学生的语言应用能力,而且还能促进其认知发展,增强学习动机。该研究通过对两组水平相当的受试进行一学期的实证研究,再次对CLIL应用于大学英语教学改革的有效性给予验证。  相似文献   

文化认知是一种社会现象、语言现象和心理现象。文化认知观从生态、社会和文化的维度去研究人类的认知过程,包括意象在认知模式中的文化重构,语言象征性的图式化过程及语义概念的范畴化机制。民族博物馆馆藏物品蕴含着浓厚的文化色彩,对其物品名称的翻译,文化认知观为我们提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

汉、英两种语言中都有"意象"的存在;在概念整合理论下,经过对汉、英两种语言间"意象"的分析,找出两种语言使用者对"意象"认知模式的不同,即:汉语文化中人们对"意象"的认知过程往往较英语文化中人们的认知过程复杂。以此为立足点,结合翻译实践过程,探讨汉诗英译过程中"意象"的传递策略,并指出:直译法,意象替换法,意译法和直译加注法是处理此类问题常用的手法。  相似文献   

The relationships between social‐cognitive processes, language, and social‐behavioural skills were evaluated by analyzing the data of 68 deaf students, aged 14 to 2o years, who attended special education classes with vocational orientation. The social‐cognitive processes included Role Taking Ability (RTA) and Non‐Verbal Sensitivity (NVS). Language was evaluated by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) and by a test of Emotional Vocabulary (EV). Social‐behavioural skills were assessed by Goldstein, Sparfkin, Greshaw and Klein's (1980) Social Skills Checklist. The social‐behavioural skills were used as indicators of social adjustment. The results revealed low performance in all the social‐cognitive abilities. Language played a major role in social adjustment. However, the availability of specific emotional vocabulary was not a better predictor of social adjustment than general language ability. Although RTA was associated with social adjustment, this association was related to language ability, and RTA did not add a unique contribution to the explanation of social adjustment. NVS emerged as an important, special and independent social‐cognitive ability. The results were discussed in relation to the function of language in social cognition.  相似文献   

语言具身认知范式主张身体在认知和语言发展过程中的关键作用,尤其强调身体、大脑和环境的相互作用。学前儿童的语言发展更具有具身性特点。本研究以学前儿童第二语言习得为例进行实验研究,具体从字母、单词和句子三个层面对身体性、情境性和交互性在儿童语言能力发展中的影响进行对比研究。研究发现:身体性、情境性和交互性在儿童语言发展过程中起着关键作用,体现了儿童语言发展的具身性特征。  相似文献   

Asperger综合征是一组以社交障碍和狭窄、刻板的兴趣行为为特征,但无语言发育障碍,且认知能力正常的儿童。为了了解国内对AS的研究现状,本文从AS的智力水平、对刺激信号的接受与加工过程、社会适应能力的研究、家庭环境因素对AS儿童的影响及干预方法等方面对国内当前的研究成果进行了梳理,以飨广大同仁。  相似文献   

Early childhood poverty is a prevalent social issue, both in the United States and in the wider international community. It has been well established that factors associated with poverty, including familial income and parental education level, can negatively affect children’s language and cognitive development, which can result in academic achievement deficits that compound across the lifespan. Additional environmental factors, specifically maternal and children’s own social–emotional development, have also been shown to impact these sensitive early childhood developmental processes. Although individual components that relate to language and cognitive development in young children have been identified, additional examination of potential associative relationships between these components is warranted. Therefore, this study explored socio-economical, health, and developmental relationships between 122 caregiver–child dyads enrolled in an Early Head Start Program where children were 1–36 months old. Results indicated strong bidirectional correlations between children’s cognitive and language development. Multiple linear regression path analysis indicated that children’s cognition and social–emotional wellbeing have a significant direct effect on their language development. Additionally, language and fine motor development were found to have a significant direct effect and social–emotional wellbeing mediated an indirect effect through language on children’s cognitive development. In light of socioeconomic and sociocultural challenges, the importance of nurturing children’s social–emotional development in relation to language and cognitive development is discussed.  相似文献   

语言迁移是语言研究者探讨母语对二语习得影响的研究;社会框架是产生于社会文化的内容,一个框架在与另一个框架交际过程中,会表现出社会文化差异。将王绍斌,李玮的语用迁移实证研究收集到的数据结果作为样本,从拒绝言语行为入手探讨语言迁移折射的中西方文化框架差异及其成因,获取对二语习得的启示。  相似文献   

张宇 《海外英语》2012,(15):263-265,269
新词新语是对社会现象的一种文化表达,研究语言不能脱离其所在的社会、文化背景。在文化语境中分析新词新语,可以更好地探寻语言与社会的关系。该文将从影响英语和汉语发展的主要几种文化语境:多元文化历史背景、发展中的东西方社会文化、信息时代的网络文化三个方面去讨论英语和汉语新词新语的产生、发展及相互影响。通过分析可以总结出:语言在与社会、文化的共同演变中富有创新性、多样性;英语和汉语之间相互影响,互为生长;要重视文化建设创造美好的语言环境。  相似文献   

语言是人类表达思想和思维的手段。习语是在社会实践中提炼出的短语或短句,是语言的精华。英语动物习语是人们与动物长期接触以来发展出的言简意赅、寓意深远的短语或短句,是社会文化生活的反映。概念整合理论由语言家福柯尼耶和特纳提出,是通过研究语言的生成过程来解释人类的思维模式。从认知的角度,借助该理论,探讨英语动物习语的认知理据和解读过程,同时运用概念整合网络探析、理解英语动物习语的相关心理机制,并将整个认知过程动态地呈现出来。由此可见,概念整合理论对英语动物习语的解读有着很强的阐释力,为研究习语的意义构建开拓了前景。  相似文献   

语言迁移是第二语言习得领域里的一个重要概念,也是影响外语语感养成的一个重要因素。本文着重从语言迁移的角度探究了母语与英语语感培养的关系,以期促进英语语感教学及学生综合外语能力的提高。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between deaf preschoolers' language abilities and their play behavior. Twenty-nine deaf children aged three to five years were observed during outdoor free play throughout the school year. Their language abilities varied widely and did not correlate with age. On the basis of two language tests, they were divided into three language ability groups--high, middle, and low. Language ability was found to be related to several aspects of play and social interaction. The children with high language ability were more likely than the other children to play with two partners at the same time (i.e., engage in triadic interaction), to interact with teachers, to prefer to play with children of similar language ability, to use language, and to receive language from their partners. Most of these effects seemed to be due solely to differences between the children with high language ability and those in the other two groups. Children in the low and middle language ability groups behaved similarly. Language ability was not related to any other aspect of peer relations. Thus, the impact of language ability seems limited. These results, in conjunction with past research, suggest that, for the most part, deaf preschoolers' language and social skills develop independently from each other.  相似文献   

Conversations about Visual Arts: Facilitating Oral Language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visual arts, such as drawings, are attractive to most young children. Marks left on paper by young children contain meaning. Although it is known that children’s oral language could be enhanced through communication with adults, rarely is there a series of dialogues between adults and young children about their drawings. Often heard instead are simple comments given by adults like “It is a neat picture!” “You did a great job painting!” Yet, dialogic communication between adults and young children could not only help facilitate children’s oral language, but also bring about many other merits. Regrettably, little literature addresses oral language facilitation about visual arts. This article describes the significance of facilitating children’s oral language via adults’ talking with young children about their visual arts based on Otto’s (Literacy development in early childhood: reflective teaching for birth to age eight, 3edn. Pearson Education Inc, Upper Saddle River, 2008) linguistic scaffolding strategies and Halliday’s (Language in a social perspective: explorations in the functions of language. Edward Arnold Model of Language Functions, London, 1973). Implications and suggestions for future research are given at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

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