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教育研究具有独特的研究性质、任务、目的和功能。这就要求教育研究者在实施教育研究的过程中要遵循教育研究求真崇善的本性,恪守体现教育研究真谛的学术道德规范。教育研究者遵守教育研究中的学术道德要求,需要学术观念规范、学术制度规范、学术环境规范等方面的保障,以使教育研究者遵守学术道德成为研究者的自律意识和行为。  相似文献   

关注学习的道德维度,探讨学习的价值规范问题,是教学论和教育伦理学研究的核心议题。开展学习伦理研究具有重要的现实意义、理论意义和时代价值,它既是教学伦理研究的重要拓展,又是落实立德树人教育根本任务的重要抓手。基于教育实践探索视角、学科理论研究视角的考察,是开展学习伦理研究的基础和前提。深化学习伦理研究,需要从拓展研究视野...  相似文献   

教育研究的叙事伦理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李政涛 《教育研究》2006,27(10):18-21,26
教育叙事的过程,就是以叙述教育事件的方式实现对叙事者自我精神生命重建的过程,是构建新的教育生活方式的过程。只有承担了伦理使命的教育叙事才是有深度的、好的教育叙事。这样的教育叙事超越了经验性、技术性的层面,成为一种具有伦理关怀和本体意味的生命实践的叙事。它需要承担存在之重、伦理之重,需要经历从无叙事伦理到有叙事伦理,进而又从叙事伦理到生存伦理的转变。好的教育叙事者需要具备宽广的精神维度,具备生命的广度和灵魂的深度。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the different perspectives and ideologies within the evolving field of special education research. This examination has claimed that Imre Lakatos’ notion of “research programmes”, which allows for a plurality of directions of research, provides a valuable guide for understanding the development and current state of special education. Furthermore, the idea of research programmes has an ethical dimension that can be effectively applied to special education. The concept of research programmes reminds special educationists that they are faced with fundamental choices when they commit themselves to a particular research programme within the field. Even after the original choice of a programme has been made, researchers must continue to exercise vigilance to ensure that their programme remains, or at the very least eventually becomes, progressive. Finally, this article has suggested a general direction to follow for the establishment of a common ethical standard across all research programmes in special education.  相似文献   

The ethics of education is usually addressed under several themes, moral education being the most common conception of it. Although the moral aspects may be acknowledged as implicit and self-evident in every research context, it seems doubtful that the dimension of ethics is, in fact, missing. The point here is that, in a bounded system, there is no need for the moral aspects to become conscious. However, introducing pedagogy as a practical concept to the educational context makes the moral dimension of education clear and visible. The aim here is to justify the use of pedagogy and to suggest how this may be possible.  相似文献   

自二战以来,芬兰在尊重本国人民、相信本国人民、依靠本国人民的理念下,从本国人民共享教育理念和教育愿景出发,把教育发展计划作为主要工具,以教育的基本价值理念和长期目标为原则来制订教育政策,经过一系列持续的渐进式改革,逐渐形成了均衡、多元和信任的教育文化.  相似文献   

教育管理伦理:一个新的研究领域   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教育管理伦理指的是教育管理制度、管理关系、管理理念和管理行为的基本伦理规范与道德意义。教育管理伦理研究的意义一方面在于改善教育管理实践的现实状况,呼吁和倡导一种体现伦理精神和道德关怀的教育管理活动与行为,另一方面在于丰富、拓展教育管理基本理论的研究。教育管理伦理研究的内容包括教育管理的制度和政策伦理、教育管理理念与理想的伦理以及教育管理人员的职业伦理和管理行为伦理等方面。  相似文献   

论教育研究的叙事学转向   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育和叙事具有内在的本质联系,教育在深层意义上有着对叙事的诉求,叙事是教育的内在表达。教师职业叙事是教育研究的叙事学转向,转向叙事的教育研究有着独特的优势,同时也存着自身的局限。因此,我们应着眼于它的发展趋势与前景,以增强其生命力。  相似文献   

There are many possible ways to approach the topic of educational theory and critique. One could inquire into the meaning of critical phenomena and subject‐matter in practical education and instruction, investigate the various forms of critique with the goal of determining the extent to which they assist in clarifying pedagogical action, or one could ask: ‘What is meant by critical educational research?’ and ‘How do the various approaches to this topic relate to one another?’. This article inquires into the relationship between critique and negativity. Such a distinction is relevant for the practical, theoretical and research‐oriented use of the various forms and subject matters of critique. This analysis of their relationship aims to clarify how the structure of human learning connects to that of pedagogical action; and, additionally, how the theoretical guidelines and orientation for pedagogical action relate to scientific analyses and research in education in a way that is productive. Distinctions made in thought, judgement and action are not simply delimiting positive characteristics. Such distinctions are at once mediated by the relations of knowledge and ignorance, ability and inability. Although ignorance and inability can be transformed into positive knowledge and ability, they are not superseded in the process. Ignorance and inability are, on the contrary, constitutive elements of learning. The possibility for transitions from ignorance and inability to knowledge and ability—a possibility that itself presupposes knowledge and ability—point to a form of negativity within the process of education (Bildung). This form of negativity relates to the human ability to learn (Bildsamkeit) and provides the definitive basis of human learning. A form of negativity constitutive of learning processes leads to one that grounds pedagogical processes. Pedagogical efficacy is mediated by a double negativity, comprised of both a universal and a particular form of negativity. The relation of negativity to learning and pedagogical efficacy, with specific reference to educational research studies on teaching and learning processes, is considered. A form of educational research that operates beyond fundamentalist criticisms—that is to say, criticisms based on unshakeable beliefs—and utilises issues arising from a pluralisation of critique to confront the pluralism of critical positions, is considered. The article closes with reflections on the relation between the Critical and the Uncritical.  相似文献   

I address the problems of diminished moral responsibility and of moral relativism, typically associated with education in late modern society, by developing, beyond the problematic contemporary formulations of postmodern ethics, an ethics of integrity as a moral resource for education. This ethics is constituted by the principles of respect for the dignity of persons, and the acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of our moral choices. I show how it offers more than the scant resources of postmodern ethics to educators who seek to enable their students to develop a deeply-founded sense of moral comportment and an authentic identity in the face of the moral complexity of late modernity's globalised and plural society.  相似文献   

The Ethics of Integrity: Educational Values Beyond Postmodern Ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I address the problems of diminished moral responsibility and of moral relativism, typically associated with education in late modern society, by developing, beyond the problematic contemporary formulations of postmodern ethics, an ethics of integrity as a moral resource for education. This ethics is constituted by the principles of respect for the dignity of persons, and the acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of our moral choices. I show how it offers more than the scant resources of postmodern ethics to educators who seek to enable their students to develop a deeply‐founded sense of moral comportment and an authentic identity in the face of the moral complexity of late modernity's globalised and plural society.  相似文献   

发展伦理学:一个亟待深化的研究领域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展伦理学是社会科学和发展研究领域中一个崭新和快速拓展的学科。培育发展伦理学能够为制定有益于人类幸福的发展政策提供有力的理论支持。尽管关于人类幸福的理论论争可以追溯到古希腊,但是许多发展经济学家都设法回避认真反思“发展”的概念和意义。与经济学家形成鲜明的对比,哲学家则充分地思考了幸福人生的本质和特征,但他们没有把其关于幸福的理论放到公众之中接受检验,也没有正视他们对幸福的解读与普通人价值观的关系。这部分是因为哲学家相对于社会科学家来说缺乏完成这种任务的工具和专业知识。我们只有通过哲学反思与科学探求二者的整合,才能揭示隐含于更真实的发展伦理学之中的核心人类价值观。  相似文献   

教育伦理哲学刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育伦理哲学是以探讨教育伦理最一般理论问题的教育伦理学分支领域。它主要探究的问题有:教育的伦理基础、教育道德理想与规范、教育善恶矛盾运动的规律性、教育道德系统的结构与功能、教育道德主体性和教育道德进步等问题。在当前教育改革和发展的大背景下,加强教育伦理哲学问题的探索,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

There appear to be various respects in which the outdoor environment has been regarded as significant for education in general and moral education in particular. Whereas some educationalists have considered the environment to be an important site of character development, others have regarded attention to conservation and sustainable development as pressing moral educational concerns in a world of widespread human environmental abuse. The following paper argues that approaches to environmental education that proceed by way of character education or environmental ethics may yet fall short of the central goal of promoting intrinsic appreciation of nature and the outdoors, and explores an alternative strategy focused on exposure to the arts.  相似文献   

自然科学的人文转向是现代科学发展的一个重要思潮.作为自然科学的地球科学,在"人类世"地质时代,研究地球的人文社会科学问题,显得更加必要,其中地学伦理研究具有重要意义.因为在地学领域,社会道德责任缺失,地球利益分配存在严重不公正现象,包括社会不公正,环境不公正.这是地球生命受到损害,地球生态系统生态平衡受到破坏,地球资源受到破坏的根源之一.它需要科学的道德原则的指导和制约.地学伦理学,它的主要特征是,道德主体从地学工作者扩展到所有与地学相关的人,它的道德对象从人和社会扩展到生命和整个地球,从现在扩展到未来.因而它是一种生态伦理,即地学生态伦理.它的主要原则是地球利益和责任分配的生态公平正义的原则.它表示不同社会阶层的人,承担了不同的道德责任.在开发和利用地球的活动中,要坚守生态公平正义和保护地球的原则,这是一个道德底线.  相似文献   

Managerialism has changed the nature of the curriculum and imposed upon us new conceptions of the teacher and teaching. In this paper a brief outline and critique of it are provided and its reductionist effects noted. Against this managerialism a conception of the school as an educational community is developed, based on Oakeshott's work. From within this conception a critique of planned or utopian change is mounted and a concept of incremental change outlined. At the same time a concept of teacher autonomy is elaborated which is in contrast to rational autonomy but which restores a voluntaristic role to teachers.  相似文献   

教育总与知识密切相连,但与教育自身相关的知识却并很难通过直接应用于实践来提高教育系统的效益和效果,这是持续困扰国际教育研究界的重大问题.一个国家的教育研究与发展系统可被看作是一种教育类知识管理体系,是国家创新体系的重要构成.改革教育知识管理体系的理念和运行模式同样是提高教育质量的一项重要措施.本文梳理和分析了2000年以来国际教育研究界对教育研发体系的新认识和新举措,即转向以实用性为主导的基础性教育研究,希望能对我国教育研究领域的改革和发展提供参考.  相似文献   

诚信本是中华民族的传统美德,但随着社会主义市场经济建设的展开,失信事件也在不断发生。诚信美德的缺失已引起人们的关注。正确认识和处理诚信伦理与市场经济的互动关系便成为现时代的重要课题。  相似文献   

Large-scale educational reforms are difficult to realize and often fail. In the literature, the course of reform and problems associated with this are frequently discussed. The explanations and recommendations then provided are so diverse that it is difficult to gain a comprehensive overview of what factors are at play and how to take them into consideration. In this article, a model to provide a comprehensive framework for the analysis of educational reforms is presented. Education is conceptualized as a social system and educational reform thus as the manner in which this social system adapts to a changing context. The upper secondary education reforms undertaken in the 1990s in the Netherlands are adopted as a test case to evaluate the utility of the model. The results of the study paint a picture of educational reform as a loosely organized system of problems and solutions. The possibilities and potential limitations of the model are discussed in closing.  相似文献   

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