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朱永新 《天津教育》2012,(11):24-26
"新教育"一路走来,如今已迈过第十个年头。十年来,"新教育"从一个人的构想,变成万千人的梦想;从一所学校,发展到38个实验区的1500多所学校,成为大半个中国的民间教育改革运动;所倡导的"过一种幸福完整的教育生活"的理念,已成为许多学校的价值追求;所开发的"晨诵、午读、暮省"的儿童课程,已成为许多孩子的生活方式  相似文献   

<正>据日本《世界日报》2013年10月28日报道,日本文部科学省日前公布了有关"中高一贯校"(初中、高中课程一体化)的调查统计数据。截至2012年,全日本国立、公立和私立"中高一贯校"合计已达441所。按照计划,2013年拟设置19所,这样距日本政府所设定的要达到500所"中高一贯校"的目标已不远。据报道,在441所"中高一贯校"中,公立学校184所,其中东京的公立"中高一贯校"最多,达18所。东京都在2013年还出台了有关设置新型公立"小中高一贯校"的教育政策。东京都  相似文献   

文章以"优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国"的精神为指引,结合<教育文化论坛>的办刊方向和目标,认为教育文化的主旨意在理念重塑精神重构特色重建素质提高.其中理念重塑的价值重在"优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国"所表达的社会意义;精神重构的价值重在"造就一批杰出的教育家"所表达的教育精神;教育特色的价值重在"尚德"核心价值观的确立所体现的境界和荣誉;科学素养的提高,重在培养做人做事的心态情感、观察问题的敏捷性、创新意识和动手解决问题能力的建构精神;人文修养的修炼,则重在"人的无限的一种有限存在"的内在品质所表达的精神状态.  相似文献   

<谏逐客书>和<陈情表>在表达处境、对方身份和表达结果基本相同的情况下,观点提出有先后之分、用事角度有公私之别、说服策略有忠孝之差和表达节奏有盛婉之异的原因在于表达的具体"对象"和"目的"不同.其所取得的巨大成功,正是李斯和李密在其所置身的"人文网络"中主观能动性的充分发挥,也证明了"看准对象、有的放矢"是言语表达的铁的定律.  相似文献   

浅析曹操四言古题乐府<步出夏门行·观沧海>,从其中所达诗人"叱咤风云,吞吐日月"之博大襟怀,所托诗人"运筹演谋,鞭鞑宇内"(见陈寿<武帝纪评>)之豪情壮志,小议曹诗所发"高、浑、亢"之非凡气韵,以见曹诗雄浑豪放、刚劲质直的艺术风格及其所影射的"建安风骨".  相似文献   

<正>五华区共有50多所学校分布在397.86平方公里的区域,其中城区学校14所、郊区学校18所,农村学校11所。区教育局提出了"打破地域,实现共赢"的校本教研思路,促进了城乡教育的协调发展。  相似文献   

对28所省属"211工程"高校2007-2011年的科研发展水平数据分析显示:5年来,28所省属"211工程"高校科研发展水平不平衡,存在一定的地域差距;28所省属"211工程"高校科研发展水平呈现不同变化趋势,西部地区高校之间的科研水平差距在逐步缩小,而东部和中部地区高校之间的科研水平差距有扩大趋势;高校科研发展水平在自然科学和人文社会科学领域呈现了不同的发展趋势;28所省属"211工程"高校在科研投入、科研产出、科研能力和科研效率四个方面都表现出一定的地域和学科差异。  相似文献   

时下,走进任何一所中小学校园,你都会被校园里浓浓的"名人气息"所"感染",被重重的"名人情结"所震撼.花坛里、草坪上"名人雕像"时隐时现,让人目不暇接;墙壁上"名人名言"、"名人字画"、"名人画像"更是各领风骚,互不相让;就是学生们各类作业本的页眉和页脚处"名人"们也争夺得不亦悦乎,或者介绍"名人生平",或者摘录"名人警句"……从古代的孔子、屈原,到新时代的雷锋、张海迪;从国内的鲁迅、巴金,到国外的列宁、高尔基,校园里处处挤满了"名人"们的身影.  相似文献   

<正>一、应用初衷希望借助"农远"模式一所配备的"小班教学"光盘教学资源的规范教学优势,采其之长,补我所缺,提升我的语文课堂教学的质量。撷取的优势主要体现在:1.通过"电视老师""学习伙伴"的示范,弥补我们本地  相似文献   

<正>高考试卷中的文言文翻译,凡是原文中有"所以"、"之所以"的,相应的译文中都不能出现"所以"、"之所以"。文言文中的"所以"是古汉语"所"字结构的一个表现形式,是一个名词性的短语,而现代汉语中的"所以"是一个关联词。文言文中,结构助词"所"可以和它后面的名词或者动词或者形容词以及介词结构一起构成一个名词性的偏正短语。  相似文献   

In the field of educational psychology, there is diverse and active research in motivation for learning and achievement. Many instruments exist for assessing students' motivation, primarily as self-report. Fewer instruments are available for assessing teachers' perceptions of their students' motivation, and fewer still for assessing teachers' perceptions of reasons for students' lack of motivation. Teachers' intervention strategies for motivation are linked to their causal perceptions. Therefore, it is important to assess those causal perceptions. In this paper, we offer evidence for the Perceptions of Student Motivation questionnaire, a new measure that offers evidence of validity and reliability for this purpose among high school teachers. It offers potential to increase efficiency and clarity of findings regarding teachers' perceptions of students' motivation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to illustrate the use of propensity scores for creating comparison groups, partially controlling for pretreatment course selection bias, and estimating the treatment effects of selected courses on the development of moral reasoning in undergraduate students. Specifically, we used a sample of convenience for comparing differences in moral reasoning development scores among students enrolled in intergroup dialogue, service learning, psychology and philosophy courses with those of an introductory sociology course. Adopting a propensity score approach included reviewing the empirical literature for its guidance in substantiating the reasons for including pretreatment variables (i.e., pretreatment course-taking behaviors, race, sex, political identification, need for cognition, major, age, pretreatment moral reasoning scores) in our analysis, measuring these variables, and reducing them into a single composite propensity score for each student in our analytic sample. This score then served as the basis for creating a new comparison group and for allowing us to estimate unbiased (or less biased) course-related treatment effects on moral reasoning development. Implications for higher education researchers are discussed.
Matthew J. Mayhew (Corresponding author)Email:

In 1983, Mozambique started reviewing the education system that it had inherited from the Portuguese colonial administration. One of the innovations introduced into basic education is the time allocated to the local curriculum (LC) within the national curriculum (NC). The LC enables the communities, including the poorest and those furthest removed from the school environment, to identify themselves with the importance of schooling and allow children to find meaning in what they learn with respect to their life in their community. The good practice described below has been introduced in a community school, where it has successfully brought together the LC and NC to become an individual and collective asset for the community in which it has been implemented. It is a successful example worth studying in detail.
Albertina Moreno ChachuaioEmail:

Adelaide Dhorsan (Mozambique)   is a holder of a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in languages and general linguistics from the University Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, France, she is a pedagogical officer in the Department of Curriculum Planning and Development, Section of Bilingual Education, at the National Institute for Education Development (INDE). Previously, she was a lecturer in the Department of French at the University of Education, Maputo, and Head of the Department of Languages in Upper Secondary Education. Her research focuses on socio-linguistics and didactics, in particular, teaching methods for bilingual education (Portuguese and Mozambican languages). She coordinated the design of the project for curriculum reform and planning for general secondary education and is the author of numerous teaching manuals for basic education in Mozambique. Albertina Moreno Chachuaio (Mozambique)   is a holder of a master’s degree in linguistics from the University Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, she is Head of the Department for Curriculum Planning and Development at the National Institute for Education Development, Ministry of Education and Culture of Mozambique. Previously she was a teacher of Portuguese in Upper Secondary Education and a research assistant in linguistics for the computerization of linguistic data at the University Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. Her work and research interests focus on monitoring the curriculum for basic and secondary education and the assessment of teaching materials. She is the author of numerous teaching materials for basic education.  相似文献   


Based on an ethnographic study, this article presents the class-based disparities of Chinese parents’ usage of WeChat, the dominating social networking mobile application in China, in their educational involvement. We find that middle-class parents are the privileged ones who have exploited the use of WeChat not only as a medium for communication, but more as a mode of influence. Through WeChat, their various forms of capital are channelled to catalyse changes in their children's education. In contrast, working-class parents tend to act as absent participants in using WeChat for their educational involvement. We argue that WeChat has brought forth the consequence of widening the arena for winning or losing at the educational game for parents from different social classes. We call for corrective policies and guidelines on the usage of WeChat and other SNSs technologies in home–school dynamics.  相似文献   

Racially disparate school disciplinary practices create inequitable circumstances for minority and immigrant youth around the world. In the U.S., Black youth are more likely than their White peers to be suspended for minor, non-violent infractions. This study explores (a) whether school cultural socialization practices reported by Black students (N = 544; Mage (SD) = 12.45 (1.57); 49% boys) and teachers (N = 38; 84% female) were linked to a reduced likelihood of receiving suspensions for minor infractions and (b) the extent to which Black students' perceptions of school climate mediated this relation. Results indicated that school cultural socialization was linked to a decreased likelihood of being suspended for a minor infraction and improved school climate perceptions for Black students. Black students’ perception of school climate mediated the link between school cultural socialization and suspensions for minor infractions. These results highlight school cultural socialization as a promising approach for increasing cultural responsivity and equity within schools, reducing racial bias, and expunging unjust disciplinary responses.  相似文献   

Formative assessment is considered to be helpful in students' learning support and teaching design. Following Aufschnaiter's and Alonzo's framework, formative assessment practices of teachers can be subdivided into three practices: eliciting evidence, interpreting evidence and responding. Since students' conceptions are judged to be important for meaningful learning across disciplines, teachers are required to assess their students' conceptions. The focus of this article lies on the discussion of learning analytics for supporting the assessment of students' conceptions in class. The existing and potential contributions of learning analytics are discussed related to the named formative assessment framework in order to enhance the teachers' options to consider individual students' conceptions. We refer to findings from biology and computer science education on existing assessment tools and identify limitations and potentials with respect to the assessment of students' conceptions.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Students' conceptions are considered to be important for learning processes, but interpreting evidence for learning with respect to students' conceptions is challenging for teachers.
  • Assessment tools have been developed in different educational domains for teaching practice.
  • Techniques from artificial intelligence and machine learning have been applied for automated assessment of specific aspects of learning.
What does the paper add
  • Findings on existing assessment tools from two educational domains are summarised and limitations with respect to assessment of students' conceptions are identified.
  • Relevent data that needs to be analysed for insights into students' conceptions is identified from an educational perspective.
  • Potential contributions of learning analytics to support the challenging task to elicit students' conceptions are discussed.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Learning analytics can enhance the eliciting of students' conceptions.
  • Based on the analysis of existing works, further exploration and developments of analysis techniques for unstructured text and multimodal data are desirable to support the eliciting of students' conceptions.

In the present paper, we assess whether website rating systems are useful for selecting educational apps for preschool age children. We selected the 10 highest scoring and 10 lowest scoring apps for 2–4-year-olds from two widely used websites (Good App Guide; Common Sense Media). Apps rated highly by the two websites had a higher educational potential as assessed by a validated questionnaire for evaluating the educational potential of apps and were more likely to include a learning goal and feedback compared to low scoring apps. However, high scoring apps scored on average just 9/20 for indicators of educational potential, and both high and low scoring apps had poor language quality as determined by psycholinguistic and construction type analyses. We argue that website rating systems should also include quality of feedback, adjustable content, social interactions, storyline and a more fine-grained analysis of language in their assessments.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Appropriately designed apps for preschool age children have the potential to teach early school readiness skills.
  • Selecting high quality educational apps for preschool age children is challenging.
  • The children's app marketplace is currently unregulated.
What this paper adds
  • We assess whether two leading app rating websites are useful for selecting educational apps for preschool age children.
  • Children's apps rated highly by two app website rating systems had a higher educational potential than low rated apps as measured by a research informed app evaluation tool.
  • In-depth analysis of the language in apps shows that highly rated children's apps on app rating websites may not enrich a child's early language environment.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Children's app rating website assessments should include potential for feedback, language, adjustable content, storyline and social interactions.
  • Policy should be implemented for app ratings in the app stores or on website app rating systems.

We investigated the effect of two types of whole task patient simulations, role-play and web-based, on learning outcomes for two topics, local anesthesia and non-surgical extractions, in a foundational oral maxillofacial surgery course for second year pre-clinical dental students. Using a 2x2 factorial design, we asked which simulation model allows for deeper cognitive engagement that fosters higher learning outcomes for novices practicing complex skills as a professional, a collaborative role-play simulation (Role-Play Sim), or an individually-paced web-based simulation (Web Sim)? In two studies covering two different topics, we compared the effect of these simulations on 50-item multiple-choice knowledge tests. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: No Sim, Web Sim, Role-Play Sim, or Both Sims. For study 1 covering local anesthesia, there was a statistically significant main effect for the Role-Play Sim, F (1, 105) = 103.804, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.497, but not for the Web Sim, F (1, 105) = 1.655, p = 0.201. Similarly, for study 2 covering extractions, there was a statistically significant main effect for the Role-Play Sim, F (1, 108) = 162.362, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.601, but not for the Web Sim, F (1, 108) = 0.072, p = 0.798. The interaction term was not statistically significant in either study. Results suggest that role-play simulations achieved a higher level of learning outcomes than the web-based patient simulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how resource teachers (n = 13) and classroom teachers (n = 12) experience a coaching partnership, in which both teachers work in the regular classroom to support students with special educational needs. The focus of the partnerships was to build classroom teacher capacity around inclusionary practices. Classroom teachers and resource teachers completed questionnaires about the partnerships and their impact. Results indicated that both groups of teachers found the partnerships to be valuable. The partnerships were supported by coaching principles, as well as relationship, attitudes, understanding of students, and time spent together. Benefits of the model included increased support for students; increased learning for students; learning of different approaches, for classroom teachers and resource teachers; shared responsibility for students, between classroom and resource teachers; feeling more valued, for resource teachers; and seeing a model of collaboration, for students, teachers and the community.  相似文献   

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