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Maternal suicide and infanticide are merely the extreme tip of the iceberg of psychological and social morbidity associated with post-partum depression. Despite research indicating an association between maternal depression and disturbed parent-child interaction, maternal depression has been largely ignored in the literature on child maltreatment and in child protection practice. Practitioners should be alert to the potential risks to the child associated with maternal depression. In cases where child abuse has occurred, they should consider the possibility that the mother is depressed and that this needs to be treated as a problem in its own right. In terms of prevention of child maltreatment, early identification of maternal depression is an important strategy in which primary health workers have an important role. This study investigates the feasibility of broadening the traditional infant health focus of the role of the Australian Maternal and Child Health Nurse or Public Health Nurse to encompass maternal emotional and social well-being. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, the conditions under which mothers would find this acceptable, and the factors that facilitate or constrain such role redefinition are analyzed.  相似文献   

Utilizing an interview, a questionnaire, and observations during labor, delivery, and the postpartum period, a sample of one hundred mothers was identified as at high risk for abnormal parenting practices. These mothers were randomly divided into a “High-Risk Intervene” group (N=50) and a “High-Risk Nonintervene” group (N=50). The “Intervene” group received comprehensive pediatric follow-up by a single physician, a lay health visitor, and/or a public health nurse in the home. The “Non-intervene” group received routine care, although the results of these screening procedures were shared with the physicians and nurses responsible for their ongoing care. Another group of 50 mothers, who delivered during the same time period and who were assessed as low risk in terms of abnormal parenting practices, served as controls. When the children were approximately two years old (mean age 26.8 months), 25 families in each of the three groups were chosen at random for detailed evaluation.  相似文献   

In the systems approach certain patterns of family interaction are seen as fitting with physical abuse towards children in the family. If these interactions are blocked or changed using specific family therapy interventions, the risk of further abuse will be significantly reduced. Identifying typical patterns of interaction that fit with abuse is a useful first step in planning the management of physically abusing families. A full systemic formulation of the presenting problem will address numerous systems and sub-systems simultaneously, notably the family-professional system, the family within the extended family/friendship system, and the nuclear family. Interventions may have to be directed on a variety of these levels. The Marlborough Family Service has assessed and treated over 100 child-abusing families. A family day unit is used as the setting, and a multifamily group as the principle medium of treatment. Within the day unit real life stress situations are recreated around everyday issues, enabling families to find new and nonviolent solutions to the problems of daily life. In the cases seen, approximately one-third have resulted in a recommendation of permanent alternative family care for the children. In those families reunited, the re-injury rate has been found to be extremely low.  相似文献   

This article features a study that explored the presence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including childhood sexual abuse and neglect, among women associated with Partnership for Peace (PfP), the first and only culturally adapted domestic violence diversion program for men in the Eastern Caribbean. Within a multiyear evaluative study that assessed the impact of the PfP intervention in reducing domestic violence in Grenada in the West Indies, life-history interviews were collected from a subsample of women (N = 9) associated with men enrolled in the PfP program between 2009 and 2011. We found that the exposure to sexual abuse and neglect during childhood was evident in the histories of the women. Most perpetrators were trusted family or community members who suffered from a common set of behavioral patterns, most prominently alcohol use. Our findings reflect an evidence-based connection, as one causative factor, of a culture of silence that is related to child sexual abuse and its management. The apparent lasting effects of these traumatic childhood exposures reflect cycles of abuse in the life histories collected during the domestic violence evaluation study. Our study identified three key structural deficiencies (insufficient research, ineffective policy, and lack of public-health interventions) and one embedded cultural norm (the culture of silence) that together “inhibit current attempts to address ACEs as a means of curbing domestic violence in the Caribbean.”  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous research has indicated that women who experience childhood physical abuse or childhood sexual abuse are at increased risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and adult victimization. Recently, peritraumatic dissociation (PD) has been suggested as another possible risk factor for PTSD and adult victimization. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of childhood physical and sexual abuse and PD on PTSD and adult victimization. METHOD: A sample of 467 female college students completed questionnaires about childhood and adult sexual and physical abuse experiences, PD, and PTSD symptoms. RESULTS: The combined sexual and physical abuse (CA) and sexual abuse only (SA) groups reported significantly higher numbers of PTSD symptoms than the physical abuse only (PA) and no abuse (NA) groups. The CA and PA groups reported significantly more adult sexual and physical victimization than the SA and NA groups. Across all four groups, higher levels of PD were associated with higher levels of PTSD and adult sexual and physical victimization. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current study suggest that different types of childhood abuse may lead to different adult problems. The results also indicated that PD may have a broad effect on PTSD development and adult victimization.  相似文献   

In considering the great responsibility placed upon teachers to involve themselves in child abuse prevention, education, and detection, the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse (NCPCA) conducted a nationwide survey of teachers from 40 school districts in 29 randomly selected counties. The survey explores teachers knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about child abuse and its prevention. Five hundred and sixty-eight teachers responded, revealing that while the majority of teachers confront child abuse among their students, they are provided insufficient education on how to address it. Other findings are reported with respect to teachers' reporting behavior, potential barriers to reporting, child assault prevention programs, and corporal punishment in schools.  相似文献   

Parents in Prison is an innovative family support service housed at the Tennessee State Prison for Men. Developed in response to inmates' recognition of the need for child abuse and neglect prevention services relevant to men who are in prison, the program model has potential for becoming a major service delivery strategy. Leadership for Parents in Prison is provided by an inmate committee which receives consultation and assistance from a community advisory board and an institutional sponsor. Program components--correspondence and classroom courses, monthly events featuring community guest speakers, and family-focused social activities and projects--address family needs during incarceration and upon return to community living. These diverse components and the flexible service delivery format permit widespread inmate participation not readily available in a prison setting. Parents in Prison successes demonstrate that the period of incarceration can be used to improve parental skills and knowledge and to strengthen family relationships. They also demonstrate the viability of a family support service which relies on inmate leadership, community volunteer participation, and institutional support. The future success of this model depends on replication in other prison settings, dissemination of the program products which have been and continue to be developed, and rigorous, systematic examination of the impact that participation has on child abuse and neglect problems associated with a father's incarceration.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(9):1496-1507
The current study utilized mixed-methods analyses to examine the process of adapting a home-based parenting program for a local Latino community. The study examined the: (a) acceptability and cultural congruence of the adapted SafeCare® protocol, (b) adherence to the core components of SafeCare® while adapting to local community culture, and (c) social validity of the new model in addressing SafeCare® target areas (parenting, home safety, and child health). Participants were 28 Latino mothers and eight providers. After training in the adapted model, providers demonstrated improved knowledge and skills. All providers reached national certification standards for SafeCare®, demonstrating fidelity to the core components of the original model. Positive consumer–provider relationships were developed as reflected by the results on the Working Alliance (collaboration between caregivers and parents). Themes from the integrated results of the social validity measures and individual interviews with parents were perceived benefits of the program on targeted areas and cultural congruency of the approach. Recommendations are to consider using adaptation guidelines as outlined to promote local culturally congruent practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of current practice in the investigation and treatment of documented incest abusers on the offenders and families involved. Fifteen offenders attending the Utah Parents United group completed a questionnaire on the sequence of events in the investigation and prosecution of their cases and the concomitant results of the investigation on their job status, living and financial situations, family and social relationships, and media reporting of the abuse. Results indicate that there is great variability in the investigation and prosecution of incest cases and the public announcement of abuse convictions. The consequences of the abuse investigation are devastating for offender and his family in terms of job loss; need for public assistance; family disbandonment through removal of the offender, victim, or both from the family, marital separation, and foster care for nonabused siblings; changes of residence, and the public announcement of the abuse in the media. Results also show that offenders receive little, if any, social support from family or friends. Changes in the current approach to the investigation and prosecution of incest offenders are proposed and include the following: (1) banning the publication of convictions for child abuse; (2) streamlining the legal process so that it is consistent from case to case; and (3) developing diversion programs as alternatives to prison for offenders. Suggested are self-help, court-ordered therapeutic programs, such as Parents United, that are designed for the treatment of families involved in child sexual abuse and incest. The desired outcomes of such a diversion program are low offender recidivism, avoidance of the offender's family being placed on welfare, less reliance on foster care placement for the offender's children, involvement of the offender's family in moving toward reunion when feasible, and the use of existing half-way houses in lieu of incarceration when necessary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study investigated how attributes from multiple domains influence retention in a voluntary home-visiting child abuse prevention program. METHOD: A sample of 1093 "at-risk" families participated in a home-visiting child abuse prevention program. A total of 71 Family Support Workers (FSWs) provided home visitation services in 12 different communities. Hierarchical general linear modeling (HGLM) was used to examine the community, home visitor, and maternal attributes that predicted retention in the program beyond 1 year. RESULTS: Multi-level analyses (HGLM) revealed significant community, home visitor, and maternal level effects. Families were less likely to remain in a home-visiting child abuse prevention program for at least 1 year if they lived in an area with high community violence. Families were more likely to remain when the home visitor received more hours of direct supervision. Older mothers were more likely to remain for at least 1 year than were younger mothers. Hispanic mothers were more likely to remain than were White non-Hispanic mothers. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the utility of looking across multiple levels of influence when examining retention in home-visiting child abuse prevention programs. To increase retention rates home visitors will need to be adaptable to fit the needs of families in violent communities. Supervisors can influence retention rates by providing more hours of direct supervision. Other strategies that may contribute to program retention include meeting the scheduling needs of younger mothers and involving the families of younger mothers more effectively.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a child protection training program for teachers, social workers, and nurses. The training format consisted of two 5-day workshops, one for preprofessional students and the other for practicing professionals, and two one-day workshops for students. The evaluation employed a pre-test/post-test design. Data were obtained from a total of 254 workshop participants who were randomly selected from a group of 400 volunteers. The training program was designed to provide information and experience in the areas of identification, family dynamics, legislation, intervention, and team responses. Curriculum effects were the dependent variables; group characteristics were the independent variables. The general finding was that the program was an effective means of accomplishing its objectives. Some of the specific findings were that professionals wanted more content in contrast to students who were satisfied with experiences which simulated practice. Both social work professionals and students were more confident in their ability to deal with the problem of child abuse before and after the program than teachers and nurses. In contrast, teachers began and ended the program with relatively low confidence and information levels. Overall, nurses had the highest level of entry and exit knowledge at the beginning and the end of the program. While the results indicate that the three groups profited from shared training experiences they also suggest that certain areas of training may best be realized by specialized workshops.  相似文献   

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