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杨巍 《海外英语》2012,(14):268-269
Jane Austin(1775-1817),one of the greatest realistic novelists in English literature,wrote several classical and popular novels,which are the portrayal of the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries,although with a certain limitation.This paper tries to reveal the social history,the economic realities as well as the women’s social statues of Jane Austin’s day through her fictions.  相似文献   

汤雅静 《海外英语》2012,(16):189-190,205
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", commonly known as"Prufrock", is a poem by T. S. Eliot, Published in Chicago in June 1915, it presents a stream of consciousness in the form of a dramatic monologue, and marked the beginning of Eliot’s career as an in fluential poet. This paper aims at exploring its theme of modern people’s predicament through a detailed analysis of the imagery and fig ures of speech used in the poem. Also, a moderate part will also be given to its stream of consciousness skill in the poem and its contribu tion to the theme of the poem.  相似文献   

池秀芝 《海外英语》2012,(24):193-194
The play Death of a Salesman is undoubtedly the most influential play of Arthur Miller which depicts a tragic life of Willy Loman, a travelling salesman, induced by his false American Dream of making a fortune out of business. Unlike many other essays focusing on the hero Willy, this one tries to explore Willy’s dead brother Ben’s function in this play so as to demonstrate that Ben plays an important role in Willy’s life by making Willy’s life more tragic in terms of Aristotle’s tragic theory. The first part of the essay illustrates Ben’s importance to Willy and the second part centers on the way Ben pushes Willy to a more tragic situation.  相似文献   

周叶函 《海外英语》2012,(14):200-201
In The Bluest Eye,the author narrates a little black girl’s strong desire to have blue eyes.At last,Pecola imagines possessing blue eyes at the cost of going insane.This paper mainly argues that it is the family’s influence,the internalized racism and the whites’powerful and dominant culture that leads to Pecola’s tragic fate.  相似文献   

Tess is a pure girl in Hardy’s eyes, as it shows in the book’s subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian’s time, however, she is still pure in Kant’s eyes.Key words: Tesss purity; Kant  相似文献   

廖巧云 《海外英语》2012,(1):231-232
Since the study of Shakespeare’s sonnets came to China,people come to an agreement that there is more than one theme running through these sonnets.The most popular and well-accepted ones are singing for fairness,kindness and truth,singing for friendship,and singing for love.Among all these themes,time,running through these sonnets from the beginning to the end,is absolutely one of the most important.In the eyes of the poet,time is cruel and destructive;however,he figures out poetry as a key way to triumph over it.This article attempts to argue for the triumph of poetry over time in Shakespeare’s sonnets based on an analysis to the poetry.  相似文献   

邹世琴 《海外英语》2011,(6):275-278
The novel Sons and Lovers, which is Lawrence’s best acclaimed work, is of autobiographic air. It is called the best representation of Sigmund Freud’s "Oedipus Complex"theory by critics, though Lawrence denied having read Freud before writing the novel. However, it can shed new light on the novel when read in a different point of view. Paul’s road to become a real man can not be separated from his mother, Miriam and Clara, who is Paul’s first and second loves respectively. This article will analyze the novel in feminist perspective and concentrate on the three women’s sacrifice to Paul’s growth in a man-centered society, in hope of better understanding the intension of the novel.  相似文献   

陈丹丹 《海外英语》2011,(14):284-285
As a Jewish woman writer from South Africa,Nadine Gordimer is a typical post-colonial novelist in the world history of literature.Her masterpiece Burger’s Daughter has shown us her deep thinking about the relation between the blacks and the whites in the revolution for the blacks’ freedom.The thesis focuses on identity issue and analyzes how Rosa achieves self evolvement in different dialogues and her different life experiences.  相似文献   

刘坤娜  王娟 《海外英语》2012,(10):195-196
Long Day’ s Journey into Night is one of Eugene O’ Neill’ s (1888-1953) masterpieces, who is a great American playwright and called the father of modern American drama. This thesis aims at the analysis of the contradictions in family members in the play. The first part analyzes the contradictions between wife and husband. The second part focuses on the contradictory relationship in parents and sons. The contradictions between brothers are discussed in the third part. Through the study of the causes of the contradictory relationship among family members, the tragedy of the characters in the play will be explored to the readers, which is also the tragedy of modern Ameri can people.  相似文献   

李曌  杨萌萌 《海外英语》2012,(4):199-203,205
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most contradictory plays of William Shakespeare.Through presenting and studying the tragedy nature of Shylock,this thesis attempts to illustrate the tragic nature of Merchant of Venice.In this paper the author tries to reveal the significance of its tragic nature through thorough analyzing.Shylock’s tragedy is the tragedy of individual struggling,which shows in the aspects of family,money and religion.The profound reason for Shylock’s tragedy is his Jewish identity.Therefore,the author of this paper is enlightened hereby,turning to a lot of books and data,and then analyzes the origins of Jewish prejudice from two aspects,society and history.Christianity has dominated the west,with its doctrine mainly derived from the New Testament.Meanwhile,Judaism derives its doctrine from the Old Testament.Therefore,the pious Christians will be misled by the contents of libeling Jews and the murdering of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.So a kind of instinctive hatred toward Jews is generated.This kind of tendency is rather clear in the play The Merchant of Venice.In this play,Shylock mentions several times that Antonio has insulted him physically and mentally in the Rialto.Almost all the characters in the play humiliate Shylock.But,he just endures all these insults quietly,and then looks for the chance to revenge.In the end,under the delicate trap set by the authority,Shylock loses again.He loses everything he could lose,both materially and mentally.Nothing is more frustrating than that.However,the author of this paper believes that it is worth paying attention to in the present day.In this paper,the author chooses this topic,presents and analyzes the tragedy of Shylock,and reveals the positive significance of the tragic nature of the play for our time.  相似文献   

陈俊 《海外英语》2012,(18):181-182,188
As one of Jonathan Swift masterpieces, Gulliver’s Travels chronicles Lemuel Gulliver’s four odd voyages in the form of a travel log. With sharp satire, Swift ridicules vices of England and the whole Europe in the early 18th century. The article ana lyzes the art and specific usage of satiric techniques in Gulliver’s Travels.  相似文献   

王云 《海外英语》2015,(6):90-92
Throughout the history of the listening comprehension teaching at home and abroad, the research mainly focus on the correlation of the learner’s English listening proficiency and their self-efficiency. Scholars like Alisa J.Bates, Penny Ur. and Widdowson, H. G. have claimed the significance of teacher’s role in listening comprehension. For the purpose of proving the necessity of the teacher’s role in listening comprehension, based on the analysis of the features of classroom listening comprehension,this paper presents the teacher’s role before class, in class and after class. Meanwhile, during the teaching process, teachers and learners are revealed in two way interactive relations and the pedagogical process is the result of the bilateral interaction of the two sides.  相似文献   

张毅 《海外英语》2012,(5):176-177
Metonymy is not only regarded as a figure of speech,but also an important cognitive instrument of human beings.There are many types of metonymies in Li Bai’s poems.Metonymy can make the language vivid and reflect poet’s mode of knowing and thinking about the world.This paper proposes five strategies for translation of metonymy in Li Bai’s poems from the perspective of cognitive linguis tics.  相似文献   

高维珺 《海外英语》2015,(2):107-108
Hamlet’s soliloquy shows the inner studying of the idealist hero to the most extent, the inner contradiction is derived to the summit in this soliloquy, and also these inner characteristics eventually cause the sad ending of the hero. It embodies the everlasting subject of human society—the conflicts between person and destiny, and the thinking of individual during puzzle Dom.  相似文献   

刘莎 《海外英语》2012,(23):189-190
In A Room of One’s Own,Virginia Woolf argued her famous proposition that a woman needed to have a room of her own to achieve literary autonomy,and laid the foundation for present-day feminist criticism.Yet the author believes that economic independent does not foster women’s identity with certainty.In this thesis,the author explores the crucial place of spiritual and economic independence in building up women’s autonomy through analyzing Michael Cunningham Pulitzerwinning work The Hours,which he draws inventively on the life of Virginia Woolf and her work Mrs.Dalloway.  相似文献   

In china,student’s evaluation of teaching(SET) is very appreciated by administrators,like a superstar.But I assert SET would cause strained relations between teacher and student.In order to achieve good teaching result,the administrators should care about the feelings of faculty,not always overemphasize the satisfaction of student.Only in this way can achieve a win-win situation on the teaching.  相似文献   

张亚敏  刘海杰 《海外英语》2013,(13):211-213
"The River-Merchant’s Wife:A Letter",written by the great poet Li Bai,is the most prestigious version among the translations of Chinese ancient poetry by Ezra Pound and has been accepted as one of the classics of American literature.The poem exquisitely expresses the changes of the wife’s mind at different phases.Martin and Rose’s Appraisal Theory provides us with a theoretical framework for the analysis of the different realizations of the sentimental resources of the poem in the original and its English version.  相似文献   

许景城 《海外英语》2011,(5):213-217
Among the sundry studies in China on John Donne’s The Flea,there has been none done from the perspective of Reader-Oriented Theory to probe into the readers’ roles in the construction of meaning.The present article under Wolfgang Iser’s theories,in a further pursuit of the expansion of the gestalt of such studies on the poem,aims at exploring the readers’ active roles in complementing,completing and recreating the textual meaning,and differentiating the implied reader and the actual reader through the poem as well as attempting to fulfill the construction of the reading cognitive model through the interpretation of the conceit the flea.  相似文献   

杨越森 《海外英语》2015,(6):236-240,252
Based on the framework of Halliday’s theory of interpersonal function, this study intends to analyze the dialogues in the film The King’s Speech from the three aspects of mood type, modal operator and vocative address by adopting both quantitative and qualitative methods. The significances of successful realizations of interpersonal function to the role characterization, plot development and thematic construction in the film are also demonstrated, thus deepening the understanding and appreciation of the film.  相似文献   

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