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福州市区生活污水排放现状调查与解决对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
福州市市区生活污水占总污水量的70.5%,是福州市地表水污染的重要来源。文章通过具体调查,分析了福州市生活污水的组成和污染因子的含量及生活污水的排放量,并根据实际情况,提出了如何合理利用福州市生活污水的方法,以达到生活污水资源化、减量化的目的。  相似文献   

Coagulation-flocculation process for combined sewage in Shanghai   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionaEutrophicationisaseriousprobleminYangtzeestuarybecausesomuchuntreatedcombinedwastewaterisdischargedintotherivereveryday.Thecombinedsewagecontainsorganicsandnutrients.Coagulation-flocculationprocesscanachieveahighefficiencyinremovingorganicsubstancesandphosphates,andcanbeaneconomicalalternativetoafullbiologicaltreat-mentprocess[1].Theaimofapplyingcoagulation-flocculationtreatmentisgenerallytoremovecolloidalmatterinwastewater.Also,nutrientsmayberemovedduringtheprocess.Thephysical-…  相似文献   

针对三个工厂排放的污水情况与江边居民对水质的要求,根据问题的条件,进行了合理的假设,建立了数学模型,通过Lingo软件得出了各污水处理厂应排出污水的浓度.数学建模与数学软件的结合为解决实际问题提供了方便.  相似文献   

Anaerobic expanded bed reactor (AEBR) is mostly used for the treatment of fairly low strength wastewaters. Since the performance of AEBR largely depends on its hydraulic characteristics, residence time distribution (RTD) method is commonly used for investigation of the hydraulic characteristics of AEBR under different ascending velocity of mixed liquor. In this paper, a pilot-scale AEBR reactor is investigated for treatment of municipal sewage in which lithium chloride is used as a tracer. The results show that the AEBR could be considered as the superimposition of several constant stirred tank reactors (CSTR) and the increase of hydraulic up-flow velocity could increase the number of the CSTR and decrease the volume rate of the dead zone. The optimal up-flow velocity of the investigated AEBR was approximately 1.9 rn/h in the municipal sewage treatment.  相似文献   

污泥中重金属的生物淋滤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合国内外最新的研究进展,介绍了一种新兴的能够经济有效地去除污泥中重金属的方法——生物淋滤,包括重金属在污泥中的存在状态,生物淋滤机理、方法和效果,影响生物淋滤过程的因素,并对其在环境治理方面的应用前景作了分析.  相似文献   

介绍了生活污水处理的PLC控制系统,其上位机采用MCGS组态软件进行设计,控制界面直观生动;下位机采用欧姆龙C200H系列PLC进行控制,采用模块化设计,系统性能好且控制方便.  相似文献   

通过对炼油污水气浮装置的标定,发现气浮装置存在处理效率低等不足,分析出现这种情况的原因,提出解决问题的方法,提供了三种提高气浮装置溶气效果的改造建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, the characteristics of integrated biological aerated filter (IBAF) applied to municipal wastewater treatment were studied in a pilot scale experiment. The experimental results showed that IBAF has high efficiencies in removing organic pollutants, such as CODCr and SS, in municipal wastewater. The removal rates of CODCr and SS can reach over 90% and 80%, respectively, when COD and SS in the influent are 234 mg L^-1 and 112 mg L^-1, hydraulic retention time (HRT) is 8 h, and the aerated intensity is in the range of (0.5 to 0.6) L m^-2 s^-1.  相似文献   

The activated sludge process (ASP) is the most generally applied biological wastewater treatment method. The ASP for the removal of organic carbon and nitrogen can be looked as the combination of eight processes. In order to set up an ASP model, the stoichiometric coefficients should be deduced so that the stoichiometric matrix can be presented. The important assumptions and simplifications behind the model for ASP are enumerated. Using the matrix, mass balance equation and consistent units, the stoichiometric coefficients in the eight processes are exclusively deduced one by one.  相似文献   

提高炼油污水生化处理的达标率,气浮絮凝前处理是关键。用研制的TIDI+HIHON絮凝剂投入工业运行试验,取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   

大连市城市垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液水质评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于对大连市城市生活垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液处理处置必要性和紧迫性的分析,及对垃圾渗滤液环境污染机理的探讨,分别采取大连市城市生活垃圾填埋场新产和存储老化垃圾渗滤液进行分析测试,并运用单项污染指数法进行水质评价.评价结果表明,大连市城市生活垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液污染物浓度超标严重,其中重金属污染物浓度极高.在分析垃圾渗滤液水质特征的基础上,对大连市城市生活垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液的处理处置提出了意见和建议.  相似文献   

结合当前污泥处置的现状,分析了污泥的传统处理方法和综合利用方法的种种特点,阐述了对于污水处理厂污泥的有效再生利用应坚持综合利用的观点,实现固体废弃物的资源化利用.  相似文献   

A/O工艺与分段进水两种生物脱氮工艺的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从脱氮率、工艺运行以及节能角度对A/O工艺与分段进水2种生物脱氮工艺进行比较.结果表明,当污泥回流比为50%的条件下,分段进水工艺能达到高于80%的总氮去除率,但是A/O工艺只能达到40%.在污泥回流比为100%、硝化液回流比为200%的条件下,A/O工艺能够达到78.32%的总氮去除率,但是SVI值将达到143mL/g.而达到同样甚至更高的总氮去除率(81.1%),分段进水工艺的SVI值只有94.4mL/g.分段进水工艺中污泥膨胀得到很好的控制.分段进水工艺在适用性、脱氮率、运行稳定性方面优于A/O工艺.  相似文献   

水生植物床去除富营养化水源水中藻毒素的机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为净化富营养化水源水中的藻毒素,在太湖湖滨进行了水生植物床(AVB)技术试验.该技术对MC-RR和MC-LR的平均去除率分别达63.0%和66.7%.用酶联免疫吸附法检测发现水生植物根部对藻毒素的富集能力大于茎叶部位.用荧光原位杂交法在AVB的底泥中检测到2种已知的藻毒素降解细菌,证明微生物降解作用的存在.植物根系原生动物相和后生动物相丰富,盾纤虫、钟虫、旋轮虫、腔轮虫是优势种,原生动物和后生动物的捕食作用在蓝藻和藻毒素的去除中发挥着积极作用.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation for treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) is presently of great interest. The functional bacteria belonging to the Planctomycete phylum and their metabolism are investigated by microbiologists. Meanwhile, the ANAMMOX is equally valuable in treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters. Related processes including partial nitritation-ANAMMOX and completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) have been developed, and lab-scale experiments proved that both processes were quite feasible in engineering with appropriate control. Successful full-scale practice in the Netherlands will accelerate application of the process in future. This review introduces the microbiology and more focuses on application of the ANAMMOX process. Project supported by the National Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863) of China (No. 2006AA06Z332), and the Science and Technology Foundation for Key Project of Zhejiang Province (No. 2003C13005), China  相似文献   

The concept of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) is presently of great interest.The functional bacteria belonging to the Planctomycete phylum and their metabolism are investigated by microbiologists.Meanwhile,the ANAMMOX is equally valuable in treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters.Related processes including partial nitritation-ANAMMOX and completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) have been developed,and lab-scale experiments proved that both processes were quite feasible in engineering with appropriate control.Successful full-scale practice in the Netherlands will ac-celerate application of the process in future.This review introduces the microbiology and more focuses on application of the ANAMMOX process.  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to study the application of ultrasound reactor technology (USRT) as a disinfectant for reduction of fungi from sewage effluent. Fungi are carbon heterotrophs that require preformed organic compounds as carbon sources. USRT is an attractive means to improve water quality because of the system simplicity and no production of toxic by-products. An ultrasound reactor produces strong cavitation in aqueous solution causing shock waves and reactive free radicals by the violent collapse of the cavitation bubble. These effects should contribute to the physical disruption of microbial structures and inactivation of organisms. There was significant reduction in fungal growth, with decreased fungal growth with increasing USRT. In this study, ultrasound irradiation at a frequency of 42 kHz was used to expose suspensions of fungi to evaluate the disinfection efficacy of the ultrasound reactor. Also, this study showed that in this system more than 99% reduction of sewage fungi was achieved after 60 min.  相似文献   

The hydrolysate of waste sludge was used as the feedstock of biodiesel production, and its technological feasibility was investigated. Waste sludge, collected from No.3 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of Xi'an, was hydrolyzed in two parallel reactors firstly. Yeast was added into one reactor for bioaugmentation, and the other reactor without yeast was used as a control. Then an acid-catalyzed in situ esterification process was carried out to convert the hydrolysate to biodiesel. The results of hydrolysis showed that the reactor bioaugmented with yeast could promote hydrolysis compared with the control one because of an obvious variance in total suspended solid (TSS), volatile suspended solid (VSS) and soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD). Furthermore, gas chromatography (GC) analysis exhibited that the total volatile fatty acid (VFA) was low in the hydrolysate of bioaugmentation reactor; however, its yield of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by in situ esterification was obviously higher when compared with the control one. Therefore, it may be inferred that the hydrolysate of bioaugmentation was mainly inclined to longer-chain fatty acid rather than to VFA. Anyway, an FAMEs yield of 9.24% (wt%) from dried sludge was attained after the 12-d bioaugmentation hydrolysis and succedent esterification. This value was not only higher than that of the control one but also higher than that reported in previous literature. The above results illuminated that it was feasible to produce biodiesel from the bioaugmented hydrolysate of waste sludge.  相似文献   

根据玉米糖废水的水质特点 ,选择厌氧—好氧主体工艺处理玉米糖废水 .运行结果表明 :在进水水质为CODCr≤ 10 15 1mg/L时 ,出水水质达到GB8979— 1996《污水综合排放标准》二级标准 .该处理工艺耐冲击负荷能力强 ,运行稳定 ,操作简单 ,基建和运行费用较低 .可推广应用于食品行业高浓度有机废水的处理  相似文献   

建立了杂物在静电场中的运动轨迹模型,运用多物理场耦合模型对静电辊表面的电场分布、杂物在电场中的运动轨迹进行仿真分析;采用单因素实验法研究各种摩擦式静电除杂样机除杂率的影响。结果表明:试验效果与仿真结果的趋势基本一致,在环境湿度为60%RH、静电辊转速为25 r/min时,杂物的挑出率为98.77%,相较于最初的工艺参数平均挑出率提高了20.51%。研究为提高摩擦式静电除杂机的除杂率提供参考。  相似文献   

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