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The essential demographic data and related information for India is provided specifically for the publishing industry. The focus has been placed on the economics, education and computer industry in relation to the complex cultural factors of different languages and religions. The role of India in relation to the other three BRIC countries or Brazil, China and Russia is explored.  相似文献   

Scholarly publishing plays a pivotal role in the dissemination of research. While a great deal is known about the companies active in this sector, we need to know more about the employees of the firms that edit, produce, market, and distribute today's scholarly books and journals. To achieve this goal, the researchers conducted an international survey in late 2014 and early 2015 of approximately 6,121 scholarly publishing employees in 33 nations. The researchers received 828 usable questionnaires. Some of the substantive findings about the respondents include: 90.79% identified themselves as white; 85.07% worked in scholarly publishing for more than 5 years; 60% held graduate or professional degrees; and 49% worked in editorial departments. Key suggestions include the need for annual surveys of this type and that the majority of scholarly publishing firms need to address the issue of diversity.  相似文献   

The ranks of people between the ages of 35 and 49 are swelling, and this cohort will be imposing its purchasing preferences on the market for books by the end of the century. Future patterns of book buying may therefore show increases for nonfiction at the expense of fiction as well as increases and decreases for specific nonfiction and fiction subcategories. Leonard A. Wood, vice chairman and joint chief executive officer of the Gallup Organization, is publisher of the Gallup Annual Report on Book Buying  相似文献   

This study provides an update of gender demographics and behaviors on network prime-time television. While some inequities were found to persist, continued progress seemed to be the norm. Males were found still more physically aggressive, but females more verbally aggressive, especially in comedies-a condition consistent with recent commentary. Also notable was the discrepancy behind the camera, where males predominate and which was found related to on-camera demographics.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to identify: 1) usage of library e-resources by faculty and staff affiliation and status to identify research and teaching needs; 2) usage of library e-resources by student major, status, gender, registered disability and registered veteran to establish best outreach practices and areas that need service improvement and collection development in support of student learning; and 3) the correlation between use of library e-resources and student attainment as defined by grade point average (GPA). Demographic data was collected for these users based on their university NetID logins. The findings in this study conclusively document that students and faculty use library e-resources to a statistically significant extent and that a statistical relationship exists between student GPA and their use of e-resources. This information confirms the value of library resources to institutional teaching and research needs and can be used to document library value to the institutional mission.  相似文献   

数字化文献的崛起与印刷型文献的命运   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章概述了在新信息环境下用户信息获取行为的变化 ,从政治属性和政策环境、组织机构和人才网络、信息筛选和品牌优势、把关体系和舆论整合功能、用户阅读习惯、使用便利性、长期存取的可能性等方面对数字化信息资源和印刷型文献资源进行了比较 ,认为两者并非替代关系 ,而是相互促进 ,相互融合 ,互补共存 ,在信息传播中共同发挥自己的特殊作用  相似文献   

本文以媒体接触时间的“零和游戏”为基础,以权衡需求理论为分析框架,以深圳媒体受众调查数据为例,研究了影响受众选择互联网或者报纸的因素。研究发现,权衡需求在解释新媒体采用时不是独立的自变量,而是受个体差异影响的中间变量。  相似文献   

Although young citizens may not always politically engage in the same fashion as their elders, research suggests they are using Facebook, Twitter, and other newer communication systems to mobilize politically both generally and around environmental issues. Given the declining environmental conditions facing young citizens, a national stratified quota sample of 1,096 U.S. parents and their children between the ages of 12 and 17 was conducted to investigate the factors potentially related to their efforts to persuade members of their online social networks to be more environmental. We believe that online peer persuasion is an important concept to investigate because peer persuasion can create subjective norms that ultimately may influence behavior. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that, although parents influence youth behavior (Adj. R 2 = .11), the greatest variance in behavior was explained by the youth's own environmental self-efficacy, environmental news consumption, political interest, time spent online, gender, and environmental consumerism (ΔR 2 = .29). Youth political interest and environmental consumerism were especially important variables in the final model. Structural equation modeling reinforced that parental influence is primarily indirect. This study appears to be among the first to link environmental consumerism with youth online peer persuasion.  相似文献   

This study used a survey design (N = 168) to examine how parent and child demographics, parental media-use motives, parental subjective norms, and parental attitudes toward preschool media use (PMU) are all related to actual media exposure among children 6 months to 5 years in age. Results indicate that, in accordance with the theory of reasoned action, parents’ perceived subjective norms regarding various categories of media were significantly related to actual child consumption. Further, positive attitudes toward media were significantly related to higher rates of child consumption. Interestingly, parental worries about media were only negatively related to television consumption and unrelated to child exposure to other kinds of media.  相似文献   

People are increasingly viewing, providing, and recommending video content through the Internet. Applying the uses and gratifications framework, along with contextual age and generational theory, this study identifies and compares motivations for, and their influence on, traditional TV viewing and online user-shared video use among a U.S. sample of adult Internet users. Further, this study explores the form and role of audience activity through online user-shared video recommendations (type, channel, and social relation). Overall, the basic U&G motivations also apply to the new online media world, but differ in levels and influence.  相似文献   

Welcome to the Global Postcards column! We are so excited to bring you news and projects from around the world. In this column, our contributors from Bulgaria and Turkey bring us a comparative study of mobile and information literacy among students at two universities in those countries. In addition to presenting perceptions of students around these literacy concepts, their research project also highlights growing trends in the use of distance education and web-based study materials. Thanks to the contributors for this issue, and please keep the submissions coming!

If you would like to send a submission, please contact either of the column's co-editors: Jacqueline Solis, jsolis@email.unc.edu, and Robin Kear, rlk25@pitt.edu.  相似文献   

参考文献与作者和编辑   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22  
陈灿华 《编辑学报》2003,15(1):42-43
参考文献是科技论文的重要组成部分,能体现科学的继承性,提供科学依据,节省篇幅,使论文内容精练、结构紧凑。认为参考文献的著录还能反映作者的科技道德和科研水平,反映编辑人员的业务水平。就其具体判定方法进行了研究。就如何对待参考文献,对作者和编辑提出了具体要求。  相似文献   

行业协会是市场经济的产物,也是市场经济体制的一个重要组成部分。近几年来,由于社会主义市场经济的发展,经济体制改革的深化,政府机构改革和职能的转变,我国行业协会也得到了迅速发展。由于中国入世,并承诺在三年内逐步放开书刊分销服务,国内图书市场国际化加  相似文献   

科技期刊是我们了解先进科学技术的主渠道,是获取新成果、新技术、新科学、新信息的重要来源.在我国,科技文献利用率很低.  相似文献   

在版编目(CIP)与图书馆分类编目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从分类编目的角度出发,探讨如何更好地利用现有的在版编目数据进行图书的著录和标引。并用实例加以说明,指出作为图书编目人员应当利用专业知识,有鉴别地使用在版编目数据,从而简便图书馆的分类编目工作。  相似文献   

一看题目 ,就知道是一篇关于图书的文章。有书 ,就得有存放的地方 ,小的叫书房、书斋 ,大的叫馆、阁。还有私人藏书、国家藏书。国家藏书 ,有书 ,有馆 ,还得有人管。管理藏书的人 ,古代叫吏 ,现在叫馆员。此三者 ,互相依存 ,缺一不可。图书是图书馆的基础 ,藏书的质量和数量是图书馆价值高低的标志 ,一个没有书的馆就不能叫图书馆。与此同理 ,馆舍是发展图书馆事业的必备条件 ,没有馆舍 ,就如人没有衣穿 ,就没办法开展工作。有书 ,有馆 ,还得有人管理 ,这样 ,图书事业才能兴旺发达。对于这些常识问题 ,也有赘述的必要。图书 ,对于一个国家、…  相似文献   

我们杨家与盛家的关系起源于我的祖父杨骏(字季忻,1882—1969)。杨家是浙江海宁人,书香门第。祖父乡试中举后,到上海谋事做。正好当时上海县的县太爷也是我们浙江人,姓黄,见我祖父字写得好,文笔也很好,就聘他当书记官,也就是秘书。这大概是20世纪初的事情。  相似文献   

WTO与中国广播电视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入世界贸易组织(WTO),是我国顺应世界科技迅猛发展、应对经济贸易全球化趋势、深化改革扩大开放的重大举措,是多年来我国实行市场化改革、坚持不懈谈判、努力争取的结果。WTO是有关国家和地区在关税与贸易总协定基础上谈判协商成立的,目前WTO成员有约140个,其经济贸易占全球经济贸易的95%以上。加入WTO就意味着我国将在更广泛的领域和更深刻的程度上进行国际合作、参与国际竞争,  相似文献   

从文献运动的实践和主体方面释义了以人为生存底蕴的文献与人、社会的必然关系.  相似文献   

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