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Unit 2 5 Where are you from?一、语法一般现在时一般现在时表示经常性或习惯的动作 ,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。其肯定式为动词原形 (第三人称单数除外 )如 :I go to bed late every day.每天我睡得很晚。We have classes at8:0 0 in the morning.早晨我们 8点上课。否定式和疑问式需助动词 do来帮忙。如 :Do they speak English?他们说英语吗 ?No,they don't.不 ,他们不说。We don't like playing football.我们不喜欢踢足球。二、重点、难点1 .be from是“从…来”、“是…人”之意。它与come from意思相同。如 :1…  相似文献   

Unit 19A Weather report一、难点句子释义。1 .Whatbad weather!这鬼天气。运用感叹句描述当时的天气。 What修饰名词weather,weather不可数。由 what构成的感叹句基本形成如下 :Whata(an) adj n(单数名词 ) ! adj n(复数名词 ) ! adj n(不可数名词 ) !如 :Whata pretty girl(she is) !Whatbrightclassrooms!另外一种用 how开头的感叹句 ,多用来修饰形容词或副词。2 . Will itlastlong?Yes,itwill./ No,itwon't.它 (这种天气 )会持续很久吗 ?3.Most of North and South China will have acold wet day.中国北部和南部的绝大部分地区…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及已给首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.Helpy to som e cakes,Jim and Kate.2.The wom an wast because the policem en had found herlostchild.3.M arch8is W Day.4.It's m y p to help you.5.You'd bettertake a s bag with you when you go to the m arket.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ithink artis(little)im portantthan m aths.2.M rSm ith(usual)rides a bike to his factory.3.Is she one ofthe best(run)in yourschool?4.In the accidentm ore than20people losttheir(life).5.Ifound a dog(li…  相似文献   

1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句中的空白 处填人适当的单词。l·The famous doetor saved a lot of_性 命).2.That Old man was ve叮_(感激).He gavo the boy fifty yuan.3.We ean get mueh_(信息)from reading then哪sPapers.4.Xiao Hua isa_(刻苦的)boy,he does Well in the exalns.5.It’5 too_(吵闹)in the elassroom.The teaeher 15 very angry·B)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。6.些丛卫里!The ear 15 eoming quiekly! A .Be eare B.1城〕ok around C .Take eare D.Take eare of7 .The young woman…  相似文献   

Unit 13Where were you born?1.May I ask some questions?我可以问些问题吗 ?〔问〕该句中为什么用 some,而不用 any呢 ?〔答〕some一般用于肯定句中 ,any一般用于疑问句和否定句中 ,它们均可用来修饰可数名词或不可数名词 ,但在表示请求、建议、邀请或问话人盼望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中 ,应用 some。例如 :Would you like some bottles of orange?你想要些桔汁吗 ?Would you like some milk?喝点牛奶怎么样 ?2 .I was born on February18,1981.我出生于1981年 2月 18日。〔问〕“born”在课本单词表中解释为“由动词bear变来”的 …  相似文献   

1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和汉语提示拼写单词,使句子完整。1 .He pulled the boy out of the water and gave him mouth一to一mouth_(呼吸).2 .There are some_(药)boxes on the desk.You ean take one of them.3 .1 saw the aeeidenth即pen when 1 wasw日k- ing—(经过).4.The old man eame to_(苏醒)in the hospital at last.5 .The boys earried the man to the faeto叮 (门卫的)room.B)根据句意在空格上填上一个恰当的词,使句子 通顺。6.Let’5 move the stone to letthe truek4.When a student gives a right answer,a teacher …  相似文献   

Unit2 1Mainly revision1.Oh,you can come?Great!( L .82 )you can come?为陈述句式的一般疑问句。使用这种句式往往表示说话人要求对方确认某一事实。如 :You can do it?Wonderful!你能做那件事 ?太好了 !2 .- What a beautiful day!- Yes,it is,isn't it?( L.82 )1)“Yes”在此处是用来表示自己同意对方的看法 ,意思是“对 ,不错 ,是啊”。如 :- I think we must make a plan right now.- Yes,you're right.2 )… isn't it?形式上是问句 ,但并不要求别人回答 ,仅用来加强肯定的口吻 ,译为“可不是吗 ?”说话时用降调。3.Read this …  相似文献   

Unit2 1Mainly Revision  一、there be结构的一般过去时和一般将来时态。时态 there be的一般过去时一般将来时结构There was/ wasn' t 单数主语 …There were/ weren' t 复数主语 …主语 will/ won' t 动词原形第一人称可用 shall疑问句 把 was/ were提前把 will/ shall提前例句There was a footballgamelast Sunday.Were there enough peoplethere?They won' t go bytrain.Shall we have ameeting next Friday?  二、其他语法项目(1 )反意疑问句 :结构 :陈述句 简短问句。前肯后否 ,前否后肯。注意 :反问部分用代词。如 :I…  相似文献   

Unit 2 3You mustn't play on the road!一、语法知识。1 .情态动词 must的用法小结。must(必要性 )1 )肯定 :Imust go now.2 )疑问 :Must we stop?3)答语 :Yes,you must.     No,you needn't.4)否定 :You mustn'tstop.(可能性 ) 肯定 :The shoes must be yours.否定 :This book mustn'tbe his.(must表示 ,“必须”、“应该”、“一定是”等意思 )2 .由连词 when,before,after引导的时间状语从句的时态关系。1 I'll tell him the good news when he comesback.他回来时 ,我就告诉他这个好消息。2 I didn't know any English before…  相似文献   

.按要求写出下列单词1.photo(复数 )   2 .wear(同音词 )3.hot(比较级 ) 4.heavy(副词 )5.skate(名词 ) 6.same(反义词 )7.twelve(序数词 )8.phone(完全形式 )9.last(过去式 )10 .say(第三人称 ) .单项选择1.The student his photo to school.  A.brings… the next day  B.brought… next day  C.took… the next day  D.brought… the next day2 .Making machine is .A.work hard     B.a hard workC.hard work D.hard works3.He is busy books now.A.read B.readingC.to read D.to reading4 .Is he to reach the apple?…  相似文献   

1.问:句子“Are you com ing with us tom orrow?”中的com ing是com e的现在分词形式,“are com ing”表示“即将发生某事”,能这样用的动词还有哪些?答:本句中的are com ing是“现在进行时”形式,但它表示将要发生的动作。在英语中,一些表示“位置移动”的动词的现在进行时,一般都可以表示“将要发生的动作”,常常用“助动词be(am/is/are)+V-ing形式”取代“助动词be(am/is/are)going to do”,能这样用的动词常见的有com e,go,leave,start,m ove,drive,take等。例如:W e are leaving ShanghaiforNew York tom orrow.我们明天将离开上海…  相似文献   

一、evening与nightevening意为“黄昏、傍晚、晚上”,即指日落到晚上10点钟以前的一段时间。night意为“夜、夜晚、夜间”,指日落后到日出前这段时间,但在实际应用中所指的夜比evening要深,多指从就寝(10点后)到拂晓之间的夜里。晚上见面时要说Goodevening(晚上好).告别时说Goodnight(晚安).“今晚”可以说thisevening,通常不说thisnight。“昨晚”应该说lastnight或yesterdayevening,而不能说lastevening或yesterdaynight。atnight意为“在夜里,天黑时”,指一天的部分时间,一般指晚六点到午夜。inthenight意为“夜间”,指天黑到天明这一…  相似文献   

一、problemquestion这两个名词都作“问题”解,但含义有所不同。problem意为“难题”,常用于“有待解决”、“令人困惑”或“客观存在”的问题。如:Ourimportantproblemishowtofindasuitableman.我们最重要的问题是怎样找到一个合适的人选。Youngpeopleseemtohavemoreproblemsthanoldonesdo.年轻人的问题似乎比老年人多。Hecandotheproblembyhimself.他自己能做这道题。question常指有待“回答”或“提出”的一般性问题。如:Who’llanswerthequestion?谁愿回答这个问题?It’sadifficultquestion.Ican’tansweritinafewwords.这是个难以…  相似文献   

1.excuse me和sorry excuse me主要用于向某人请教、询问或请示,如: Excuse me,may I come in?对不起,我可以进来吗? Excuse me,could you let me know your telephone number?对不起,能告诉我你的电话号码吗? Excuse me,may I ask you a question?对不起,我可以问你一个问题吗? sorry常用于由于失误或做错了事向对方道歉,如: I’m sorry that I didn’t come to class.对不起,我没来上课。  相似文献   

I.词汇A)根据下列动词的释义和词首字母的提示,在A句的空格内填入适当的词,在B句中填上该词的适当形式。1.A.r押studyagain熏gooveragaininthemindB.Wereyouyourlessonsatteno’clocklastnight芽2.A.c押makesomethinghappenB.Somepeoplesaythatsmokingcancer穴癌症雪.3.A.m押speakorwritealittleaboutsomethingB.Sheoftenhermothertomebefore.4.A.d押jumpheadfirstintowater鸦gounderwaterB.LiLeiintotherivertosaveMrs.Beetyesterday.5.A.r押makesomethingthatisbrokengood鸦mendB.MarycametoseehimwhileTomhisbike.B雪根据句意,…  相似文献   

UNIT 221.The 100-metre race(一百米赛跑)a cross-country race(越野赛)a bicycle race;a boat race;aswimming race;run an 800-metrerace with someonea neck-and-neck race(势均力敌的赛跑)  相似文献   

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