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Unit2 5 The visitto Monkey Island一、复合不定代词指人用于肯定否定疑问句用于肯定句 用于 否定疑问句条件状语从句用于肯定疑问 句everybodyeveryone somebodysomeone anybodyanyone nobodyno one指物 everything something anything nothing   1 .一般情况下 ,some系列的词用于肯定句 ,表示肯定意义 ;any系列的词用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句 ,表示非肯定意义。这些不定代词都当单数看待。具体用法如下 :(1 ) Someone is knocking the door.有人正在敲门。(2 ) Something is wrong with my kite.我的风筝出了些问题。(3) Ica…  相似文献   

Unit 15What's the time,please?知识点解析1.Give it to Mr.Hu.把它交给胡先生。“把某物给某人”有两种表达方式 :give sth.tosb;  give sb sth.此句也可说成 Give Mr.Hu thewatch.2 .What's the time,please?请问几点了 ?询问时间的另一种说法是 :What time is it?3.It's about four thirty.现在大约四点半。句中 about意为“大约”,它的另外一种含义是“关于、对于”,与 what/ how连用 ,意为“……怎么样 ?……好不好 ?”如 :— What about my coat?—Oh,it's nice.4 .It's time to get up.该起床了。句型“It's time……”常用…  相似文献   

1.Whatdoes he/ she do?He/ She is a driver.这是询问和回答某人职业时常用句型 ,有时也可用 What are you?Iam a…What is he/ she?He/ She is a…或这样提问 :What's yourjob?Iam a…What is his/ her job?He/ She is a…如 :你妈妈是做什么工作的 ,她是一名教师。可以用以下三种表达法。1 ) Whatdoes yourmother do?She is a teacher.2 ) Whatis your mother?She is a teacher.3) What's your mother's job?She is a teacher.2 .Where does he/ she work?He/ She works onthe farm.针对一般现在时地点提问常用这样句型 :Where…  相似文献   

Unit2 3Mainly Revision一、怎样客气地向他人提出请求 ,要求帮助。1 .Could you help me,please?是较实用的句型之一。如 :我们要用英语表达“你帮我数一下这些书好吗 ?”便可套用此句 :Could you help me countthese books,please?同样“你来打扫教室好吗 ?”可译作 :Could you clean the classroom,please?2 .购物时的顾客用语。 Could I have somebottles of milk,please?虽是问句形式 ,但用来表示请求 ,所以句中用的是“some”而不是“any”。回答时可根据实际情况回答 :Yes,how many wouldyou like?或 Sorry,there aren't any.Wo…  相似文献   

1.一Where does anwork? 一She works in a hospital.2.My father 15 a orker in a bigl…—·3 .My gralldmother 15 111.She takes some m4.The一eaeheo in our sohool are ve巧f一— to US.5 .Luey works in a shoP.She 15 a shop aB)用括号中词的适当形式填空。6·These”ung men are bus_(drive).7,助。k!He_(run) ve叮fast·8 .Do you want something一一(d讨nk)?9 .Jim_(wateh)TV eve叮night·10.We_(w orker) in a ear fact呵·11.单项选择。选择最佳答案。1 .one of_uP and answers the question. A .boys stand B.the bo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意写出正确的单词。1.LiYuisfromafofthreepeople.2.Hermotherdoesn’tlikericeonoodles.3.Iliketoeatdkindsoffood.4.Weliketohavericeforeverym.5.LiShandoesn’tlikemeatata.6.Couldyouhmecarrythebox,please?7.Where’smycup?Ican’tfit.8.Who’sondtoday?9.CanIbyourpen,please?10.Look。LiFengisdoinghishomeworkn.Ⅱ.单项选择。选择最佳答案。1.Tomdoesn’tlikeswimmingskating.A.andB.orC.butD.about2.Mybrotherlikeseggs,buthedoesn’tlikemeat.A.verymuch;verymuchB.verymuch;atallC.very;veryD.alittle;alit…  相似文献   

书卫赞杨.备r食备参“节讼﹄臂釜.哲为赞奋杨、岭爹.食1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示l,补全单词 kinds of助wer3 In2oflen have their me以5 in3.There are manyd_ the garden..The young workers a llttler‘一What’5 the name ~Plike.of them?4.It’59叫〕d for us to eat morev—·5 .Before you have meals,you mustw一. your hands.B)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。6.1 like watehi鳍TVy旦丝」四些·A.very manyC .a lotB .a lot ofD.many7.The shop 15些鲤丝ao this time of thod叮. A,not open B.not ther…  相似文献   

I.找出下列每组单词重音位置与众不同的一项。1.A.familyB.CanadianC.vegetableD.hamburger2.A.basketballB.anotherC.AustraliaD.Toronto3.A.CanadaB.SaturdayC.tomorrowD.hungry4.A.policemanB.becauseC.againD.different5.A.AmericanB.elevenC.countryD.potatoⅡ.根据句意,在句子空格处填入适当的词。6.MrWangisdteawithhismother.7.Hisfatherlikestoeatinar.8.Don’tworry。Pleasetryita.9.Everyoneherekhimverywell.10.Theylliketheirmother.Ⅲ.根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。11.你想吃点什么吗?yousomethingtoeat?12.…  相似文献   

1.你来自哪里?[误]Where do you from?[正]Where do you come from?[正]Where are you from?[析]come from和be from意思相同,都有“是……人”;“来自……”的意思,表示某人来自何地或某人的籍贯,在句了中作谓语。误句中没有动词,无谓语。2.—你觉得中圈怎么样? —我很喜欢中国。[误]—What do you like about Chiha? I like it very much.  相似文献   

初一英语第 2 1、2 2单元的两个主要语法项目 ,there be句型和现在进行时 ,都是初中阶段的重点。下面针对以上两个重点语法项目进行正误辨析 ,请同学们认真分析比较 ,争取熟练、准确掌握。一、there be句型1 .误 :There have two pencils on the desk.正 :There are two pencils on the desk.说明 :表示在某地有某人或某物 ,英语要用there be句型。即 :there is/ are 人 /物 状语 (表地点 )。例 :房子后面有棵树。There is a tree behind the house.have也是“有”的意思 ,但它表示一种所有关系 ,不表示存在。例 :Ihave a knife.我有一把…  相似文献   

一、选择正确的答案填空1. How do you go to school everyday ? I go to school on_____.A. feet. B. foot C. car D. bus2. The air today Is nice_______clean .  相似文献   

Unit 19A Weather report一、难点句子释义。1 .Whatbad weather!这鬼天气。运用感叹句描述当时的天气。 What修饰名词weather,weather不可数。由 what构成的感叹句基本形成如下 :Whata(an) adj n(单数名词 ) ! adj n(复数名词 ) ! adj n(不可数名词 ) !如 :Whata pretty girl(she is) !Whatbrightclassrooms!另外一种用 how开头的感叹句 ,多用来修饰形容词或副词。2 . Will itlastlong?Yes,itwill./ No,itwon't.它 (这种天气 )会持续很久吗 ?3.Most of North and South China will have acold wet day.中国北部和南部的绝大部分地区…  相似文献   

Unit1 3What colour is it?一、讨论颜色的特殊疑问句。1 .—— What colouris it?它是什么颜色的 ?—— It's red。红色的。2 .—— What colourare they/these… /those… ?它们 /这些…… /那些……是什么颜色的 ?—— They're(blue)它们是 (蓝色的 )。注意 :1 colour一词在书中也可拼为 color,因为 colour是英式英语 ,而 color是美式英语。 2当一件东西有多种颜色时 ,我们可以把多种颜色并列排开 ,在最后两种颜色之间用“and”连接。如 :—— What colour is this cow?—— It's black,yellow and white.二、疑问代词 which的用法wh…  相似文献   

Unit9Come and meetthe family一、英国人的姓以 Jim一家人的姓名为例 :Jim的 grandfather(爷爷 )是 Harry Green;Jim的 grandmother(奶奶 )是 Jean Green;Jim的 father(父亲 )是 Jeff Green;而Jim的 mother(母亲 )是 Helen Green。在西方 ,女子出嫁前是有自己家族姓的 ( family name) ,但在婚后要改为丈夫的姓 ( the hansband's family name) ,所以我们经常将格林夫妇称为 Mr Green and MrsGreen。二、's的用法1.我们已经在 Unit 8中学到“'s”是指“is”的缩略 ,但在 Jim's family、Harry's wife、Jim's sister等中 ,“'s”并不…  相似文献   

1.The people there are veryfriendly.(L103)那里的人们很友好。There在此处修饰前面的名词people,千万别和后面的are理解成“有”。英语中有些副词是可以放在名词后修饰名词的。例:The apple here are very cheap.这里的苹果很便宜。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及已给首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.Helpy to som e cakes,Jim and Kate.2.The wom an wast because the policem en had found herlostchild.3.M arch8is W Day.4.It's m y p to help you.5.You'd bettertake a s bag with you when you go to the m arket.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ithink artis(little)im portantthan m aths.2.M rSm ith(usual)rides a bike to his factory.3.Is she one ofthe best(run)in yourschool?4.In the accidentm ore than20people losttheir(life).5.Ifound a dog(li…  相似文献   

Ⅰ 重点词汇检测 . 根据句意或首字母提示 写出句中所缺单词A 雪 , 。1.D on t ’ m e熏please.I don t know the ’ way either.2.W hat do you have for d every day芽3.I often send p to m y teachers on Teachers’D ay.4.Please give m e a c at eight in the evening.                                          The shop at eight in the m orning.2.C an you help m e 芽 Can you 芽3.W ould you like to eat som ething芽…  相似文献   

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