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This article critically examines World Bank andother donor agency's policy changes towardfinancing of higher education in Sub-SaharanAfrica. It concludes that policy vicissitudeshave adversely affected these institutions. Therecommendation is that the unique context ofeach state play a role in higher educationfinancial policy formation and implementation.  相似文献   

院校研究:高等教育研究的新领域   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
院校研究是高等教育研究的一个新领域。它在二战后的美国逐渐发展起来 ,并对其他国家和地区产生了较大影响。院校研究以单个高等学校作为研究对象 ,旨在研究特定院校的特定问题 ,在研究方法上力求科学的程序与形式 ,其作用可概括为管理的科学化 ,理论的实践化  相似文献   

This article investigates the issue of the governance of higher education institutions and argues that governance by Senates is more appropriate than governance by stakeholders for such institutions. It discusses the ambiguous democratic credentials of stakeholder politics and argues against this mode of politics in the governance of higher education institutions, especially in respect to their ‘transformation’. In terms of distinctions between convergent and shared interests, service and constitutive institutions and the essential lack of transparency of academic practices, it argues that higher education institutions should be governed by the body of accomplished academics. The conclusion is not that Senates cannot be corrupt, but that to substitute governance by stakeholders for governance by Senates cannot solve that problem.  相似文献   

The new phenomenon of European integration has again challenged ourconceptual and empirical tools for higher education studies tointegrate the international dimension into frameworks that tendto concentrate on the single nation state and domestic policieseven where international comparisons are made. It drives as wellthe awareness of certain blind spots: namely (1) the concentrationon policy effects, neglecting the input side of policy formation,and (2) the concern with macro level policy-making and meso levelorganisational adaptation, neglecting to some extend the microdynamics and effects in the actual practices and performances ofacademic work. This paper makes an attempt to contribute from acertain perspective on governance studies to the ongoing debate onthe challenges ``internationalisation' or ``globalisation' bringup for higher education policy analyses and especially for comparativeresearch in that area. The development of governance theory towardsa multi-level and multi-actor approach is discussed and its strengthsand weaknesses for higher education studies in an internationalisingenvironment are addressed.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent global political changes and describes how they have helped to recreate interest in a democratic agenda in Africa. In the past, two of the major obstacles to democracy in post-independence Africa have been ethnic conflict and the resulting authoritarian political systems. However, there have been exceptions to this and neither authoritarianism nor democracy have become fully institutionalised. If, in the future, democratic political institutions in Africa are going to be sustained by a supportive political culture, then schools will have to consciously educate for democracy rather than support authoritarianism as they tend to do at the moment. In particular they will need to educate for ethnic tolerance and mutual respect and this will require changes both in classroom and whole school organisation.  相似文献   

The steering of higher education systems: a public management perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article focuses on the steering of higher education systems in the light of political science and public management approaches. It first recalls that an important part of the existing literature on higher education is focused on public policies in terms of reforms and decision-making, while the other part is dedicated to discovering and understanding the policy network or the policy regimes producing these policies. Both perspectives tend to look at higher education as a specific field. By contrast, the authors state that the transformations experienced in higher education are similar to those experienced by other key public services, an can be understood as a redefinition of the role of the nation state in the public generally. They therefore suggest to look at the steering patterns in higher education by investigating the underlying ‘narratives’ of public management reform and their variation or combination from one European nation state to another. Three main narratives of public services reform are discussed: the New Public Management (NPM), the Network governance and the Neo-Weberian narrative. For each narrative, the authors try to predict some ‘signs and symptoms’ that should be observed in higher education. Drawing on this reflection, the authors finally suggest further research perspectives which could be developed.
Christine MusselinEmail:


The major objective of this introductory article is to set the wider policy context for the present special issue with a particular focus to examine how the massification and internationalisation of higher education has taken place in Asia. More specifically, this introduction highlights the major arguments of articles being adopted in this issue. The contributions have been selected and gathered from presentations in various regional and international research events held in the last few years. Having experienced the growing pressure for enhancing their global competitiveness, governments in Asia are determined to expand their higher education systems to provide more learning opportunities for addressing pressing educational demand, putting additional resources to internationalising student experience and raising the research profile in order to quest for regional education hub and world-class university status. However, the rapid expansion of higher education has indeed created more university graduates than the labour market could fully absorb. It has become problematic when the global market currently experiences economic stagnation. This special issue sets out against such a political economy context to examine issues related to changing labour conditions, youth mobility and challenges for education and urban governance.  相似文献   

历史实践证明,党的建设融入高校管理体系为建构我国社会主义高等教育体制起到奠基作用,为高等教育的健康发展提供了基本保障.长期以来,党的建设为我国高等教育治理现代化开新局、出新策、发新力,走出了一条中国特色高等教育治理的新路,成为高校治理现代化的核心组成部分.面向未来,党建引领高等教育现代化要着眼于人、着手于人,围绕"用好人""管好人""育好人"三个方面开展工作,确保高等教育治理方向正、规矩好、风气清.  相似文献   

In many LDCs today, the distribution of public resources for education tends to be inefficient and inequitable in that subsidization often increases rather than decreases with the level of education. To improve efficiency and equity, a shift of resources from higher to primary education should therefore be considered. Such a shift would obviously imply an increase in the private cost of higher education, but its effect could be mitigated through a loan scheme. In this paper, our main purpose is to show what a cut in subsidies to higher education can achieve in terms of expanding primary enrollments. The results show that although the outcome differs from country to country, such a cut would permit a sizable increase in primary enrollments in Sub-Saharan Africa, and especially in Francophone countries. Despite its effectiveness, however, reduction in higher education subsidies alone is unlikely to overcome all the obstacles faced by the poorest countries to attaining universal primary education. Our results only argue that it should be considered as part of the policy package directed towards this goal.  相似文献   

高校兼职教师管理的制度视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Part-time faculty has become an important labor force in Chinese colleges and universities. The number of them has risen rapidly and its structure varies in different types of higher education institutes (HEIs), which results from integration of the social motivation and the inner motivation of schools’ reform. From the institutional point of view, some problems related to the management of part-time faculty members are as follows: defects of institution design, deficiency of appointment institution mechanism, unreasonable wage treatment institution and unscientific evaluation institution. The institution construction of pat-time staff includes aspects such as qualification examination, appointment, wage, reward and punishment, evaluation, professional development and so on.  相似文献   

国际化是世界高等教育发展的一大趋势,也是高等教育跨越国界的交流、合作与竞争过程。在经济全球化的背景下,中国经济的高速发展急需各类具有国际意识和能力的高素质人才;然而,我国高等教育在培养目标、课程设置和教学方法等方面都尚未完全适应经济发展和社会转型的需要。我国宜采取"自上而下"政府主导、院校参与的高等教育国际化战略,既需要政府部门通过法律、政策等手段引导和规范,同时也需要高等院校以提高学生"全球能力"为核心进行系统改革以促进国际化水平。  相似文献   

Faculty productivity and behavior are evaluated in this salary administration system through the use of objective and subjective performance standards. The utilization of control channels that are delineated by moral, legal and functional standards allow faculty to compete against their own records. The replacement of dog eat dog rivalry with self competition permits cooperation to be accentuated among faculty through teamwork, collaboration and group learning. The employment of control channels to monitor faculty productivity with computer technology helps toprotect academicians from coercive practices. In addition,it provides for their success through the use of standards of excellence to push them up to exemplary levels of performance over time.Dr. Gunn earned his undergraduate (B.S.) degree in mangement at West Virginia University and his master's (M.S.) and doctorate (Ph.D.) degree in Marketing and Finance at Louisiana State University. Professor Gunn has produced over 60 refereed articles and program papers in a wide variety of periodicals includingManagement Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Education, etc. His current research interests involve developing the theories, concepts and techniques for advancing the acceptance of the Steady State Economy, the Competruistic Ideology, National Economic Planning and the use of Systems Science Methodology in raising organizational productivity.  相似文献   

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