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教学学术是研究大学教师专业发展的一个新的维度。然而,自从博耶在20世纪90年代引进"教学学术"这一术语以来,关于对教学学术概念的界定—直存在不确定性。如果教师学者们对教学学术无法完全理解,那么教学学术实践就很难在高校得以推广、评估和制度化。本文对关于教学学术的若干理论问题进行初步探究,以便大学教师的教学学术活动有例可循。  相似文献   

经过近30年的发展,教学学术成为影响大学教学和学术职业最重要的命题之一.从国际发展的情况看,教学学术的价值逐渐显现,它不仅转换了大学教学质量保障的范式,而且驱动了大学组织的学术变革以及重塑了大学教师的发展模式.但是在发展的过程中,教学学术在理论和实践层面面临着许多困境,表现为在定义上存在模糊性和多样性,没有明确的方法和方法论,同行评价的方式饱受争议,参与群体不断分化.为了避免这些困境对教学学术发展带来的阻碍,教学学术应转向制度整合,即整合教学学术与"回归教学"理念、教学学术与学科组织规范、教学学术与教师发展制度、教学学术与具体制度语境和结构.我国发展教学学术,应将其作为保障高等教育质量的重要理念予以重视并推广,重视学科协会与组织在推进教学学术中的作用,在制度整合中实践教学学术,做好具有中国语境的教学学术研究.  相似文献   

从知识发展规律、大学发展逻辑和学术发展需要的视角论证了"教学学术"思想的逻辑合理性:"教学学术"符合知识发展规律,符合大学发展规模,符合学术发展规律。虽然中国现行的高等教育法律法规对"教学学术"给予了法理肯定,但教师评价政策对"教学学术"缺乏行动支持,大学教师群体对"教学学术"的认识和实践并不统一。因此,"教学学术"在中国大学的实现途径是:高等教育行政政策的引导作用是前提;大学内部治理机制的保障作用是关键;大学教师知行合一的自觉态度是核心。  相似文献   

普通高中提"学术型教师"给教师发展带来了挑战。很多国家就教师发展提出自己的发展目标。普通高中提"学术型教师",需要作一个比较适切的概念定义。教学学术型教师,是普通高中教师一个可行的发展方向。  相似文献   

对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质和核心,它贯穿于一切事物发展过程的始终。从某种程度上说,教学与学术这一对矛盾也符合对立统一规律的唯物辩证法视角。因此本文借鉴"教学学术"的相关概念,从辩证法的视角论述在当前构建教师教学学术共同体的存在论、认识论和方法论基础。  相似文献   

教学良心包含了责任心、仁爱心以及正义心。随着教学理念与教学新技术的不断进步与发展,对教师的要求也越高,自从上世纪末美国厄内斯特·博耶提出"教学学术"概念后,教学学术逐渐地取代了教学良心。这一巨大的转变证明了教师的教学发展过程需要更多系统科学的行动方案以及外化客观的评判标准,教师的专业发展也越多为人所关注。这种转变表明教师发展专业化、学术创新多元化、评价标准系统化的发展特点是历史与现实的必然要求。  相似文献   

自博耶提出教学学术的概念至今已有25年的历史,教学学术的研究已经引起了世界范围的关注。教学学术内涵研究经历了"教的学术"到"学的学术"的发展历程,对教学学术活动的分类越来越细化、全面,教学学术相关概念的辨析越来越清晰。教学学术评价方法从描述性评价到模型化评价,呈现了其特色。教学学术理论和实践探索取得了丰富的成果,但其发展也面临一定的挑战,教学学术要突破观念的障碍,坚持以学生为中心,教学学术评价方法的研究要实现从理论到应用的转变。  相似文献   

高校教师的质量决定着高等教育的质量,高校青年教师作为高校师资的主体和未来,其专业发展水平对保障和提高高等教育质量有着直接的影响。教学学术的提出,为高校青年教师教学专业发展提供了新的视角。从教学学术视角来看,高校青年教师专业发展的关键是提升其教学学术水平。通过提升教学学术水平促进高校青年教师的专业发展,一方面教师自身需立足自主发展,即树立教学学术的观念,在教学实践中反思,在教学研究中提升能力;另一方面学校可通过强化教学培训、注重教学团队建设、实施发展性教师评价为青年教师创设良好的激励氛围。  相似文献   

教学学术是教师教学能力发展的重要内涵。吉林大学教师教学发展中心围绕这一核心概念,以师德建设为统领,基于教师发展阶段、教学能力构成、教学学术内涵等方面设计教师教学发展体系;注重实践研究,发展教师教学创新能力;创建多元化学习共同体,开展教学朋辈团队建设;师生共同参与,促进卓越教学文化建设。  相似文献   

大学教师发展——“教学学术”的维度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学教师发展(Faculty Development)有着丰富的内涵,教学工作是其中一个十分重要的方面。论文借鉴欧内斯特.博耶所提出的"教学学术"的相关理论,指出大学教师发展的核心在于"教学专业"的发展,而教学专业发展的关键则在于以重构学术内涵为切入点,牢固确立"教学学术"的观念;认真处理好"教学学术"与专业科研和社会服务之间的关系;自觉加强关于大学教学本身的科学研究。  相似文献   

Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning such a hard sell?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advocates have difficulty convincing colleagues Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a worthwhile use of time and resources. This article highlights problems impeding SoTL. First, scholarship of teaching gets used as a synonym for other activities. Second, Boyer’s definition was conceptually confused. Third, SoTL is difficult to operationalize. Fourth, much discourse concerning SoTL is anti‐intellectual and located in a narrow neoliberalism. Fifth, there is uncritical over‐reliance on peer review as the mechanism for measuring scholarship. Each impediment makes SoTL a hard sell – particularly in research‐intensive universities. Taken together, they constitute a formidable problem for SoTL advocates and contain incendiary implications for promotion candidates and committees.  相似文献   


While teaching is increasingly being accepted as a discipline, there is a growing emphasis on teacher educators researching their own practice to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). This study sought to explore the extent to which self-study contributes to teacher educators’ understanding of the SoTL within the discipline of teaching. While self-study is generally accepted as a scholarly approach, the aim here is to address the call in the literature for self-study researchers to evince a commitment to a practice-based and theory-building research agenda by linking with public theories, in this case the SoTL. Additionally, given that self-study is collaborative in nature, findings here may help to address the dearth of knowledge reported in the literature about teacher educator collaboration. A self-study approach was adopted to explore a journey of two teacher educators as they designed, implemented and evaluated new modules in special and inclusive education within an initial teacher education programme in the Republic of Ireland. Analysis and synthesis of data from 24 student teachers and two teacher educators provide insights and understandings into the collaborative interactions and factors that enabled and hindered these interactions. This may support other teacher educators in developing a collaborative pedagogical culture to enhance greater understanding of the SoTL We argue for adopting self-study as a scholarly approach to engage with other theories, such as the SoTL, thus contributing to the broader field of teacher education research.  相似文献   

1990年博耶提出"教学学术"这一理念,在美国高等教育界引起了热烈讨论和实践,并逐渐形成了大学教学学术运动.本文是国内首次对美国大学教学学术运动的实践案例进行具体研究,即对实践大学教学学术理念的威斯康星大学的教学学术实践举措进行概要的介绍和评析.  相似文献   

This paper explores the adoption of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) by 10 Malaysian university academics. SoTL was part of a pioneering sector-wide initiative for improving teaching and learning. The qualitative study showed that there had been no true learning phase for SoTL because academics had high expectations of rapid success in their new research area, including journal publication. Most of their peers did not understand or value SoTL and so SoTL researchers established minority self-sustaining groups across disciplines and universities. SoTL brought new ways of thinking about teaching that were transformational for the teacher but not necessarily welcomed by the students. Students resisted radical change, and teachers were drawn back to educational practices they no longer valued. SoTL was experienced in a hierarchical educational culture where questioning of self and others was difficult and this hindered teacher development. We conclude with recommendations about realistic expectations and the importance of social learning for those considering SoTL for academic development.  相似文献   

In this Reflection on Practice I argue the case for using the principles of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) to serve as a framework for evaluating and designing peer observation programmes in higher education contexts. I suggest that for peer observation to be an activity worthy of SoTL, it should be systematic, collaborative, rigorous, peer reviewed, and focused on learning about teaching to improve teaching. Using a set of criteria to critique a current peer observation programme I account for its strengths and weaknesses and suggest a way forward for elevating the status of peer observation.  相似文献   

Higher education policy is seeking, in the interest of ‘quality assurance’, to reward teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Academic language and learning (ALL) advisers, who work closely with students to improve their performance in their courses of study, have much to contribute to SoTL. ALL advisers who adopt an ‘academic literacies’ approach share with lecturers in the disciplines an engagement with issues of ‘‐ography’ (i.e. writing in and for a discourse community)—including the relationships between epistemology, form, and language—yet, misconceptions about ALL advisers’ work can prevent discipline lecturers from consulting them when thinking about questions of teaching and learning in their own field. This paper discusses ALL advisers’ access to insights into students’ experiences of learning and of being taught, with relevance both for particular disciplines and for academic culture across the disciplines; their contributions to SoTL; the difficulties they encounter in trying to communicate across the borders of the disciplines; and ways of improving this situation in the context of the new emphasis on encouraging improvement in the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) arose, in part, out of a need to rebalance the triadic mission of large academic institutions that have traditionally emphasized research over teaching and service. But how do you encourage SoTL when the faculty reward structure is weighted toward traditional research? Therein lies the SoTL paradox. The authors describe a program developed at the University of Minnesota to engage faculty in SoTL projects by relying on the nonmonetary rewards of scholarship, trust, and cross-disciplinary community.  相似文献   

The literature suggests generic workshops on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) rarely have a lasting impact on teaching. Seeking an alternative approach, academic developers designed a four-stage Collaborative Scholarship Model where they provided individualised SoTL mentoring to academics implementing a teaching innovation. Project outcomes included sustained change to teaching, openness to new ideas, scholarly contributions and peer recognition (through awards, publications or invited presentations). This model had a sustained impact on participants’ teaching and increased research productivity. Although few individuals can be mentored at one time in this labour-intensive model, long-term benefits may still outweigh limitations in scalability.  相似文献   

高校英语教师的教学学术实践与学生英语水平发展密切相关,直接决定我国高校英语教育质量。本研究基于Weston&McApline(2001)教学学术实践三阶段发展续谱论,聚焦华东某高校一个英语教研组,叙事探究英语教师教学学术实践的故事。研究发现教学学术实践是个体和共同体共创共享教学知识的科研活动;具有问题链效应、批判反思性和互动探究三大特质。研究验证续谱论在我国高校英语教育语境下的适恰性,初步构建英语教师教学学术实践可行性指导框架,诠释高校英语教师专业化发展的有效路径。  相似文献   


Academic development (AD) is increasingly being oriented towards an integrated approach to academic practice (AP), given arguments for the importance of integrating research, learning, and teaching. Given the complex and evolving character of AD as a profession, it is important to understand the conceptions of AD held by academic developers, who can play a key role in supporting conditions for such integration. This comparative case study explores conceptions of AD and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) held by academic developers at two universities in Hong Kong and Singapore, and examines the extent to which these conceptions support an integrated AP. The findings show that not all conceptions recognise the importance of integration; moreover, though in both cases aspects of integration come to the fore, there are gaps that militate against a fuller understanding of integrating teaching and research. The study has implications for future AD practice and raises questions about using SoTL as a means of fostering teaching and research integration.  相似文献   

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