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Prereading kindergartners were assigned to groups that varied experience with (a) the rime analogy reading strategy; (b) the implicated prereading skills of rhyming, initial phoneme identity, and letter-sounds; or (c) a control group. Teaching in the rime analogy strategy and the prereading skills resulted in more reading than teaching in the rime analogy strategy or prereading skills alone. Many children developed the untaught abilities of medial and final phoneme identity and the letter recoding reading strategy. Children with high prereading skill levels read the most words, and the use of specific prereading skills varied across different reading word types. Working memory was unrelated to increases in prereading skills or reading. Children were able to generalize the rime analogy strategy to read words with unfamiliar rime spellings.  相似文献   

读写能力是语言能力的重要组成部分。在英语教学中,读写技能一直是语言教学的重点。二者既相对独立又相互关联,可以分立教学,也可以综合教学。从理论和实践两个层面梳理国内外英语读写技能教学的历史发展轨迹,理清英语阅读教学与写作教学由分立到综合,再到分立与综合并存的发展路径,有利于英语教师更有效地进行英语读写技能的教学。  相似文献   

王椰林 《培训与研究》2002,19(3):98-100
在英语教学中,学生阅读能力的提高是一个关键的问题,而速度、理解和词汇是阅读技能的三个基本要素。抓住这三个要素进行训练,对于提高学生的阅读能力有着非常重要的作用。教师在教学中,使这三种基本要素联系得越紧密,教学的综合效果就越好。  相似文献   

阅读教学中的假设是对文本进行多样解读的一种方式,是培养学生个性解读的重要手段。通过假设,使学生改变在阅读教学中从文本到文本的狭隘,拓展视野、开启心智,更充分地理解和体会文本的内涵。通过假设,培养学生的想象力和逻辑思维能力,促使学生语文素养的全面提高。因此,在大力倡导和实施语文课程标准的今天,对阅读教学中的假设,应该给予应有的关注。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the contribution of phonological and nonphonological language skills to reading among Hebrew-speaking children with and without reading disabilities (RD) aged 10–13. We expected that the performance of children with RD would be significantly poorer in all of the language processes compared with those of chronological age-matched children with no RD. Also, we expected that nonphonological language skills would contribute unique variance to reading level. The results showed that the most marked predictor for all reading measures was the phonological awareness measure. However, nonphonological language skills also showed a significant contribution to variance in accuracy and rate of reading real words but not to variance in pseudoword reading. The discussion highlights how investigating different orthographic systems can deepen our understanding of the role of the different language processes at play in reading. Our results further stress the importance of using multi-componential reading measures (i.e., pseudowords, real words and reading rate) when analyzing the relationship between reading and language skills.  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences in four components of phonological awareness (i.e., judgment, deletion, blending, and substitution) and early reading ability across reading levels, and the correlation between phonological awareness (PA) and early reading ability in low and average-achievement groups. 27 students with reading difficulties and 34 students with average reading abilities participated in the study, and all participants were native Korean students in Grade One. The results indicated significant differences between low-achievement and averageachievement groups in PA and early reading measures, which revealed features of Korean phonology as different from English. Furthermore, phonological awareness showed significant positive correlation with both word identification and reading fluency for the low and average-achievement groups. For the low-achievement group, the correlation between phonological awareness and reading fluency was higher than between phonological awareness and word identification.  相似文献   

李静  王玉 《英语辅导》2010,(3):52-54
克拉申(Krashen)的语言输入理论影响深远。本文主要阐述它在英语阅读教学中的应用:1.输入的材料应该包含稍稍高于学生现有水平(1+1)的内容;2.运用语境和教学策略帮助学生理解阅读材料;3.阅读材料的输入应是有趣的、关联的;4.教学中采用交际教学法并且输入足够的、粗调型的阅读材料;5.允许学生有一段沉默期。  相似文献   

语言输入和语言输出是二语习得的两个重要方面。文章以输入输出假设理论为指导,分析了大学英语阅读教学中存在的问题,阐述了输入输出假设理论在大学英语阅读教学中的应用,以期为大学英语阅读教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Conjunction contributes to organizing and managing stretches of discourse, indicating the way the information is arranged. Successfully identifying these discourse markers is of great benefit to the reader to extract the required information from what he/she reads, especially for the candidates who are tested for their reading abilities in a given time, for these markers give clues to the reader and make the perception easier and save a lot of time. To teach students to explore reading skills and read successfully all by themselves, language teachers had better keep in mind the significance of conjunction and get students to share and apply it.  相似文献   

对少数民族学生汉语教学问题进行分析,点出了在汉语教与学的过程中要注意的事项。汉语阅读文献蕴含着丰富的信息,人们可通过各种渠道获取和利用这些宝贵资源。指出培养汉语学习者掌握信息的能力是汉语教学的重要任务,阅读能力的培养是汉语教学的中心环节和关键所在。  相似文献   

A sample of 1,273 4-year-old children were followed for 3 years. The children participated in 1 of 2 comprehension training programs, or in a phonological awareness training program. The comprehension programs explored the possibility of improving young children's oral comprehension in an educational setting. The first focused on the component skills of comprehension; the second involved storybook reading. Phonological awareness and oral language comprehension skills were measured repeatedly in the course of the study. The data were analyzed using multilevel growth-curve models. The results showed that it is possible to improve oral comprehension if the training focuses on its component skills and extends over 2 semesters. When these conditions were met, training effects still existed 9 months after the program had ended. Finally, phonological training improved phonological awareness but not comprehension, and comprehension-skill training improved oral comprehension but not phonological awareness.  相似文献   

A 3-group reading-level design was used to investigate phonological analysis, verbal working memory, and pseudoword reading performance in less skilled fourth-grade readers. Children were given phonological oddity tasks assessing their sensitivity to subsyllabic and phonemic units, together with standardized tests of verbal working memory and pseudoword reading. Less skilled fourth-grade readers performed lower than both chronological age and reading-level controls on the phonological oddity and pseudoword reading tests. Less skilled fourth-grade readers performed at the same level as skilled second-grade readers on a test of verbal working memory. Skilled fourth-grade readers scored higher than both other groups on this test. Correlational analyses were consistent with the view that phonological analysis skills contribute more strongly than verbal working memory skills to children's decoding abilities.  相似文献   

高考做文学作品阅读试题不能头痛医头,脚痛医脚,要培养整体意识、结构意识、审题意识.这样,才能在高考的考场中快速、高效地完成试题。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that phonological analysis skills make a unique contribution to reading ability against the hypothesis that one latent phonological factor underlies the assocations among analysis skills, verbal working memory skills, and reading achievement. Hierachical multiple regression analyses examined the unique contributions of phonological analysis and verbal working memory measures to the prediction of 3 measures of concurrent reading ability in 68 second-grade children (mean age 7 years 4 months). Phonological analysis and verbal working memory measures each accounted for unique variation in each of the 3 reading measures. In addition, phonological analysis measures, but not verbal working memory measures, were particularly strong predictors of pseudoword reading skills. These results suggest that, although phonological analysis and verbal working memory skills share a substantial amount of common variance, phonological analysis and verbal working memory tasks do tap somewhat different reading-related skills.  相似文献   

简单介绍了克拉申的输入假设理论,提出教学的主要任务是提供充足的可理解输入,阐述了输入假设理论对英语专业泛读教学的意义,强调教学活动中可理解输入的重要性并提出实施策略,希望对英语专业泛读教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a computer-based early reading program (Headsprout Early Reading) on the oral language and early reading skills of at-risk preschool children. In a pretest–posttest control group design, 62 children were randomly assigned to receive supplemental instruction with Headsprout Early Reading (experimental group) or Millie's Math House (control group) for 30 min each school day for 8 weeks. Children using Headsprout Early Reading made greater gains in early reading skills as measured by the Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA-3), F(1, 59) = 39.35, p < 0.01, and in oral language skills as measured by the Test of Language Development-Primary (TOLD-P:3), F(1, 59) = 37.03, p < 0.01. Effect sizes were large for the gains in both measures (TERA-3, η2 = 0.24; TOLD-P:3, η2 = 0.17). Teachers' responses to an open-ended interview indicated that the program was perceived as a desirable instructional aid. Educational considerations for preventing future reading difficulties and issues about implementation integrity are discussed.  相似文献   

大学公共英语教学最主要的目的是为了培养大学生英语的实际运用能力以及促进学生思维能力的提高。大学公共英语阅读在英语学习中有着重要的作用,因此必须加大力度对大学公共英语阅读能力的培养。然而在当今大学生英语教育中,大学生英语阅读能力方面还存在着问题,必须采取有效英语阅读教学技巧来提升学生们的阅读能力。本文主要是通过对大学公共英语阅读的重要性进行阐述,分析了当今英语阅读中,大学生面临的问题,最后提出了大学公共英语阅读教学中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

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