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关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对信息时代 ,人们对教师教育逐渐有了新的理解 :学校正规的、系统的教育 ,不再是教师受教育的终结 ,而只是其教学生涯中受教育的一个起点 ;教师受教育的过程应该延伸到成人乃至终身。这是时代和教书育人的职业特点对教师提出的共同要求。为此 ,教师的职后教育正受到前所未有的重视。直面我国特教师资职后教育状况 ,其间种种问题不能不令我们深思。审视世界教师教育发展 ,以期获得启发 ,及时革新我国特教师资职后教育  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural transitioning process that immigrants undergo in order to attain educational, occupational, and social integration within Canadian society. Results of this phenomenological study examining 31 Jewish immigrants from Argentina, Israel, France and the Former Soviet Union, reveal that lack of educational equivalency and lack of recognition of foreign work experience, language barriers, discrimination, insider/outsider sentiments and the structure of the community were common impediments to cultural transitioning. However, findings suggest that despite a common religious identity, immigrants’ ethnic identities and expectations lead to divergent cultural transitioning experiences.  相似文献   


The state, industry and the voluntary sector are all investing resources in encouraging the development of the ‘enterprise culture’ among the young unemployed. Such measures can be interpreted as an attempt to sustain the work ethic while changing attitudes, aspirations and expectations towards employment. They constitute a major effort to change work cultures. The alternatives being advocated, such as self‐employment, small businesses, co‐operatives and community businesses have starkly opposing ideologies behind them.

So far there has been no systematic research on the development of alternative forms of work by young people, not even at the level of charting the extent and form in which they are emerging. This paper seeks to make a start by exploring the rhetoric behind the ‘education for enterprise’ movement and the patterns of support and advice on offer. It then discusses the implications of the fostering of the ‘enterprise culture’ for our analyses of state intervention in youth unemployment and the early labour market experiences of young people.  相似文献   

观当今全球经济迅猛发展无数外国公司涌入中国寻求机会,国内企业也想要转型去开拓海外市场,英语作为一门国际语言在其中起到了不可小觑的作用,对英语的培养更成了首当其冲需要改革的目标。本文意在讨论高职院校应如何积极构建起基于就业导向的高职英语教育模式,着重培养高职院校学生的英语应用能力与英语职业能力,改变传统高职英语教育过于注重教授专业英语而忽略了培养学生英语综合实际应用能力的现状。真正的做到使高职英语教育能够培养出具有良好英语综合应用能力的职业型人才以面对社会日益增长的高质量人才需求。  相似文献   

男护生特色护理教育一直是我国护理教育领域的重点问题,男护生的就业问题也受到教育部门和社会各界的关注。因此相关护理院校在新时期应该积极进行教育改革,以就业为导向强化男护生的就业竞争力,发挥男护生在护理方面的优势,进而对我国整体护理水平的提升产生积极影响。  相似文献   

Newly available survey data allow the investigation of the educational and employment opportunities open to Roman Catholics in Scotland in the mid-20th century. Previous research has shown that Catholic disadvantage in education and the labour market in the early 20th century had weakened or vanished by the end of the century, and that the main change in that respect had come with the advent of comprehensive secondary schooling in the 1960s. However, the extension of Catholic secondary schooling started in the 1920s. The data used here allow an investigation of whether the Catholic disadvantage was mitigated by these earlier reforms, and thus allow an assessment of whether a selective school system was able to overcome an important dimension of social disadvantage. The data come from a cohort study of a representative sample of people born in 1936 (first surveyed in 1947 and followed up annually to 1963). Evidence is available on social background, on cognitive ability measured at age 11, on secondary school courses, on educational achievement after leaving school, and on social-class status at age 27. The conclusions are that the continued social disadvantage of Catholics was not due to any aspect of the school education which they had received.  相似文献   

The education and retraining of ‘women returners’ to the labour market was an innovative development in further education in Britain in the 1980s. Fifty‐six women who undertook a part‐time information technology course at a college of further education in Birmingham were the subjects of this study. They were the respondents to a questionnaire sent to all women who had studied on the courses run between early 1987 and late 1989. A small number were subsequently interviewed. The aims of the research were twofold: firstly, to study their current employment situations and secondly to investigate the impact of employment on gender relations in the home. Almost all the women had been able to re‐enter employment, most using the skills they had learned on the course. However the course had not been instrumental in breaking down gender segregation in computing and few women worked in professional or male dominated jobs. The majority were in clerical, secretarial or administrative work, though this did mean that most had been able to rejoin the labour force at the same occupational level at which they had left. Some women, including half the black women in the study, improved their occupational position. It is argued that training for women who are in employment needs to be more available, otherwise the women in the study will not be able to progress into better jobs as their confidence grows and family commitments lessen. The study confirmed the continued pervasiveness of ideologies which prioritise men's employment and position of ‘breadwinners’ and women's continued responsibility for home and children. The conclusion of the study is that although feminists and others keen to promote equality for women in employment have made child care and more flexible working conditions the central issues, marriage and the sexual division of labour in the home, whilst equally significant, have been neglected and need to be given more consideration, both theoretically and strategically.  相似文献   

We apply the comparative techniques originated by Wolpin, K.I. (1977, Education and screening, American Economic Review, 67, 949–958) and Psacharopoulos (1979, On the weak versus the strong version of the screening hypothesis, Economics Letters, 4, 181–185) to discriminate between the ‘weak' and ‘strong' screening hypotheses. Controlling for sample selection, we find evidence for weak but not strong screening in the Italian labour market. [JEL J3, J24, J41]  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

随着我国高校毕业生人数的逐年攀升,女大学生就业难凸显,影响女大学生就业的问题成为高校研究的焦点。以东北地区高校女大学生为例,针对90后女大学生的新特点,采用问卷调查、观察法和访谈法,从个别到一般,对女大学生就业问题进行研究,归纳影响女大学生就业的相关问题及对策。  相似文献   

政策对经济具有深远而广泛的影响,在党的"十六"大政策的指导下,"充分就业"、促进就业是城镇贫困群体走出贫困、全面建设小康社会的根本措施.  相似文献   

就业指导的属性与当代就业指导   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
职业指导的本质属性是对个人职业行为的导向和规范.职业指导就社会而言是对其成员在职业上的指导与服务;对个人而言,是通过指导和帮助使其进行职业化(包括认识职业、准备职业、从职从业、职业发展直至职业生涯结束)的过程;对学校而言是教育工作的一个组成部分.  相似文献   

社会在发展,时代在进步,我国教育体系也随之发生了相应变化,在各高校纷纷扩招的时代背景下,高等教育逐渐由精英化向大众化转变,越来越多的人能够接受到高等教育,国民学历普遍上升,相比之下,当代大学生也不再像过去那样"吃香"了。根据最新劳动社会保障统计数据显示,近年来,我国就业形势空前严峻。本文结合当前大学生就业状况,对如何加强就业指导、突破就业难困境,促进大学生就业寻求出路作出思考研究,以供广大工作同仁借鉴参考。  相似文献   

数学专业紧跟高校扩招的步伐扩大招生,培养学生数成倍增长,毕业生就业问题日益严峻.大学数学专业毕业生在就业观念与就业操作中存在诸多问题:如集中于师范行业就业,跨专业就业难、就业力薄弱等.要做好数学类大学生的就业工作,必须从转变就业观念、就业指导专门化、数学课程改革、提升就业能力等方面做好工作.  相似文献   

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