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楼房越来越高了,但视野越来越窄了。高速公路越来越宽了,但车速越来越慢了。买的更多了,但享受的更少了。 约会更多了,但时间更短了。 话题更多了,但共识更少了。 知识更多了,但观点更少了。 专家更多了,但解决的问题更少 。 药品更多了,但健康更糟了。 我们拥有的东西更多了,但价值小了。 我们说的更多了,爱的更少了。 我们学会了营造生活,但却没有会享受生活。 我们已经去过了月球,但我们对居却不甚了解。 我们征服了外太空,但却没有征内心世界。 我们净化了空气,却污染了自己灵魂。 我们的收入更多了,但良心更少 。 生产的数量提高了,但…  相似文献   

★商店橱窗里的东西更多了,但家里一无所有的人也更多了。★我们说的更多了,爱的更少了。★我们学会了营造生活,但却没有学会享受生活。★我们净化了空气,却污染了自己的灵魂。★我们的收入更多了,但良心更少了。★楼房越来越高了,但视野越来越窄了。★知识更多了,但观点更少了。★专家更多了,但解决的问题更少了。★药品更多了,但健康更少了。★我们拥有的东西更多了,但价值更小了。★我们已经去过了月球,但我们对邻居却不甚了解。★高速公路越来越宽了,但车速越来越慢了。★买的东西更多了,但享受的时间更少了。★约会的次数更多了,但见面…  相似文献   

凤凰更生歌   鸡 鸣    生潮涨了,    生潮涨了,    死了的光明更生了。      春潮涨了,    春潮涨了,    死了的宇宙更生了。       春潮涨了,    春潮涨了,    死了的凤凰更生了。   凤凰和鸣    我们更生了。    我们更生了。    一切的一,更生了。    一的一切,更生了。    我们便是他,他们便是我。    我中也有你,你中也有我。    我便是你。    你便是我。    火便是凰。    凤便是火。    翱翔 !翱翔 !   欢唱 !欢唱 !     我们新鲜,我们净朗,    我们华美…  相似文献   

母亲的腰弯了, 她把挺直的脊梁给了我。母亲的眼花了。她把明亮的双眸给了我。母亲的皱纹深了, 她把美丽的青春给了我。母亲老了, 她把年轻的心灵给了我。  相似文献   

张宪宝 《海外英语》2005,(12):36-37
历史长河中,矛盾充斥在我们的周遭:楼房变高了,人的性情却急躁了;道路变宽了,人的思想却狭隘了。我们花费的多了,拥有的却少了;我们购买的多了,享受的却少了。我们拥有的房子更大了,家庭却小了;条件更便利了,时间却少了。学位多了,却缺少见识;知识增了,却缺乏判断力。专家多了,问题  相似文献   

太阳公公每天都看着大地,大地上每天都会有一点变化。日子一天天过去了,大地上有了汽车、楼房、工厂,人们生活得越来越幸福。但是汽车排出了废气,工厂也排出了黑烟,大地上开始有了污染。地上的烟飞到了天上,太阳公公被烟熏得感冒了。他流泪了,他的眼泪流到大气层,变成了酸雨。小草碰到了酸雨,枯萎了;小树碰到了酸雨,烂了。可人们不在乎。生病的太阳公公又流了两滴鼻涕,在大地上形成了泥石流。山上的人看到了泥石流,跑了;山下的房子碰到了泥石流,倒了。可人们还是不在乎。太阳公公病得更重了,一天,他“阿——嚏!”一声打了一个很响很响的大喷…  相似文献   

王晓燕 《班主任》2012,(8):59-59
春末夏初,花儿纷纷凋谢。活动课上。孩子们好奇地问我:“老师,花儿谢了变成什么?”看着他们兴致勃勃的样子,我不失时机地引导:“你们猜猜看,花儿谢了变成什么?”围在我身边的孩子展开了各自的想象。“老师,花儿谢了就消失了,什么也没有了。…‘老师,花儿谢了就落到地上了。…‘可能花儿谢了就变成了枝条。…‘也可能变成了叶子。…‘花儿谢了,夏天来了。”“可能变成了果实。”……  相似文献   

百花盛开,春天来了。这是大自然的语言。荷花开了,夏天到了。这是大自然的语言。粮食熟了,果子红了,叶子黄了,秋天来了。这是大自然的语言。雪花飘飘,冬天来了。这是大自然的语言。只要你仔细观察,大自然的语言还有很多很多……指导老师:邵素贞春夏秋冬的语言$浙江省金华市南苑  相似文献   

全乱成一锅粥了。我急了,必须想个办法。可是,应该怎么办呢?对了,日记,日记。我坐到桌子前面,翻开了日记。上面画着妈妈伸长了脖子的画。还画着下猪的画。全照着日记的样子发生了。必须想个办法。我抱住了脑袋。正在这时,外面开始有人叫了起来。我马上就知道人们为什么会叫了。“猪……”天上传来了猪的叫声。噗。我害怕了。叫声响了起来。那边,噗。这边,噗。听到了,听到了。噗噗噗噗。我战战兢兢地从窗口伸出头,朝天上看去。“啊———”猪猪猪猪。几百头、几千头猪布满了天空。猪猪猪猪,全是猪。就要下猪了。我死命地想。不可…  相似文献   

当雨点睡着了,彩虹就醒了。它用七彩的光芒,装点着纯净的蓝天。当夏天睡着了,秋天就醒了。它用一阵阵凉风,吹醒了丰硕的果实。当太阳睡着了,月亮就醒了。它用清冷的光辉,照亮了黯淡的星空。当我们睡着了,梦儿就醒了。它用美好的幻境,愉悦了我们的心情。当黑夜睡着了,白天就醒了。美妙的一天又悄悄地来临了,让我们伸出双手迎接它吧!睡了,醒了$江苏省无锡市惠山区阳山镇陆区中心小学六(3)班@黄佳 $江苏省无锡市惠山区阳山镇陆区中心小学六(3)班@顾丽萍  相似文献   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic traces its origins back through the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to several private learned societies, one of which was founded in the Eighteenth Century, that eventually received royal (Habsburg) charters. The Academy as it exists today has been affected by the same processes of transition as the rest of Czech society. The Academy and its various institutes are subject to periodic evaluation. It must now share responsibility for research in the Czech Republic with other state organs, particularly the universities.  相似文献   

Since achieving independence in 1991, the Republic of Latvia has taken radical measures to reform its system of science on a western model. The funding system has been overhauled, the Academy of Sciences, that used to be a kind of Ministry of Science, has become an academy of the classical type, and the advanced degrees of scientists inherited from the USSR‐era have been nostrificated. The big problem has been that of enacting the decision made to integrate the former institutes that were subordinated to the Latvian Academy of Sciences into the university system. The process has been resisted by university teachers who do not want to do research and by institute scientists who do not want to teach students, particularly undergraduate students. The article describes several measures that have been taken to deal with this problem which still remains unresolved.  相似文献   

The work and the prospects of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences are described. The Academy, like other institutions in Belarus, has suffered greatly since the period of transition began in 1990. The Academy and its constituent institutes are struggling to continue providing their traditional leadership in regard to basic and applied research in all disciplines. In some areas, particularly in the hard sciences, Belarussian researchers continue to chalk up internationally recognized successes; however, the size of the research staff in the republic has declined by 50 per cent since 1990, and there is difficulty in recruiting new blood. The basic problem is one of finance; however, the Academy is trying to tap several sources of funding including the government. It is also taking steps to influence the training of young scientists and academics and to forge links with the Academies of other countries. At all costs, Belarus must not lose its scientific potential.  相似文献   

语境有多种功能:从语言表现一般意义的特点看,有生成和解释的功能;从语言表现深层意义的特点看,有暗示和引导的功能;从语言表现多重意义的特点看,有创造和过滤的功能;从语言与语用主体相关性的特点看,有协调和转化的功能;从语言使用的精简与表义的非对称的特点看,有省略和补充的功能。  相似文献   

<正> Chaotic motion refers to complicated orbits in dynamical systems.It occurs even in deterministic system governed by simple differential equations and its present has been experimentally verified for many system in several disciplines.In this paper we discuss some of mathematical understanding of chaos.  相似文献   

本文对量子力学中的波粒二象性、测不准关系以及测量理论的实质作了详细的分析,并针对现有量子理论所存在的问题,提出了一些新的观点.  相似文献   

Intermittently during the past several decades and more urgently in recent months and years, federations in various communities have been asked to begin to consider the matter of subsidies to congregational schools. In some communities advocates of congregational education strongly favor and even insist upon communal financing; in others the idea has not yet found strong support.  相似文献   

随着社会进步和时代变迁,观众对电视新闻的消费观念也发生了很大变化,电视新闻的服务功能和娱乐功能更加凸显。从讲故事、抓细节等方面,在电视新闻与古今中外其他艺术样式的同质构建和比较研究中,对电视新闻的表达进行探析。  相似文献   

During several of the sessions of the Council of Jewish Education at the annual Conference of Jewish Communal Service held in Baltimore, June 2–5, 1985, the critical relationships of the central agency for Jewish education were examined. The symposium that follows represents three of the papers delivered at the conference with an introduction by Dr. Elliot Schwartz, who coordinated the CJE sessions.  相似文献   

关于内蒙古旅游发展研究的初步思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内蒙古是我国旅游资源较丰富的省份 ,然而旅游事业与全国的发展水平有着相当大的差距。制约旅游发展的因素很多 ,对旅游发展的研究均起到至关重要的作用。为此 ,须基于资源状况准确把握市场定位 ,把握产品形象 ,策划旅游项目 ,通过加强对旅游发展的研究 ,推动内蒙古旅游事业的发展。  相似文献   

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