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在高职院校思想政治理论课教学中,由于学生是逻辑思维的弱势群体,更要注重研究感性认识和理性认识及其相互关系,以取得良好的教学效果。合理运用以视频、图片和数据等资料为主要内容的感性材料,是刺激学生感觉、知觉,引起学生理论兴趣的有效手段;合理调动学生“记忆库存”,是运用感性材料最经济的手段;在对理论进行逻辑推演的过程中,即在建立概念、进行判断和推理时,应该对感性材料反复使用,使感性和理性很好地融合起来,同时也应讲究逻辑推演的技巧。所有一切努力,都是为了增强理论的说服力。  相似文献   

创新高职院校思想政治课实践教学,需更新观念,遵循教育与教学并重的原则,创建教育管理学分制,使思想政治理论课教师参与策划、组织、指导学生社会实践活动,将社会实践活动结果纳入思想政治教育课考核范围。  相似文献   

The financial problems of colleges under 1,000 in enrollment cannot be blamed entirely on a set of minimum, or fixed, costs that colleges of any size must bear. Enrollment fluctuations and lower tuitions also contribute to financial difficulties. In the past, colleges have used growth not so much to capitalize on economies of scale as to provide evidence of success to their constituents. As a result, the ranks of small colleges remain populated with those institutions experiencing financial difficulty, while more successful institutions have attained a larger size. However, in an era of limited growth potential, small colleges must not look to growth as a symbol of success. Success will be better equated with the continuation of quality academic programs in a closely knit community.  相似文献   

为适应现代化发展对高素质人才的需求,思想政治课应该在深化教育教学改革中,构建全新的内容体系与教学方法。要开发课堂整体资源,实践新的教学方法,开创一套有利于完善学生思维方式,转变传统认知理念,提高学生整体素质的全新教学模式。  相似文献   

当今世界人才竞争的核心是人的素质的竞争,而人的素质中思想政治素质是最重要的素质,政治素质在日常生活中则表现为时政素养。大学生的政治素质是在整个大学的学习过程中逐渐形成的,这个过程中思想政治课在大学生的思想政治素质培养过程中是一个非常的关键环节。政治素质主要解决大学生的政治立场、观点、态度、信念等问题,而大学生的时政素养就是指大学生对国内外时事政治的关注兴趣、理解能力、分析能力以及对时政事件的成因和影响的判断能力的总体表现。  相似文献   

Policies aimed at both reducing the costs associated with schooling (particularly through fee-free education) and decentralising responsibility for education delivery have become a central part of international education doctrine. This article draws on the ‘politics of scale’ literature to highlight how these education reforms are contested at different scales, in turn leading to uneven administrative and material outcomes. It examines education policy reforms in Papua New Guinea, which have – contra international trends – sidelined non-state actors and strengthened the state’s role in managing education services. National fee-free education policy has been contested at different administrative scales. Church administrators have rallied (without much success) at national directives; subnational administrators and politicians have had greater success, rolling back some aspects of national policy; while local-level schools have employed their own tactics to resist national fee-free education policy. In turn, this case study highlights how fee-free educational policy shapes and is shaped by conflict at multiple administrative scales. The article’s findings have implications for debates about the relationship between fee-free education and decentralisation policies.  相似文献   

国家对职业教育的重视程度也达到空前的关注,近年来,随着政法类高职院校教师的不断扩充,教师队伍的日益壮大,而其中部分老师在师德方面也存在着不少问题,应当引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

日臻成熟的多媒体技术,为计算机辅助教学(CAI)注入了新的活力,成为近年来教学方法手段改革中的一个热点和亮点。但是,非理性地应用多媒体技术,不仅难以发挥其积极作用,更可能在一定程度上产生负面效应。本文主要针对高校政治理论教学,探讨多媒体技术的合理运用,反思当前多媒体技术应用中存在的主要同题及其症结。并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课作为传播党的指导思想和国家意识形态的主阵地,担负着提高大学生思想政治素质和培养大学生世界观、人生观、价值观的重任。当前高校思想政治理论课教学过程存在一些不足之处,影响思想政治理论课的实效性。该文以实践教学的创新为切入点,分析教学过程的3个要素,即教师、学生和教学内容的发展,探索高校思想政治理论教学过程改革创新,力求解决教学过程中的难题。  相似文献   

针对高校大型仪器设备管理中存在开放共享力度不够、使用率较低的问题,通过对大型仪器设备购置、日常运行与维护管理、实验技术队伍建设等方面调研,提出了设立大型仪器设备公共实验平台、运行基金和使用效益奖等措施,以提高大型仪器设备使用率,发挥大型仪器设备的最大效益。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济实力的增强,高校在科研领域的作用日益显现,大量投资转向高校,高校科研实力大大增强,大型仪器设备明显增多。如何有效管理好大型仪器设备是我们多年来一直在探索的一个重要问题。对大型设备使用进行绩效评价,引入激励机制,使其在高校科研工作中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

实验技术队伍是高校实验教学和科研条件平台的核心力量,在总体资源有限的条件下怎样合理地规划实验技术队伍规模一直是一个重要的问题。该文采用负荷模型,分别研究了实验教学中心和科研条件平台实验技术队伍规模的主要影响因素,采用多元线性回归分析方法得到了队伍规模估计模型。  相似文献   

高校大型仪器设备开放共享机制的建立与措施   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
该文从购置、管理、队伍、开放共享等方面分析了高校大型仪器设备的管理与使用中存在的问题,就高校大型仪器设备开放、共享机制的建立与管理措施,从集中管理、有偿使用、对社会开放、管理队伍建设、强化部门管理等角度进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

随着云南建设中国向西南开放桥头堡的不断深入,国际化人才的需求量越来越大,对教育对外开放的要求也愈加迫切。边境地区高校本文将以云南省边境少数民族地区高校——滇西科技师范学院留学生教育的发展为例,探索扩大边疆学生留学生规模措施。  相似文献   

None of the community colleges in this study responded with a text message, as requested in the prospective student’s inquiry. Only 1.38% (n = 3) of the institutions responded to the inquiry with a telephone call. This research realized a slightly higher rate of e-mail response within five working days; 54.98% (n = 116) as opposed to the 2009 results of 50.5% (n = 110) in Shadinger’s (2014) study. More community colleges (n = 12, 5.5%) also had e-mail addresses or information request forms (n = 182, 83.5%) than in the original study (n = 170, 78.0%). Nearly 100% of community college websites had social media links, even when an e-mail address or information request form was not available. In an expansion of previous statements about communication, Noel-Levitz (2014a) reported prospective students were “more likely to consider schools that use e-mail, text messages or social media to communicate” (p. 4). Concurrently, the underutilization of e-mail, social media, and cell phones will simply exacerbate communication and recruiting issues for community colleges.  相似文献   

This article discusses an educational outreach project conducted during 1974 and 1975 by University for Man (UFM), a free university based in Manhattan, Kansas, that offers educational programs not only to the KSU/Manhattan community but to other areas of the state as well. The major objective of the project, supported by the Kansas Committee for the Humanities, was to serve adult educational needs with programs examining public issues through a humanistic perspective. Programs were organized in series of weekly town hall meetings that featured several speakers on a particular issue, including an academic humanist. The mechanics of organizing such a program are reviewed, the program's results are briefly summarized, and the implications of such programs are considered. Major implications include (1) the offering of new perspectives on public policy issues to the adult public, (2) the design of new roles for professional humanists, (3) the rejuventation of participatory democracy, and (4) the movement toward permanent programs of community education in small rural communities.They directed the UFM project reported here, which was supported by the Kansas Committee for the Humanities project grant FY-73-74-36. The contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of that committee.  相似文献   

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