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自《萨拉曼卡宣言》首次提出“全纳教育”一词以来,世界各国相继引入全纳教育理念并开展全纳教育实践。如何提升全纳教育教师培养质量,以推动全纳教育优质发展,也是近年来各国持续关注的话题。英国为促进全纳教育高质量发展,在全纳教育提出之初就加强了全纳教育教师的培养,这一举措的落实既在于国际组织的大力推动,也是提升教师全纳教育素养的内在需要。英国通过颁布相关教育政策与法律法规、基于大学教育学院的培养方式、制定全纳教师专业标准、充实全纳教师培养资源等,为造就高质量的全纳教育教师提供制度保障。尽管在培养过程中面临着一些挑战,但英国全纳教育教师培养的理念与实践颇有特色,为英国全纳教育事业的发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

实施全纳教育已经成为全球教育未来的发展趋势,而兼顾教育公平与质量是实施全纳教育过程中面临的巨大挑战.芬兰全纳教育的成功显示:同时实现公平与质量这两个目标是可能的.本文探究了芬兰全纳教育的发展历程与运行机制,提出芬兰全纳教育的成功依靠三方面因素:渐进的改革方式;完备的教育服务体系;高度分权的教育管理模式.  相似文献   

美国全纳教育的发展、实施策略及问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
美国全纳教育经历了30年的发展,从最初的一种教育理念发展为波及全美中小学的教育改革运动。全纳教育取得的成功使其成为当代美国基础教育改革的重要成果和标志之一。回顾美国全纳教育的兴起与发展、分析美国全纳教育的实施策略及其存在的问题对我国当前的基础教育改革具有特殊的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在普通高等院校针对特殊学生(残疾人)推行全纳教育是实现教育公平的重要途径.英国政府对全纳教育的重视与大力支持成为其高等特殊教育进行全纳实践的有力保障,其全纳教育发展处于世界领先水平.通过比较分析中英在高等特殊教育全纳实践的背景以及师资培训、教师能力、培养成效等方面,发现中英存在较大差距.英国高校有效地贯彻全纳教育实践,保证了残疾大学生能顺利就业.尤其是英国特教师资的培养目标、培养模式及课程设置对于我国全纳教育实践的发展具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

南非是一个有着多元文化的国家。在世界教育民主化的进程中,南非积极地宣传和推广全纳教育理念,进行了全国范围的全纳教育实践,并取得了丰硕的成果。文章基于南非全纳教育的理念,分析了南非全纳教育发展过程中的实施策略、存在的问题及其面临的挑战。  相似文献   

全纳教育自1994年在西班牙召开的世界特殊教育大会上首次提出后,澳大利亚响应这一号召,经历了数十年的发展,致力于促进全澳大利亚人对全纳教育的认同和构建一个和谐的全纳氛围。在全纳教育的实践与发展过程中,澳大利亚坚持了自己的教育理念,对全纳教育有自己独特的见解,形成了其独有的特色。同时也存在一定的问题,面对这些问题,澳大利亚提出了相应的对策,对中国全纳教育的发展有着一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

全纳教育为特殊儿童创造了更好的教育环境支持.苏格兰全纳教育通过制定和革新教育法律指导全纳教育发展走向,并结合课程改革和资源支持平台建设,全面推动全纳教育改革.尽管苏格兰全纳教育已经建立起比较完善的发展模式和培养体系,但也面临着"额外教育需求"的认知困惑、缺乏持续的政策保障和监督以及缺失多方机构合作机制三方面挑战.通过分...  相似文献   

曼彻斯特全纳标准对我国全纳教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
全纳教育自从上世纪90年代第一次正式提出以来就成为了国际教育研究的热点.我国全纳教育的研究还处于初步阶段,英国是当今世界上全纳教育发展较快的国家之一,所以了解英国曼彻斯特全纳标准对我们的实际工作有很重要的意义.本文通过引入和分析英国曼彻斯特大学编写的最新版指导全纳学校的全纳标准,结合我国全纳教育发展现状,总结了对我国全纳教育的启示.  相似文献   

成尚荣 《江苏教育》2013,(10):40-42
一、苏派教育研究对悦纳教育的期待 江苏省灌南县实验小学一直致力于悦纳教育的实践与研究。悦纳教育成为灌南实小的教育主张和文化符号,引领着学校向更高品位发展,引领着学生在悦纳教育中主动地、生动活泼地发展,已让我们触摸到它脉搏的跳动。灌南实小的这一实践与研究应当引起大家的关注。  相似文献   

目前,构建科学有效的远程开放教育管理体系已成为高效开展成人教育、构建终身学习型社会的核心与灵魂,并为实现全纳教育开辟出切实可行而开阔的实践路径。鉴于远程开放教育的特殊性及成人远程教育发展中的种种缺陷与不足,优化成人远程开放教育管理体系已经不可拖延,其优化的核心在于通过网络学习的技术手段为所有学习者提供全部学习支持,为不同学习者提供个性化学习支持,并通过管理平台及制度建设为这种学习支持提供保障,从而提高现代成人远程开放教育的质量和水平,推动全纳教育及全纳社会的实现。  相似文献   

韩国在较短的时间内实现了经济的起飞,创造了举世瞩目的“汉江奇迹”,这与韩国在发展过程中强调教育与经济协调发展、并根据经济的发展适时调整高等教育的策略是密不可分的。通过探索韩国经济起飞时期的高等教育,以期为我国当前的教育改革提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

This article examines the development of South Korean special education policy and suggests that different strategies of policy diffusion influenced the design of the policy at different times. Historically, South Korea relied on external pressures and influences, particularly US law and UN guidelines, to develop much of its human rights law, including special education. This article suggests that development of democratic infrastructure in South Korea led to improvements in the legislative development process in relation to current special education law, and this led to legislation that better identifies and addresses the needs of children with disabilities.  相似文献   


Global citizenship education (GCE) positions itself on the global arena as a transformative social justice oriented educational curriculum that addresses the political, social, economic and cultural inequalities brought about through colonisation and neoliberalism on the global and local levels. Through an exploration of the discourse, design and delivery of GCE in the young nation-state of South Korea, we argue that, in fact, GCE reinforces and maintains the hegemonic ideals of global capitalism; core-periphery global and local relationships; and dichotomous views of poverty and inequalities. We argue that these approaches reflect South Korea’s geopolitical realities, but that attitudes towards GCE in South Korea also reflect its cultural norms and values towards working together towards a common good. Ultimately, we call for a more nuanced approach to GCE scholarship in which we move away from theoretical divisions to practical applications of social justice that work within increasingly capitalist/neoliberal interests for a more inclusive world.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine current status, issues, and visions of higher education reform in Korea by focusing on ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21). ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21), is a major higher education reform project initiated by the South Korean government to prepare Korean human resources for the 21st century. ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21) aims at fostering world-class graduate schools and high quality scholars by providing funds to higher education institutions. In this paper, societal, economic and educational changes which led to the initiation of BK 21 and its implementation processes are described first. Then, some resistance and controversies against BK 21 are discussed. Major achievements of BK 21 are highlighted and future directions of higher education reform in South Korea are addressed.  相似文献   

Adult education in South Korea has been faced with rapid change under globalization since the 1990s. This article tries to describe the current situation of South Korean adult education and to point out emerging problems. Many problems experienced in South Korea are appearing in other countries, as some of them have been caused by globalization. Therefore, international co-operation is required to resolve those problems and deal with the future of adult education.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, South Korea has made remarkable achievements in education despite many obstacles. Education, in turn, has played an important role in Korea??s achieving both economic development and political democracy. This article examines how South Korea expanded access to education and improved its quality. The article also identifies several tasks Korean education faces in the context of the new challenges of globalization and social polarization, and some of the broader policy implications that the Korean model of educational development has beyond South Korea.  相似文献   

重视中小学科学教育是韩国实施科技立国和教育立国两大发展战略的重要举措之一,为保证中小学科学教育顺利进行,韩国通过立法、建立专门管理机构、更新科学教育目标和内容、加强教科书建设、提升教师素质、多方筹集教育经费、校内教育和校外教育相结合等多种措施为中小学科学教育提供保障。韩国中小学科学教育经验,对改进和完善我国中小学科学教育具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

何慧芳 《教育与考试》2011,(2):43-46,80
韩国的科举制度萌芽于新罗时期,确立于高丽958年,在朝鲜时期得到进一步的发展和完善,于1894年甲午更张时期被废除,在韩国共存在了936年。科举制度成为韩国封建制度必不可少的一部分,对韩国文化产生了积极影响,它丰富了韩国的政治文化,推动了儒学在韩国的传播,并促进了韩国教育的发展。  相似文献   

Complex cultural and historical forces are often neglected when the development of inclusive education in international comparative research projects are discussed. The purpose of this study was to analyse teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education by examining the ways in which cultural-historical factors in South Africa and Finland may impact on teachers’ attitudes. Data collection methods included the analysis of education policy documents and other relevant documents in countries, an open-ended question on teachers’ own definition of inclusive education and the results of the initial study on teachers’ attitudes to and concerns about inclusive education. A sample of 310 South African and 833 Finnish primary and secondary education teachers in mainstream and special education settings took part. An analysis of the data within a cultural-historical framework indicated that each country’s historical commitment to inclusive education and its attendant legacies about diversity in education have clearly mediated teachers’ views in both countries. As a result, we have been able to develop a deeper understanding of the complex local conditions, and the similarities and differences across national contexts in which inclusive education is implemented that could benefit both countries.  相似文献   

为保持全球化时代的韩国国际竞争力,韩国投入巨资实施了"韩国英语教学项目"(1995年—至今)、"韩国教学和学习项目"(2008年—至今)、"国际英语村项目"(2004年—至今),以国家战略的形式将大量外籍英语教师引入到韩国,配置在全国各地的中小学和国际英语村里。与此同时,韩国还不断对中小学的《英语课程标准》进行修订,并开发出了"国家英语能力测试"(2008年),将英语听、说的检测纳入其中。韩国采取的一系列"以交际为导向"的国家行动,对中国当前制定国家战略改善国民英语听说水平,增强中国在全球化时代的国际竞争力具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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