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平时作业设计是开放教育教学过程中的一个重要环节,是完善教学信息反馈系统的重要组成部分。要提高对平时作业设计工作的认识,使平时作业设计的设计理念、设计思路都能遵循人才培养模式改革和教育试点的要求进行思考和探索。本文就平时作业设计中的有关问题进行了分析和阐述,强调要对平时作业设计质量进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

America now possesses not only the largest and fastest-growing population of older adults in our history but also the healthiest, most vigorous, best educated and civic-minded. By the year 2025, one of every four Americans will be a grandparent. However, the real potential is not in the numbers, but in the emotional attachment between grandparents and their grandchildren. Their devotion to their grandchildren, in addition to the wisdom and skills learned over a lifetime, may well be the greatest social capital children and parents have in their battle against the “sacred cow” that is homework.  相似文献   

以往对家庭作业的研究总是纠缠于作业多少的问题,这样的视角掩盖的问题甚至比发现的问题还要多.因此对家庭作业的研究需要有新的视角.从伦理关系来看,家庭、学校、社区(社会)是不同的伦理实体,各有功能,不能互相替代.研究家庭作业首先就要看其是否符合三种基本伦理实体之间的伦理关系.家庭作业有这样那样的前提与价值预设,研究家庭作业,就要审视这些预设是否有依据以及是否得到了落实.当然,研究家庭作业最重要的是看家庭作业施行的伦理后果.家庭作业的普遍、长久施行,使家庭变成了"附属学校";使家长变成了"助教";使学生变成了没有下班时间的"上班族";使学校没有边界、责任没有尽头;使社区变成了"学区"、社会学校化.家庭作业所带来的问题不容回避,需要理性、诚实面对,以超越数量、负担的视角去寻找解决之道.  相似文献   

The study compared preferred homework styles of Chinese students-who were characterized by (a) high vs low self-perceived homework achievement and attitude; (b) high vs low teacher-rated homework completion and quality; and (c) high vs low academic achievement in mathematics-and examined gender differences of homework styles in these students. The participants were 329 5th graders (172 boys and 157 girls) and 244 7th graders (130 boys and 114 girls). More distinguishing homework style elements were found with the self-perceived homework achievement and attitude levels than in the teacher-rated achievement levels. Neither gender differences nor gender-achievement interaction effects were indicated. As expected, the motivational elements distinguished the high/low levels of all types of achievement and attitude towards homework. While high teacher-rated achievement was more closely associated with high scores of the teacher-motivated element, the self-perception of work accomplishment at home was more positive in those students who were highly motivated by parents as well as teachers. A number of environmental and organisational elements also distinguished the high from low achievers. The importance of the teacher and parent role in student achievement was discussed.  相似文献   

The article reviews research on parental involvement in student homework. It is focused on understanding: why parents become involved in their children's homework; which activities and strategies they employ in the course of involvement; how their homework involvement influences student outcomes; and which student outcomes are influenced by parents' involvement. Findings suggest that parents involve themselves in student homework because they believe that they should be involved, believe that their involvement will make a positive difference, and perceive that their children or children's teachers want their involvement. Parents' involvement activities take many forms, from establishing structures for homework performance to teaching for understanding and developing student learning strategies. Operating largely through modeling, reinforcement, and instruction, parents' homework involvement appears to influence student success insofar as it supports student attributes related to achievement (e.g., attitudes about homework, perceptions of personal competence, self-regulatory skills). Recommendations for research focused on the processes and outcomes of parents' homework involvement are offered, as are suggestions for school practices to enhance the effectiveness of parental involvement in homework.  相似文献   

提高作业有效性已经成为当前课程改革的重要课题之一。在教学过程中,教师要依据新课程标准,精心设计和布置作业,提高作业质量,改进作业批改,强化矫正反馈,提高作业的有效性。  相似文献   

邹缪 《新高考》2013,(11):4-4
2013年暑期是新一轮大范围“减负”后的第一个“悠长假期”。为了让广大中小学生度过一个轻松的假期,各级教育部门对暑期作业都相当重视,纷纷推出特别规定,要求减少书面作业量。然而,一些家长也发现,学校虽取消或减免了部分书面作业,但孩子要完成的实践性作业却相应增加,且许多需要家长配合完成。对此,一些家长表示“不理解”也“吃不消”,到底暑期作业是该留还是不该留呢?  相似文献   

长期以来,由于认识上的误区和操作上的呆板,使得我们的孩子终日陷入“题海”之中,苦不堪言,逐渐消钝了学生的热情,遏制身心的健康发展。鉴于此,我们认真领会本次课改的核心精神,重新全面认识作业的意义,赋予它新的价值:作业,不仅是巩固知识、进行技能技巧训练的重要手段,更是促进学生发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

过去三十年,不少研究比较了网络家庭作业与传统家庭作业的学习效果,然而研究结果不一。有研究认为二者差异很大,也有研究认为没有什么差异。为了寻找结果不一致的可能原因,本研究对21篇原始文献进行元分析,涉及42个独立样本,样本总量为6894。元分析结果显示,网络家庭作业与传统家庭作业学习效果存在明显差异:以Hedges’s g为效应值指标,合并效应值为0.523,学生作业表现、期末考试成绩、学生自我感觉三方面的差异效应值分别为0.596、0.217、1.497。两种形式家庭作业之间的学习效果差异受区域、测量方法、科目、教师数量的影响。  相似文献   

While homework is a frequent source of distress, positive attitudes of parents can help students develop positive emotions and self-efficacy regarding homework. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that parents' emotions, favored by autonomous motivation, directly and indirectly relate with students' emotions through their self-efficacy with regard to homework. Questionnaires were administered to 205 fourth- to eighth-grade students and their parents to assess both groups' positive and negative emotions, students' self-efficacy with regard to homework, and parents' autonomous motivation. The results supported the hypothesized model: parents' autonomous motivation is associated with parents' positive emotions, which is then associated with students' positive and negative emotions, both directly and through the mediation of students' self-efficacy for doing homework. The discussion focuses on theoretical and educational implications.  相似文献   

Homework: a cross-cultural examination   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Cultural differences in the amount of time spent on homework and in beliefs and attitudes about homework were investigated through interviews with more than 3,500 elementary school children, their mothers, and their teachers. The children lived in 5 cities: Beijing, Chicago, Minneapolis, Sendai (Japan), and Taipei. Chinese children were assigned more homework and spent more time on homework than Japanese children, who in turn were assigned more and spent more time on homework than American children. Chinese children also received more help from family members with their homework than American and Japanese children. Chinese children were found to have more positive attitudes about homework than American children; Japanese children's attitudes were between those of the Chinese and American children. Relations between amount of time spent on homework by children, amount of time parents spent assisting their children with homework, and children's achievement were also explored. The views of both parents and teachers about the value of homework are discussed.  相似文献   

作为一个独立出现的新事物,教育网络游戏的发展必定经历一个由低到高,循序渐进的过程。要促进其顺利发展,现阶段必须充分考虑我国教育的现状,找到实现教育与游戏结合的现实途径。在进一步分析了我国教育的现状和网络游戏的特点之后,本文提出了在教育网络游戏发展的初级阶段,把学生的作业和练习设计成网络游戏是一种可能的比较现实的途径。这样不仅对学生学习成绩的提高有很大的作用,而且可以为学生,教师和家长及游戏生产厂商所接受。  相似文献   

蒋榕君 《文教资料》2006,(6):105-106
本文根据新课标的教学要求,针对目前存在于小学作业中的突出问题,提出了改革小学作业形式的设想与具体措施:层次性、开放性、实践性、创新性、综合性。  相似文献   

畅畅是我的爱书香胜粉味的同类,她虽然只有12岁,却酷爱读书。一天,我收到畅畅妈妈从新加坡寄来的信,托我在回去的时候给畅畅捎两本中文书。这些年,我已养成在机场买书的习惯。因怕有负重托,在临走的前一天晚上,我特地来到了中关村步行街,想  相似文献   

初中英语课外作业设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于初中生而言,家庭作业是他们生活的—部分。它能给学生提供机会.加深对原先那些学习内容的理解.进一步熟练有关技能。但是,在中考压力下,在片面求分数的形势下,在作业方面出现了一系列问题:作业形式单一,作业量大,没有层次,与学生的实际掌握情况脱节。这些问题最终造成课外作业占用了学生太多的时间,给学生造成了很大的压力,甚至出现了厌学情绪。  相似文献   

应试教育的大环境导致学生作业量一直居高不下,进而高负荷的作业量也给学生和老师带来了诸多问题。如何减负增效,体现作业的科学性?从教育实践的数据、传统作业内容的比对及完成方式等要素进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

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