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分析了消费者的消费习惯是如何影响消费决策的,并在此基础上向当代企业如何适应和培养消费习惯提出了几点建议,也对企业如何做出营销决策总结出了系统性的指导思路。只有基于此基础上的营销决策,才能使其发挥吸引消费者、提高企业利润的重要作用。  相似文献   

在我国,女性消费者是市场中最为活跃的主角,在购买活动中起着举足轻重的作用。分析女性消费心理,对促进企业营销具有现实意义。该文以现代年轻女性消费者为研究对象,通过分析其独特的消费心理特征和相关的影响因素,为企业制定有效的营销策略,提供一定的建议。  相似文献   

浅析现代年轻女性消费心理与营销策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘素芹 《大众科技》2007,(12):171-172
在我国,女性消费者是市场中最为活跃的主角,在购买活动中起着举足轻重的作用.分析女性消费心理,对促进企业营销具有现实意义.该文以现代年轻女性消费者为研究对象,通过分析其独特的消费心理特征和相关的影响因素,为企业制定有效的营销策略,提供一定的建议.  相似文献   

杨明喜 《金秋科苑》2009,(8):107-107,109
老年市场、老年消费,被形象地称为“银发市场”,我国已经步入老龄化社会,老年人口的增加必将带动老年消费市场的发展,老年市场将成为我国最有影响力的市场之一。对于那些正在寻找合适资金流向的社会投资者来说,人口老龄化开辟的是一条高回报的投资渠道。老龄产业是一种新型产业,是市场经济条件下人口老龄化的必然要求。它的适时构建和发展,不仅能充分调动各方面的积极性,促进老龄化问题的解决,而且给经济的发展注人生机和活力。  相似文献   

老年市场、老年消费,被形象地称为“银发市场”,我国已经步入老龄化社会,老年人口的增加必将带动老年消费市场的发展,老年市场将成为我国最有影响力的市场之一。对于那些正在寻找合适资金流向的社会投资者来说,人口老龄化开辟的是一条高回报的投资渠道。老龄产业是一种新型产业,是市场经济条件下人口老龄化的必然要求。它的适时构建和发展,不仅能充分调动各方面的积极性,促进老龄化问题的解决,而且给经济的发展注人生机和活力。  相似文献   

对当前零售业的消费群体进行了分类,并根据其消费特点阐述了品牌效应在各类消费群体中的应对措施,并在零售业的营销策略方面提出了见解。  相似文献   

随着经济的飞速发展,越来越多的企业开始在互联网上为消费者搭建方便的购物平台与渠道。网络消费以其价格低廉、方便快捷等众多优势深受人们的喜爱,其中当代大学生占了网络消费群体很大的比例。本文主要通过对当代大学生的网络消费心理与行为进行研究,运用4P理论针对这些研究探讨出针对大学生的网络营销策略。  相似文献   

杜力 《世界发明》2003,26(5):33-35
对消费者购买动机的统计和研究,我们最多的只是限于消费者想到何种价值、好处,想表露何种身份,消费者的情感倾向和要遵守某种社会规范(如:环境如何、尊老爱幼),等等。却往往忽略了一个重要的、不易察觉的因  相似文献   

营销业务是房地产市场的重要工作项目,为了提高营销的质量与效果,必须从客户的角度出发,针对客户消费心理制定完善的营销策略,这样才能促进我国房地产行业更好的发展。本文结合北京与银川房地产市场的发展现状,分析了房地产营销中存在的问题,还从客户消费心理的角度,研究了促进房地产营销的策略,希望对相关工作人员有所帮助。  相似文献   

以具有东西部典型代表的广东省和甘肃省为研究对象,通过对消费文化观念各维度进行探索性因子分析和方差分析,提出了东西部地区的消费文化观念的区域差异性特征;结果表明:两地区的消费者在"物质和精神"、"开放与保守"两个维度上表现差异明显。最后,从差异性的消费文化观念出发为企业提出了若干差异化的营销策略。  相似文献   

针对属性值为区间数的大量属性决策问题,提出考虑决策者风险偏好和属性约简的熵可靠性决策模型。首先引入风险偏好因子将决策者进行分类,然后提出基于熵可靠性的属性约简方法并提取有效属性,匹配相应的信息熵权重确定方法和排序方法进行方案排序和择优,通过案例分析验证该方法的科学合理性;并通过选取不同的风险偏好因子,对决策对象排序结果进行灵敏度分析。结果表明随着决策者风险偏好程度的增加,决策属性保留个数递减;最后经算法对比表明该算法考虑决策信息的可靠性,减少信息损失且计算简便。  相似文献   

时序多指标决策的一种新方法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
樊治  王欣荣 《预测》2000,19(4):49-50,45
针对时序多指标决策(或评价)问题,提出了一种新的分析方法。由该方法所得出的方案排序结果,不仅考虑了各指标的好坏程度,而且还考虑了各指标的增长程度。  相似文献   

陈萍  张莉华 《科技通报》2012,28(7):113-117
函数P-集合由函数内P-集合(function internal packet set)和函数外P-集合(function outerpacket set)构成。函数P-集合具有规律特征、动态性。利用函数P-集合的结构,给出函数P-集合的规律生成,给出P-规律的属性扰动定理,给出P-规律安全定理。利用这些结果,给出函数P-集合属性依赖的应用。  相似文献   

空间考古学是新考古学的一个分支,其研究对象是地球表层包含人类活动遗存与生活环境的人文-自然综合体,研究方法是空间信息技术在对这个复杂研究对象的应用研究中,有关考古信息获取、解释与重构的一个创新性过程,并通过建立"数字文化遗产圈"(Digital Cultural-heritage Sphere)实现三维动态的虚拟重建。在总结第487次香山科学会议"文化遗产空间观测与认知"研讨基础上,提出空间考古学6方面的重要研究内容:(1)遗址无损探测技术与方法研究;(2)空间信息技术与文化遗产保护和监测研究;(3)考古遗址环境的数字化重建研究;(4)文化遗产空间数据存储与挖掘研究;(5)虚拟考古、虚拟再现与公众展示系统;(6)"数字文化遗产圈"(Digital Cultural-heritage Sphere)科学平台建设。对中国建设空间考古学的5项建议:(1)充分融合考古文博领域和空间技术领域的优势,推进空间信息技术在文化遗产中的应用发展;(2)从学科体系看,当前空间技术在文化遗产的研究方面需要总体性布局;(3)对大型文化遗产亟需从全局高度开展"理论-技术-应用"的一体化攻关研究,获得对遗产本质的、整体的科学认知;(4)包含文化遗产信息的空间探测理论与方法、技术组合、技术适用性,以及自然与人类活动对遗产影响的评估与虚拟重建等重大科学问题需要抓紧规划落实;(5)加强空间考古学学科内涵与理论建设研究,利用我国文化遗产大国和空间技术的优势,创新"空间考古学"学科体系,抢占该领域的国际制高点。  相似文献   

   Tangtsinia* S. C. Chen, a monotypic genus, is discovered in southeastern Szechuan in China.  It possesses a rather ordinary monocotyledonous habit, namely with a short rhizome, non-thickend annual stem with scattered, spiral-arranged leaves and a terminal inflorescence.  Its habit somewhat similar to that of some very  primitive  genera,  viz. Apostasia, Tropidia, Cephalanthera and Selenipedilum, is  of much  morphological and phylogenetic interest.      The primitive and significant floral features consist chiefly in the erect, hardly twisted flower with nearly regular perianth and a unilocular ovary, in the column composed of a terminal stigma and five small projections, in an erect anther with four naked pollinia, and in the absence of the rostellum.  Of special interest is the occurrence of five small projections in the upper part of the column, and this is, however, a unique instance in the family, including the Apostasieae.  Among the five projections three are larger and opposite to the petals respectively.  Of these the two lateral ones bear a strong resem- blance in texture to the two auricles in the Orchideae and some members of the Limo- dorinae, which P. Vermeulen considered not as staminodia, but as appendages of the single fertile stamen as usually seen in Allium.  In the case of Tangtsinia, there exists the third projection which, being situated in the front of the column and thus opposite to the median petal  (lip), shows no difference both in appearance and texture from the other two.  These three projections are at equal distance  around  the  terminal  stigma.   In view of these facts they can be no other organ than staminodia, representing the three stamens of the inner whorl. And the other two smaller projections are also staminodia which together with the single fertile stamen represent the outer whorl of three stamens. Now it is safe to say that the two auricles existing in Cephalanthera, Epipactis and the Orchideae are, in fact, also staminodia, representing the two lateral stamens of the in- ner whorl.  In consequence, there is fairly good reason to believe that the column in Orchidaceae has developed from the union of six stamens and a central style, and this is in agreement with the conclusion drawn by Swamy from vascular anatomy of orchid flowers.  Furthermore it is also an interesting fact that the pollen grains in this genus, like those of Cephalanthera, Pogonia (sensu stricto), Aphyllorchis and some species of the Vanillinae, are single, while in the vast majority of the Orchidoideae they are united into tetrads.  This feature, as well as the texture of pollen grains, is of considerable significance in the classification and phylogeny of Orchidaceae.      On the basis of its morphological characters mentioned above, the present genus is evidently one of the most primitive types in the  subfamily  Orchidoideae.   It bears a strong resemblance both in habit and floral features to Cephalanthera, especially C. falcata (Thunb.) Bl. The relationship between these two genera is apparently much closer to each other than to any of other existing primitive orchids.  In addition, the similarity in some of significant floral characters between Tangtsinia and the saprophytic Aphyllorchis, especi- ally in the nearly regular perianth and a subterminal stigma  of  A. simplex  Tang  et Wang, indicates their close relationship.  It is  quite possible  that  Cephalanthera  and Aphyllorchis are derived from Tangtsinia or Tangtsinia-like  ancestor.  Thus, Tangtsinia is here placed as the most primitive genus in the  Limodorinae.  Furthermore  this  new genus likewise shows more or less close affinity to Neottia, probably through N. gaudis- sarti Hand.-Mzt., in which the flowers consist of nearly regular perianth and a very primitive column with a terminal stigma and without the rostellum.  On the other hand, in comparing Tangtsinia with the Apostasieae, there occurs also some similarity, but a closer investigation of their ovaries, perianthes, stigmas and some other features indicates that there is little evidence of close or direct relationship  between these  two  taxa, al- though both are the ancestral types in this large family. The probable relationships be- tween Tangtsinia and its allies may be diagrammed as follows:      With regard to the pollination, Tangiorchis is found to be self-pollinated. In the great majority of cases, its flowers do not open at all, and none of which has been seen to be visited by any insects.  It is interesting to note that in almost all nearly faded flowers examined by the writer the bases of the pollinia together with the base of the anther have become attached to the stigma of the same flower,  and  thus  self-pollination has taken place.  This type of pollination might be comparable with that of Cephalanthera dama- sonia Druce.      Finally the writer should say something about its geographical distribution. This mo- notypic genus is confined to Gin-fu-shan (Mt. Gin-fu) and its adjacent region in Nan- chuan District of southeastern Szechuan, where it occurs at scattered points within an area of no more than 250 square km. at an altitude between 700-2100 m. In view of its mor- phology, pollination and geographical distribution, Tangtsinia might be an ancestral relic of the family Orchidaceae and would give a possible clue as to the origin of this complicatedfamily.  相似文献   

在美国亚太“再平衡”战略框架下,奥巴马政府逐步完成了对亚太经济战略的部署。在积极参与亚太地区原有的经济合作机制外,美国将跨太平洋伙伴关系等包含高环境与监管标准的贸易协定摆在首要位置,积极构建本国环境贸易发展战略。美国加强对亚太经济战略调整的动因可概括为三方面:守成大国对新兴大国的遏制、拓展美国环境产品与服务的亚太市场、在国际贸易监管竞争中争夺贸易规则制定的主导权,以期实现美国主导亚太地区经济制度的根本目标。  相似文献   

将智力资本划分为人力资本,结构资本和关系资本3种类型,在对中国电信企业238份有效问卷的基础上开展实证研究并发现:结构资本与技术领先战略正相关,人力资本和关系资本与技术领先战略的正相关效应不显著;人力资本、结构资本和关系资本都与开放式创新战略正相关;技术领先战略和开放式创新战略均正向影响战略绩效和财务绩效;技术领先战略与开放式创新战略对智力资本和企业绩效的中介效应存在。  相似文献   

在西方道德哲学史上,占统治地位的道德论证方法一直是某种形式的基础主义。与之相对,在真理论的融贯论启发下,罗尔斯提出了道德规范论证的一种新的合理性标准,即融贯论标准,并实践了一种新的规范证明方法:反思平衡方法。反思平衡方法试图为深陷困境的西方道德哲学寻找一条摆脱危局的思路。它激发了二十世纪后期西方道德哲学的繁荣局面。但是这一方法很难成为主流,这是因为,基础主义作为西方哲学和文化的传统,仍然很牢固,同时它本身也存在诸多问题。  相似文献   

信息价值链:内涵、模型、增值机制与策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信息化的目标是实现价值的增值,而实现这一目标的核心是信息价值链的构造.本文界定了信息价值链的内涵,构建了信息价值链的模型,并分析了信息价值链的增值机制和增值策略.  相似文献   

曹勇  黄颖 《情报杂志》2012,(1):25-30
全球范围内专利钓饵的大量出现及其经营合法化为企业敲响了警钟。在梳理相关文献的基础上,探讨了专利钓饵的分布特点,揭示了专利钓饵的诉讼战略,并指出近期专利钓饵的发展呈现出公司规模大型化、钓饵业务专利池化以及经营方式协作化的三大新趋势,旨在为我国企业避免专利钓饵的诉讼风险、应对诉讼袭击提供有针对性的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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