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This article presents a synthesis of reports and research on K-12 blended teaching competencies compared with K-12 online teaching competencies. The skills needed to teach in online and blended environments are distinct from traditional teaching, but teacher education programs often do not equip preservice teachers for the new modes of instruction. Additionally, there is a dearth of research on blended teaching competencies. This review synthesizes 8 blended teaching documents and 10 online teaching documents. Seven global themes identified in both competency domains are (1) pedagogy, (2) management, (3) assessment, (4) technology, (5) instructional design, (6) dispositions, and (7) improvement. The top 20 blended teaching skills include flexibility and personalization, mastery-based learning, data usage and interpretation, learning management system usage, online discussion facilitation, and software management. The authors recommend that researchers collect more methodologically transparent data about blended teaching and that teacher education programs include the identified skills in curriculum.  相似文献   

As universities seek to bolster enrollment through distance education, faculty are tasked with maintaining comparable teaching/learning standards in traditional, blended, and online courses. Research has shown that there is an achievement gap between students taking courses exclusively offered online versus those enrolled in face-to-face classes. In an effort to mitigate these observed differences, the School of Business faculty at the research institution investigated various course models to meet the needs of a diverse, non-traditional, and multifaceted student population. Ultimately, a blended course model for statistics and quantitative method courses was developed that allowed students to choose between online, remote (via interactive television), and traditional course delivery modes each week. This model is more flexible and agile than existing blended courses that have more static components. Multiple regression analysis, χ2, and t-tests are used to demonstrate the efficacy of our model in maintaining student performance standards.  相似文献   

In developing the Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ) to address the need for an instrument measuring self-regulation in the online learning environment, this study provides evidence toward the reliability and validity of the instrument. Data were collected from two samples of students. The first sample of students took coursework using an online course format while a second sample of students took coursework delivered via a blended or hybrid course format. Cronbach alpha (α) and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to assess the psychometric properties of the OSLQ across both samples of students. Results indicate the OSLQ is an acceptable measure of self-regulation in the online and blended learning environments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a three-way comparison of face-to-face, online, and blended teaching modalities in an undergraduate Child Development course to determine if there were differences in student academic outcomes and course satisfaction across modalities. Student academic outcomes were measured by three examinations, one research paper assignment, and the overall course total grade. Course satisfaction was measured by administering the Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) across the three teaching modalities and the Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) to online and blended modalities. Results indicated that students performed equally well on all three examinations, research paper, and the overall course total grade across three teaching modalities, allaying traditional reservations about online and blended teaching efficacy. The SOQ and COLLES analysis found students from the three modalities were equally satisfied with their learning experiences. A Two-Factor Model identifying Face-to-Face Interaction and Learn on Demand (Flexibility) as factors determining student academic outcomes was proposed. Implications, limitations, and future research direction were discussed.  相似文献   

英语课堂的教学方法形式多样,不胜枚举。而基于高职院校学生的英语学习学情,尝试混合教学模式的应用具有重要意义。混合教学模式就是要把传统的教学模式的优势和信息化教学模式的优势结合起来,既要发挥教师引导、启发、监控教学过程的主导作用。又要充分体现学生作为学习过程主体的主动性、积极性和创造性。只有将二者结合起来,优势互补,才能获得最佳的学习效果。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the response of student satisfaction scores to online delivery for courses at a large Australian university. Taking data from 2653 courses delivered since 2011 we employ a difference-in-differences estimator approach to evaluate the impact of a transition from face-to-face learning to online learning of courses on student satisfaction. We estimate that, on a five-point scale, conversion to online learning lowers course satisfaction by about 0.2 points and instructor satisfaction by about 0.15 points. These correspond to shifts relative to the underlying distributions of about 25–30% of a standard deviation. Some implications of the (slight) relative unpopularity of online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

用WebRTC、Canvas、Web Audio等技术设计并实现了一个去中心化的在线教学平台。该平台具有满足现代在线教学的功能,包括白板系统、在线PPT、语音视频通信、桌面共享、在线录制和回放等功能。并且由于教学过程中通信直接在用户的浏览器之间传递,并不需要中心节点的服务器转发,大大降低了系统的负载,提高了系统的健壮性,能够支持大规模的并发教学活动。  相似文献   

This study examines a person-centered approach to self-regulated learning among 606 University students (140 online, and 466 in blended learning mode). Latent profile analysis revealed five distinct profiles of self-regulated learning: minimal regulators, restrained regulators, calm self-reliant capable regulators, anxious capable collaborators, and super regulators. These profiles showed that: (1) differences in academic success are associated with a learner’s capacity for motivational regulation and self-regulated learning strategy implementation, (2) online learners are more likely to belong to profiles that are more adaptive, and less reliant on collaborations with others, (3) for learners at the lower end of the self-regulation spectrum, an increase in both motivational regulation and adoption of self-regulated learning strategies may be academically beneficial, and (4) high motivational regulation and strategy adoption can be all for naught, if the student is also highly anxious with worry and concern regarding performance.  相似文献   

This is a reflexive account of my experiences teaching online and blended doctoral research methodology courses and seminars. Vacillating between skepticism and affirmation, my thoughts mirror the many issues that arise from my daily professional practice and from what I have discovered in my quest to better understand the nature and workings of online and blended education through scholarly discourse. The purpose of sharing my experiences and points of view is to test a set of my truths among the community of experts on the subject. I refer to these truths as evocative discourses – emergent themes at the intersection of theory and practice of online and blended teaching and learning.  相似文献   

混合式教学结合了课堂教学与网络学习的优点,是大学英语教学改革的趋势。本文认为,大学英语混合式教学改革成败的保障在于学生对于新型教学模式的适应情况,因此应该在新生进入高校时对其进行教学模式的介绍,学习策略的引导,同时在教学过程中辅以严格的教学管理规范。  相似文献   

The article documents the creation of and rationale behind best practices to maintain high performance for teaching and learning at an online university. The grassroots involvement of faculty, building on best practice efforts that guided faculty in the past, the effort to engage the full faculty in the review of documents describing best practices that were generated by a team of faculty, and the support for implementation of best practices to maintain high performance for Capella University faculty are described.  相似文献   

Studies on blended education pay little attention to implementation, thus limiting the understanding of how such programs contribute to student math learning. This article examines the implementation of a widely used blended algebra curriculum and the relationship between implementation and student outcomes. The study was conducted in 74 middle schools and 73 high schools in 51 school districts located in seven states. The study included both treatment and control schools. The blended-curriculum combines inquiry-based teaching and learning with technology (math software). The study found that teachers implemented the blended curriculum with low fidelity. Teachers had most difficulty allocating the recommended amount of time for the math lab and content. The study also found that the blended-curriculum teachers in the second year reverted to more traditional approach to instruction and spent less time on inquiry based instruction than in the first year, although they continued to use this approach at a higher level than teachers in the control schools. The study findings suggest that teacher adjustment of instruction in the second year, specifically balancing the amount of traditional instruction with inquiry instruction, in combination to the use of the math software contributed to the performance of the program.  相似文献   

高校传统实验教学中存在很多问题,而实验教学在人才培养中具有十分重要的作用。根据混合式学习模式在教学中的应用效果,分析了混合式学习理论应用到实验教学的技术条件,阐述了在线实验教学的定义与分类,构建混合式实验教学的原则、方法和形式,并举例说明了混合式实验教学在高校中的应用案例。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine teachers' embodiments online. The analysis is based on online ethnographic data from two online courses in higher education settings using different information and communication technologies. The perspective of practice theory and the concepts of being a body, having a body and the instrumental body were used to analyse how teachers step into an embodied presence. The embodied presence depends on both teacher judgements and what the technology offers. The finding adds to the understanding of the concept of teacher presence online, in showing that teacher embodiment occurs online and furthermore that the body could be understood as multiple. The result also shows how online and offline bodies hang together, actualising the offline body in the online setting, which in turn raises questions on the dualism of online and offline. Teachers also deliberately used their embodiments and bodily traces online in order to sustain presence and to bring about certain teaching practices. Their bodily positioning signalled what kind of teaching that would take place. A deliberate positioning of the online body in a virtual world also helped to reduce the complexity of the arrangements for the students.  相似文献   

本文对神经外科临床教学中模拟化网络教学方法的应用进行了探讨。认为这种教学方法克服了临床教学资源的不足,具有实时性、互动性和直观性,充分地调动学员的主动性、积极性与创造性,提高了学习效率。  相似文献   

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