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Each of us has a personal narrative: a story that defines us, and one that we tell about ourselves to our inner and outer worlds. A strong sense of identity is rooted in a personal narrative that has coherence and correspondence (Conway in J Mem Lang 53:594–628, 2005): coherence in the sense that the story we tell is consistent with and supportive of our current version of ‘self’; and correspondence in the sense that the story reflects the contents of autobiographical memory and the meaning of our experiences. These goals are achieved by a reciprocal interaction of autobiographical memory and the self, in which memories consistent with the self-image are reinforced, in turn strengthening the self-image they reflect. Thus, personal narratives depend crucially on the malleable nature of autobiographical memory: a strong sense of self requires that one remember what matters, and forget what does not. Today, anyone who is active online generates a highly detailed, ever—expanding, and permanent digital biographical ‘memory’—memory that identifies where we go, what we say, who we see, and what we do in increasing detail as our physical lives become more and more enmeshed with electronic devices capable of recording our communications, online activities, movements, and even bodily functions. This paper explores the consequences of this digital record for identity, arguing that it presents a challenge to our ability to construct our own personal narratives–narratives that are central to a sense of ‘self’. In the end, the ‘right to be forgotten’ may be, above all else, a psychological necessity that is core to identity—and therefore a value that we must ensure is protected.  相似文献   

Technology has penetrated the social fabric of security practices so deeply that it is often used without much reflection on its role, significance and implications. This naturalisation of technology makes it difficult for practitioners to develop their own vision of technology. They may become subject to the coercive power of technology, and appropriate the narrow technological paradigm embodied in their tools. This, in turn, makes it difficult for technology developers to understand practitioner needs and to assess the transformative potential of technology. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the role of technology in intelligence. The focus is on the technological capabilities supporting an analysis of sociocultural processes related to so‐called ‘new threats’. The two main problems in intelligence nowadays are deciding what data are relevant and how they should be analysed. The major issue is not the collection of information, but turning information into knowledge and action. Accordingly, the practitioner thinking about technological tools can be usefully informed by the concept of technology as a mediator between areas of knowledge production and consumption. This concept highlights technology’s ability to affect intelligence analysts’ understanding of threats, identification of data sources and information gaps, and their interaction with colleagues and consumers of intelligence products.  相似文献   

Don Lamberton asked many questions about the nature and role of information, without expecting to be able to provide tidy or neat answers. The issues he raised have not gone away or been resolved. Some have re-appeared in modified or new form. This paper first focuses on the analysis of information at the macro-level, starting with the ill-fated ‘information sector’ studies and leading on to current attempts to use neoclassical economics to measure macro-level capital stocks in the context of the debate about sustainable development, also known as ‘wealth accounting’. Wealth accounting has no place for information-as-capital that goes beyond very primitive proxy measures for intangible capital other than human capital. Often, information-as-capital is neglected completely by denoting such capital stocks as ‘enabling assets’ that are assumed to be reflected in what turn out to be unmeasurable shadow prices. Next, an issue mostly neglected by Don Lamberton is discussed – the normative assessment of information and innovation. It is argued that neither mainstream economics nor evolutionary economics, information studies, innovation studies and so on currently has an appropriate normative theory of innovation. Increased output, innovation counts, productivity, competitiveness and consumption-related utility (what economists call ‘welfare’) are poor indicators of what really should be measured, which is the objective and subjective impacts of innovation on people’s well-being.  相似文献   


Self-driving cars promise solutions to some of the hazards of human driving but there are important questions about the safety of these new technologies. This paper takes a qualitative social science approach to the question ‘how safe is safe enough?’ Drawing on 50 interviews with people developing and researching self-driving cars, I describe two dominant narratives of safety. The first, safety-in-numbers, sees safety as a self-evident property of the technology and offers metrics in an attempt to reassure the public. The second approach, safety-by-design, starts with the challenge of safety assurance and sees the technology as intrinsically problematic. The first approach is concerned only with performance—what a self-driving system does. The second is also concerned with why systems do what they do and how they should be tested. Using insights from workshops with members of the public, I introduce a further concern that will define trustworthy self-driving cars: the intended and perceived purposes of a system. Engineers’ safety assurances will have their credibility tested in public. ‘How safe is safe enough?’ prompts further questions: ‘safe enough for what?’ and ‘safe enough for whom?’


With the rapid development of information technology, customers not only shop online—they also post reviews on social media. This user-generated content (UGC) can be useful to understand customers’ shopping experiences and influence future customers’ purchase intentions. Therefore, business intelligence and analytics are increasingly being advocated as a way to analyze customers’ UGC in social media and support firms’ marketing activities. However, because of its open structure, UGC such as customer reviews can be difficult to analyze, and firms find it challenging to harness UGC. To fill this gap, this study aims to examine customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction toward attributes of hotel products and services based on online customer textual reviews. Using a text mining approach, latent semantic analysis (LSA), we identify the key attributes driving customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction toward hotel products and service attributes. Additionally, using a regression approach, we examine the effects of travel purposes, hotel types, star level, and editor recommendations on customers’ perceptions of attributes of hotel products and services. This study bridges customer online textual reviews with customers’ perceptions to help business managers better understand customers’ needs through UGC.  相似文献   

With greater access to computational resources, people use search to address many everyday challenges in their lives, including solving technology problems. Although there are now many useful ‘how-to’ resources online (especially videos on YouTube), it can still be difficult to identify, understand, and resolve certain kinds of technical problem. While research tasks have been studied for many years and we know the tactics people use, we know far less about searchers’ tactics for how-to technical tasks that involve actually being able to apply found information to resolve a problem. Crucial to our study was developing and studying a highly realistic, how-to technical task, for which there was no single guidance resource: making a phone safe for a child. After providing 39 participants with an actual phone to fix, and a search engine to perform the task, we analysed their search tactics using retrospective cued think aloud interviews. Our primary contribution is a set of 77 tactics used, in three categories, along with detail of how common they were. We conclude that people had a lot of tactics in their repertoire. Although it was not hard for participants to find relevant information, what was hard was for participants to find information they could use; indeed only 23% of participants successfully completed the entire task. Domain knowledge affected the choice of tactics used (although not necessarily towards better task success). We discuss these influences and make design recommendations for how future search systems can support those in resolving how-to technical tasks.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for people worldwide. To combat the virus, one of the most dramatic measures was the lockdown of 4 billion people in what is believed to be the largest quasi-quarantine in human history. As a response to the call to study information behavior during a global health crisis, we adopted a resource orchestration perspective to investigate six Chinese families who survived the lockdown. We explored how elderly, young and middle-aged individuals and children resourced information and how they adapted their information behavior to emerging online technologies. Two information resource orchestration practices (information resourcing activities and information behavior adaptation activities) and three mechanisms (online emergence and convergence in community resilience, the overcoming of information flow impediments, and the application of absorptive capacity) were identified in the study.  相似文献   

本文将同侪影响引入在线创新社区的用户行为研究中,从广度和深度两方面考察同侪影响对用户贡献行为的影响,并分析感知收益的中介作用。研究以小米社区MIUI功能与讨论区的创意集市板块为对象构建S-O-R模型,采用6567名用户发布的8830条创意、5.26万条评论和收到的103.36万条评论数据,利用Mplus8.1分析检验,结果发现:同侪影响广度与深度均有利于促进用户贡献行为,综合收益在同侪影响广度、深度与用户贡献行为间起正向中介效应,情感收益仅在同侪影响广度、深度与主动贡献行为间起正向中介效应,而认知收益则在同侪影响深度与反应贡献行为间起负向中介效应。研究拓展了在线网络情境下知识管理与社会学领域的交叉研究,并为在线创新社区社交网络和知识管理提供重要启示。  相似文献   

As the prevailing online communications paradigm, social media platforms are considered to be the fastest medium for sharing and diffusing information. But what influences the spread of information through these platforms? The content of the post? The sentiments contained? Or the characteristics of user's behavior? To explore which factors promote the spread of information through social media, we developed a data analytics method that combines data mining with time series regression. We then applied this analytical framework to the L group Double 11 false advertising scandal, which blew up on the Sina microblog – a public hot trend that attracted the attention of millions of people. Our analysis reveals how three factors – user activity, emotional changes, and public attention – interact and the role they play in the spread of information. Among these factors, sentiment polarity and reposting are found to be the two main drivers of information diffusion. Emotional contagion accelerates the spread of information when the event first breaks (known as the accumulation period), while reposting does more to spread information once the event has gained some traction (the diffusion period). Surprisingly, the topic of public concentration in the event has a significant impact on the spread of the event in the accumulation period, but the effect shades away during the diffusion and convergence periods, i.e., the farther relations among topics are tied, the less public interest is abating on the event – a finding that is supported by cognitive load theory. However, although public attention shows little influence in the diffusion process, it does reveal how consumers shift their attention to different subtopics over time. Overall, our analysis sheds some light on how online events evolve and ‘go viral’. Notably, this study not only explores how underlying factors dynamically influence the information diffusion process, but also offers insights into how to manage information diffusion processes in practice.  相似文献   

This paper aims to improve understanding of how innovations are diffused through combining perspectives on the adoption and consumption of innovation. The literature on the adoption of innovation mainly examines issues such as technical functionalities, utility and personality factors. In contrast, research on the consumption of innovation is concerned with the context and meaning of consumer decisions and the values that underlie them. The paper is conceptual and uses Weber’s categories of meaning in action to argue the value of combining the primarily ‘rational’ innovation adoption literature with the more ‘emotive’ consumption literature. By reference to the consumption of hybrid cars, we show how the innovation adoption literature can be valuably supplemented by an understanding of what consumers of innovation do, why they do it and what doing it means to them. We argue that this combination provides a more holistic understanding of how innovations diffuse and has implications for those delivering, using and researching innovation.  相似文献   

Internet companies place a high priority on the safety of their services and on their corporate social responsibility towards protection of all users, especially younger ones. However, such efforts are undermined by the large numbers of children who circumvent age restrictions and lie about their age to gain access to such platforms. This paper deals with the ethical issues that arise in this not-so-hypothetical situation. Who, for instance, bears responsibility for children’s welfare in this context? Are parents/carers ethically culpable in failing to be sufficiently vigilant or even facilitating their children’s social media use? Do industry providers do enough to enforce their own regulations and remove those users they know to be underage? How far does a duty of care extend? Regulation of age restrictions has, it is argued, created unintended consequences that heighten online dangers for young people. While children are inevitably drawn to new online spaces for entertainment and fun, should their rights to participate in the social world around them be curtailed to ensure their best interests and those of the wider community? Such questions now pose significant practical and ethical dilemmas for policy makers and other stakeholders involved in internet governance. It especially highlights the question of responsibility for protection of minors online and calls into question whether the current model of shared responsibility is working.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(5):104492
Platform capitalism has facilitated the widespread replacement of employment contracts with contracts for services. These offer significantly fewer social and employment protections for the independent contractors engaged. What does this mean for the future of national social and employment protection (SEPs) systems? We show how the question of platform workers’ employment status – and therefore access to SEPs – remain unresolved under UK law. Drawing on socio-legal theory, we demonstrate why digital labor platforms represent a challenge to existing modes of employment law and labor market regulation. In the absence of immediate legal ‘fixes’, some unions and firms are innovating new ‘privatized social protection systems’. A ‘Self-Employed Plus’ (SE+) agreement in the UK parcel courier sector developed between Hermes, a UK-based courier service, and the GMB union represents an important example of such attempts being made to bridge the current regulatory void. We critically analyze the agreement and draw lessons for platform governance theory. We demonstrate that privatized SE+ provisions potentially offer significant benefits for platforms by reducing regulatory oversight, boosting productivity, and enhancing managerial control over platform complementors. At the same time, while they risk undermining national SEP systems and degrading worker protections, they also offer a window of opportunity for trade unions to gain a foothold in the platform economy.  相似文献   

在线商品评论对产品销量影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李健 《现代情报》2012,32(1):164-167
作为一种新型的口碑传播方式,在线产品评论成为了消费者和商家了解产品质量和服务的最为重要的信息来源。在线产品评论哪些因素影响到消费者的购买决策,对产品的销量产生多大的影响已经成为人们关注的重要问题。通过对在线手机评论研究发现,"在线评论数量"、"商品的关注度"对在线手机销量有显著性影响,更为重要的是我们发现"评论的时效性"和"顾客认为评论的有用率"对手机的销量也有非常重要的显著性影响,而"评论的正负情感倾向性"等对产品的销量无明显影响。  相似文献   

毛洪伟  李芬  郭永聪 《资源科学》2012,34(9):1798-1805
低碳生态城市建设是我国处于城市化快速发展阶段,经济转型的重要举措之一,而对于城市社区既有建筑的绿色改造技术研究是关系到低碳生态城市建设的重要环节。然而现阶段缺乏系统性的低碳生态建设领域的公众认知情况研究和定量化的分析,因此本研究采用问卷调查和半结构式访谈的方法,针对低碳生态城市建设的相关内容、方法和技术,进行低碳生态城建设技术公众认知调查。结果表明,受访者普遍认同低碳生态城市与传统城市规划技术存在差异,认为差异主要存在于控制方式、规划目标、指导思想、信息化手段、规划流程、规划内容、保障体系等方面;认为对于城市片区绿色建筑规模化规划前期需要进行生态诊断与预评估,诊断和评估的对象包括,生态环境、低碳技术条件、能源高效利用与开发潜力、用地适宜性与开发潜力、建设可行性、居民需求和政策条件等方面;大于90%的受访者认为绿色建筑规模化规划评估应该纳入社会人文需求因素,如公共服务设施的便利性、公共空间可达性、社区宜居性、基础设施完备性、居民生活满意度、文脉传承、建筑开放度、就业机会等;27%的受访者认为政府应是低碳社区生态改造的主导者;13.5%的受访者认为是政府应该是社区改造的提倡者,还有少部分(10.8%)的受访者对于政府的定位为资助者。既有社区低碳生态化改造的内涵应包括能源系统改造,环境整治,历史印记保留,建筑物更新保护,拆迁安置等方面的重要内容。对于低碳生态城市的微循环技术体系如微降解、微能源、微冲击、微更生、微交通、微创业、微绿地和微调控等方面也具有一定的认知排序。通过研究结果可清晰地看出下阶段的低碳生态城市建设重点议题和关键方法,以便更好地促进低碳生态城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Trust between transaction partners in cyberspace has come to be considered a distinct possibility. In this article the focus is on the conditions for its creation by way of assuming, not inferring trust. After a survey of its development over the years (in the writings of authors like Luhmann, Baier, Gambetta, and Pettit), this mechanism of trust is explored in a study of personal journal blogs. After a brief presentation of some technicalities of blogging and authors’ motives for writing their diaries, I try to answer the question, ‘Why do the overwhelming majority of web diarists dare to expose the intimate details of their lives to the world at large?’ It is argued that the mechanism of assuming trust is at play: authors simply assume that future visitors to their blog will be sympathetic readers, worthy of their intimacies. This assumption then may create a self-fulfilling cycle of mutual admiration. Thereupon, this phenomenon of blogging about one’s intimacies is linked to Calvert’s theory of ‘mediated voyeurism’ and Mathiesen’s notion of ‘synopticism’. It is to be interpreted as a form of ‘empowering exhibitionism’ that reaffirms subjectivity. Various types of ‘synopticon’ are distinguished, each drawing the line between public and private differently. In the most ‘radical’ synopticon blogging proceeds in total transparency and the concept of privacy is declared obsolete; the societal gaze of surveillance is proudly returned and nullified. Finally it is shown that, in practice, these conceptions of blogging are put to a severe test, while authors often have to cope with known people from ‘real life’ complaining, and with ‘trolling’ strangers.  相似文献   

情报转化理论(下)——从信息到情报的转化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过诸多实例分析发现,情报的来源是信息而不是知识。信息分析是信息转化为情报的重要路径,信息分析的过程需要知识的支撑。对信息转化为情报的类型归纳总结为:去伪存真型分析、对比分析型、见微知著型分析、由此及彼型分析、化零为整型分析等五类途径,通过这些分析把信息转化为情报。  相似文献   

Although there is near consensus on the need for privacy, the reality is that people's attitude toward their personal information privacy is complex. For instance, even when people claim that they value their information privacy, they often trade their personal information for tangible or intangible benefits. In this article, the research on different ways in which people respond to risks to privacy is examined. They include information seeking to reduce uncertainty, the withholding of information, and the provision of fabricated information. The impact of trust and inducements on Internet users’ willingness to share personal information is also examined. Thereafter, important postulates from theories in communication, social psychology, and sociology are synthesized into a comprehensive theoretical framework for personal information-related behaviors in the online environment.  相似文献   

Ethical reflection on drone fighting suggests that this practice does not only create physical distance, but also moral distance: far removed from one’s opponent, it becomes easier to kill. This paper discusses this thesis, frames it as a moral-epistemological problem, and explores the role of information technology in bridging and creating distance. Inspired by a broad range of conceptual and empirical resources including ethics of robotics, psychology, phenomenology, and media reports, it is first argued that drone fighting, like other long-range fighting, creates epistemic and moral distance in so far as ‘screenfighting’ implies the disappearance of the vulnerable face and body of the opponent and thus removes moral-psychological barriers to killing. However, the paper also shows that this influence is at least weakened by current surveillance technologies, which make possible a kind of ‘empathic bridging’ by which the fighter’s opponent on the ground is re-humanized, re-faced, and re-embodied. This ‘mutation’ or unintended ‘hacking’ of the practice is a problem for drone pilots and for those who order them to kill, but revealing its moral-epistemic possibilities opens up new avenues for imagining morally better ways of technology-mediated fighting.  相似文献   

In recent years, Western governments have come under sharp criticism for their use of surveillance technology. They have been accused of sweeping up massive amounts of information without evidence of the technologies being effective in improving security. The view of critics is clear, but what do intelligence officials themselves say? This paper analyzes statements of intelligence officials in the U.S. and U.K. from 2006 to 2016, examines what criteria officials use in their discourse on effectiveness, and investigates how considerations of cost and proportionality factor into the equation. It identifies seven measures of effectiveness in the statements of intelligence officials, and finds that cost, though rarely discussed, is the driver behind formalized evaluations of surveillance programs.  相似文献   

The social question and answer (Q&A) community provides people with an effective tool to obtain high-quality information. From the perspective of reciprocal determinism and value co-creation, this study aims to investigate the formation mechanism of high-quality knowledge in the community. We develop a model to investigate how cognitive factors and community technological factors influence users’ knowledge co-creation behavior, thereby influencing knowledge quality in the community. A survey of 382 knowledge contributors in a social Q&A community shows that knowledge self-efficacy, topic richness, personalized recommendation, and social interactivity have a positive impact on users' knowledge sharing and integration behavior, which subsequently affect the community’s knowledge quality. Moreover, users' ratings moderate the influence of knowledge sharing on knowledge quality. This research demonstrates the synergistic effect of people and technology in knowledge co-creation, thus advances literature about value co-creation and content quality in online communities.  相似文献   

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