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为了反映幼儿教师的工作倦怠状况,使用MBI-ES量表对200名幼儿教师进行调查,结果表明:(1)幼儿教师整体情绪衰竭状况相对良好,去人性化和低个人成就感水平分属中度和高度;(2)不同年龄和职称的幼儿教师在工作倦怠各维度存在显著差异。  相似文献   

本研究采用主观幸福感量表和工作满意度问卷,对厦门地区107名幼儿教师进行调查,在此基础上提出一定对策:(1)提高幼儿教师的社会地位与工资待遇;(2)提供更多的社会支持与环境保障;(3)增强幼儿教师的心理调适能力。  相似文献   

提高远程开放教育网上自主学习效率,首先应该建立时间效率指标、信息处理效率指标、知识积累效率指标、互动沟通效率指标和知识应用和创新效率指标评价体系。其次,要选择学习计划管理策略、学习时间的管理策略、学习资源管理策略、学习沟通的策略、学习成果管理策略等作保证。如此,网上自主学习效率才具有经济学和人文的双重意义。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的发展,移动学习已经成为幼儿教师学习的重要形式。通过问卷调查法和SWOT分析法对幼儿教师移动学习的现状展开调查、分析和讨论。调查发现:移动学习具有为幼儿教师提供及时的学习支持和满足个性化的学习需求等优势,但也存在资源参差不齐、技术条件不够完善等劣势;大数据在线教育的时代背景和幼儿教师对移动学习积极接受的态度为幼儿教师的移动学习带来了发展的机遇;然而,幼儿教师的移动学习仍然面临着其学习能力不容乐观、缺乏外部支持等内外部挑战。  相似文献   

一、学习策略的概念对学习策略进行研究始于上世纪50年代,美国心理学家费劳威尔(Flavell)的理论较有代表性。他认为学习策略包括认知策略(复述策略,精加工策略和组织策略),元认知策略(计划策略、监视/注意策略和调节/控制策略)和资源管理策略(时间管理策略、学习环境管理策略、努力管理策略和寻求支持策略)。[1]认知策略解决具体的学习方法,元认知策略解决学习目的和过程,资源管理策略则从时间、环境和寻求帮助等方面提高学习的效率。二、大学生英语词汇学习策略训练的紧迫性在多年的大学英语教学中,总是遇到一个问题:大学生怕记英语单词,…  相似文献   

针对两位成人的英语学习进行数年观察式个案跟踪,通过观察、交谈和问卷调查的方式了解其特点,分析其得失。研究结果表明:(1)成人的学习优势——善用管理策略、自制力强——从而能发挥极强的学习自主性;(2)有益的自主学习环境——教方尽量满足其对教材、教师、课型、教学模式、时间分配等各方面的自主,创造了有益的群体学习环境,尤其是与外教交流的英语应用环境;(3)源于浓厚兴趣的深层动力与数年持之以恒的努力;(4)满足其个体需求的个性化课外自主学习。  相似文献   

本研究主要采用问卷调查和访谈法,对云南省一所二类本科院校英语教师和非英语专业学生对《新视野大学英语读写教程》在使用中的评价进行调查和访谈,调查发现该教材的主要编撰特点、要求与调查对象对该教材在实际使用中的评价存在一定的差距。主要体现在以下五个方面:(1)实际使用与教材培养目标之间;(2)使用者感知的实际难度与教材分级设计之间;(3)教材题材选择的丰富度、针对性与使用者的需求之间;(4)师生实际使用的困难度与教材内容结构编排的合理性之间;(5)资源的实际使用情况与教材可提供的可用资源之间。据此,就教材编写、教材选择和使用中应考虑的因素和问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

成人高校学生自主学习问题实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者运用定性分析法对广西两所成人高校两个年级的非英语专业成人专科学生英语学习的自主性进行实证调查,结果发现:(1)成人专科学生英语学习的自主性普遍较差;能较好地运用学习自主性3种管理策略的学生仅占约30%;(2)成人专科学生英语基础普遍较差;(3)成人专科学生普遍认为(约83.7%):英语仅仅是一门基础课,通过考试就行,学好专业才是主要的;(4)传统的教学模式对学生学习的自主性造成较大的影响。  相似文献   

为研究经历留守初中生的学校联结和学习倦怠的特点及二者的关系,使用问卷调查法对886名经历留守初中生进行调查。结果发现:(1)八年级学生的学校联结显著低于七年级,而学习倦怠显著高于七年级;(2)随着母亲外出务工时间增长,留守初中生的学校联结有减弱趋势,而学习倦怠有升高趋势;(3)学校联结在母亲外出时长对学习倦怠的影响中起到了完全中介作用。减少母亲外出务工时间、提高留守儿童的学校联结有助于预防学生的学习倦怠。  相似文献   

现代信息技术与通讯技术的快速发展使得移动学习作为一种新型的学习形式逐渐在教师教育领域应用,这也必将推动幼儿教师的专业发展和终身学习。通过问卷调查法和SWOT分析法对幼儿教师移动学习的内部条件和外部环境进行探讨。调查表明:幼儿教师在移动学习上具有认知上认同、态度上积极等优势,但也存在移动学习能力不足、移动合作学习缺乏等劣势;幼儿教师素质提升的大环境和在线教育的大发展为幼儿教师移动学习的发展带来了机遇,而外部支持、移动学习资源、移动技术与服务等因素则使幼儿教师的移动学习面临着诸多挑战。  相似文献   

The current study investigated kindergarteners and second graders’ ability to monitor and evaluate their own and a virtual peer’s performance in a paired-associate learning task. Participants provided confidence judgments (CJs) for their own responses and performance-based judgments (judgments provided after receiving feedback on their performance) for both their own and a virtual peer’s responses. For the performance-based judgments, children were confronted with their own or the peer’s answer as well as the correct answer. Additionally, participants were asked to credit their own and the peer’s correct and incorrect answers while facing feedback. Results indicate an age-related progression in metacognitive monitoring skills, with second graders differentiating more strongly in their confidence judgments between correct and incorrect responses compared to kindergarteners. Regarding performance-based judgments, children of both age groups provided higher judgments for correctly compared to incorrectly recognized items as well as for their own responses in comparison to the responses of the unknown child. Similarly, when crediting, participants of both age groups gave more credits for correct recognition than for incorrect recognition and for their own responses than for the peer’s responses. The significant interaction between age group and recognition accuracy for the crediting shows that second graders gave more credits for correctly recognized items while kindergarteners gave more credits for incorrect answers than the older children – primarily for their own incorrect answers. In conclusion, the study provides new insights into 6- and 8-year-olds’ evaluations of their own and an unknown child’s performance in a paired-associate learning task by showing that children of both age groups generally judged and credited responses in their own favor. These results add to our understanding of biases in children’s performance evaluations, including metacognitive judgments and judgments provided after receiving feedback.  相似文献   

在线学习已成为教师专业发展的主要途径,参加学习的人员规模大、行为表现复杂。为了探析教师在线学习行为的群体特征,该文以Y市四期教师在线培训为例,应用统计分析、序列分析、关联规则、社会网络分析等方法,从学习活跃、学习投入时间、学习行为序列、社会交互四个方面分析了教师在线学习行为的群体特征。研究发现:教师在线学习活跃性较高;在线学习时间投入充足;在线学习目的性较强且行为活动方式简单;社会交互情况不够理想。因此,建议实施在线学习与线下集中研讨相结合的混合式教师培训,培训安排与支持服务、学习内容与活动设计应符合教师在线学习规律,并提供有效的技术脚手架和干预机制,以期提高教师培训效益。  相似文献   

Children attending rural schools start kindergarten with lower mathematics achievement than their peers in urban schools and the gap increases during the later academic years. A valid theory and research-based measure is needed to identify the weakness of kindergarteners attending rural schools, so early interventions in mathematics can be designed. The purposes of this study are to: (1) validate a Research-Based Early Math Assessment (REMA) among 249 first-time kindergarteners attending rural schools using the Rasch model (Rasch, 1980); and (2) use the Rasch estimated ability scores to investigate differences in rural kindergarteners’ performance on the REMA across several subgroups (gender, ethnicity, poverty, guardian’s education, preschool attendance, and age). Findings showed that the REMA items fit within the mathematics competence of kindergarteners attending rural schools. Further, findings indicated that ethnicity, poverty, guardian’s education, preschool attendance, and age are factors affecting rural kindergarteners’ ability to perform on the REMA.  相似文献   

混合式学习以其能够促进主动和深度学习的优势,在国内外高等教育教学中得到广泛应用.本研究的目的是,在把握学生学习投入现状的基础上,进一步探讨影响混合式学习环境下学生学习投入的内外部因素.研究采用问卷的方式进行调查与系统分析,结果发现:混合式学习背景下,学生整体学习投入为中等偏上水平,相对而言,学生行为投入较高,情感投入表...  相似文献   

Research Findings: In Study 1, we observed 32 Chinese kindergarteners playing a number board game with their caregivers in dyads. Number board game playing provided important opportunities for kindergarteners and their caregivers to talk about an array of number concepts, but their numeracy-related exchanges rarely went beyond counting. In Study 2, 88 Chinese kindergarteners and their parents were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups, namely, the game with parent training group, the game without parent training group, the exercise book group, and the control group. After a 4-week intervention, kindergarteners in the 3 treatment groups who began as relatively unskilled in numeracy showed comparable improvement in 3 numeracy tasks, and the effect sizes were often larger in the game with parent training group than in the game without parent training group. Moreover, kindergarteners in the 2 game groups tended to show relatively heightened mathematics interest. Practice or Policy: Findings of these 2 studies suggest that number board game playing has the potential benefit of promoting kindergarteners’ numeracy competence and mathematics interest. Training of parents might even optimize kindergarten children’s gains from parent–child number board game playing.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect effects of online learning on distance education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents an exploratory study that investigates the effects of online learning on distance education students in an open university context. Two hypotheses are posited: (1) a direct relationship exists between students’ involvement in online learning and distance learning outcomes, and (2) an indirect relationship exists between these two domains via the mediating variable of an institutional Transactional Presence (TP), that is, a student's sense of the availability of and connectedness with an educational institution. Student learning achievement, satisfaction and intent‐to‐persist are used as indicators of outcomes of distance learning. The analysis of data garnered from 285 distance students reveals multifaceted relationships between students’ engagement in online learning, their perceptions of institutional TP and the three learning outcome variables. Besides the findings, the paper will discuss factors affecting students’ engagement in online learning in relation to different requirements, that is, optional or compulsory online use as well as the level of the course (undergraduate or postgraduate).  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into how staff teaching in compressed courses can encourage student engagement and enhance student use of learning time, despite significant restraints of time as well as distance. Typically these courses (described here as units) are expected to have comparable learning outcomes to their full-semester counterparts and provide an opportunity for students to either retake failed units or to acquire credit for their chosen degrees in accelerated time. Organising teaching and learning through intensive modes of delivery may require different approaches to curriculum development and pedagogy compared to traditional unit planning and delivery, especially when the intensive delivery utilises online technologies. This paper explores strategies employed by successful intensive mode teachers in the development and delivery units for maximised student engagement. It concludes that many of these strategies are equally applicable in online and distance education regardless of the unit being intensive or otherwise.  相似文献   

在疫情防控的关键时期,规模化在线学习是落实“停课不停学”的重要方式。与以往的在线学习相比,规模化在线学习在学习场所、学习任务、学习同伴、思维方式、评价方式等多个方面发生了转变。它是教育信息化实践的一次特殊尝试,同时,其也在重塑在线学习的价值,形成了一种全新的学习生态。为了了解我国规模化在线学习的现状、准备度等情况,运用问卷调查法,对全国3148名学生进行调查研究,调查结果显示:一是在线学习满意度较低,感知教师支持较高,在线学习准备度一般。其中,在线交互效能感最高,计算机自我效能感准备不足;二是人口学因素对规模化在线学习准备度有不同程度的影响,年级、所在区域、每天在线学习时长所带来的差异影响显著;三是在线学习态度、教师支持、计算机自我效能感、自我导向学习、学习动机、学习控制力、在线交互效能感等,正向影响学生的在线学习满意度。因此,要提高规模化在线学习效果,可以从提升师生信息素养、加强培养自主学习能力、改善家校互动模式、增强教师支持、关注农村和留守儿童的在线学习等方面着手。在后疫情时期,还应进一步思考“教师如何迎接在线学习”“学生如何学习”“如何设计在线课程和实现优质教育资源共享”“在线学习如何与线下学习有机融合”等问题。  相似文献   

Whether our students are sitting in the room with us as we teach, sitting in their home listening, participating by video-conference, or answering discussion questions on an online platform, technology can play a pivotal role in student learning. In this article we discuss technology in higher education, specifically its role in hybrid or online formats. As Renard (2005) so eloquently stated, "No generation has ever had to wait so little time for so much information" (p. 44). Presented here is a discussion of the types of students who benefit from distance learning, the factors that prompt instructors to engage in distance learning, and what instructors should know about distance education before they begin teaching with this kind of delivery.  相似文献   

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