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习近平总书记在2016年提出了建设世界科技强国"三步走"的战略,为我们设立了宏伟的目标。要想实现这个目标,我们国家在前沿基础研究领域就必须加大投入,实现重大突破。长期以来,作为发展中国家,我国在空间科技领域的投入,大都用于应用卫星,比如气象卫星、通信卫星等,而在空间科学卫星领域少有投入。纵观世界科技发展,重大基础前沿的突破逐渐依赖于国家重大科技工程,其一是建设地面大科学装置,如加速器、大型天文望远镜等;其二就是在空间科学领域里的投入,发射科学卫星。1957年以来美国等航天强国在空间科学领域里多次获得诺贝尔奖就充分说明了这一领域在实现基础前沿领域重大突破的作用。由此可见,发展空间科学是建设世界科技强国的一个非常重要的方面和实现途径。  相似文献   

中国极轨气象卫星遥感技术的研究始于20世纪70年代。为获取昼夜云图,1974年开始研制48转/分可见红外扫瞄辐射计,可见和红外图像地面分辨率分别为4和5.8毫弧度。1977年“FY-1”气象卫星进入工程研制,开始使用辐射致冷器冷却的HgCdTe红外探测器研制120转/分扫瞄辐射计,图像地面分辨率均提高到3.6毫弧度。随着HgCdTe探测器性能的提高和数字化技术的进步,1982年开始研制360转/分5通道扫瞄辐射计,其中2个可见光通道用于海洋水色观测,图像地面分辨率1.2毫弧度。1988年9月“FY-1A”卫星首次发射,在1990年9月发射的“FY-1B”卫星上,扫描辐射计稳定工作了2年,图像清晰,红外辐射定标精度优于1K。为同时满足气象和海洋水色观测的需要,1989年提出研制十通道扫瞄辐射计,它不仅设有NOAA卫星AVHRR/3的6个探测通道,还有4个通道分别用于海洋水色观测和大气校正。该仪器装载在1999年5月和2002年5月入轨的“FY-1C”和“FY-1D”卫星上,运行寿命分别超过4年和9年。为发展新的遥感仪器和提高观测能力,在2002年发射的“SZ-3”和“SZ-4”飞船上进行了中分辨率成像光谱仪、多模态微波遥感器、太阳紫外光谱探测仪、地球辐射收支仪的遥感试验,并开展了大气红外分光计的研制,为中国极轨气象卫星从二维图像向三维立体观测建立了技术基础。第二代业务气象卫星“FY-3A”和“FY-3B”分别于2008年5月和2010年11月发射,各装载了10台遥感仪器,获取的数据用于天气预报和气候变化研究。中分辨率成像光谱仪有20个探测通道,可对全球表面状况做较精细的快速重复观测。  相似文献   

提出一种利用TCP接收端卫星TCP流数量和经过路径卫星数这2种网络显式信息来调控发送窗口的新方法.此方法中各TCP流根据自身的不同时延对丢包作出敏感度不同的窗口调整反应,以对应时延越大拥塞反应策略越低效的规律.NS2仿真结果表明,这一方法不仅能在应对信道丢包的同时,提高各不同时延的TCP流的公平性、保证其吞吐量,还能较好地预防星地下行链路的丢包,并提高其带宽利用率.  相似文献   

文章回顾了中国气象卫星的发展历史、所提供的服务和应用。中国气象卫星是在全球气象卫星发展的浪潮中发展起来的。经过40多年的发展,极轨和静止两个系列的气象卫星已经业务运行。中国的气象卫星工程由卫星、运载火箭、发射、测控和地面应用5大系统组成。地面系统作为气象卫星工程大系统中的重要组成部分,对卫星应用效益起重要的作用,在卫星发射后对卫星有效荷载进行运行管理,实施从卫星下传数据的接收、处理、分发、应用和服务。中国气象卫星投入业务运行以后,为改善天气预报、环境监测和短期气候预测提供了有用的信息。在天气预报领域,为台风、暴雨、冰雹 、暴雪、沙尘暴、龙卷风等灾害性天气的预报提供了更有力的手段;在短期气候预测领域,提供了更多有用的参数,如海表水温、雪盖、植被指数等;在环境监测领域,在洪涝、森林草原火情、沙尘暴、雪灾和海冰等监测中发挥了重要作用。现阶段,中国气象卫星面临的最大机遇和挑战在于提高产品的精度,为定量应用服务。其内容涵盖气象卫星的空间段和地面段,并且与数值天气预报本身也有密切的关系。气象卫星为数值天气预报提供全球资料,数值预报模式为气象卫星提供定量产品推导的背景场。气象卫星与数值天气预报协同工作,才能促进气象卫星应用水平的提高。  相似文献   

In inertial navigation system and global navigation satellite system (INS/GNSS) integration, the practical stochastic measurement noise may be non-stationary heavy-tailed distribution due to outlier measurements induced by multipath and/or non-line-of-sight receptions of the original GNSS signals. To address the problem, a new switching Gaussian-heavy-tailed (SGHT) distribution is presented, which models the measurement noise with the help of switching between the Gaussian and the an existing heavy-tailed distribution. Then, utilizing two auxiliary parameters satisfying categorical and Bernoulli distributions respectively, we construct the SGHT distribution as a hierarchical Gaussian presentation. Furthermore, applying variational Bayesian inference, a novel SGHT distribution based robust Gaussian approximate filter is derived. Meanwhile, to reduce the computational complexity of the filtering process, an improved fixed-point iteration method is designed. Finally, the simulation of integrated navigation for an aircraft illustrates effectiveness and superiority of the proposed filter as compared the existing robust filters.  相似文献   

This paper studies the distributed fault-tolerant control (FTC) problem for heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs) under sampled intermittent communications. First, in order to estimate the state of leader under sampled intermittent communications, the distributed intermittent observer for each follower is constructed. By using the tool from switching system theory, the estimation error converges to zero exponentially if the communication rate is larger than a threshold value even under the impact of sampled intermittent communications. Then, by applying model reference adaptive tracking technique, a robust FTC protocol is developed to track the distributed intermittent observer. Two algorithms are presented to choose the feedback gain of the distributed intermittent observer and the tracking feedback gain of the fault-tolerant tracking controller. It is proved that the global consensus tracking error is bounded under the developed distributed control protocol. Finally, an example with the coupled pendulums is provided to verify the efficiency of the designed method.  相似文献   

GEO卫星通信的用户下行链路为典型的衰落信道,经卫星转发的信号如果经历大尺度衰落,则用户端接收到的信号将产生大范围失真。该文针对GEO卫星通信的特点,为了提高GEO卫星系统的通信性能,考虑将空时协同技术引入到GEO卫星通信中。并仿真分析了在不同信道环境下,使用不同分集方案时GEO卫星通信系统性能,结果显示使用空时协同技术后,系统的可靠性有明显提高。  相似文献   

本文对国产葱属Allium 8个种的14个居群的染色体进行了研究。其染色体基数均为x=8,其中7个居群为二倍体(2n=2x=16),6个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=32),1个居群为多倍体复合体(2n=4x=32,2n=6x=48,2n=8x=64和2n=9x=72)。并发现随体染色体十分活跃,在多倍体中其数目并不都与其倍性相对应,并有“串状随体”现象出现;在有些类群中其形态变异较大,而随体染色体杂合形式的多态现象也较普遍。本文重点讨论了随体染色体的数目、形态变异及杂合现象在葱属进化中的作用,认为随体染色体形态变异及杂合现象的出现是葱属中遗传变异的重要源泉之一。并对葱属中的染色体基数及种内多倍性问题进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

针对基于OQPSK调制的卫星扩频通信系统,研究了一种基于重叠加窗DFT的窄带干扰抑制技术.对满足条件的若干窗函数分别进行了仿真,并详细分析了其性能与旁瓣特性的内在联系. 从有效性与实现复杂度上分析了最新的几种变换域处理算法,如CME、预切除算法与FCME等,对它们的性能进行了仿真和比较. 最后得到了Hann窗与预切除算法相结合的干扰抑制方案. 结果表明,与传统的Capozza方案相比,该方案能有效提高系统的误码性能,约5dB.  相似文献   

The Sino-Argentine satellite laser ranging (SLR) system ranks second in the passtotal of satellites it has observed among the SLR satellite observatories worldwide, according to statistics of the International Laser Ranging Service from October 2007 to September 2008. In addition, it tops the world in observing high orbit satellites, a difficult task to perform.  相似文献   

Angular velocity stabilization problem for underactuated rigid satellites with only two independent control inputs is investigated, and a novel stabilization control strategy based on energy shaping is presented in this paper. Firstly, a desired closed-loop system with a specific structure is constructed for the control objective. The matching condition and controller structure are determined by equating the underactuated satellite system with the desired system. Moreover, a feasible sufficient condition satisfying the matching condition is derived. By solving the sufficient condition according to three different structures of the satellite inertia tensor matrix, three nonlinear smooth stabilization control laws are obtained, and global asymptotic stability of the related closed-loop system is rigorously proved. Simulation results show effectiveness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the H hybrid dynamical output-feedback control problem for discrete-time switched linear systems under asynchronous switching. A time-varying multiple Lyapunov-like-function (MLF) approach is applied to derive sufficient conditions that guarantee the stability and weighted l2-gain performance of the closed-loop systems, where the established conditions explicitly depend on the upper and lower bounds of asynchronous switching delays. An alternative approach is proposed to decouple the bilinear problems of the control synthesis conditions. Convex optimization algorithms are also proposed based on the established conditions to determine the minimum l2-gain performance. Two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating significant improvement over the existing results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of robust H filtering for switched stochastic systems under asynchronous switching. The so-called asynchronous switching means that the switching between the filters and system modes is asynchronous. The aim is to design a filter ensuring robust exponential mean square stability and a prescribed H performance level for the filtering error systems. Based on the average dwell time approach and piecewise Lyapunov functional technique, sufficient conditions for the existence of the robust H filter are derived, and the proposed filter can be obtained by solving a set of LMIs(linear matrix inequalities). Finally, a numerical example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

近来,“资源三号测绘卫星”的成功发射和规模化应用引起了高度关注,成果入选2012年中国高等学校十大科技进展。文章简要阐述“资源三号测绘卫星”从立项到应用的历程,探讨政产学研用协同创新模式,叙述“资源三号测绘卫星”的主要性能指标和应用范围。通过与国外同类卫星的比较,表明我国有能力发展一流水平的高分辨遥感卫星,实现我国卫星遥感从有到好的重大转变,推进我国遥感卫星的产业化发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel switching predefined-time parameter identification algorithm with a relaxed excitation condition based on the dynamic regressor extension and mixing (DREM) method. DREM often requires the persistent excitation (PE) of the extended square regressor's determinant to ensure exponential parameter convergence. Unlike the classical DREM method, a new parameter identification algorithm configured with a two-layer filter technique is proposed under a relaxed initial excitation (IE) condition, rather than strict PE. A key point in choosing IE instead of PE is the introduction of a smooth switching function that dominates the pure integral action and filter behavior of the extended square regressor. The proposed algorithm relies on the predefined-time stability theorem and the settling-time of the identification algorithm is set a priori as a system parameter. The contributions of this paper are a novel switching predefined-time parameter estimation algorithm that 1) relaxes the stringent PE condition, 2) achieves predefined-time convergence, and 3) guarantees the monotonicity of each element of the parameter error inherited from the classical DREM method. Comparative simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel distributed Kalman filter consisting of a bank of interlaced filters is proposed for a signal model whose dynamic equation and measurement equation are coupled. Each of the interlaced filters estimates a part of state rather than the global state using its and its neighbor information, which is different from other distributed filters already existed (e.g., distributed Kalman filter based on diffusion strategy or consensus strategy, distributed fuzzy filter and distributed particle filter with Gaussian mixer approximation, etc). This relieves the calculation and communication burden in networks. In addition, the proposed distributed Kalman filtering contains no consensus strategies, which is useful in some cases since consensus usually requires an infinite number of iterations.  相似文献   

基于提升小波的SAR图像斑点噪声抑制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁献文  陈汉林  张微 《科技通报》2008,24(3):390-394
斑点噪声去除是对合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)图像自动分割、分类、目标检测和其它定量专题信息提取处理前必要的步骤。首先简要回顾了各种传统的SAR图像斑点噪声去除方法。在充分考虑SAR图像斑点噪声乘性特征的基础上,对SAR图像进行对数变换,将乘性噪声转变为加性噪声,然后再对图像进行提升小波分解,采用Bayes Shrink阈值对小波系数进行处理。最后根据4个指标来对比不同方法的去噪效果。结果表明,与传统的滤波方法相比,基于提升小波的去噪方法在图像均匀区域的辐射特性保持和斑点噪声抑制能力方面具有较大的优势。与传统小波相比,提升小波不但在运算速度上有优势,而且省内存。  相似文献   

Conventional direct torque control (DTC) suffers from large torque ripple and nonconstant switching frequency, which are caused by the hysteresis band amplitude and the motor speed. Many methods have been proposed to tackle these problems. However, these methods are usually complicated and parameter dependent. A novel DTC method for brushless DC motors based on duty ratio control is proposed to reduce torque ripple and maintain a constant switching frequency. During each switching period, an active voltage vector and a zero voltage vector are applied. A simple and effective method implemented to calculate the duty ratio relies only on the torque error, reducing the parameter dependence. The proposed method has the advantages of conventional DTC and effectively reduces torque ripple, which improves the performance of conventional DTC. Simulation and experimental results are given to confirm the method’s validity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of event-triggered filter design for nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs) in the framework of interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy systems. A novel IT2 fuzzy filter for ensuring asymptotic stability and H performance of filtering error system is proposed, where the premise variables are different from those of the fuzzy model. Attention is focused on solving the problem of event-triggered filter design subject to parameter uncertainties, data quantization, and communication delay in a unified frame. It is shown that the proposed event-triggered filter design communication mechanism for IT2 fuzzy NCSs has the advantage of the existing event-triggered approaches to reduce the utilization of limited network resources and provides flexibility in balancing the tracking error and the utilization of network resources. Finally, simulation example is given to validate the advantages of the presented results.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,遥感技术在国际上兴起,自我国第一颗人造地球卫星发射以来,中国开始进入空间时代。为适应国家经济社会发展的迫切需要,遥感在我国也受到高度重视,得到快速发展。我国已形成了自己的遥感卫星系列,如气象卫星、海洋卫星、陆地资源卫星、环境与减灾卫星等。灵活、机动性强的航空遥感也在应用中发挥了重大作用。遥感应用是我国发展遥感科学技术的重点,30多年来遥感在我国成功地应用于国家土地资源调查、农作物和森林监测、地质矿产调查、城市发展监测以及海洋和海岸带资源调查等。在洪水、旱涝、林火、地震以及相关的气象和地质灾害发生期间,遥感总是起到关键作用。遥感已成为中国经济社会发展不可或缺的信息支撑。文章将在上述方面进行简要论述,以窥我国遥感发展之一斑。  相似文献   

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