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稳定性二氧化氯的应用开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了稳定性二氧化氯的优良特性、生产工艺及应用开发  相似文献   

二氧化氯防治棉花枯萎病探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨ClO2用于防治棉花枯萎病的效果,通过和市场上常用的杀菌剂多菌灵、甲基托布津进行田间对比试验,结果表明:采用添加1%~2%棉花专用添加剂的80ppm ClO2溶液,用灌根和喷雾相结合的办法,其平均死亡率可低达2.7%,而多菌灵、甲基托布津平均死亡率分别为19.3%和16.2%.可以看出,添加1%~2%的添加剂ClO2溶液防治效果明显优于多菌灵和甲基托布津.  相似文献   

二氧化氯的理化性质及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来 ,二氧化氯作为饮用水消毒剂日益受到人们的重视 ,因为随着人们对传统的氯气消毒的深入研究 ,发现用氯气和其它氯系消毒剂处理过的饮用水及食品中含有氯化副产物———三氯甲烷 ,这是一种很强的致癌物质。使用二氧化氯处理的水中则不会产生三氯甲烷 ,其安全性被世界卫生组织列为Al级 ,二氧化氯已成为国际上公认的氯系消毒剂最理想的更新换代产品 ,被欧美国家推崇为第四代消毒剂。二氧化氯不仅是一种广谱、高效的消毒剂 ,而且还是优良的水处理剂、食品保鲜剂、漂白剂、防腐剂和除臭剂 ,于是迅速在水处理行业、食品行业、造纸行业、日…  相似文献   



Chlorine dioxide (CD) gas has been used as a fumigant in the disinfection of biosafety laboratories. In this study, some experiments were conducted to assess the inactivation of spores inoculated on six materials [stainless steel (SS), painted steel (PS), polyvinyl chlorid (PVC), polyurethane (PU), glass (GS), and cotton cloth (CC)] by CD gas. The main aims of the study were to determine the sporicidal efficacy of CD gas and the effect of prehumidification before decontamination on sporicidal efficacy.  相似文献   

一元固体二氧化氯的制备及其特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取微囊化技术,对自制高活性固体二氧化氯母料进行了一元化处理,发现包膜剂浓度和用量对固体二氧化氯母料的稳定性有很大的影响.包膜剂浓度在20%~30%之间为宜,包膜剂用量越多,产品的稳定性越好,但过多的包膜剂会阻碍母体成分的溶解.  相似文献   

开放性数学教育以传统数学教育的封闭性为切入口和突破口,坚持开放教育的理念,贯彻全面开放的目标,以学习者为中心,给予学生学习的主动权。经过四年的实验研究,通过主导开放,主体开放,信息开放,方式方法、时空环境开放等措施,取得了一定的成绩。  相似文献   

从系统观念出发,讨论立足于比被管理对象更大的系统去研究被管理对象之状态变迁的管理科学及其现实意义。  相似文献   

Are different media equally effective for a given learning task when each presents the same event of instruction? Are given instructional materials equally effective for different types of learning outcomes? This pilot study used three types of stimulus materials—text, film, and live demonstration—to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation to graduate students. Learning outcomes measured were verbal learning and a motor skill task.  相似文献   

BackgroundSocial Media use is highly prevalent among contemporary adolescents yet, no studies have examined the similarity in risk content (e.g., substance use, sexual behaviors) between the online posts of maltreated youth and their friends.ObjectiveThe current study examined the risk content of Facebook posts among a sample maltreated and comparison youth and compared the rates of risk content produced by the participants versus their Facebook friends.Participants and SettingData were from a sample of maltreated (n = 56) and comparison (n = 62) youth. At the time of data collection participants were in young adulthood (M = 21.78 years; SD = 1.45), but the timeframe of their Facebook profiles captured mid adolescence to young adulthood.MethodsData were downloaded from the Facebook profiles of all participants and the posts and comments were coded for references to alcohol, marijuana, hard drugs, partying, and sexual content.ResultsThe results showed that maltreated and comparison youth were similar in the amount of risky content they posted on Facebook as well as in the amount posted by their Facebook friends. Correlations between participant’s and friends’ posts showed stronger associations for posts about alcohol use for the maltreated group but stronger associations in the comparison group for posts about marijuana, hard drug, and sexual references. Gender differences were also examined, with males producing more online risky content than females.ConclusionsNext steps should incorporate a more nuanced analysis to determine which online friends are the sources of risky content.  相似文献   



Although computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) can identify coronary stenosis, little data exists on the ability of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) to detect myocardial perfusion defects at rest.  相似文献   

作文讲评是中学作文教学的重要环节。依据现代建构主义学习理论、现代教育技术 理论,以及信息论、控制论的思想建立的主体网络作文讲评教学模式,在实验中取得了较好 的效果,提高了学生的作文水平。  相似文献   


The “Readwell” program is an Australian‐designed approach to remediation of children's reading difficulties. Although used in most Australian states, the program has not been evaluated. This quasi‐experimental pilot study reports on a first phase of an evaluation of the program. It involves a preliminary examination of the program with a group of 18 grade six and seven students with significant reading delays. It was conducted over a ten‐week period during which students received 45‐minute group instruction with the Readwell program each day. In addition, interviews with the students and their teachers were conducted to examine perceived outcomes of the program. Surveys with selected parents of students who had completed the program 12 months previously were also conducted to gauge the endurance of students’ gains in reading competence. Some comparisons with the literature reporting on Reading Recovery programs are also included and some initial conclusions are draw in relation to the place of the Readwell program in remediation practices for students with a reading difficulty.  相似文献   

通过归因训练提高学生学习自信心的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学生学习的积极性很大程度上取决于学生完成学习任务的自信心。有强烈的自信心,可以“移山填海”;缺乏自信心,不可“反掌折枝”。通过对学生进行归因训练的实验研究,向教育者提供一条培养学生自信心的途径。  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Monitoring students' attention and engagement levels in classrooms are critical in promoting an interactive teaching process. Therefore, in addition to...  相似文献   

为了研究不同环境下二氧化氯的消毒效果及其稳定性,试验以大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、白色念珠菌为测试菌株,采用菌悬液定量杀菌试验、压缩雾化法和平板计数的方法,对二氧化氯的杀菌效果进行试验。结果表明:在菌液密度为5×10^6 CFU/mL的条件下,90 mg/L的二氧化氯作用5 min,即可对测试菌株达到100%的杀灭效果。不同的pH值、温度及不同浓度有机物存在的条件下,二氧化氯同样具有极强的消毒效果。雾化的二氧化氯对空气自然菌及雾化菌液气溶胶的杀灭效果同样可以达到100%。试验表明二氧化氯作为一种高效、稳定的广谱消毒剂具有良好的杀菌效果。  相似文献   

通过实验探索找到了用NaOH溶液吸收氯气配制氯水的方法.  相似文献   

气体检测的关键结构单元是气敏元件和气体传感器。该文概述了气体传感器的主要类型及其应用范围,根据装置的特点选用电化学传感器,并配置以记录仪和声、光报警器组合成对含氯气体的环境监测报警技术,能保证铂重整装置催化剂再生系统的正常运转。该监测报警技术不仅适用于铂重整装置催化剂再生系统,对其它含氯气体的环境监测报警也具有普遍的实用意义。  相似文献   

Both the alphabet and our system of musical notation are largely based on arbitrary conventions and associations. Conforming to the Dyslexic Automatization Deficit Hypothesis, children suffering from dyslexia are supposed to have difficulty in automating these types of conventions and/or associations. Scientific research into the relation between dyslexia and learning musical notation is rare. Therefore, we developed a new intervention paradigm on learning musical notation. This program was followed by five dyslexic children and four children without dyslexia, in order to study and compare the learning processes of both groups. The program consisted of instruction, practice in the skills and knowledge related to musical notation, and test assignments. During each session, the problem-solving process of the individual child was observed and the amount of time required to complete each assignment in the program was recorded. In addition we analyzed the errors made by the two groups of children in each session. A pretest-posttest comparison revealed that dyslexic children needed more time to learn musical notation than did children without dyslexia. Dyslexic children also made more mistakes and produced more ‘third transpositions’. The implications for teaching musical notation are outlined.  相似文献   

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