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A current objective in Canada is a provision of childcare services for all children. This objective has not been achieved as many children, especially those with disabilities, are often denied services from publicly funded daycare centres. The authors argue that policy discussions framed from an inclusive perspective provide a better understanding of how the Ontario child care system should function to ensure daycare services for children of disabilities. They interviewed the directors of 354 licensed preschools in Toronto about the inclusion of children with disabilities into their centres. Analysis revealed that only 2.4% of the students in these centres were identified as having a disability; the two most frequently identified disabilities were Autism Spectrum Disorders and speech and language disorders. The majority of directors stated that they would turn away a child because of a disability. The centres that were most inclusive had service providers come into the centre, but very few (17%) of these centres had resource teachers as support. The analysis further indicates a large number of centres that currently are not identified as capable of providing special need services and are not directly operated by the Ministry of Education. With staff development and funding, these centres have the potential to provide services to children of disabilities.  相似文献   

Immigrants find themselves in a liminal state of limbo between two societies. In this zone, competing cultural ideas coexist. This essay examines how Latino immigrant family childcare providers in the United States questioned US norms of childrearing and how they engaged in liminal cultural work to produce a bicultural childrearing. They are exposed to US norms through family childcare certification programmes that they were legally required to participate in, in order to receive the accreditation required to care for young children in their homes. They were simultaneously critical and embracing of US mainstream ideas of childrearing. Two contested areas for them are the emphasis on individual child development and the levelling of authority relations between adults and children. Their traditional values are absent from the training programmes, yet they develop a process of selective adaptation which both maintains and discards traditional ideas of childrearing and integrates them with some of the new ideas they learn in the US. The liminal cultural work that immigrant family childcare workers do is both for themselves and for the children and the families for whom they provide care. The providers experience a process of ongoing liminal cultural work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to examine children's services workers' (CSWs') personal histories of abuse and their influence on professional responses to allegations of domestic violence. METHOD: Using an anonymous questionnaire, data were collected from CSWs in two large urban counties in Southern California who participated in a domestic violence training program (n=303). It was hypothesized that CSWs' responses to domestic violence cases would be affected by personal histories of abuse and the degree to which the CSWs identified with battered women. RESULTS: Approximately one-half of the respondents reported experiencing physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner. One-third of respondents reported physical abuse, and 22%, sexual abuse during childhood. The experience of childhood sexual abuse, especially for female CSWs, was associated with increased support for removal of children whose mother is being abused. Those CSWs with a history of partner violence who identified with battered women were less likely to approve of removing children from the battered mother than were CSWs without partner abuse history or identification with battered women. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide support for expanded training efforts that recognize the ongoing impact of victimization on CSWs' professional functioning.  相似文献   

In family childcare, the program of services is situated within in the providers' own homes. The purpose of this inquiry is to review the literature from special education in light of current practices in family childcare. In addition, key characteristics unique to the provider's care giving program will be examined in relation to the needs of children with disabilities and their families. Finally, recommendations for establishing coordinated efforts among professional support systems and providers on behalf of such children will be defended.  相似文献   

Emotions have received increasing attention in educational circles in the last decade. Drawing on Bourdieu, feminist scholars use emotional capital to illustrate the ways gendered inequalities can compound the disadvantages of social class. This paper examines relationships within childcare services in Australia, showing how emotional capital functions as a resource for staff. Data from interviews with childcare staff illustrate key aspects of emotional capital, such as reflexivity, resilience and embodiment. Findings show that investing in emotional capital is the key to a long-lasting commitment to childcare work, and should be valued accordingly.  相似文献   

This paper reports research commissioned by an English City Council. Its aim was to gather data to identify and prioritise the council’s efforts to develop, co-ordinate and monitor services and support for young people with SEND in the city as they move into their adult lives. This included the four areas identified by the English government in the SEND Code of Practice, these being: employment, community inclusion, health and independent living. The study used qualitative and quantitative research methods including semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to investigate the experiences of students, teachers, National Health Service staff and social workers in identifying processes and structures that support or hinder the transition process as children prepare for adulthood. As such the study gathered generic data to indicate the expectations, needs, aspirations and views of young persons between the ages of 14 and 22 with regards to employment, education, community inclusion and health. An interpretation of data from the research illustrated the effectiveness of the support structures that are in place to help with planning and delivery of the strategic direction for services supporting children and young people with SEND as they become adults.  相似文献   

《保育所保育指针》是日本保育工作中必须遵循的重要法规。截止到2018年4月,日本对《保育所保育指针》已进行了四次修订,它的每一次修订都反映了所处历史时期日本保育政策改革的新方向。从历史的视角分析《保育所保育指针》四次修订过程,梳理五十年来日本保育政策改革的特点,特别是以第四次的修订内容为核心,考察日本保育政策改革的新进展,可以发现其特征主要包括:为保障全体幼儿入学前的基本素质,制定了幼儿期应培养的核心素质与能力的目标;启动0~3岁婴幼儿教育,实现0~6岁全程"幼小衔接"的教育变革;为全面提升社区婴幼儿的保教质量,发挥保育所在社区育儿中的支援功能;完善职员研修制度,促进保育士的专业化发展。  相似文献   

The early childhood community-based program Hogares Comunitarios de Bienestar serves 800,000 low-income children under the age of 5 in Colombia. Earlier studies have identified care providers (madres comunitarias) as having, on average, low education levels and not being appropriately trained for the provision of childcare services. In 2007, a vocational education program was introduced which offers a degree in child development and care for childcare providers. In this paper we assess the effects of this program on the quality of care provided in the relevant nurseries and on the nutritional and health status, as well as cognitive and socio-emotional development of beneficiary children in Bogotá. This evaluation takes advantage of the gradual geographic expansion of the program in order to estimate treatment effects. Results indicate that the quality of care has significantly increased in these family-based nurseries and that the program has thus had a positive and significant effect on the health, cognitive and socio-emotional development of beneficiary children, especially those younger than 3 years of age.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the factors and features of the revival of paid care and domestic work in Italy. While Italy is experiencing a boom in the recourse to carers for the elderly, there is not a corresponding expansion in paid private childcare, in spite of growing female employment and limited public services for children. One of the reasons for this is the growing involvement of grandparents in childcare. In Italy, a country characterised by a “Mediterranean welfare regime”, people also have recourse to their own mothers (and fathers) to care for their children, in spite of the fact that they can afford to pay for childminding and babysitting. Thus it is not only (migrant) domestic workers who frequently rely on their parents to care for their own children, an issue widely discussed in the literature on global care chains. Their employers, too, may rely on them. Grandparents, however, have turned out to play an important role in childcare not only in Italy but also in Western countries with better childcare services. Focusing on these issues, the paper contributes both to the debate on global care chains and to that on the role of the family within different welfare systems.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the assumptions that women ‘care’ as a matter of course, that care work is natural, inevitable, and easy—requiring little skill and as a result should not be highly valued or rewarded. It does so by assessing the impact of Quebec’s (Canada’s) $7/day childcare program on an economically disadvantaged community near the Quebec/Ontario border. This pilot study of mothers and childcare workers marks the first phase of research in the community. This paper looks at some of the care work involved in childcare settings in small‐town Quebec. At the same time, the paper aims to show the importance and impact of Quebec’s childcare initiative on an economically hard‐hit community. It shows that, despite mothers’ recognition of the importance of the program to themselves, their children and their community, there is still evidence of the undervaluing of the care work that childcare providers do.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between families and staff from community agencies and organizations in a poverty level urban neighborhood in the Northeast. A central concern of this study is to address how the existing relationships between these groups may affect urban educational restructuring efforts that encourage collaborations of families, schools, and community institutions to support the social and academic development of children. If community agencies and organizations are to engage in successful collaborations with inner city schools, it is critical that they be able to work with the children and families affiliated with these institutions. Findings from this study suggest that though these educational collaborations may yield support for children and their families, there are reasons to proceed cautiously which stem from the existing relationships between families and staff from community agencies and organizations. The relationships between these groups often rest on inherent inequalities. These inequalities stem from inequitable structural conditions which place a large population of urban residents at an economic disadvantage and compel them to seek services. Structural conditions, accompanied by public policies embedded in assumptions regarding which family members are deserving of support, subsequently has influenced who receives services. Mothers and their children typically are recipients of services. The inequalities that are inherent to these relationships, likewise, carry through to the roles that families and staff assume with each other in their daily associations.  相似文献   

Quality in early childhood education and care: a case study of disadvantage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large numbers of young children spend significant amounts of time in early childhood educational settings. Concerns about the quality of this experience have increased substantially in recent years. Further, as social inequalities in Australia continue to grow the gap between disadvantage and advantage widens despite overall levels of increased economic prosperity. Provision of quality early childhood education may be one important way to address disadvantage as international studies show that high quality early childhood education experience contributes to reducing inequality later in life. This study investigated the relationship between quality and disadvantage in a childcare centre in urban Australia. Employing a case study approach, building on Bronfenbrenner’s theory and previous literature, the study found that four key components affected the quality of childcare in this centre—physical environment, staff–child interaction, curriculum/program and family support. Importantly, staff knowledge and dedication were crucial to achieving quality.  相似文献   

The quality of experiences in childcare has significant, lasting impact on children&s social development. With the growing number of young children being served in family childcare settings, it is imperative that the care provides a quality environment that nurtures children&s social development. Empirically supported interventions that specifically target family childcare, however, are lacking. The development and evaluation of a video-based program aimed at training family childcare providers in setting up their childcare environment to promote social development in young children is described. Forty-two family childcare providers were randomly assigned to an intervention group and a wait-list control group. A majority of the participants felt they learned some to very much new, practical information and said they found the interactive discussions particularly helpful. This study illustrates the feasibility of doing training and evaluation research in family childcare settings.  相似文献   

张建 《比较教育研究》2021,43(1):93-103
为应对日益加剧的人口老龄化趋势,日本自2015年开始实施保育支援新制度,加快普惠性托育服务发展。以保障托育服务"可获得""可负担"和"有质量"为目标牵引,日本政府通过对"二战"后形成的保育支援制度进行全面改革,实施托育服务无偿化政策以及构建严格的托育服务质量监管体系,努力实现普惠性托育服务覆盖全部育儿家庭。纵观5年来日本普惠性托育服务发展成果,在有效降低育儿家庭经济负担的基础上,其托育服务的有效供给和育儿家庭托育服务利用率均得到显著提高。  相似文献   

Our Early Head Start program has benefited from collaborating with researchers. By working with the researchers, our program has clarified our theory of change, reflected on strategies that work, and trained staff on what should be happening during a home visit. We have identified skills staff can use to get parents interacting with their children in positive ways during home visits. By using information about the quality of our home visits, our program now provides better services to our children and families.  相似文献   

加强家庭婴幼儿照护支持是二孩时代实现幼有所育的关键。从家庭育儿压力、母职困境和社会支持出发,调查6个省12个市共计11453个3岁以下婴幼儿家庭。结果发现,家庭育儿压力较高,抚育成本高昂,子女教育成为最大挑战,且二孩家庭育儿压力更大;母亲育儿工作难平衡,超过三分之一的母亲职业中断,且二孩家庭、低收入和低学历母亲面临更大的职业困境。在社会支持方面,家庭内部支持以祖辈为主,父亲参与不足;对教育支持最为迫切,但所获外部支持有限。在历史短板、时代挑战和文化制约的多重影响下,亟待构建婴幼儿照护家庭支持体系,通过加强对家庭婴幼儿照护的支持和指导,形成夫妻同工、祖辈适度参与的动力机制,保障女性就业权,最终实现家庭与社会共同参与的婴幼儿照护良好格局,切实缓解家庭的育儿压力。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the results of a research project on the experiences and learning needs of students with dependent children in a 1960s university. The findings are based on semi‐structured interviews with university services and academic staff, as well as a questionnaire survey among students with dependent children and follow‐up in‐depth interviews with a sample of 18 of these students. The paper shows that, for those surveyed, future employment opportunities and being a role model for their children were the main motivations for entering higher education and that their choice of university was highly spatially restricted by their caring responsibilities. It also discusses the main issues students faced once at university, including time and timing, finance, childcare, confidence, sense of belonging and skills. The paper highlights how gender and other biographical characteristics influence parents' experiences and includes suggestions for lessening the barriers they face while at university.  相似文献   

Against a background of increasing inequality and its impact at various levels on childhood and family life, of the growing societal significance and uptake of extra-familial childcare provision, and of social policy goals emphasising participation and education for all, the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in Germany is facing new and heightened challenges. This article presents and analyses current and empirically observable changes in society. It comes to the conclusion that ECEC needs to be more strongly viewed as an interdisciplinary challenge, and that ways forward need to include a comprehensive professionalisation and workforce development project: the aim must be to provide children and families with care and support services tailored both quantitatively and qualitatively to their needs, thereby offering not only support to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family obligations and an alternative place of education for children, but also programmes of specific support for disadvantaged and support-dependent children and families.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of children’s centres in England between 2004 and 2008, focusing on the newly created centres that have been located on primary and nursery school sites. Using both an analysis of policy documents and interview data from three urban local authorities, we examine the use of premises and the differing priorities of centre staff and school heads, particularly in relation to the balance of services between early years education, childcare and family support. We also explore governance issues, focusing especially on patterns of accountability. In so doing, we also examine the tensions that exist between children’s centres located on primary and on nursery school sites and the schools themselves.  相似文献   

This exploratory study was conducted amongst 518 families using early years facilities within the Maltese context. Although availability of early years services, especially for the under-threes has increased substantially, there is a lack of research documenting who uses these services; parents’ perceptions and expectations about such services; factors considered in determining choice of settings; and satisfaction with the service provided. Results obtained from questionnaires indicate that parents rely on recommendations of friends and relatives as the main criterion which contributes to a final decision about choice of settings. Over half the participants reported that they had never visited an early years setting prior to taking a decision even where respondents were using services for the first time. Within a split early years system, whilst childcare services are seen as an opportunity for women to return or continue to work, attending kindergarten is perceived as an opportunity for children to socialise and be prepared for school.  相似文献   

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