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数据新闻生产新实践日新月异,数据新闻领域出现了不断加速的生产实践和生产理念之间的裂痕,由此引发了伦理道德乃至社会法律等层面的诸多问题。本文从社会建构论的视角,首次提出了数据现实的基本概念,并从数据现实层、实践操作层和新闻功能层三个层面建构数据新闻生产的基本现实。  相似文献   

算法驱动的人类智能系统与人工智能系统交互中,数据选择与信息过滤是不容忽视的关键环节,一方面与算法运行的不透明性有关,另一方面也受到人机协同的信息过滤影响。算法偏见已经造成了现实生活中信息圈层之间的分化,并可能延续甚至加剧社会发展多个方面的失衡。因此,有必要审慎地看待算法偏见的影响要素,透视技术本身及其应用过程中的潜在风险和问题,从而为应对人工智能嵌入社会系统过程中所带来的阶段性偏见提供思路。  相似文献   

在当今的信息革命时代,尽管数据智能化已经成为不可抵档的趋势,但我们也不能放心的任由其无规则的发展.恰恰要认识到,它的出现在带给人类巨大的解放和福利的同时,也可能带来了不容忽视的商业风险、政府风险、责任风险、异化风险以及人类精神危机.因此,这就需要通过建立健全法律规制、挖掘协同治理资源、注重人才培养和引进、加强国际间的协...  相似文献   

方舟 《视听纵横》2004,(6):38-39
新闻是富有活力的信息,在人类所有的信息传播活动中,对新闻信息的传播是最活跃的。人作为社会的人,对新闻信息的关注与分享是与生俱来的精神需求。人类经遇或目睹重大事件的时候,第一反应并不是对这一事件进行历史的记录或进行哲学的思考或艺术的再现,而是通过传播来与人分享,讨论这一事件。传播新闻是人类对客观世界第一位的反应,而哲学、艺术、历史等则是第二位的反应。  相似文献   

泛在信息社会是图书馆即将面临的信息技术环境,用空间模式描述了图书馆的形态演进,提出了智慧图书馆的理念定位;并借鉴空间理论来探索图书馆的服务功能定位,用文化理念来阐述图书馆的文化功能定位;最后提出了"图书馆功能图式"的概念和建构策略,即从发展文化软实力,着力建构智慧图书馆;坚持以人为本,着力建构信息素养体系;凝聚图书馆精神,着力建构文化功能空间。  相似文献   

数字媒体时代,把关人缺失、差序格局变迁,社会共识机制逐渐被消解。本文基于公共空间和社会共识理论,结合案例分析诠释数据新闻重构社会共识的可能路径。研究发现,新闻用户基于共情、共鸣、共振的三重意义建构对新闻意义和观念做出理性取舍和选择,经过思想整合生成普遍认同的“最合理意义”,最终达成“共识”。  相似文献   

随着媒介社会化程度的加深,人类社会进入“算法社会”新阶段,并在算法操控、算法偏见以及算法黑箱等因素影响下引发新的社会风险,这在公共领域主要表现为主体异化、价值理性迷失以及公共性消解等问题引发的结构性失衡。针对上述问题,本文从政策规制、人机协同以及算法设计理念角度入手,探索了算法社会规避公共领域风险的治理路径,以期为现实问题的解决提供借鉴。  相似文献   

媒介、社会真实与新闻文化的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
媒介呈现社会真实的研究很早以前就已经引起了诸多学者的兴趣,学者们重点针对新闻媒体内容与社会事件关系的探讨。台湾学者翁秀琪指出,社会真实是由三个部分构成的:1、客观真实:不容置疑的真理,不须验证,也验证不来;2、符号真实:以符号来描述的真实;3、个人主观真实:个人对真实的了解与信仰。关于个人主观真实,李普曼在1922年《公共舆论》中就已经指出多半得自社会情境及媒介的建构而形成了个人的“脑中图画”,即新闻媒体  相似文献   

文章从媒介可以赋予受众的知情权、话语权、监督权、免责权等方面,论述了大众传媒在促进建设和谐社会中所能够发挥的积极作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which the transfer of information about farming practice is gendered, and how the gendering of access to agricultural information affects the social realities of farming women. The research focuses on a sample of Ontario female farmers who were interviewed extensively about their farming practices, including the ways in which they sought and found information to help them further their farming knowledge. It was found that female farmers utilized both formal and informal channels of information, but that these channels were not readily nor easily accessible to female farmers. Attempts to extract needed information resulted in the manifestation of issues regarding social and professional legitimacy. Female farmers must, therefore, devise alternate strategies and networks for information gathering. The study demonstrates that information acquisition in farming is a socially mediated process which reflects the socially constructed gender relations of agriculture itself.  相似文献   

Courses: Communication Technology, Communication Theory, History of Communication, Media and Society.

Objectives: Students will develop an understanding of the two principal theories of technology and culture: technological determinism and the social construction of technology.  相似文献   

社会结构中的大众传媒:身份认同与新闻专业主义之建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
处于社会结构中的大众传媒,由于受到社会政治权力、经济权力的制约,呈现出独特的传播结构和内在的运行规律.传媒、政府、公众三方构成的传播结构及其在社会中的运行,深刻影响着传媒及其从业者的身份认同的建构,新闻专业主义也由此被建构并因社会和历史环境的变化呈现出不同的面貌.本文旨在厘清社会结构中的传媒、政府、公众之间的复杂关系,寻求一种适合中国国情的新闻专业主义,以助益于正在进一步改革的中国传媒.  相似文献   

社会科学信息资源网络的构建   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文由社会科学信息网络的基本概念出发,从三种不同的角度提出了构建社会科学信息资源网络的方法借鉴自然科学资源的开发模式,发挥图书馆的基础性作用,做好网络布局.  相似文献   

This essay examines how police officers socially construct a sense of organizational drama when they label, valorize, and narrate their work experience. This social construction of organizational drama is illustrated with data collected from a four month observational study of a small police force, fictitiously named the “Valley View Police Department.”  相似文献   

At the beginning of the twentieth century, librarians, teachers, and parents wrote about the dangers to children of unlimited access to what was termed “sensational literature.” At the beginning of the next century, they struggled to deal with the dangers to children of unlimited access to the Internet. Although separated by a hundred years, they appear to be making much the same argument about the much the same issue, that of the public library providing unlimited access to minors to what some view as inappropriate or dangerous materials. However, a closer analysis of the discourse in the professional media regarding these two controversies, one that investigates the mechanisms underlying the changes in attitudes and practice, reveals that any similarities are primarily cosmetic.Such an analysis reveals that different issues were addressed and debated utilizing different social constructions of childhood and different social constructions of the public library and public librarians held by society as a whole and by librarians at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.  相似文献   

The volume of data collected by multiple devices, such as mobile phones, sensors, satellites, is growing at an exponential rate. Accessing and aggregating different sources of data, including data outside the public domain, has the potential to provide insights for many societal challenges. This catalyzes new forms of partnerships between public, private, and nongovernmental actors aimed at leveraging different sources of data for positive societal impact and the public good. In practice there are different terms in use to label these partnerships but research has been lagging behind in systematically examining this trend. In this paper, we deconstruct the conceptualization and examine the characteristics of this emerging phenomenon by systematically reviewing academic and practitioner literature. To do so, we use the grounded theory literature review method. We identify several concepts which are used to describe this phenomenon and propose an integrative definition of “data driven social partnerships” based on them. We also identify a list of challenges which data driven social partnerships face and explore the most urgent and most cited ones, thereby proposing a research agenda. Finally, we discuss the main contributions of this emerging research field, in relation to the challenges, and systematize the knowledge base about this phenomenon for the research community.  相似文献   

我国目前正处在经济体制转轨的关键期、经济发展的起飞期和社会现代化的临界期的三合一阶段。此时的经济发展在给文献信息资源共建共享带来物质基础、思想基础和人力资本基础的同时 ,也使其面临诸多的挑战。本文旨在提示我国的文献信息资源共建共享过程中应如何抓住机遇并应对挑战。  相似文献   

社科信息资源建设研究的学科性质和相关学科探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从图书馆文献资源建设到信息资源建设的发展脉络来看,社科信息资源建设研究的学科性质是现代图书馆学,其相关学科是社会科学和信息资源管理学.探讨这个问题,将有利于推动社科信息资源建设的进程.  相似文献   

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