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胡健 《传媒观察》2006,(5):29-30
近年来,记变得不那么受人尊敬了,有的地方甚至出现了“防火、防盗、防记”这样令人汗颜的说法。一些曾经对自己的职业引以为豪的记,现在也自嘲为“新闻打工仔”、“新闻民工”。而他们的收入也同他们的名声一样,打了不小的折扣。  相似文献   

数字时代记者职业呈现出变动不居的特征,数字技术和公众参与挑战了记者既有的身份认知和实践操作。文章引入哲学路径的“职业”界定标准,将记者职业视作协商的、不断修订的、对话的结果。在这种视野下,新形态的职业实践也在不断更新记者职业的内涵。文章进一步梳理了两种职业实践新形态,一是记者作为策展者,二是数字记者兴起。在第一种实践中,记者与公众、技术平台、专家等多元主体展开协作,协商共创生产新闻内容。第二种实践中,公众被放置于实践和认知中至关重要的地位。职业实践的变动也要求新闻教育作出相应的变革,文章总结认为记者职业没有消亡,它正在经历重新领地化的过程。  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

“如果我们选择了最能为人类而工作的职业,那么,重担就不能把我们压倒,因为这是为大家作出的牺牲,那时我们所享受的就不是可怜的、有限的、自私的乐趣,我们的幸福将属于千百万人,我们的事业将悄然无声地存在下去。”  相似文献   

历史波澜壮阔,时代风云变幻,作为历史和时代忠实的记录者,记者肩挑社会公义,笔挟时代风雷;为天地立心,为生民立命。在信息爆炸、媒体纷争的当今时代,一名无愧时代的记者一定是永不停步的行者、与时俱进的学者、恪守良知的仁者和机警敏锐的智者。  相似文献   

王华 《今传媒》2008,(1):56-58
作为一门职业,新闻工作有一定特殊性与复杂性,它与繁多的公共事件和复杂的公众生活紧密相联.职业赋予了新闻工作者受尊重的光环、不失尊严和卓尔不群的感觉,但同时也给他们诸多苦恼和矛盾. 当河南电视台记者曹爱文在落水少女报道现场,趴在女孩子身上做人工呼吸,经过多次努力失败后,无奈地哭了的时候,她被誉为年度"最美丽的女记者";同样是面临悲剧事件,<东南快报>记者却在现场等待拍摄一组市民骑车栽倒在水坑中的场景,而没有预告行人躲避危险,被部分公众指责"良心何在".  相似文献   

从报社记者到电视主持人王小丫 来自巴山蜀水的凉山彝族地区,她出生在一个6口之家,父亲是位从事三十多年报业的新闻工作者,母亲是位普通的机关干部。巴山蜀水孕育了她的灵性,和许多优秀的女孩一样,她顺利地考上了大学,学的是经济专业,毕业后在四川一家经济类报纸当了6年的经济记者。王小丫回忆说:“当时报纸经营不景气,基本快要垮了,老总告诉我们要自谋生路。  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者”,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。  相似文献   

当下,我们已进入一个各种媒体互相融合,协同运作的全媒体时代。这样一种全新的传播环境对记者的职业素养提出了诸多新的要求:记者需要拥有综合运用多种媒体的能力,合理运用各种媒体形式为受众提供信息;同时要尽可能掌握更加多元化的专业技能以更好地进行全媒体传播;还要具备强烈的受众意识,切实了解受众所需;另外还要拥有较强的信息分析处理能力,为受众提供优质讯息。  相似文献   

王刚 《青年记者》2005,(5):45-45
在很多情况下,记不报一条新闻,比报这条新闻,要作更多的思考,承受更大的压力,以更强的良知和职业责任感作保证。  相似文献   

本文通过归纳目前新闻摄影实践面临的多方面的挑战,来分析数字化对新闻摄影的冲击。专业的摄影记者受到其他拍摄者和各种影像记录装置的挑战;媒体专职图片编辑的传统地位受到挑战;报刊等传统平面媒体面临网络传播与移动传播的挑战;通讯社、图片社和商业图片库面临“博客”、“播客”及“个人网站”的挑战;网络媒体面临传统媒体与自身的双重挑战;新闻摄影比赛评选也正遭遇“假新闻摄影”等新的挑战。  相似文献   

The Commission on Preservation and Access and the Research Libraries Group (both US organizations) created a task force to study the requirements for preserving digital information. The report, published in May 1996, recommends a certification process for digital archives and calls for a legal authority to rescue digital files in danger of being lost. The paper reviews the reactions of the library, archival, and educational communities and describes the current actions being taken.  相似文献   

数字时代的阅读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类不是天生就会阅读的,阅读是一项需要通过后天努力培养才能形成的技能.人类大脑的可塑性使阅读成为可能.当学习阅读时,人的头脑会重组它现存的结构,创造新的连接点和路径,最终发展成一个"阅读式大脑".一个能阅读的大脑不仅仅是一个信息解码器,它的专门区域还可以几乎在无意识的状态下认出符号.因此,正在阅读的大脑能够腾出更多的时间进行理解言外之意的精神活动,从而推动个体阅读者以及整个社会的知识丈化的发展.阅读型大脑是通过不断阅读发展起来的.  相似文献   

Digital radio- which encompasses digital production and digital distribution (via broadcasting and the Internet)-is being marketed in the UK and Europe as a set of technologies that will enhance public choice, democratic participation, and interactivity. An analysis of it from a political-economic perspective, however, suggests that in a loosely regulated market economy, digitalization will not necessarily significantly increase choice or participation: On the contrary it is likely to encourage further concentration of ownership in the radio industry, thus restricting diversity. It may also risk exposing radio to structural subordination to other mass media. The article draws on trade and specialist reports as well as broader theoretical perspectives to support its central claims.  相似文献   

本文概述了情报工作和情报学诞生的社会背景和发展过程,分别从工业文明、信息文明和数字化时代等三个不同时期考察了情报工作和情报学诞生与发展的社会环境条件、所遇到的问题和冲击、所采取的应对策略和措施.重点探讨了数字化时代情报学面临的新挑战和学科融合与创新问题,并对当前情报学界的几个热点问题发表了看法.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the labor processes involved inthe expansion of digital journalism to comment on the nature and implications of transformations in journalistic work in a digital age. Specifically, I survey four practices that stand out as putting pressure on traditional journalism production: outsourcing, unpaid labor, metrics and measurement, and automation. Although these practices are unevenly incorporated into mainstream news production (and in some cases are still marginal), they demonstrate viable options for media corporations seeking to streamline production. Drawing on labor process theory, I emphasize that media corporations use strategies of efficiency and rationalization to lower labor costs. Unpaid labor, robot reporters, algorithms, and outsourcing demonstrate that changes in the media production process are not the inevitable results of technology but, as the long history of journalism and technological change demonstrates, strategies for lowering labor costs.  相似文献   

This special issue introductory article investigates contemporary notions of theory in journalism studies. Many scholars have argued that we need better ways of conceptualising what journalism is and how it develops in a digital age. There is, however, a lack of knowledge regarding what the theoretical trends within the interdisciplinary domain of journalism studies are today and to what extent contemporary inquiries into journalism are framed by emerging theories and perspectives. To fill this knowledge gap, we have conducted an analysis of more than 9000 metadata keywords and 195 abstracts found in the first 14 volumes (2000–2013) of the two most internationally acknowledged journals dedicated to journalism studies: Journalism—Theory, Practice and Criticism and Journalism Studies. The findings indicate that there has been a move towards greater theoretical awareness in journalism studies since 2000 and that the variety of theoretical approaches has increased.  相似文献   

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