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With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.  相似文献   

With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.
Zusammenfassung GEMEINDESCHULEN ALS EINE ERZIEHERISCHE ALTERNATIVE IN AFRIKA: EINE KRITIK – Mit einem Blick auf die formale Grundbildung erforscht diese Studie tatsächliche Erfahrungen und mögliche Werte gegenwärtiger Gemeindeschul-Initiativen in Afrika. Anhand der Nutzung von Daten aus verschiedenen Programmen vom ganzen Kontinent untersucht sie ihre Dynamik in Bezug auf verschiedene Konzeptionen von alternativer Grundbildungsversorgung. Die weitere politische Frage, die aufgestellt wird, lautet, ob Gemeindeschulen in einer bedeutungsvollen und gangbaren Weise auf die Interessen von Lernern und ihren Gemeinden antworten, sozialpolitische Ziele von Fairness und sozialer Gerechtigkeit erreichen und Reformen fördern können. Während ihre Schlussfolgerungen vorläufig bleiben, erforscht die Studie wirkungsvolle, aber problematische Zugänge, die von Gemeinden, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen und Regierungen unterstützt werden. Sie widmet jenen Elementen besondere Aufmerksamkeit, welche die Handlungskompetenz fördern und die erzieherische Versorgung sowie die örtlichen sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen weiterentwickeln. Sie erhebt darüber hinaus grundlegende Fragen über die Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit ebenso wie die Verantwortlichkeit von Schulen gegenüber den Bedürfnissen der Gemeinden sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Lernenden darin zu unterstützen, Benachteiligung und gesellschaftliche Ausgrenzung zu überwinden.

Resumen ESCUELAS COMUNITARIAS COMO ALTERNATIVA EDUCATIVA EN ÁFRICA: UNA CRÍTICA – Con miras a una educación básica formal, el autor explora con este estudio experiencias concretas y valores potenciales de iniciativas actuales relacionadas con escuelas comunitarias en África. Usando los datos de diferentes programas implementados a lo largo y a lo ancho del continente, examina su dinámica en cuanto a diferentes conceptos referentes a provisiones alternativas de educación básica. El interrogante político, más amplio, es el de si las escuelas comunitarias pueden ofrecer una respuesta razonable y viable a los intereses de los educandos y sus comunidades, alcanzar los objetivos sociopolíticos de igualdad y justicia social y promover las reformas. Si bien las conclusiones del estudio siguen siendo provisionales, explora enfoques efectivos, pero problemáticos sostenidos por comunidades, organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos, prestando especial atención a aquellos elementos que promueven el fortalecimiento y la transformación de la provisión educativa y de las condiciones socioeconómicas locales. También plantea interrogantes fundamentales sobre persistencia y equidad y la capacidad de las escuelas de responder a las necesidades de las comunidades y de asistir a los educandos para superar desventajas y marginación.

Résumé LES ÉCOLES COMMUNAUTAIRES EN TANT QU’UNE ALTERNATIVE ÉDUCATIVE EN AFRIQUE : UNE CRITIQUE – Tout en ayant un regard sur l’éducation formelle de base, cette étude explore les expériences actuelles et les valeurs potentielles des initiatives en cours dans les écoles communautaires en Afrique. Faisant usage des données des différents programmes sur tout le continent, elle examine leur dynamique en termes de conceptions différentes quant aux dispositions alternatives en faveur d’une éducation de base. La question politique plus large qui se pose est si les écoles communautaires peuvent répondre d’une façon significative et viable aux intérêts des apprenants et de leurs communautés, si elles vont à l’encontre des buts socio-politiques de l’équité et de la justice sociale, et si elles favorisent les réformes. Alors que ses conclusions demeurent provisoires, l’étude explore les approches effectives mais problématiques soutenues par des communautés, des organisations non gouvernementales et des gouvernements. Elle accorde une attention particulière à ces éléments qui promeuvent la mise en vigueur et transforment les besoins éducatifs et les conditions socio-économiques. Elle soulève en outre des questions fondamentales sur la persistance et l’équité ainsi que sur la responsabilité des écoles vis à vis des besoins de la communauté et sur leur capacité à aider les apprenants à surmonter des désavantages et la marginalité.

经过调查,内蒙古的草原旅游按其经营方式可以分为3类:非牧户经营、牧户个体经营和牧户联营。经分析,归纳出目前草原旅游发展中的社区参与现状如下:社区总体参与率低;企业带动参与欠缺;个体经营举步维艰;联营模式有待成熟;社区参与层次较低。今后要科学编制相关旅游规划战略;加强的社区扶助引导;重视个体经营者的资金支持;推动牧户联营公司化管理;加大社区旅游从业者的培训;监督社区参与旅游行为。  相似文献   

教育质量是衡量一个国家和地区基础教育发展水平最重要的指标,更是教育改革与发展的核心问题.当前上海提高教育质量一方面要借鉴国内外先进的经验,寻找参照标准,另一方面要加快建设自己的质量控制系统,包括建立上海市教育质量测评中心、搭建区域化教育质量研究和指导平台、建设学校教育质量推进网络等.  相似文献   


The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.  相似文献   

A survey of community college counselors was conducted to determine current and preferred supervision practices. Results indicated that although most respondents want clinical supervision, few receive it.  相似文献   

Two types of inquiry have been at the heart of recent discussions of systematic evidence in educational policy and practice: randomized field trials (RFTs) and nationally representative surveys. We argue that integrating these 2 modes of inquiry has the potential to strengthen the evidence base for school reform. In particular, national surveys can help determine the focus of RFTs, by identifying factors that place schools at risk of poor achievement or buffer schools from risk. In addition, surveys can provide data on the prevalence of interventions identified as effective in RFTs and the conditions under which the interventions are being implemented. Finally, RFTs and surveys, taken together, can provide information on ways of improving the coherence of the set of interventions used at the school level.  相似文献   

一、理解还是相信 哲学是人的一种生存状态和境界,人们选择不同的生存状态和境界,自然有不同的客观的和主观的道理。哲学教学的主要目的就在于理解和阐释这些道理,并在此基础上。引导学生接受我们认为他们应该接受和能够  相似文献   

饶冠俊 《成人教育》2022,44(3):26-31
未来社区教育将围绕人本化、数字化和生态化的三维价值,满足人民群众对美好生活的向往,其中,优质的社区教育资源供给是重要支撑。贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神,以“公众参与、数字赋能”为导向,通过政策、机制等各方面的推动,让公众参与社区教育资源建设成为一种自觉,让数字化社区教育成为一种样态,最终打造一个学习共同体广泛参与、智慧化学习环境有力支撑、优质教育服务供给良好保障、全域性共建共享的社区教育资源建设新生态,实现未来社区教育的高质量发展。  相似文献   

Philanthropists, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners are increasingly focused on a college completion crisis in the United States. Collectively and independently, they have called for increasing the number of adults with postsecondary certificates and degrees as a national imperative. Using the 2007 administration of the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), this article explores the statistical relationships between student engagement, as measured by the CCSSE, and institutional graduation rates reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Both bivariate correlations and hierarchical multiple regression analyses yielded results that reinforce the salience of student engagement as an important predictor of college completion. Specifically, the CCSSE student engagement benchmarks of active and collaborative learning and support for learners are positive predictors of institutional graduation rates. The article concludes with suggestions around instructional practices and institutional policies to consider for community college leaders committed to the completion agenda.  相似文献   

In this paper, Jean Wright and Ann Beynon discuss their past and present experience of counselling in schools and colleges. They reflect on the way counselling in schools has declined whilst at the same time growing significantly in sixth forms and colleges of further education. Drawing on these experiences and one of the writers' recent experience of the approach to counselling in the USA, they argue that a reconsideration is needed of the value of counselling approaches in schools.  相似文献   

Arguing that the politicisation of decentralisation appreciably reduces educational quality and efficient resource allocation and negatively affects matters of equity in and delivery of education, the present study provides a critique of decentralisation and privatisation in education in Africa with special reference to Nigeria. On the basis of the experiences of other nations, the author suggests that both decentralisation and privatisation in education – especially the introduction of user fees – have created a new dimension of educational inequality in Nigeria as well. In this case, it can be seen that indicators of efficiency declined significantly in line with negative trends in national-government appropriations to sub-national governments and the education sector. The author concludes that no linkage can be asserted to exist between decentralisation and educational improvement.  相似文献   

社区共建:英国改造薄弱学校的新举措   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在此用“社区共建”一词来概括近年英国政府改造义务教育阶段薄弱学校的重要举措——“教育行动区”计划的内涵。它指的是积极吸纳社会各界全方位参与学校教育。文章在对这一举措的背景、具体措施、典型案例和成绩进行介绍的基础上,提出关于改造薄弱学校的相关思考。  相似文献   

教育行动区:英国提高教育质量的新动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王凯 《比较教育研究》2003,24(11):74-78
发展教育是英国工党的政策核心之一。在政府关注教育以及教育质量低下的背景下,教育行动区作为提高教育标准的一项措施、一种尝试,以“包容”为核心,以“赋权”为运作方式,以“合作”为管理手段,为各地区教育质量的共同提高做出了应有贡献。然而,与此同时来自各方面对行动区的抱怨之声也不绝于耳。本文对行动区的酝酿、建立、发展、特色等作了探讨。  相似文献   

假象与真实:合作研究中教育理论与教育实践的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“教育理论与教育实践的关系”问题是以理论研究者和实践工作者构成的合作研究方式中无法避免的问题,而且这种研究方式更能表现这一问题的本真状态,它是教育理论研究者与实践工作者进行的面对面的直接交锋,这种交锋在一定程度上说也是教育理论与教育实践的交锋。在这种研究方式中,由于合作主体“生活世界”的差异,无法避免在视域上的难以融合,而实际存在的对合作研究的实践性和主体关系本质的不同预设,最终产生了一系列在理论研究者和实践工作者的主体中所表现出来的各种 “假象”,破除这些假象只有依靠对教育实践的历史性的充分尊重和对话的主体间性的回归。  相似文献   

汇率制度的未来:当前的国际争论及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
亚洲金融危机后,在国际政策圈和理论界对国际金融架构的讨论中,汇率制度成为中心论题之一,其中,尤为引人关注的是“中间制度消失论”的兴趣,由此激起了各方热烈的讨论和交锋,全面分析和透视这场国际争论可以发现,各方就未来汇率制度提出的许多建议,既在某些方面达成了一致,也存在着明显的分歧;但有一点可以肯定,未来国际汇率制度的走向将在很大程度上受到这场讨论的影响。  相似文献   

作为教育质量保障体系中的核心概念,问责正影响着各国的教育改革议程。在中国的教育发展实践中,也构建了过程与结果兼顾、直接问责与间接问责相互补充的问责网络,它发挥着对学校及教师工作的监督与导向作用。建构基于自觉承担责任的问责形式,发挥不同利益相关者的能动作用,是完善基于问责的教育质量保障体系的可能进路。  相似文献   

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