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Hard Times     
A:What time is it by your watch?B:Quarter to.A:Quarter to what.B:I can’t tell.Times got so bad that I had to lay off one of the hands.  相似文献   

一、常见用语1.询问时间与应答What’s the time? What time is it? What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? What time do you have?It’s...o’clock/halfpast.../aquarter to(past).../etc. It’s time for...2.询问星期几与应答  相似文献   

Tommy is four years old.That's the age when children usually aska lot of questions.Every time Tommy goes somewhere with his parents,he pulls on their hands and asks a million questions,“What is that?Whereare those people going?When are we going to leave?Why is the skyblue?”Tommy asks questions about everyone and everything.His mo-ther and father get very tired.Tommy even asks questions that adults consider rude.Last week  相似文献   

1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth? 2.What season is the most dangerous one? 3.What's too much forme,just right for two,but nothing at all for three? 4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history? 5.How many feetare in a yard? 6.Whatperson tries to make others smile most of the time? 7.From what number can one take half and leave nothing? 8.What has hands but no feet,a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk? 9.How many months have 28 days? 10.Which horses have six legs?K…  相似文献   

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C? Because it makes fat fact! 2.Why is the letter E so important?Because it’s the begining of everything!3.How do you feel today?With my hands,of course!4.What does everybody do at the same time?  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: the bus. Part Ⅰ~ Listen and repeat these expressions. What you say Which is the bus for London? Where is the bus stop? What time is the next bus to Birmingham? What' s the best way to get to Halifax by bus? What time does the last bus for Liverpool leave? Where can I get the number 34 bus? Where do I get off for the Science museum?  相似文献   

在初中英语教材中,time词性单一,但却频繁出现,搭配丰富,极为活跃。现将其主要用法归纳如下: 一、time意为“时间”时,为不可数名词。例如: What’s the time,please?/What time is it.please? 请问,什么时间了? The best time to visit China is spring or au-  相似文献   

Topic: What do you think are the symbols of success in today's China?Directions: The answers of what success means vary from person to person and change time to time. What do you think are the symbols of success in today's China? Please write a composition in no less than 600 words with your creativity. Writing of any style is welcome.  相似文献   

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? A. 同步阅读 Passage 1 Tom is a student. He studies in No. 2 Middle School. He is a good student at school. He is a good son at home. On weekdays, he gets up at six o>clock in the morning. He washes his face and hands. After that, he does some reading. He reads Chinese or English for about ten minutes. At the same time, his mother cooks breakfast for him. At half past six, he has his breakfast. He usually has two eggs, some milk and some noodles for …  相似文献   

Jokes And Humour     
What time is it now? The tow boys were campingin the backyard. When theycouldn’t figure out what time itwas,the first boy said to thesecond,“Start singing very loud.”  相似文献   

1 What room can no one enter? 2 What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? 3 What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? 4 What has a neck but no head? 5 What gets wetter as it dries? 6 Which letter of the alphabet[字母表] has the most water? 7 What starts with a "P," ends with an "E" and has thousands of letters? 8 What has to be broken before you can use it?  相似文献   

Find out what has to be broken before it can be used,what gets wetter as it dries,what type of cheese is made backwards and much more.How many of the riddles do you know ? Read on and enjoy laughing at all our funny riddles. 1.What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Note:A clock. 2.What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?  相似文献   

1.你觉得这部影片如何?What/How about the film?How do you like/find the film?What is the film like?What do you think of the film?2.我买这件新外套花了25美元。The new dress cost me 25 dollars.I spent 25 dollars(in)buying the new dress.I spent 25 dollars on the new dress.I paid 25 dollars for the new dress.3.在那个时候见到他在那里,她感到吃惊。She was surprised to see him there at that time.To her surprise,she saw him there at that time.It was surprising for her to see him there at that time.  相似文献   

一、what引导的问句1.问物名What’s this?What are these? 2.问姓名What’s your name? 3.问年龄What’s the age of you? 4.问职业、身份What’s your father? 5.问具体时间What time is it? / What’s the time? 6.问星期几What day is it today? 7.问日期What’s the date today? 8.问颜色What colour is his car? 9.问怎么样(征求意见或询问消息)What about the red coat? 10.问用何种语言表达What’s the English for“桔子”? 11.问天气What’s the we…  相似文献   

例如:1.问职业:——What does your father do?你父亲是做什么工作的?——He is a teacher.我父亲是教师。2.问几点钟:——What’s the time now?现在几点钟?——It’s half past five.5点半。——What time do you usually go to work?你通常几点上班?  相似文献   

What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world? That's an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. Well, maybe. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that's why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money."时间是什么?是一种像金钱一样可以…  相似文献   

Planning a Good Presentation 好的演讲,充分准备 Planning is key to the success of any presentation.It is essential to consider the content of the presentation,the audience,the language to use and the style of the delivery. What Makes a Good Presentation ? 优秀演讲的要素 A presentation should,above all,be informative and persuasive and make best use of the audience's time.How interesting are your presentations?  相似文献   

Hello,dear Big Mouth English readers!Irjolid ay is the time for family and friends.What did you do during the holiday?Jack is on holiday,too.He is visiting Uncle Mo,his favorite unci Read to find out where Uncle Mo is from.  相似文献   

教学流程Step 1.Greeting(略)Step 2.Song time T:What day is it today?What’s the weather like today?Is it a sunny day?I like the sunny days.So I want to share a song with you."(A sunny day")1.Listen to the song.2.Do you like this song?Let’s sing after the music.3.Can you sing this song?Please sing by yourselves.(跟伴奏  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.Who is close to you,your mom or your dad? 2.Why is the comet(彗星)like Mickey Mouse? 3.Why do people go to bed? 4.What’s the best thing to take when you're run-down? 5.What stays hot even if put it in a refrigerator? 6.What is the best year for a kangaroo(袋鼠)? 7.What surprising things happen everywhere every day?  相似文献   

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