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新中国成立以来,邮电部曾先后发行过6位著名数学家的邮票,他们分别是:  相似文献   

翻阅数学史,我们常会看到一些数学家因为某项数学发明的优先权而发生争执,这些纷争往往会导致一些令人遗憾的影响.  相似文献   

在数学教学中,适当向学生讲授一点数学史并将其制度化是数学教师的共识.但是在讲解的过程中,学生总要问这些外国数学家及他们的定理能对我们日常的解题有什么帮助?下面以我们在习题课中遇到的一个问题为例,介绍一点体会.  相似文献   

郑英元 《数学教学》2009,(10):49-49
有些几何图形是为说明某些现象而由数学家设计出来的,比如:  相似文献   

四则运算的符弓。“+”、“-”、“×”、“÷”(图1、图2)起始于什么年代?现代普遍认为:加减号“+”、“-”最早出现在德国数学家魏德曼(J.Widman,1460-?)1489年的著作中,但正式作为运算符号使用是从荷兰数学家赫克(V.Hoccke)于1514年开始.  相似文献   

经济上有经济危机,历史上数学也有三次危机.第一次危机发生在公元前580—568年之间的古希腊.数学家毕达哥拉斯建立了毕达哥拉斯学派.该学派人数固定.知识保密,所有发明创造都归于学派领袖.当时人们对有理数的认识还很有限.对于无理数的概念更是一无所知.毕达哥拉斯学派所说的数,原采是指整数.他们不把分数看成一种数,而仪看做两个整数之比.他们错误地认为,宇宙间的一切现象都归结为整数或整数之比.  相似文献   

公元1888年,法兰西科学院举行第三次有奖国际征文,以奖金三千法郎,向世界征集关于刚体绕固定点运动问题的论文.在此之前,鉴于该问题的重要性,科学院曾以同样的奖金进行过两次征文,不少杰出数学家积极参与,但均告失败.为此法兰西科学院决定举行第三次征集活动,在众多论文中,一篇佳作别有创意,鹤立鸡群,其证明步骤和结论,令人耳目一新,鉴于它的特殊价值,评委们决定破例把奖金增加到五千法郎,然而令评委们震惊的是,获奖者竟是一位俄罗斯女性,她就是数学王国的巾帼英雄,女数学家索菲娅.  相似文献   

目前,很多中学生把数学看作是纯粹的概念,枯燥的定理和性质,从而对数学失去了学习兴趣。为了激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创造能力和综合文化素养,提高数学课堂教学效果,有必要全面了解数学科学,探索数学发展的规律,进一步认识数学史在数学教育中的地位和价值。在数学课堂教学中融入数学史知识教学尤为重要,它是数学新课程改革的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

方舟子 《教师博览》2006,(12):52-53
数学史上著名的一个大恩怨许多人在中学学解方程时都听老师讲过的。故事说,文艺复兴时期意大利数学家塔塔利亚发现了三次方程的解法,秘而不宣。一位叫卡当的骗子把解法骗到了手,公布出来,并宣称是他自己发现的。塔塔利亚一气之下向卡当挑战比赛解方程,大获全胜,因为塔塔利亚教他时留了一招。不过至今这些公式还被称作卡当公式,而塔塔利亚连名字都没有留下来,塔塔利亚只是一个外号,意大利语意思是“结巴”。网上广为流传的一篇《数学和数学家的故事》长文就是这么介绍的。这个流行版本从总体到细节都是错误的。塔塔利亚不仅留下了名字(真名尼…  相似文献   

经济上有危机。数学也曾经有三次危机.第一次危机发生在公元前580~568年之间的古希腊。数学家毕达哥拉斯建立了毕达哥拉斯学派.这个学派集宗教、科学和哲学于一体。该学派人数固定。知识保密。所有发明创造都归于学派领袖.  相似文献   

数学史教育是新课程的内在要求.为了更好地发挥数学史作为数学文化最佳载体的作用,对中学数学史的讲授与学习进行了详细讨论.  相似文献   

中国现代数学的奠基是在落后于西方数学200年的基础上,经过先辈数学家们走出国门,艰苦求学,然后回国创办高等教育,发展中国的现代数学.中国现代数学的奠基历程经历了从20世纪初到1929年间30年的艰难起步,回顾前辈数学家们开拓中国现代数学的这段艰苦历程,感受他们高度的民族自强精神和卓越的科学创造才能.  相似文献   

In this paper I consider the problem of designing strategies for teacher education programs that may promote an aware style of teaching. Among the various elements to be considered I focus on the need to address prospective teachers’ belief that they must reproduce the style of mathematics teaching seen in their school days. Towards this aim, I argue that the prospective teachers need a context allowing them to look at the topics they will teach in a different manner. This context may be provided by the history of mathematics. In this paper I shall discuss how history affected the construction of teaching sequences on algebra during the activities of the ‘laboratory of mathematics education’ carried out in a 2 year education program for prospective teachers. The conditions of the experiment, notably the fact that our prospective teachers had not had specific preparation in the history of mathematics, allow us to outline opportunities and caveats of the use of history in teacher education.  相似文献   

祖冲之的影响与现代数学史教育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国古代有许多优秀的数学家,其中祖冲之在现代的影响很大,产生这一现象的原因是他的历史地位,大众传媒的作用及政治的需要,这对现代数学史教育的启示有:进行数学史教育要联系学生的数学知识、深入浅出、以人为本,应对教材进行修订和要进行数学精神的宣传。  相似文献   

我国的数学教学一直注重形式演绎数学思维的训练,而忽视了对数学学科的思想体系、文化内涵的认识。学习数学史可以对学生进行爱国主义教育,可以培养学生学习数学的兴趣,可以加深学生对数学知识的理解,有利于培养合格的数学教师。  相似文献   

This paper makes both a critical analysis of some popular cultural texts about mathematics and mathematicians, and explores the ways in which young people deploy the discourses produced in these texts. We argue that there are particular (and sometimes contradictory) meanings and discourses about mathematics that circulate in popular culture, that young people use these as resources in identity making as (non-)mathematicians, negotiating their meaning in ways that are not always predictable, and that their influence on young people is diffuse and nevertheless important. The paper discusses the discourses that prevail in some of the popular cultural images of mathematics and mathematicians that came up in our research. We show how mathematics is represented as a secret language, while mathematicians are often mad, mostly male and almost invariably white. We then explore how young people negotiate these discourses, positioning themselves in relation to mathematics. Here we draw attention to the fact that both those who continue with mathematics after it ceases to be compulsory and those who do not, deploy similar images of mathematics and mathematicians. What is different is how they respond to and negotiate these images.  相似文献   

在数学教育中渗透人文教育,弘扬人文精神,是素质教育的要求,是我国新课程改革所规定的数学教育的目的,更是数学教育发展的必然。人文数学是数学与人文的结合,是用数学的精神、原则、思想和方法对学生进行文化陶冶和人格塑造,让数学教育在传授科学的同时起到提高人的文化素养和教化人格的作用。教育者可从创设特色人文课堂情境、引导学生自主学习、重视学生的个体差异三个方面实现人文教育在数学教学中的渗透,进而实现科学与人文在数学教学中有机的结合,进而促进学生人文素养的提升。  相似文献   

The integration of history into educational practice can lead to the development of activities through the use of genetic ‘moments’ in the history of mathematics. In the present paper, we utilize Oresme’s genetic ideas – developed during the fourteenth century, including ideas on the velocity–time graphical representation as well as geometric transformations and reconfigurations – to develop mathematical models that can be employed for the solution of problems relating to linear motion. The representation of distance covered as the area of the figure between the graph of velocity and the time axis employed in these activities, leads on naturally to the study of problems on motion by means of functions, as well as allowing for the use of tools (concepts and propositions) from Euclidean geometry of relevance to such problems. By employing simple geometric transformations, equivalent real life problems are obtained which lead, in turn, to a simple classification of all linear motion-related problems. When applied to a wider range of motion problems, this approach prepares the way for the introduction of basic Calculus concepts (such as integral, derivative and their interrelation); in fact, we would argue that it could be beneficial to teach the basic concepts and results of Calculus from an early grade by employing natural extensions of the teaching methods considered in this paper.  相似文献   

Data from a study of the practices of research mathematicians are used to highlight an exploration of commonalities across and differences between learners in mathematics classrooms. Such commonalities and differences are, it is claimed, central to a teacher's understandings of how to address her role and responsibilities. Commonalities discussed are those between learners,across mathematics and between communities of practice. Differences between syllabus and practice, between school mathematics,mathematics in the world, and academic mathematics and, finally, between members of the different communities of students,teachers of mathematics, mathematics educators, and mathematicians are explored. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

加强数学实验教学,培养学生应用数学的能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前实践教学已经越来越受到高校重视,数学实验是培养学生的数学应用意识和能力的有益尝试,该文介绍了数学实验课的特点、教学方法和手段,以及探讨了数学实验的教学内容。  相似文献   

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