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Metalinguistic and literacy abilities were studied in twenty-seven nonvocal cerebral palsied school children. The participants of the study were presented four tests of phonological awareness: rhyme recognition, sound identification, phoneme synthesis and word length analysis. Their verbal comprehension was measured using a semantic and a syntactic task. Two tests of nonverbal memory: the visual sequential task from ITPA and Corsi blocks and the Digit Span task from WISC, were also included. These measures were related to their reading and spelling ability. The nonvocal children performed on a lower level on the reading and spelling tasks than did the children of two comparison groups, one matched for mental age and one for mental and chronological age. There were no differences in phonological awareness or in verbal memory. The disabled children performed worse on the verbal comprehension task than the children in the comparison groups. Although the reading and spelling results were low in the nonvocal group there were children showing some literacy skills. A within-group analysis performed in the nonvocal group showed that the reading children performed better on all memory tests, and on the sound identification and the word length analysis tasks than the nonreading ones. They also showed better results on verbal comprehension, the semantic task and used more symbols in their communication. Synthetic speech was more often used in reading and spelling education in the reading subgroup than in the nonreading. Metalinguistic abilities and possibility of acoustic rehearsal are discussed as important factors in reading and spelling acquisition in the nonvocal population.  相似文献   

物理是一门以实验为基础的学科.设计性实验对于考查学生综合运用所学知识,解决实际问题,提高学生的综合素质和科学素养;培养学生的创新意识和创造能力,以适应未来社会对人才的要求,具有积极的意义.在2001年高考说明中,明确指出"能灵活地运用已学过的物理理论,实验方法和实验仪器去处理问题."下面举例说明.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Education accountability and its building components has been the focal point and yet a convoluted issue. The current study aims to give a comprehensive...  相似文献   

The Dutch Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Children with Cerebral Palsy was translated and administered to an English sample. This scale was developed to assess the child's perception on cognitive, physical and social domains. Thirty-two children, aged 4 to 9 years, were tested twice. The results indicate good test/retest reliability and good internal consistency. The results on the intercorrelations between the four sub-scales supported internal validity of the pictorial scale. It is concluded that the pictorial scale for young children with cerebral palsy is a reliable and valid instrument for determining the perception of children with cerebral palsy, and application in clinical and class settings is discussed.  相似文献   

《教育科学研究方法》是近年来电大新开的一门课程。作为开放教育课程,其考核方式,应有独自的特点。本从知识结构入手,分析了教材的知识分布,并就其自身及学员的特点设计各部分的考核方式,然后从考试题型结构角度,对每一部分试题的设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

面对学生缺乏英语学习环境问题,提出构建以PRETCO与专业课相结合的高职英语课堂:以专业课语言情景为具体语言环境,采用显性教学课堂模式,为学生学习英语知识找到突破口,从而提高学生英语应用能力。  相似文献   

This article reports on the development of online assessment tools for disengaged youth in flexible learning environments. Sociocultural theories of learning and assessment and Bourdieu's sociological concepts of capital and exchange were used to design a purpose-built content management system. This design experiment engaged participants in assessment that led to the exchange of self, peer and teacher judgements for credentialing. This collaborative approach required students and teachers to adapt and amend social networking practices for students to submit and judge their own and others' work using comments, ratings, keywords and tags. Students and teachers refined their evaluative expertise across contexts, and negotiated meanings and values of digital works, which gave rise to revised versions and emergent assessment criteria. By combining social networking tools with sociological models of capital, assessment activities related to students' digital productions were understood as valuations and judgements within an emergent, negotiable social field of exchange.  相似文献   

Play, in the West, is seen by professionals as a crucial context for the transmission of skills, such as problem-solving, language, and communication. As such, it forms the vehicle for much intervention and therapy. Reports were elicited from parents of children with cerebral palsy in West Bengal on the activities they engaged in with their child and on the toys, if any, the child possessed. The majority of parents reported spending time playing with and teaching their child and all respondents named at least two toys belonging to their child. Associations between play and teaching and characteristics of the families are examined along with implications for parent involvement programs in non-Western contexts.  相似文献   

Feedback to parents of the results of child psychological assessment is an unusually problematic aspect of the evaluation process. This paper integrates and expands on the heretofore sparse clinical literature. It explores dynamics stimulating resistance on the part of the clinician to engaging in feedback. Specific guidelines are provided for the conduct of feedback interviews in clinical and school settings that are designed to maximize the probability of successful intervention in the service of children and adolescents with primarily mild to moderate special needs.  相似文献   

计算机和网络的发展和普及,为教学方法和评价的改革和创新提供了新的平台.提出一个基于WEB技术的网上考试系统,介绍网上考试系统的设计方案、总体结构、所采用的主要技术以及该系统所能实现的功能和特点.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Immediate medical assessment has been recommended for children after sexual abuse to identify physical injuries, secure forensic evidence, and provide for the safety of the child. However, it is unclear whether young children seen urgently within 72 hours of reported sexual contact would have higher frequencies of interview or examination findings as compared to those seen non-urgently or whether forensic findings would be affected by child characteristics, type of reported contact, or later events. DESIGN/SETTING: We evaluated 190 consecutive cases of children under 13 years of age urgently referred during a 5-year period in 1998-2003 to a community child advocacy center and compared them to those non-urgently referred with regard to their physical examination findings, any sexually transmitted infections or forensic evidence, gender, pubertal development, type of contact, reported ejaculation, later bathing or changing clothes, time to examination, and gender, age and relationship of alleged perpetrator. RESULTS: Children seen urgently were younger and had less frequent CPS involvement, more disclosures, and more positive physical examinations, and had more contact with older perpetrators than those seen non-urgently. Overall, most children were female and had normal or non-specific physical examinations. Certain case characteristics were predictive of evidence isolation in the 9% who had positive forensic evidence identified. Semen or sperm was identified from body swabs only from non-bathed, female children older than 10 years of age or on clothing or objects. CONCLUSIONS: Female children over 10 years old who report ejaculation or genital contact without bathing have the highest likelihood of positive examinations or forensic evidence. While there are other potential benefits of early examination, physicians seeking to identify forensic evidence should consider the needs of the child and other factors when determining the timing of medical assessment after sexual abuse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to clinically assess children's reactions to videocolposcopy with real-time observation of magnified anogenital images (VCO), and to evaluate whether these reactions are affected by patient or other characteristics such as response to preparation, disclosure of child sexual abuse (CSA), or examination findings. METHOD: Consecutive cases of children ages less than 18 years referred to a children's hospital clinic for nonemergent evaluation of suspected CSA during 1997 through 1999 were studied. We noted the child's response with clinical observation before and after videocolposcopy, and used the Genital Examination Distress Scale (GEDS) after evaluation. We compared these responses to patient gender, age, ethnicity, pubertal status, disclosure of child sexual abuse (CSA), and physical examination findings using univariate and regression analyses. RESULTS: Two hundred twenty-seven children (mean age 7.2 years, range 0-17) underwent videocolposcopy, of whom 55.1% disclosed sexual abuse and 17.2% had a positive examination. More than 80% were female, prepubertal, and non-Hispanic White. Most (85%) watched their examination on the monitor and were either cooperative or enthusiastic before and after videocolposcopy. Fewer very young children (ages 0-3 years) or female adolescents (13-17 years) watched the monitor. Summed GEDS scores were strongly correlated with observed responses after the procedure (p = .01), and children with CSA disclosure were three times more likely to watch the monitor and five times more likely than those without disclosure to have improved comfort. Other patient characteristics were not significantly associated with patient reaction to VCO. CONCLUSIONS: Most children are interested in watching their anogenital examination using magnified real-time images obtained during videocolposcopy and tolerate the procedure well. The GEDS is highly correlated with subjective clinical observation. While some children may particularly benefit from participating in their examination by using VCO, long-term effects of the evaluation and any relationship of a child's reaction to videocolposcopy with their history of sexual victimization remain to be established.  相似文献   

测固体密度是实验设计题中一个很常见的题型,其方法多种多样,主要可归纳为以下几类:1测密度大于水且不溶于水的物体密度。方法一器材:天平、量筒、水。步骤:①用天平测出物体质量m,②在量筒中倒入适量的水,记下水面所对刻度V1,③将物体浸没在水中,记下水面所对刻度V2。表达式:ρ=m/(V2-V1)方法二器材:弹簧测力计、烧杯、水、细线  相似文献   

Factors associated with an increased impact of child sexual abuse   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Data is presented identifying factors associated with the impact of sexual abuse on children. A group of 369 sexually abused children and a comparison group of 318 children recruited from the community were compared on a parent-completed behavior rating scale. Data describing the abused children were also available from a 38-item symptom checklist completed by the child's social worker. Using a score based on the symptom checklist as the measure of the impact of sexual abuse, 15 variables were in the final regression equation explaining 42% of the variance in impact. Using a score based on parent-generated data, 5 variables were in the final equation explaining 20% of the variance. The significance of the variables in identifying factors associated with an increased impact of abuse is discussed.  相似文献   

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