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为了更好地适应社会对新型人才培养的要求,伴随高校教育改革的步伐,文学史课程的教学模式也在进行探索和创新。以宏观的文学史学观为理论基础,重新审视中国传统文学的发展进程及其特征,以整体观的理念梳理文学发展史脉络、确定各阶段的教学重点,以作品阅读的指导来夯实学生的文学积累,以多样化教学手段的运用来提高课堂教学的效率,并通过创造性思维、理论思考和创新表达习惯的培养和训练来提高学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

Recent feminist philosophers of science have argued that feminist values can contribute to rational decisions about which scientific theories to accept. On this view, increasing the number of feminist scientists is important for ensuring rational and objective theory acceptance. The Underdetermination Thesis has played a key role in arguments for this view [Anderson (1995) Hypatia 10(3), 50–84; Hankinson Nelson (1990) Who knows? From Quine to a feminist empiricism. Temple University Press, Philadelphia; Longino (1990) Science as social knowledge. Princeton University Press, Princeton; Longino (2002) The fate of knowledge. Princeton University Press, Princeton; Kourany (2003) Philosophy of Science 70, 1–14]. This thesis is alleged to open an argumentative “gap” between evidence and theory acceptance and provide a rationale for filling the gap with feminist values. While I agree with the conclusion that feminist values can contribute to rational decisions about which theories to accept, I argue that the Underdetermination Thesis cannot support this claim. First, using earlier arguments [Laudan (1990) in: R. Giere (ed) Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol 14, pp 267–297; Slezak (1991) International Studies in Philosophy of Science 5, 241–256; Pinnick (1994) Philosophy of Science 61, 664–657] I show that Underdetermination cannot, by itself, establish that feminist values should fill the gap in theory acceptance. Secondly, I argue that the very use of the Underdetermination Thesis concedes that feminist values are extra-scientific, a-rational, factors in theory acceptance. This concession denies feminists grounds to explain why their values contribute to rational scientific reasoning. Finally, I propose two alternative ways to explain how feminist values can contribute to rational theory acceptance that do not rely on Underdetermination.
Kristen IntemannEmail:

女性写作在我国虽然有着悠久的历史,女性文学在我国的发展却是近百年的事。文章首先对女性文学在中国的发展历程加以简要梳理,然后联系当今文坛女性写作的现状对卫慧的小说创作加以剖析,揭示其创作话语的伪女性实质。  相似文献   

成语的翻译一直是翻译实践以及翻译教学中绕不过去的难点,对于成语翻译的讨论也有很多。本文从成语在具体语境中的实际意义为依归,指出在文学翻译中,成语翻译不能生搬成语词典的义项,而应该根据具体的文学语境,顺应文学语境与文化语境,才能将其翻译好。  相似文献   

《颜氏家训》以札记散论的自由灵活形式,涉笔于学术研究的众多领域。其篇幅虽短,内容却非常广泛,文化内蕴十分丰富。对该书的研究前人时贤论述颇丰,但从文史哲的角度,特别是文献学角度进行全面评价,尚欠薄弱。鉴于该书是一份重要的文献资料,具有很高的学术研究价值。现特从文史哲方面进行评述,使之在这些研究领域发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on data from twenty-three US, UK, and Chinese mentor teachers, this study explores the relationship between contexts of mentoring and mentoring practice. It discusses learning opportunities created by mentoring in different contexts for novices to learn to teach. Through comparative analysis, it finds that mentoring practices show greater differences across programs and countries than within. This is the case even when mentors are practicing or moving toward practicing a kind of teaching as expected by education reformers. These differences are reflected in mentors’ beliefs about what novices need to learn, their interaction patterns and foci with novices. Three instructional contexts in each setting shape such differences: structure of school curriculum and assessment, organization of teaching and mentoring, and student population. These findings suggest that the reform-minded teaching practice that mentors developed does not necessarily guarantee the effective mentoring that supports teacher learning and teaching reform. Teacher educators should pay attention to the influences of instructional contexts on mentoring and the kinds of learning opportunities that mentoring creates for novice teachers in different contexts. When designing mentoring programs and arranging mentoring relationships, teacher educators need to consider how to restructure school contexts and help mentors learn how to mentor.  相似文献   

2013年8月,教育部转发国家发改委立项批复,启动"211工程"公共服务体系建设项目"高等学校仪器设备和优质资源共享系统"(英文缩写CERS)二期建设。CERS二期建设在基本目标、基本理念、组织管理等方面与一期建设一脉相承,但是由于有了一期建设奠定的基础,并看到了一期建设中存在的不足,二期建设在建设思路和重点建设内容方面做了较大的调整,致力于仪器平台校际互通建设和大型仪器开放示范机组建设,努力开创新局面,建立可持续运行的机制,为下一阶段的发展创造条件。  相似文献   

This article reviews the relationship between the conservative newspaper The Australian and the development of a national history curriculum in Australia. The lead author surveyed the major Australian press in the five-year period between 2007 and 2012 and found clear patterns of difference between The Australian and other press outlets in relation to education in general and history curriculum in particular. Using Jonathan Haidt's five-point model of moral values, the article analyses the behaviour of the press in Australia in relation to history education as a feature of moral preferences. Extending from this analysis, it then highlights a number of cases of press campaigns in The Australian targeted against individuals including one academic involved in the development of a national curriculum. The article demonstrates that a culture of aggressive conservatism exercised in this Murdoch press outlet reaches beyond the field of conventional political debate to constitute a serious and concerning influence in the dynamics of curriculum policy development.  相似文献   

This paper explores undocumented adolescent Latina becomings that move beyond Western, white dominant cultural values and recognize egalitarian entanglements of difference. I begin by recognizing my positionality in this work that speaks to my own feminist theoretical entanglements of this project that draw upon new materialist and post-qualitative embodied, inspirited, affective becomings. In the second half of this paper, I resituate this project within a decolonizing framework that parallels discussions of feminist new materialist and post-qualitative work in an effort to begin thinking differently about educational research, schooling, and the impact of oppressive and colonizing practices on undocumented immigrant youth in this country. Finally, I do not offer this research project in the conventional qualitative structure, but am not claiming this research as post-qualitative either - as it lies somewhere in between - and resides in a liminal methodological space.  相似文献   


In this commentary, pedagogical reflection is examined through the lens of a practitioners’ personal memories of childhood play. The telling of these stories uncovers and describes the ways in which teachers’ personal play histories and their reflections upon them could inform their facilitative relationship to, provision for, and perceptions of dramatic play in their classroom. The term play history is not limited to only childhood memories, rather, it can be further clarified as memories of and experiences with play as children, young adults, and as grown practitioners. Space for both pre- and in-service teachers to explore and examine relationships and experiences with play provides a platform for acknowledgement of their pasts in relation to how they think about, allow for, and engage in play now as a professional.  相似文献   

In our current age of rapid social, economic and technological change, including urbanisation, globalisation and information overload, human beings are more than ever seeking orientation and meaning. In this situation, education is the potential key to individual empowerment, cultural prosperity, social cohesion and economic development. Arguing for the learning city as the location where a real learning culture is being developed, the author of this article discusses the need to build a new citizenship involving democratic, social, egalitarian (gender-balanced), intercultural and environmental dimensions. Based on a new humanism, this new citizenship should be designed to overcome the exclusion of many in the interests of a few and enable a meaning-friendly evolution in our social institutions. Thus the means of knowing, understanding and being in the world of knowledge, which are essential for liberating the human mind, can be provided to everyone.  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》大量引用外来材料的撰写法在数以百计的中国古代长篇小说中 ,仅此一见。所以如此 ,是由于作者力倡拟古 ,首次将当时文坛盛行的模拟法运用到小说创作中来 ,且由于作者对俗文学的嗜好 ,使其模拟厌雅亲俗 ,多取之于记忆中的稗史俗曲 ,并采用了记忆性移植整合、口述笔录等独特操作法 ,从而形成了中国小说史上特有的《金瓶梅》文本现象  相似文献   

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