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爱尔兰与英国隔海相望,西临大西洋,东靠爱尔兰海,为北美通向欧洲的通道。近’年来,由于其纯正的语言环境、优质的高等教育、便捷的签证手续和相对低廉的学习费用,爱尔兰已逐渐成为越来越多国际学生的选择。此外,爱尔兰与英国高等院校的合作也非常紧密,学生在爱尔兰完成所修课程后,可以直接转往英国继续就读后续相关课程。  相似文献   

分析并阐迷17世纪40年代之前的爱尔兰状况,英国资产阶级革命时期爱尔兰人民的抗英斗争,18世纪爱尔兰状况三个问题,探究爱尔兰问题的渊源。  相似文献   

爱尔兰Pyanair欧洲最出名的廉价航空公司,有着很好的口碑.在欧洲机场数目很多,从英国和爱尔兰17个机场, 飞往欧洲地区50多个城市, 而且提供很多欧洲内陆城市之间的航班服务.……  相似文献   

课本第50页、第71页、第74页、第83页、第136页、第138页的几幅图中存在问题。第一,英国是否包括爱尔兰?第71页的图例中,英国没有包括爱尔兰,第83页地图又把爱尔兰单独注明。我认为都不妥,因为这时的爱尔兰是英国的一个组成部分。第二,英国的全称是什么?第74页地图上注的是“不列颠爱尔兰联合王国”,第83页地图上注明英国为“大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国”。因此,在这里我们应该熟悉一下英国疆域及名称的演变。资产阶级革命前的英国不包括苏格兰和爱尔兰。资产阶级革命期间先后征服了爱尔兰、苏格兰,并将其兼并,英国的全称为“大不列颠及爱尔…  相似文献   

“北爱”问题,持久未决,恐怖事件,接连不断,不仅平民百姓深受其害,甚至危及英国本土。其原因何在?一、英国的殖民统治是造成北爱尔兰问题的根源北爱尔兰问题可以追溯到几百年前。从12世纪起,英格兰人开始入侵爱尔兰。此后数百年间,整个爱尔兰岛一直处于英国的统治之下。1801年,英国根据英、爱同盟条约建立“大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国”,正式将爱尔兰并入英国版图。  相似文献   

石碾 《教育》2006,(11):60-60
最近一份调查显示,在680万16岁到24岁的英国青少年中,有210万人是每日烟不离手的“烟鬼”,有190万青少年酗酒。上述数据显示,英国是在欧美地区,除爱尔兰和丹麦以外青少年沉迷烟酒最严重的国家。专家研究显示,青少年烟酒问题已经超过青少年吸毒问题,成为英国青少年健康成长的严重阻碍。  相似文献   

16世纪初,英国国王名义上是爱尔兰的最大领主,但是实际控制区域却在不断萎缩。都铎王朝建立之初,仅仅有五个郡宣誓效忠英国王室。这一区域被英国国王以特许令状的方式定性为英国在爱尔兰的直辖区。直辖区在16世纪初对英国的各项政策采取无条件支持的态度,但是随着在爱尔兰殖民的深入,英国政府对直辖区的剥削不断加重,引发了直辖区的反叛。至此,直辖区在英爱关系中的特殊地位不复存在。英属直辖区的兴衰见证了英国16世纪殖民爱尔兰的政策的演变。  相似文献   

与美、加、日等国家相比,申请爱尔兰的学校似乎简便多了,它不像美国那样需要很高的TOEFL成绩,不像日本那样大门愈关愈紧,也不像英国那样要交很高的保证金。但有一点是相同的,他们都希望招收到的是最优秀的学生。  相似文献   

爱尔兰素有"翡翠之国"的美称,这里不仅风光秀丽,其卓越的高等教育水平也为世界公认.早在15世纪,爱尔兰首都都柏林就有"大学城"之称.而坐落在都柏林市中心的都柏林圣三一学院就是爱尔兰最著名、也是建校最早的大学,与英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学齐名.在2011年《美国新闻与世界报道》世界大学排名中,都柏林圣三一学院排在世界第43位和欧洲第13位.延续400多年的优秀学术传统,以及先进的科研和教学水平,使其成为爱尔兰高等教育的象征.  相似文献   

《国家客人》是爱尔兰短篇小说家弗兰克·奥康纳最具代表性的作品,讲述了爱尔兰独立战争背景下爱尔兰士兵与英国战俘成为朋友,但是爱尔兰士兵不得不履行职责杀害朋友的悲剧。从文学伦理学批评的角度来看,英国战俘的道德选择彰显了人性的善,是对荒唐的战争杀戮的有力控诉;爱尔兰士兵深陷职责与道德的伦理两难境地,失去了对良知的坚守,成为麻木、冷漠的刽子手和战争机器上的零件。在战争面前,宗教救赎似乎显得苍白无力,人类唯有保持理性意志才能弃恶从善,做出正确的伦理选择。  相似文献   

The essay is an analysis of the Irishness of Murphy from the perspective of hybridity of Homi Bhabha.It explores the hybrid identity of Samuel Beckett and the Irishness of Murphy,and reveals the identity problem and suffering of Irish people.As marginal people in Ireland,the English descendants are influenced by English culture and feel disgusted of the internal politics and culture chaos of Ireland.As an Irish writer,Samuel Beckett describes the dilemma of English descendants in pursuing absolute freedom.His Murphy is a tragic story of Irish people in England and English descendants in Ireland shortly after its independence.  相似文献   

作为跨越英国和爱尔兰两种不同的国家背景的女性作家,玛利亚·埃奇沃思在《拉克伦特堡》中,通过男性叙述者萨迪·奎尔克,叙述了一个走向衰亡的爱尔兰封建地主家庭的故事,并且展示了整个封建父权社会性别政治中的权力关系,而男性叙述的性别政治所展示的权力关系又进一步揭示了英国与爱尔兰两国间宏大叙事中的权力关系。  相似文献   

This article investigates issues surrounding the adoption of the ‘simple view’ of reading. While this theory of the reading process has recently been espoused as the official view of early reading instruction in England, a recent Irish study, discussed in this article, indicated that this view of reading is also widespread among Irish teachers. This article argues that a less simple view of reading recognising the importance of cognitive flexibility, metacognition and explicit comprehension strategy instruction in reading needs to be promoted among all educators. A lack of emphasis on such explicit reading comprehension instruction has been found to be a common thread in research conducted in the United States, in England and in Ireland and is often linked to reading underachievement. Hence, the authors conclude that the implementation of a more holistic and inclusive ‘balanced’ model of reading development is immediately imperative in reading classrooms, both in Ireland and internationally.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Northern Ireland is higher than England and Wales and second only to Scotland. This paper charts the progress of participation and examines its social characteristics. Uniquely within the UK, approximately one-third of Northern Ireland entrants come from working class backgrounds. Catholic and female participation has also increased significantly but the participation of mature entrants is lower than in the rest of the UK. High participation levels have been achieved, however, by large numbers of entrants leaving to study in Scotland and England. There is a significant undersupply of higher education places in Northern Ireland when compared with either Scotland or Wales. With the costs of higher education being increasingly borne by individual students and their families there is already evidence that more students would prefer to remain in Northern Ireland to study. Increasing pressure on places is driving up A-level entry requirements and many students are forced to leave Northern Ireland to study or not to study in higher education. These developments threaten the advances made by particular social groups. Lifting the MASN cap in Northern Ireland is a significant policy objective.  相似文献   


This article examines the introduction of national standards and guidelines for the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in initial teacher training in England and Northern Ireland. The context for the increased focus on ICT in teacher education is described for each part of the United Kingdom (UK). Comparisons are drawn between the two areas of the UK to show how schools and teacher training institutions have attempted to meet the standards within each political context by examining the positive features of three case teacher training courses, two in England and one in Northern Ireland. From this, inferences are drawn about the level of intervention by Government and whether greater government control has reduced or increased the integration of ICT into the cycle of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 711 children in Northern Ireland, this paper explores a range of aspects of experiences of belonging and exclusion in relation to school among three main minority ethnic groups: Irish Traveller, Chinese/Asian and European Migrant children. The study examines variations between each group and how they compare to the White settled population. The findings indicate that all three groups experience lower levels of belonging and higher levels of exclusion compared to their White, settled Northern Irish peers. The experiences of Irish Traveller children were the most negative. The article adds to the dearth of data on minority ethnic children living in mainly white regions in the UK and Ireland. It argues for the need to move beyond achievement gaps in assessing minority ethnic children's differential experiences in education and highlights the potential of belongingness as a concept for the further study of differential patterns of need and processes of inclusion.  相似文献   

Kathy Hall 《Compare》2000,30(1):85-101
This paper offers a conceptual evaluation of primary assessment policy and the policy process in the Republic of Ireland. It considers, in particular, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment's policy document, A Programme for Reform: curriculum and assessment policy towards the new century and within that, the policy statement, The Curriculum at Primary Level: programme development and pupil assessment and it also refers to the primary teachers' union stance on assessment. It critically evaluates the Irish policy position on assessment in the light of recent literature in this field. The main argument of the paper is that the proposed policy is preoccupied with measurement issues and it does not sufficiently recognise the complexity of implementing formative assessment. The paper also seeks to explain the nature of current policy in Ireland with reference to the decision-making process and comparisons with other systems outside Ireland, particularly England/Wales, are made, where appropriate.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to outline current discussions in Ireland around teachers being responsible for assessing their own students’ work, and the subsequent impact such a perspective is having (or not) on the delivery and assessment of physical education in Ireland. Our intention is to contribute to assessment considerations, while acknowledging the nuances of the Irish education context, and the positioning of physical education within such nuances. This discussion is particularly timely given the very recent endorsement for the introduction of the new Leaving Certificate Physical Education as a full optional subject. We begin by discussing more specifically assessment in Irish primary and post-primary schools, drawing attention to the limited Irish assessment-related research being conducted in both contexts. We then explore assessment developments related to Irish primary physical education and post-primary physical education and compare the extent to which such developments are limited in comparison to international assessment interests and practices in physical education. We conclude with suggestions related to studying (pre-service) teachers’ and students’ exposure to assessment in order to understand how we could alter the balance of assessment purposes and uses in Irish schools.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to investigate the process of the “transfer of knowledge"from the reformed university in Cambridge to the quite alien socio‐political conditions of Ireland and later to the New World. The “transfer of knowledge” fiom the English to the Irish environment was seen as relocating an ideal replica of the original The same was intended in the case of the founding of Harvard by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Both new locations, i.e. Dublin (1592) and Harvard (1636), were identified by Puritans who took their role of “civilising” a wilderness and Christianising society very seriously. Universities, despite their medieval European origin, were thought of as vital instruments in the “civilising” process. A Puritan network, communicating between all three locations, can be identified; its members endeavoured to centre their “city of peace” on the universities and their refined scholarship; this seemed indeed easier in New England than in Ireland.  相似文献   

Symbolic of the rise of neoliberal principles in Irish education policy, there is now a move towards advancing school autonomy and decentralizing decision-making to individual schools, possibly emulating the academy model that has become widespread in England. Increasing the freedom and independence of schools may involve using private actors to provide what has traditionally been the service of the state, but it will most definitely involve schools behaving more like private sector organizations. While some of the new powers that would be devolved to schools might seem attractive, especially in how they are presented at an official level, this paper highlights how features of autonomous schools that may initially seem appealing are, in practice, likely to be unsuited to the Irish context. In this regard, this paper advises that school autonomy should not be advanced in Ireland.  相似文献   

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