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When you watch an American film or TV play,you may notice thatwhile a policeman is cuffing(给……上手铐)a suspect(嫌疑犯),he issaying something or reading something from a piece of paper to him.What the policeman is saying or reading is called Miranda Rights. Under the Constitution(宪法) of the United States of America,a personaccused(被控告)of a crime has the right to the assistance(援助)of a  相似文献   

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosycheeks, red lips and supple(柔韧的)knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance(支配,主导)of courage over timidity(胆怯),of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of  相似文献   

Bacteria found in a 2.000-year-old piece of cheese couldbe the final evidence that this food was a continuoussource of infectious disease(传染病)in the ancientRoman World.According to a study published in a recent issue of theJournal of Infection,a tiny piece of cheese containing diseasebacteria was carbonized in the volcanic eruption that one nightin late August,79 A.D.covered Pompeii(庞培)and thenearby towns of Herculaneum(赫库兰尼姆)and Stabiae withnine tO 20 feet ofhot ash and pumice(浮石).About 250 people fled to the beach,trying in vain toescape the molten lava(熔岩)and boiling mud pouring downMount VesuviUS.They died from extreme thermal shock(热冲击),wrapped in a 750-degree Fahrenheit cloud.The intenseheat and rapid cooling of the mud has left their bones in aremarkable state of preservation,allowing in-depth medicalStUdies.  相似文献   

India(印度)the count叮of peaeoeks(孔雀之国)Bangladesh(孟加拉国)the country of jute(黄麻之国)se职咧(塞内加尔)the country of peanuts(花生之国)Nig叫尼日尔)the country in the desert(沙摸之国)Som亦a(索马里)thecoun仰of eamels(骆驼之国)M习耐(马拉维)the country of rivers and lakes(水乡之国)Bulg娜对a(保加利亚)the conntry of roses(玫瑰之国)Fiul面d(芬兰)theco,ntry of a thousand lakes(千湖之国)场而甸榔威)the eountry Of fishe叮(飞鱼之国)俪tZerland(瑞士)the eount叮of banking(金融之国)Mexieo(墨西哥)th。。o…  相似文献   

Not long ago, a series of new images for the major characters in the film Journey to the West(《西游记》) designed by Zhang Jizhong(张纪中)was made known to the public. According to Mr. Zhang, Sun Wukong (孙悟空) would appear in the form of a human being instead of a monkey; Tang Seng (唐僧) would look like a masculine man instead of a handsome young man; and Zhu Bajie(猪八戒)would be a wild boar (野猪) instead of a domestic pig. Such images, which are totally different from the traditional ones, have caused a great shock.  相似文献   

On the 50th anniversary of the discovery of DNA' s structure, a team of scientists has invented a tiny computer made of DNA that requires no external(外部的) energy source. Guinness World Records has bestowed(给予) on it the distinction of world' s smallest bio-I logical computing device , as 60 trillion (万亿) of  相似文献   

The influence of solvent (in its gaseous state) on the stability of crystallized organic compounds was investigated. Through two examples of studies on the solid/vapour equilibria made in our lab, several behaviors were highlighted: (i) a new hydrated phase (thermodynamically stable) of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) was detected after the recrystallization starting from a deliquescent state, (ii) a spontaneous resolution of a hydrated racemic compound towards an anhydrous conglomerate can occur during the desolvation under the precise conditions of temperature and humidity. This study illustrates that knowledge about solid/vapour equilibrium is a crucial step during the complete characterization of solid organic compounds.  相似文献   

Using degenerate primers and RT-PCR,RACE techniques,a 1491 bp cDNA segment of stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase(SAD)is cloned from developing seeds of Jatropha curcas L.The segment contains a 1191 bp of complete open reading frame(ORF).Analysis in the BLAST on NCB! shows that Jatropha curcas SAD(JSAD)gene encodes a protein precursor composed of a signal peptide of 33 amino acids and a mature peptide of 363 amino acids.The homological analysis shows that JSAD has high level of homology both in nucleotide sequence and in amino acid sequence to other plants SADs.The nucleotide and peptide identity of JSAD to Ricinus communis SAD(RSAD)is up to 89% and 96.2% respectively.Molecular modeling of JSAD indicates that its three-dimensional structure strongly resembled the crystal structure of RSAD.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Bangla language is characterized by a rich sys-tem of inflections(VIBHAKTI),derivation,and compound formation(Saha et al.,2004;Dash,1994;Chakroborty,2003),which is why the NLE using Bangla(output generation)is a very challenging task.Natural Language Engineering(NLE)is the process of computer analysis of input provided in a human language(natural language)and conversion of this input into a useful form of representation.The input of an NLP system can be:written text …  相似文献   

This paper introduces a family of error-correcting codes called zigzag codes.A zigzag code is described by a highly structured zigzag graph.Due to the structureal properties of the graph,very low-complexity soft-in,soft-out decoding rules can be implemented.we present a decoding rule,absed on the Max-Log-APP(MLA) formulation,which requires a total of only 20 addition-equivalent-operations per information bit per iteration.Simulation of a rate-1/2 concatenated zigzag code with four constitutent encoders with interlezer length 65536 yields a bit error rate(BER) and of 10^-5 at 0.9 dB and 1.4dB away from the Shannon limit by optimal (APP) and low-cost sub-optimal(MLA) decoders,respectively.  相似文献   

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