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1096~1270年,在将近两个世纪的时间里,欧洲共发动了8次十字军东征,其中尤以第四次十字军运动最为重要和特别,因为它打着“夺回圣地”、“打击异教徒”的旗号,却改弦易张,攻陷同为基督教兄弟的拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡。长久以来,这个问题史家们一直争论不体。文章认为,现实的政治的、经济的、宗教的因素才是其改变方向的主因。  相似文献   

十字军东征”就其性质来讲 ,无疑是一次侵略性的远征 ,其直接结果是西方的野蛮势力摧残了古老的东方文明。然而 ,从 1 3世纪以后西欧的历史发展来看 ,“十字军远征”在客观上为推动西欧历史的发展进程创造了条件  相似文献   

虽然名义上十字军东征是一场基督徒对异教徒的“圣战”,但世俗因素始终起着重要作用。教皇煽动十字军的蛊惑性演说,教俗封建主参加十字军的动机,城市商人推波助澜的图谋,十字军强盗的烧杀抢掠,都充分表明十字军东征的军事殖民和经济掠夺的实质。  相似文献   

首先,必须明确十字军的性质,我们认为它的性质是侵略的,因此,用“东侵”而个再作“东征”,因为“征’在我国文字中是有好的意思的。其次,必须明瞭十字军是从十一世纪末至十三世纪下半叶一个几乎是继续不断的运动,我们普通说的七次或八次,只不过是其中较重要的,而不是所有的;并且所谓较重要的几次,史家主张也是不一致的。这里所绘出的八次,也不过是普通认为较重要的八次,其中最重要的,只有前四次。  相似文献   

十字军东征是中世纪欧洲发生的影响深远的历史事件,它是由天主教会发起、以驱逐塞尔柱突厥人和收复圣地为目标、以解放巴勒斯坦基督教圣地耶路撒冷为口号而进行的东扩运动。罗马教皇在十字军东征中起了重要作用,教皇乌尔班二世号召十字军东征,教皇权势突显;英诺森三世采取措施加强教权并发动第四次十字军东征,教皇权势达到顶峰;第四次十字军东征性质的转变使教会地位降低,儿童十字军的悲惨遭遇致使教会信誉丧失,导致教皇权势衰落。教皇权在十字军东征进程中由盛渐衰,对地中海地区产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

11世纪末至13世纪下半叶,西欧封建领主贵族骑士们向地中海地区进行大规模征战。“从很多方面看,十字军是中世纪最令人注目的事件。”十字军讨伐中东伊斯兰地区“自始至终的行为很不光彩,互相争吵,各怀鬼胎,个人道德表现卑下”。十字军东侵使东西方无数生灵涂炭,东方不计其数的奇珍异宝被掠,被占领的殖民地遭到蹂躏,同时,也由此直接沟通东西方联系,成为西方大发展契机。十字军运动对东西方历史都产生巨大而复杂影响。十字军运动植根于西欧社会封建专制主义制度,根本驱动力是落后的生产水平与无限膨胀的封建领主贪欲同意大利商业城市扩张政策的  相似文献   

拉丁人丑化阿莱克修斯一世,主要是因为野心家波希蒙德的宣传。第一次十字军东征使得十字军首领与拜占廷皇帝直接接触,双方不可避免出现误解和偏见;阿莱克修斯与十字军的目标和利益不同,阿莱克修斯阻碍了十字军首领的利益追求,引起不满;野心家波希蒙德利用十字军首领对阿莱克修斯的不满和误解,利用拜占廷与西方的宗教分歧,大肆进行反阿莱克修斯宣传、反拜占廷宣传,结果阿莱克修斯形象被丑化。  相似文献   

论第四次十字军东征转向及君士坦丁堡陷落的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四次十字军东征未能实现对“圣地”耶路撒冷的征服,转而进攻拜占廷帝国的首都君士坦丁堡.这一历史事件看似偶然,但在它的背后却隐含着一系列特定的社会历史背景。十字军队伍和威尼斯共和国的利益追求是军队转向的主要内在因素,而拜占廷帝国的衰弱则为转向及君士坦丁堡的陷落创造了外部条件。  相似文献   

关于十字军东征这一问题的研究,确切地说是第四次十字军东征历来为史家所瞩目,而至于这次远征后来为什么改变进攻的方向(按原计划第四次十字军的目的,原来是埃及,通过征服埃及,西方国家希望获得军事基地来对占有“圣地”的穆罕默德教徒进行战斗。①),把进攻的目标从埃及转向拜占庭,长期以来史学工作者做了大量的研究工作,大家都各抒己见;莫衷一是。自19世纪以来,西方学者纷纷著书立说,从不同视角加以探讨,做了多方的努力,代表性的观点主要有如下几种:法国的史学家里安于1875年发表的《英诺森三世、士瓦本的斐利候和孟斐拉爵…  相似文献   

许宏(?)先生在华南师范学院学报1957年2期上,发表了“十字军东征的主要原因及其在历史进程中所起的作用”的文章。这篇文章的特点:表面上说要反对资产阶级史学家的谬论,实质上还是歪曲了十字军东征的性质,歌颂了十字军东侵的进步作用。我们认为该文散布了坏影响,必须予以探讨和批判。一、夸大宗教之间的矛盾和教皇的权力,歪曲战争目的  相似文献   

International students’ needs and experiences in counseling training and supervision has been an area of interest for several decades; however, there is a lack of research regarding effective approaches for supervising international students. Previous studies concerning the international counseling student population have mainly utilized bivariate analysis, and inconsistent results have been observed among studies examining the same relations, which makes applied implications questionable. More complex analysis to determine the relationships among constructs, which will assist in applied implications, are long needed. Thus, this study was a response to the need to determine if a moderation effect could be observed among key counseling supervision-related variables. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether international counseling supervisees’ perceptions regarding the degree to which the construct of multicultural discussion occurring in their university supervision moderated the relationship among key supervision-related variables, including acculturation, counselor self-efficacy, supervisory working alliance, and role ambiguity in supervision.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among filial piety, goal orientations, and academic achievement among Chinese students. A survey of 336 university students in Hong Kong was carried out to collect information on their filial piety beliefs, goal orientations and grade point averages. Structural equation modelling indicated that reciprocal filial piety was associated with mastery orientation, which is associated with academic achievement in Chinese students. Authoritarian filial piety was associated with performance orientation, including performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals, which contribute positively and negatively, respectively, to academic achievement in Chinese students. Findings were interpreted based on Chinese cultural factors and considerations.  相似文献   

903 physicians evaluated 10 aspects of their medical education for relevance and quality. Skill in diagnosis is an example of an educational goal judged to be important and for which training was rated as good. Knowing how to establish a professional practice was also seen as a proper goal of medical education, but training was viewed as less satisfactory. Individual differences among the physicians in retrospective satisfaction were then related to premedical, medical school, and personality factors. Doctors whose evaluations were more favorable tended to receive above average grades in medical school, but somewhat below average in premedical work. Personality variables such as persistence and self-confidence were associated with higher retrospective satisfaction among men; among women satisfaction was correlated with variables such as psychological-mindedness and sensitivity to others.  相似文献   

目的:了解大理市高校在校大学生网络成瘾现状及其影响因素,为大学生网络成瘾预防、干预和治疗提供理论依据。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法,以网络成瘾诊断量表对大理市某高校在校的一至四年级学生进行流行病学现况调查。结果:该校大学生网络成瘾倾向发生率为16.5%,年龄、性别、上网目的、与同学的关系、初次上网年龄段和每次上网持续时间在正常组和成瘾组网络成瘾发生率之间存在统计学差异(P〈0.05);通过Logistic多因素回归分析显示,性别、上网持续时间、初次上网年龄段和参加课外活动情况是个体网络成瘾发生的危险因素,社会人际交往能力是网络成瘾发生的保护性因素。结论:在校大学生中网络成瘾发生率较高,影响到了大学生的身心健康,应尽早采取有针对性的干预措施减少网络成瘾倾向的发生。  相似文献   

《荆楚岁时记》成书于魏晋南北朝时期,该书系统地记载了该时期荆楚地区的岁时节庆,是研究该时期该地区民间信仰的重要资料。本文挑选其中四个岁时:正月、端午、盂兰盆节、腊日,对民间信仰进行分析并归纳其特征。  相似文献   

明清以来,赣闽粤交界区域的畲族迅速汉化,致使这一区域由畲族主要化为新民,安于生业,改过向善,向良民看齐;同时改善畲区的基层统治,通过政权强制与乡村地缘、族缘的互相维系作用相结合,缓和了赣闽粤边的社会矛盾,稳步地促进新民汉化,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Research has shown that the continuation of education by chronically ill adolescents is an important way to avoid social isolation, psychosocial problems and the accumulation of learning difficulties. In this light, virtual learning environments (VLEs), which connect sick adolescents to their schools, play an important role in ensuring that the sick adolescents continue their education, and in contributing to their mental well-being. This study investigated the extent to which a VLE supports the continuation of education and school interactions among sick adolescents and how it is related to their mental well-being. The results show that the VLE had a positive impact on supporting the continuation of education and school interactions among chronically sick adolescents and was considered very helpful to their mental well-being.  相似文献   

The title of Western Australia's Deadly Ways to Learn project, an action research project aimed at facilitating and enhancing the teaching and learning of Australian Aboriginal students, was inspired by Aboriginal English in which 'deadly' means 'really good'. Aboriginal English is the first dialect of most Indigenous Australians and differs in fundamental and consistent ways from Standard Australian English which is the language of instruction in most Australian schools. Accordingly, most Aboriginal students receive schooling in a second dialect. Deadly Ways to Learn brought this dilemma into focus and engaged teachers and Indigenous Education Officers (IEOs) from several government, Catholic and independent schools in action research to develop two-way bi-dialectal teaching practices that would support literacy acquisition among Aboriginal students. Getting teachers and IEOs to accept the existence and validity of Aboriginal English was a huge task. The real challenge, however, was getting teachers to respect the sociocultural perspectives and value systems that Aboriginal English is used to express. Teachers and partner IEOs jointly participated in a series of collaborative forums in which candid discussions about culture and linguistics were carefully facilitated. Over a relatively short period, profound changes were observed and self-reported among participants. This paper outlines the collaborative processes employed in the project, qualitative changes that occurred among participants and key findings about two-way bi-dialectal teaching.  相似文献   

邓小平立足于新的实践,继承和发展了毛泽东关于正确处理人民内部矛盾学说:一是提出解放思想、实事求是,为正确处理人民内部矛盾奠定思想基础;二是大力发展生产力,从根本上解决人民内部矛盾;三是提出改革是解决人民内部矛盾的重要途径;四是通过制度建设解决人民内部矛盾;五是通过思想政治工作化解人民内部矛盾。  相似文献   

高轩 《天中学刊》2014,(3):37-41
新中国成立以来,我国地方政府间关系经历了从彼此孤立、相互阻隔到竞争与合作并存的过程。然而,目前各地方政府在竞争与合作中存在较多问题。协同学中蕴含着系统内各子系统相互协调合作,使系统呈现有序状态,实现系统协同效应的思想,这对优化地方政府间关系具有重要参考价值。将协同思想引入地方政府间关系构建之中具有可行性和必要性。以协同学为理论指导,我国地方政府间关系的目标是协同合作。我国地方政府实现协同合作的基础是自组织(性)。我国地方政府实现协同合作的关键是确定并以相关变量尤其序参量为依据,适时在临界点上推进地方政府间关系的相变。  相似文献   

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