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王安忆在《长恨歌》中塑造了很多男性,但由于女性作家的视角,决定了她不能很好的塑造男性,笔者认为《长恨歌》中没有男人,有的是被妖魔化的男性。  相似文献   

<正>It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined Who went to see the elephant Though all of them were blind That each by observation  相似文献   

Men always wanted to fly. For hundreds of years they watched birds flying and wished that they could fly, too.  相似文献   

《模仿者》是维.苏.奈保尔的一部重要的有关第三世界政治的后殖民小说,涉及后殖民文学的多重深刻主题思想:模仿、身份、流亡、种族冲突、前殖民地与宗主国的关系等等。小说不仅再现了新近独立国家所面临的种种困境,民族主义者的两难境地,更重要的是揭示了长期的殖民统治和殖民教育给被殖民者造成难以摆脱的殖民心态以及由此产生的心理扭曲和人格分裂。  相似文献   

一般认为:《史记》中的“老人儿啼”是名词作状语表示比喻的句子。“儿”被认作是名词作状语在语法上没有根据,应是主语;“老人”与“儿”也不能构成比喻关系;“老人儿啼”的名意应重新解释。  相似文献   

卡西尔于《人论》一书中提出了自己的"文化哲学体系",以研究人的问题为目的,提出了对人的问题的看法和定义:认为人是"符号的动物"。笔者就其中一些内容引发出自己的思考。  相似文献   

本用比较的方法,分析了张爱玲的《传奇》与池莉的“人生三部曲”)《烦恼人生》、《不谈爱情》、《太阳出世》内容上的异同。共同点:两都注重对平凡日常人生的叙写。不同处:张爱玲的《传奇》中的日常生活是绸般的;而池莉“人生三部曲”中一平凡人生却是棉布般的。  相似文献   

One of Robbie Burns' most famous poems is Ode to a Mouse. He wrote this after he accidentally destroyed a mouse's nest while he was working in the field. The poem contained the phrase "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men". In the poem Burns apologises to the mouse! But he also explains that sadly, no matter how carefully you plan things, they can still go wrong.The phrase, "The best-laid plans of mice and men" is now a common phrase.  相似文献   

在现代文学的小说创作中 ,有着一批还乡者的形象 ,这些文学形象的产生 ,和半殖民地半封建社会的中国现代城市的发展 ,以及那个时代的政治、经济、文化、战争的影响有关 ;也和大多数现代作家的离开故乡 ,到城市寻求理想与发展后的种种人生经历、人生感悟有关。因此 ,这些文学形象不仅具有自身独立的审美价值和意义 ,而且和时代、创作主体的互为映照 ,使他们还具有社会价值和历史意义  相似文献   

公元前206年,在今西安临潼新丰鸿门的刘邦和项羽进行了一次历史性的会面,人们或称其为“鸿门宴”,或称其为“鸿门会”。“鸿门宴”和“鸿门会”有着不同的内涵,有大概念和小概念的区别。项羽在鸿门与刘邦会面时并没有加害刘邦的想法和行动,但后来在一些人看来,“鸿门宴”成了加害客人的宴会,成了项羽设宴欲加害刘邦的宴会,这是对项羽的误解。《史记》中有关记载这次刘邦、项羽鸿门会面的文字应该取名为“鸿门会”。  相似文献   

The untreatable family is defined as one in which it is unsafe to permit an abused child to live. Despite the fact that many families turn out to be resistive to treatment, they have received very little attention. In the field of physical abuse, 16-60% of parents reabuse their children following the initial incident. Sexual reabuse is estimated to occur in 16% of cases. Treatment of abusive families also aims to alter family functioning. From studies in physical abuse we find 20-87% of families are unchanged or worse at the end of treatment. In sexual abuse the equivalent figures are 16-38%. Parental factors associated with a poor outcome include parental history of severe childhood abuse, persistent denial of abusive behavior, refusal to accept help, severe personality disorder, mental handicap complicated by personality disorder, parental psychosis with delusions involving the child, and alcohol/drug abuse. Parents lack empathy for their child and fail to see the child's needs as separate from their own. Severe forms of abuse (fractures, burns, scalds, premeditated infliction of pain, vaginal intercourse or sexual sadism) are more likely to prove untreatable. Munchausen by proxy, nonaccidental poisoning, and severe forms of nonorganic failure to thrive are similarly resistant. An early recognition of untreatability may help to reduce burnout by diverting precious resources from the untreatable to the families for whom there is relatively more hope.  相似文献   

Bird Men     
Most people have sometimes thought:'I should like to fly like a bird.'Manypeople have tried!We do not know about all the people who have tried to fly but weknow about some of them.In about A.D.1020,for example,an Englishman,Oliver,tried to fly withwings like a bird's.He covered more than two hundred metres before he crashed tothe ground and broke both his arms and legs.In spite of his injuries,Oliver seemed  相似文献   

结构主义文学批评理论盛行于20世纪60年代,该理论强调通过事物内部的复杂结构来挖掘文学作品的深层结构。主要运用结构主义的二元对立概念来解读斯坦贝克的小说《人与鼠》,旨在揭示小说所蕴含的深刻寓意,即人类社会中普遍存在的友谊的珍贵、恃强凌弱、梦想与现实之间的差距等话题。  相似文献   

文章针对我国男性对瑜伽运动认识的误区及练习现状进行分析,总结出在男性中推广瑜伽的现实意义,鼓励更多的男性在社会的压力之下,通过瑜伽进行自我调节,提高自身综合素质。  相似文献   

运用空间叙事理论,从地域空间、生活空间和心理空间三方面去分析《模仿者》中空间叙事的书写,展现其空间背后的深刻含义,以解读辛格作为移民群体代表的身份认同困惑和文化无根性。  相似文献   

唐曾孝先生的<陪酒王>创作于1999年左右,发刊于<小说月刊>,于2002年4月荣获<中国作家>杂志社优秀小说一等奖.其故事情节虽然简单,主要讲述王保由一国企工人,因企业整改而下岗失业,从此,穷困潦倒,颠沛流离,而后又因其酒量惊人而被人举荐成为一镇政府的临时陪酒员,进而开办了一个享誉八方的"陪酒公司",王保也戏剧性地成了当地明星.但是,幽默而诙谐的故事,对当下现实阴暗面的鞭笞与讥讽真可谓入木三分.  相似文献   

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