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唢呐作为我国传统民间乐器在我国民间广泛流传,因为唢呐演奏时多种多样的表演形式和复杂繁琐的演奏技巧,很多学生在进行唢呐学习时都需要通过不同的教学方法来进行唢呐学习,通过调查比对,我们可以发展,吟唱的教学方法可以帮助学生克服许多在唢呐学习时遇到的困难,比如在吹唢呐时因气息不集中而发不出想要的音调,因舌头不灵活做不出发出固定音调的形状等问题.本文主要是对不同的吟唱方式在唢呐演奏课程中发挥的作用进行分析,探究如何在唢呐演奏学习中发挥吟唱教学方式的积极作用.  相似文献   

打造技术技能创新服务平台是"双高计划"建设的重点.技术技能创新服务平台的打造,在管理学视域下是一项系统工程,需在系统原理的理论基础指导下进行.系统原理中的环境、功能、结构、要素、联系这些基本条件及其整体性、目的性、层次性和适应性等特征,与技术技能创新服务平台建设密切相关.基于此,"双高"院校要打造技术技能创新服务平台,可通过厘清系统目标、构建功能性子平台、组建高级系统、整合整体来推进.  相似文献   

郑尔佳 《初中生》2018,(17):33-34
我是土生土长的乡下姑娘.母亲生我的时候,正赶上春天到来,于是她给我取名筱春来.我家世世代代都是吹唢呐的,我爷爷在家乡的名气可高着呢.别人家办白事,都会叫上我爷爷的唢呐班去吹上几曲.在当时,他可是“唢呐王”,筱家班的掌门人. 长大后,听母亲讲爷爷以前的事儿—— 在我们村,唢呐这种民间艺术,不只是一种娱乐,办丧事时还意味着对逝者的人生评价——品德平庸者,唢呐班只吹两台;中等的吹四台;上等者吹八台.只有为德高望重者,才吹《一枝花》.这首高难度的曲子,只有我四方闻名的爷爷——筱三爷能吹.筱三爷老了,筱家班需要接班人.村里人都指望母亲生出个儿子来.遗憾的是,母亲生出了我.姑娘是不能学吹唢呐的.  相似文献   

李凡末 《华章》2007,(3):82-82
在唢呐的教学当中,我们会从演奏姿态、演奏方法、气息运用、技术技巧、情感融入、风格掌握等方面开展教学.为了让学生可以更加明了的学习,我们可以通过吟唱的方法来使学生准确掌握演奏方法.  相似文献   

高职电子专业要办出特色,就要抓住高职电子专业的教育核心--技术技能教育.该核心的基本问题,就是目前如何培养新生动手能力的问题.要解决技术技能教育核心的基本问题,从理论研究到实践操作应该有本质的理念和实践探索,这样才能更加有效地办好高职电子专业教育.  相似文献   

比赛法是在比赛的条件下进行练习的方法.运用比赛法能有效地提高学生身体素质,掌握动作技术、技能,以及在复杂条件下合理运用动作技术、技能,有利于培养学生的意志品质和集体主义精神.比赛法应注意在掌握基本技术的情况下进行运用,否则,将失去比赛的意义.  相似文献   

篮球技术、战术教学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球教学的目的主要是使学生掌握一些篮球的基本理论、基本反术与技能,提高技术、战术水平.由于篮球运动自身的特点,要求我们必须根据专项技能形成的规律来组织教学,以来达到更好的教学效果.因此,对篮球运动的教学进行研究是十分必要的.1篮球技能形成的三个阶段1.1初学阶段在初学阶段,主要任务是传授有关理论知识,讲清楚技术动作要领、要求及练习方法,使学生学会技术动作,建立正确的动作概念,以便逐步形成正确的动力定型.1.2巩固阶段在学生已经清楚地理解技术动作的要领,初步掌握规范技术动作时,即进入技术的巩固阶段.其主要任务…  相似文献   

讲解示范是体育教师传授基本知识、技术、技能最重要的、也是最基本的教学手段,同时也是使学生建立正确技术概念的基本途径.所以,教师讲解示范的水平与能力如何,直接影响体育教学的效果.  相似文献   

职业技术教育以培养学生技能为目标,因此职业学校必须重视实训教学,通过实践,使学生认识、理解、验证基本理论,训练学生的基本操作技能.因此上好实训课是必要的也是必需的.  相似文献   

唢呐班社,作为我国唢呐艺术在当代传承与发展的重要载体,对区域性民间风俗文化的推进,是具有重要意义的。砀山唢呐班社历经几百年的发展形成了较为固定的组织架构和和沿承方式,对传统的继承既稳固了砀山唢呐的区域性地位,也在一定程度上制约了唢呐的发展。在坚持传承的基础上,阐释砀山唢呐现今发展的利弊,进而探索其合理的保护策略。  相似文献   

客家文化的传播和发展是当前学术界探讨的重要课题。于都唢呐是客家文化的重要组成部分,现已被列为非物质文化遗产。近年来于都唢呐日益得到保护和发展,这与大众媒介的普遍化是密切相关的。文化传播的媒介化,是于都唢呐发展的一个必然趋势,也将成为未来客家非物质文化遗产保护和发展的总体形态和典型特性。  相似文献   

砀山唢呐乐班主承中原文化,乐器使用和乐队编制基本上承袭了鲁西南鼓吹乐。唢呐和笙为主奏乐器,大型乐班增加了弦乐器和笛子,中型乐班增加了电子琴和架子鼓,但没有弦乐器,小型乐班更多保留了鲁西南鼓吹乐原形。主要为婚嫁、丧葬、开业庆典、老人过寿、小孩周岁等场合演奏,逢年过节等一些喜庆的日子也进行表演活动。演出形式分“搭台吹”、“无台吹”和“走吹”。唢呐曲目主要有地方戏曲曲牌和唱腔,唢呐牌子曲、民间小曲和器乐曲,歌曲联奏。  相似文献   

王建中把民间唢呐乐曲《百鸟朝凤》改编成钢琴曲,无论从创作背景、材料来源还是具体的创作手法方面分析,王建中的艺术成就是值得充分肯定的。  相似文献   

丰富多样的音乐发展手法是川南彝族唢呐音乐的特色和生命力所在,不但具有民族民间器乐共同特点,而且具有强烈个性化特点。其主要发展手法是重复、变奏、核心音调的发展、调式交替的对比、声部的呼应和对位手法等。  相似文献   

Practical training and actual application of acquired knowledge and techniques are crucial for the learning of technical skills. We established a wireless sensor network system (WSNS) based on the 5E learning cycle in a practical learning environment to improve students’ reflective abilities and to reduce difficulties for the learning of technical skills. Student learning was investigated using a Technical Expertise Assessment Form and Reflective Abilities Investigation Tool that we had developed. Results of the forms showed that the 5E learning cycle-based WSNS helped improve students’ reflection and the ease in acquiring technical skills. Students’ reflection was also shown to be significantly correlated with the learning of technical skills. We concluded that reflection provided by the sensory functions of the WSNS was able to reduce students’ difficulties when learning technical skills.  相似文献   

采用文献法、逻辑分析法,对运动技能概念的本质属性及其课程含义进行分析与探讨,指出能力性质是运动技能的固有属性;运动技能是动作技能的一种,专指在体育运动特定条件下按照一定的技术要求,通过练习而形成的完成某种技术动作的能力。运动技能的构成成分既保持了动作技能本质属性,又具有体育运动文化性操作技能的特质;运动技能是应用运动知识和运用技术动作的产物;重视运动知识的学习与应用,提升运动技能为体育学科能力是体育课程教学的根本目标。  相似文献   

仲小敏 《教师教育研究》2005,17(3):31-34,13
师资问题是关系到课程改革成败的关键。当前,初中综合课程已经在全国各试验区开设,但随着课程改革的进行,师资问题尤其是教师的教学技能与素养已经成为制约综合课程改革的"瓶颈"性因素。综合课程教师的教学技能由一般教学技能和特殊教学技能共同组成,它的提高需要教师在长期的教学实践中不断发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore how well a curriculum that combines operations management and information systems uniquely prepares students for the workforce. To address our research questions, a Web‐based survey was developed. We sent our survey to 203 alumni that graduated from the Department of Operations Management and Information Systems at Northern Illinois University. We assess alumni perceptions of how well our department prepared them in general and technical skills as well as how important these skills were in their current position. We investigate factors useful in predicting preparedness for both general business and technical skills. Overall, students felt prepared in most of the important skills we studied. We also found a significant positive relationship between alumni‐perceived importance of general and technical skills and perceived preparedness for those skills. More recent graduates felt the most prepared for both general business and technical skills. Our findings highlight the importance of general skills for future advancement and caution educators against overemphasizing currently popular technical tools at the expense of teaching the more general business skills. Results presented here provide new knowledge for curriculum designers at the intended institution and lessons for other schools. This research also provides a methodology or process that can be repeated at other institutions that combine information systems with operations management, or with other functions such as decision sciences or accounting. An implication of the results is that schools redesigning their programs may want to consider a curriculum that combines operations management and information systems.  相似文献   

This article identifies and reviews three historical phases of research and development on microteaching and the technical skills of teaching. Development of concepts at Stanford University from the early 1960s is traced, with the focus on the need for further research on the validity of technical skills and on possible research paradigms which would permit more useful research efforts to be planned. Such research may provide a more integrated and comprehensive repertoire of teaching skills. Suggestions for specific research topics are discussed, including research on the role of the supervisor and on the development of learner skills which would complement the technical skills of teaching.


A project in writing-across-the curriculum was launched within a nationally ranked baccalaureate degree program in accountancy at a Boston area college. The project team, which comprised faculty from accountancy and technical communication, attempted to integrate technical communication skills, principally writing, into an accounting information systems course. To improve student writing in this way, the team had to determine what kinds of writing activities would successfully introduce accounting students to the discourse of their profession, and had to select, from all the communication skills that might be taught, only those that should be taught to complement the specialized content of the accounting information systems course. The team's collaborative process produced three critical planning decisions that greatly simplified the integration: 1) establishing Joseph Juran's TQM notion of fitness-for-use for evaluating the quality of student communications; 2) selecting only those forms of communication used in the profession's discourse community in assignments; and 3) teaching only those communication skills that support and enrich the principal technical skills taught in the accounting course. This strategy demonstrates that communication skills can be integrated within a technical course so as to enhance the students' understanding of technical content while improving the students' proficiency in written communication.  相似文献   

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