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Effective problem‐solving skills are criticial in dealing with ambiguous and often complex issues in the present‐day leaner and globally diverse organizations. Yet respected, well‐established problem‐solving models may be misaligned within the current work environment, particularly within a team context. Models learned from a more bureaucratic, homogenously functional organizational structure were not designed specifically to acknowledge and capitalize on the intellectual and functional diversity of teams, to ap‐ppropriate a range of technologies in the process and to work within a more holistic, contextualized view of the problem. Using a case study of a software integration project within a global training company, this article describes possible guidelines for problem solving for 21st century teams.  相似文献   

Educators in senior high schools are used to hearing, “Senior high schools today look the same as they did a hundred years ago.” Though the author has heard this and similar comments, she also has heard a great number of high school students talking with excitement about their learning experiences. She has worked with teachers and administrators who are passionately committed to ensuring that secondary-level students receive a high-quality education, and she has reveled in hearing parents sing the praises of the high school their children attend. So is senior high school education unjustly receiving a bad rap? This article describes a Change Practice Initiative implemented by a school district in Canada to ensure that structures and practices at its high schools are geared to the changing needs of students and educators, and the outcomes of this endeavor.  相似文献   

中学历史教学中的批判性思维是指中学生在历史学科的课堂教学中,根据历史事实和历史唯物主义的基本观点,通过大脑的认知加工,对历史事实、观点、规律等作出正误判断并形成新认识的活动。批判性思维的养成理应成为中学历史教学的重要目标之一,然而,当前历史教学中重知识轻能力,传统的填鸭式教学占据主流,忽视学生批判性思维的养成的状况仍然没有得到有效改变,素质教育和新课改理念在历史教学中未能得到充分体现。本文结合历史教学案例,分析了在历史学习中学生批判性思维养成的必要性和可能性,并进一步探索了历史教学中批判性思维养成的实践途径。  相似文献   

21世纪充满着机遇和挑战,我们面临的是一个知识爆炸、信息剧增的知识经济时代。面对21世纪,积极探索和研究中学地理的教育价值并且相互交流,对于我们把握时代脉博,端正教学思想,深化地理教育改革等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论21世纪高等学校理科课程改革与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章探讨了21世纪高校理科课程改革与发展的趋势,分别从课程的基础知识、现代化、综合化、多样化、实用化、个别化等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

21世纪充满着机遇和挑战,我们面临的是一个知识爆炸、信息剧增的知识经济时代。面对21世纪,积极探索和研究中学地理的教育价值并且相互交流,对于我们把握时代脉博,端正教学思想,深化地理教育改革等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人类社会已经进入 2 1世纪。当前 ,摆在我们面前的一个核心问题是怎样培养 2 1世纪的新型人才。为此 ,本文打算就普通高中怎样培养 2 1世纪新型人才的有关问题谈点个人粗浅的认识和体会。一、2 1世纪人才素质的基本要求2 1世纪是一个竞争激烈的世纪。科技竞争、经济竞争、军事竞争 ,乃至综合国力的竞争 ,归根结底是人才的竞争。人才素质问题已成为发展迫切需要解决的问题。法国思想家圣西门当年曾经提出过有趣的假设 :假如法国突然失去了自己的 50名优秀物理学家、50名优秀化学家、50名优秀诗人、50名优秀作家、50名优秀军事家和民用工程师 …  相似文献   

This article examines a critical cultural thinking framework advanced to develop an analysis of difference as it pertains to race, gender, and sexuality. We examine student journals to document their use (or lack therein) of these critical cultural thinking concepts and how these concepts influence students' understanding of difference. While there are a number of tools that students can rely on for thinking critically, we advance four concepts that are central for the development of a critical cultural consciousness. 1 1 We use the term “critical cultural consciousness” as well as related terms to distinguish critical thinking about difference and diversity from more generic or general forms of critical thinking. The critical cultural thinking skills we identify in this article are (1) organic experience, (2) relational analysis, (3) historical analysis, and (4) conception of power relations. We argue that these tools are central for an intellectual understanding of difference. As the student journals analyzed in this article demonstrate, in the absence of these tools of inquiry, much of the campus discourse reverts to oppressive frameworks, which not only serve to oppress students of color, women, and gay and lesbian students but also erodes the practice of citizenship that is crucial for the development of educational democracy.  相似文献   

当今中学历史教学,过分强调政治教育、应试工具功能,知识学习代替了能力的培养,教育目标极为偏颇.面向21世纪的中学历史教育应是为通才的教育奠定人文素质基础;为公民人格的养成提供正确的国家意识和国际意识;为高素质人才的成长提供创造性思维能力的训练.  相似文献   

高中数学由于具有复杂性和抽象性,一部分学生学习感到困难。而在教学和学习的过程中运用类比思维,可以在一定程度上解决这一问题。并且还可以培养学生对数学的学习兴趣,达到提高数学成绩,提高教学效率的目的。因此,教师要分析类比思维,在教学中应用类比思维,激发学生兴趣,提高学生学习能力。  相似文献   

21世纪的美国社会对教育提出了更高的要求,为了应对知识经济和国际竞争带来的挑战,美国联邦政府和各州推动高中教育不断改革,通过提高学业标准等举措促进高中教育质量的提高,帮助高中生为中学后教育和职业生涯做好准备。  相似文献   

While Physics Education Research has a rich tradition of problem-solving scholarship, most of the work has focused on more traditional, well-defined problems. Less work has been done with ill-structured problems, problems that are better aligned with the engineering and design-based scenarios promoted by the Next Generation Science Standards. This study explored the relationship between physics content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving for two groups of high school students with different levels of content knowledge. Both groups of students completed an ill-structured problem set, using a talk-aloud procedure to narrate their thought process as they worked. Analysis of the data focused on identifying students’ solution pathways, as well as the obstacles that prevented them from reaching “reasonable” solutions. Students with more content knowledge were more successful reaching reasonable solutions for each of the problems, experiencing fewer obstacles. These students also employed a greater variety of solution pathways than those with less content knowledge. Results suggest that a student’s solution pathway choice may depend on how she perceives the problem.  相似文献   

从1997年开始,新加坡开始了面向21世纪的基础教育改革,其中普通高中教育改革的主要内容是改革课程结构、改革升学考试制度、推出高才教育整合计划、注重教师专业发展等。这次改革体现了精英主义教育思想,遵循渐进主义的改革思路,实践了双语教育政策,并表现出重视核心素质的培养和提高课程的灵活性等特点。  相似文献   

21世纪大学生数学思维的建立与数学素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年被国际数学联盟(IMU)规定为“世界数学年”,可见数学已在世界各地被人们所重视。本文探讨了在现代数学教育中建立大学生的数学思维及培养大学生数学素质的途径。  相似文献   

朱龙 《数字教育》2020,(1):32-35
面向21世纪的教育需要创新,设计思维为教育中问题识别、分析和解决提供了一种实践框架,并逐渐在教育领域受到重视。本文在梳理设计思维内涵及特征的基础上,对设计思维框架进行了详细的阐述。同时,结合文献梳理、案例分析与实践观察,分别从学习空间、课堂教学及学校教育三类场景阐述了设计思维应用路径,并结合设计思维应用案例进行剖析,以期为推进我国教育创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

绿色学校:21世纪教育的必然走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
所谓绿色学校是以可持续发展理念为指导,具有环境意识的学校。从学校自身的发展来看,实施包括环境道德教育在内的环境教育,建设绿色学校,不仅是必然的,而且是必要的和可能的。说其必然,是因为环境保护已经不是部门性或专门性问题,而是涉及社会方方面面,牵涉各行各业的综合性问题,或者说,环境保护是生产方式、生活方式的重要内容之一,而教育具有面向社会性、世界性问题的使命;说其必要,是因为从教育思想到教学管理,面向可持续发展的改革是今后学校的重心和要求,而包括环境道德教育在内的环境教育的介入是推动这种改革趋势的动力和方式;说其可能,是因为学校教育本身具有开放、接合、转换的能力,而绿色学校所主要体现的环境教育及其环境道德教育虽然具有颠覆性质,但它对教育体系的触动仍然意在整合、促进和革新的作用上。  相似文献   

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