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详细分析房屋薄弱部位产生渗漏的原因,并根据结构和选材对需增强部位设置附加增强层的施工要点进行了介绍。  相似文献   

在工程建设中对混凝土的浇注过程,常常需要根据施工条件,施工方法,施工人员素质与社会及周边环境设置各种施工缝,并对施工缝采取必要的补强、加强,以及材料准入制度,以达到工程施工的有序性和合理性,有效的防止和控制由于施工缝设置而出现的工程质量问题。  相似文献   

悬臂浇筑的连续梁(刚构)桥施工中须设置施工预拱度,该预拱度的设置有多种影响因素。通过分析与实例计算结果表明,这些影响因素中容易被计算者忽视的施工阶段划分方式恰恰是对施工预拱度的设置具有决定作用的因素。  相似文献   

近年来,在设计和施工方面常采取有效措施,尽量增大结构伸缩缝间距或者是不设置伸缩缝,以减少工程造价及降低施工难度.在适当增大伸缩缝最大间距的各项措施中,常用的做法是设置施工后浇带.本文结合工程实例,就如何设置和设计施工后浇带进行简单的阐述.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂的施工技术一直在发展,在污水处理构筑物施工中,模板的支设是一项关键工序,其效果直接影响到构筑物的外观、混凝土的密实度和构筑物的防水性能。石家庄桥西污水处理厂工程中,结合生物池的结构特点,确定池壁模板施工方案及施工操作要点,通过计算确定模板支设中对拉螺栓的设置,确保模板设置的经济性,可靠性和安全性。为相关工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对高层建筑工程施工监理过程中的实践和探索.从10个方面对高层建筑质量控制点的设置进行了论述。这10个方面。基本涵盖了高层建筑工程施工从基坑支护到主体结构、外围填充墙、铝合金窗、玻璃幕墙等施工的主要过程和重要部位质量控制的要点。  相似文献   

柔性浅基础不具备调整地基变形的能力,针对这一缺点,可在基底应力较大的部位设置强度较大的垫层,而在应力较小的部位设置强度较小的垫层,即通过在基底设置中心刚度大、边缘刚度小的变刚度垫层,以有效调整地基土的应力分布,改善地基土工作性状。采用PLAXIS2D有限元软件,分析比较了柔性浅基础下设置不同工况的变刚度垫层对地基土中应力分布及基础差异沉降的影响.发现在基底中部0.5~0.6倍基宽范围内设置变刚度垫层时,差异沉降控制效果最好。  相似文献   

挂篮施工连续梁一般上跨既有道路比较常见,安全防护可采用固定式防护棚(设置在道路上)和随挂篮一起行走的移动式防护棚。由于既有道路车流量较大,如在道路中央设置固定式防护棚,不仅影响行车安全,而且投入多,办理报批手续复杂;因此挂篮施工连续梁在上跨既有道路时,为确保行车、行人安全,在静高满足要求的前提下通常采用移动式防护棚。本文对宁高城际轨道跨省道悬臂挂篮施工中采用移动式防护棚的技术要求以及在施工中应注意的安全、技术问题进行了总结、分析,以便在类似施工防护中加以推广应用。  相似文献   

吕世革  和燕  崔秀琴 《焦作大学学报》2010,24(2):103-104,109
通过分析可知,小浪底水利枢纽工程在施工中混凝土工程渗水的现象主要发生在伸缩缝、温度缝和施工缝等部位,并针对不同的渗水原因,提出了相应的处理措施。  相似文献   

丰湖村四号商住楼总建筑面积17378m2,地上十层,框架剪力墙结构。结构施工中,针对不同部位和施工难点,在结构转换层、钢筋、模板、混凝土等方面分别采取多项施工技术措施,保证了该工程的顺利施工,提高了结构工程施工技术水平。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The hop plant (Humulus lupulus L., Cannabi- naceae) is a dioecious twining perennial widely cul- tivated throughout the temperate zones of the world. The inflorescences (hops or hop cones) are used in breweries to give beer its characteristics such as fla- vor and aroma. In this respect, the bitter acids and essential oils have received much attention. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is currently the most accepted solvent for the manufacture of hops extracts by breweries. Its extracts…  相似文献   

Gard, Robert, Grassroots Theatre, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1955, 263 pp., $4.00.

Cooper, Charles W., Preface to Drama, New York: Ronald Press, 1955, 773 pp., $4.50.

Joels, Merrill E., Acting is a Business, New York: Hastings House, 1955, 96 pp., $2.50.

Kaufman, W. I., How To Write For Television, New York: Hastings House, 1955, 95 pp., $2.50.

Macgowan, K., and Melnitz, W., The Living Stage, New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1955, 543 pp., $6.00.

Bettinger, H., revised by Corberg, S., Television Techniques, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955, 236 pp., $3.75.

Kingston, W. K., Cowgill, R., and Levy, R., Broadcasting Television and Radio, New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1955, 274 pp., $4.00.

Oliver, R. T., Dickey, D., and Zelko, H., rev. ed., Communicative Speech, New York: Dryden Press, 1955, 386 pp., $3.60.

Crocker, L., and Eich, L. M., Oral Reading, 2nd. ed., New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1955, 492 pp., $5.50.

Brigance, William N., Speech Communication, 2nd. ed., New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1955, 202 pp.

Black, J. W., and Moore, W. E., Speech: Code, Meaning, and Communication, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1955, 430 pp., $4.50.

McBurney, J. H., and Wrage, E. J., Guide to Good Speech, New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1955, 346 pp., $3.75.

Brown, Charles T., Introduction to Speech, New York: Houghton‐Mifflin, 1955, 458 pp., $4.25.

Braden, W. W., and Brandenburg, E., Oral Decision Making, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955, 572 pp., $4.75.

Davidson, Henry A., Handbook of Parliamentary Procedure, New York: Ronald Press, 1955, 292 pp., $3.75.

Phillips, David C., Oral Communication In Business, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1955, 229 pp., $3.75.

Smith, Henry C., Psychology of Industrial Behavior, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1955, 477 pp., $6.00.

Perry, John, Human Relations In Small Industry, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1955, 313 pp., $5.50.

Zedler, Empress Y., Listening For Speech Sounds, New York, Doubleday and Company, 1955, 145 pp., $3.00.

Streng, Alice et al, Hearing Therapy for Children, New York: Grune and Stratton, 1955, 371 pp., $6.75.

Johnson, Wendell, assisted by Leutenegger, Ralph R., Stuttering in Children and Adults, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955, 472 pp., $5.00  相似文献   

McBurney, J. H. and Wrage, E. J., The Art of Good Speech, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1953, 584 pp. $4.50

Murray, E., Barnard, R. H., and Garland, I. V., Integrative Speech, N. Y.: The Dryden Press, 1953, pp. 617, $4.75.

Mouat, L. H., A Guide to Effective Public Speaking, Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1953, pp. 262, $2.75.

Barnes, H. G., and Smith, L. W., Speech Fundamentals, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1953, pp. 554, $3.45.

Behl, W. A., Discussion and Debate, N. Y.: The Ronald Press Co., 1953, pp. 365, $4.00.

Brembeck, W. L., and Howell, W. S., Persuasion, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1952, pp. 488, $5.25.

Baird, A. C., Representative American Speeches: 1952–1953, N. Y.: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1953, pp. 199 $1.75.

Miller, G., Language and Communication, N. Y.: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., Inc., 1951, pp. 298, $5.00.

Anderson, V. A., Improving the Child's Speech, N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1953, pp. 333, $5.50.

Karr, H. M., Developing Your Speaking Voice, N. Y.: Harper and Brothers, 1953, pp. 506, $5.00.

Mulgrave, D. I., Improve Your Speech, (3 booklets), N. Y.: Dorothy Mulgrave, 250 Fourth Ave., 1953, pp. 30, $1.00 ea.

Lende, H., Books About The Blind, N. Y.: American Foundation for the Blind, 1953, pp. 357, $5.00.

Stefferud, A., ed., Wonderful World of Books, Boston: Houghton‐Mifflin Co., 1953, pp. 319, $2.00.

Parrish, W. M., Reading Aloud, N. Y.: Ronald Press Co., 1953, 3rd. ed., pp. 572, $3.00.

Settel, I., and Glen, N., Television Advertising and Production Handbook, N. Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1953, pp. 480, $6.00.  相似文献   

在春秋两个季节对乐山城区20000m2的结缕草草坪进行了杂草调查,根据调查结果分析表明:该区以阔叶型多年生杂草居多,主要的危害杂草为酢浆草、天胡荽、漆姑草,狗牙根、香附子、空心莲子草、小白酒草、马兰、剪刀草、牛筋草、早熟禾、扬子毛茛,并由此提出了草坪杂草防除的几项措施。  相似文献   

TRD工法是地基处理中的一种全新方法。介绍了宁波东部新城中央公园地下室基坑支护工程的工程地质与水文地质情况和设计要求,重点论述了TRD工法施作水泥土地下连续墙的工艺流程、施工要点以及需要注意的问题,提出了施工质量保证措施。  相似文献   

Barbara, Dominick A., Stuttering: A Psychodynamic Approach To Its Understanding and Treatment, New York: The Julian Press, Inc., pp. 304, $5.00.

Braden, W. W. and Brandenburg, E., Oral Decision‐Making, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955, pp. 572, $4.75.

Henneke, Ben G., Reading Aloud Effectively, New York: Reinhart and Co., Inc., 1954, pp. 481, $5.00

Huston, A. D., Sandberg, R. A., rev. by Mills, Jack, Effective Speaking in Business, New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 399, $6.35.

Moses, Paul J., The Voice of Neurosis, New York: Grune and Stratton, 1954, pp. 131, $4.00.

Mulgrave, Dorothy I., Speech for the Classroom Teacher, 3rd. ed., New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 470, $5.75.

Painter, Margaret, Ease in Speech, 3rd. ed., Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1954, pp. 456, $3.00.

Sisson, Charles J., ed., William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, New York: Haprer and Brothers, 1953, pp. 1376, $4.50.  相似文献   

大型网络开放式课程(MOOC)理念进入航空公司培训体系之后,对培训模式和兼职教员都带来了明显的冲击。从分析M00C形势下航空公司兼职教员受到的挑战,探索和研究应对这些挑战时兼职教员需要做出的积极变革及自身需要做的准备等方面内容,得到研究结果表明:MOOC促进教学方式从“传授范式”向“学习范式”转变;MOOC背景下兼职教员受到教学方式、教师角色和教学能力的挑战;兼职教员需要完成角色的转变、超越和重塑;兼职教员需从多方面做好应对变更的准备。  相似文献   

Productivity of individuals and institutions in educational psychology journals has been previously examined in three separate studies (Hsieh et al. [Hsieh, P., Acee, T., Chung, W., Hsieh, Y., Kim, H., Thomas, G. D., et al. (2004). An alternate look at educational psychologist’s productivity from 1991 to 2002. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 333–343]; Smith et al. [Smith, M. C., Locke, S. G., Boisse, S. J., Gallagher, P. A., Krengel, L. E., & Kuczek, J. E., et al. (1998). Productivity of educational psychologists in educational psychology journals, 1991–1996. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 23, 173–181]; [Smith, M. C., Plant, M., Carney, R. N., Arnold, C. S., Jackson, A., Johnson, L. S., et al. (2003). Further productivity of educational psychologists in educational psychology journals, 1997–2001. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 28, 422–430.]) spanning the years 1991–2002. The present study updates this literature by examining the same five journals: Cognition and Instruction, Contemporary Educational Psychology, the Educational Psychologist, Educational Psychology Review, and the Journal of Educational Psychology from 2003 to 2008. Individual productivity was calculated by the number of (a) articles published and (b) points based on a formula that considers author position in relation to the number of authors. The University of Maryland and Richard E. Mayer maintained their positions as the top research institution and author, respectively. There was also growth in collaboration as well as international involvement as measured by number of authors.  相似文献   

Bryant, D. C., and Wallace, K. R., Oral Communication, 2nd ed. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1954. 310 pp. $4.00

White, E. E. and Henderlider, C. R., Practical Public Speaking. New York: Macmillan Company, 1954. 365 pp. $3.50

O'Connor, Lillian, Pioneer Women Orators. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. 264 pp. $3.75

Parrish, W. M., and Hochmuth, M., eds., American Speeches. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1954. 518 pp. $4.75

MacLean, Joan C., ed. Africa: The Racial Issue. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1954. 198 pp. $1.75

Summers, Robert E., ed., Freedom and Loyalty in our Colleges. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1954. 214 pp., $1.75

Potter, David, ed., Argumentation and Debate. New York: Dryden Press, 1954. 503 pp. $4.50

Bridge, Lawrence W., The Funk and Wagnalls Book of Parliamentary Procedure. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1954. 180 pp. $3.00

World Publishing Co., Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language, college ed. New York: World Publishing Co., 1953. 1724 pp. $5.00

Chase, Stuart, Power of Words. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1954. 308 pp. $3.95

Van Riper, C. G., and Smith, D. E., An Introduction to General American Phonetics. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. 152 pp. $2.50

Phillips, D. C, Grogan, J. M., and Ryan, E. H., An Introduction to Radio and Television. New York: Ronald Press, 1954. 423 pp. $5.00

Pennell, Ellen, Women on TV. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co., 1954. 210 pp. $3.50

Lynch, James J., Box, Pit, and Gallery. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1953. 362 pp. $5.00

Whiting, Frank M., An Introduction to the Theatre. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. 315 pp. $4.50

Fessenden, S. A., Johnson, R. I., and Larson, P. M., The Teacher Speaks. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1954. 359 pp. $4.65

Ogilvie, Mardel, Speech in the Elementary School. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., Inc., 1954. 318 pp. $4.50  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Streznewski, M. K. (1999). Gifted grownups: The mixed blessings of extraordinary potential . New York: John Wiley & Sons (292 pp., $24.95 hb, ISBN‐0–471–29580–9).

Johnson, N.G., Roberts, M.C., & Worell, J., Eds.(1999). Beyond appearance: A new look at adolescent girls . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (464 pp., ISBN‐1–55798–582–0).

Smutny, J.F. (1998). The young gifted child: Potential and promise, an anthology . Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc. (582 pp. $35.00, paperback, ISBN 1–57273–108–7).

Elias, M. J., Zins, J. E., Weissberg, R. P., Frey, K. S., Green‐berg, M. T., Haynes, N. M., Kessler, R., Schwab‐Stone, M. E., & Shriver, T. P. (1997). Promoting social and emotional learning . Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (164 pp., $22.95 pb, ISBN‐0–87120–288–3).

Friedman, R. C., & Rogers, K. B. (Eds.). (1998). Talent in context: Historical and social perspectives on giftedness . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (218 pp., $29.95 Hardback, ISBN 1–55798–493).  相似文献   

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