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被动意义指某些句子的主语与谓语或逻辑主语与逻辑谓语之间在意义上存在动宾关系,相当于被动句所表示的含义。例如;1.The ship is out of sight.相当于:The ship can not be seen.2.I like the film on show。相当于:I like the film that is being on show. 忽视带被动意义的结构,往往会引起理解或表达方面的失误。如有学生把“病人有生命危险”,译成"The patient's life is dangerous”,把“这工作很危险”译成"The job is in danger",即是由于不了解dangerous表示主动意义,即“带来危险”之意,in danger表示被动意义即“处于危险”之意,而造成的表达不当。以下总结及举例说明英语中带有被动意义的四种常见情况。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.New Zealand is s by the PacificOcean to the north and east.2.New Zealand has a p of about3.8million people.3.The(气候)in some southern citiesis very mild and pleasant.4.In China October1is(庆祝)asNational Day.5.The girl r to in your letter used to bemy neighbor’s daughter.6.New Zealand,with its n beauty,mountains,rivers and national parks,attracts tourists.7.Many families go(野营)in the hillsor on the coast.8.The happi…  相似文献   

1.I saw many old inventions on show.(L37)我看到了许多正在展出的古老发明。句中的on show是介词短语,意为“陈列”、“展览”。介词短语作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词之后;如果有一个以上的表示地点的介词短语,顺序与汉语相反,即先说小的地点,后说大的地点。例如:Can you see the dog under the table in the corner?你能看见墙角桌子下面的那条狗吗?2.W hy notgo there and have a look芽(L37)为何不去那儿看一看?“W hy not do sth?”常用来表示建议或征求意见,它与“W hy don蒺tyou do sth?”意思相近。例如:W hy notstop and…  相似文献   

1. on show意思是“陈列,展览”。on表示“处于某种状态中”。show在此作名词用,与on构成短语,on 名词还有on duty(值日),on sale(出售),on business(出差),on leave(休假)等。例如:There are a number of model cars on show in the museum. 在博物馆里有许多模型汽车展出。Some of the old things are on sale now. 现在有些古老的东西正在出售。She went to Beijing on business last week. 上周她到北京出差去了。Her assistant is on leave now. 她的助理也正在休假。She could show you around next week. 她下周可以带你转转。…  相似文献   

看图完成下列句子。1.The hat is______(under/on)the chair.The balls______(is/are)orange.2.______(Where/What)is the lamp?It’s______(on/over)the table.3.The sandals(拖鞋)______(aren’t/isn’t)white.They’re blue.They are______(under/behind)the chair.4.______(What color/Where)is the basket?It’s pink.It’s______(under/in front of)thetable.5.The table______(is/are)green.The balls are______(on/in)the basket.温馨提示under在……下on在……上in在……里面near在……附近behind在……后面in front of在……  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.The red lines on the m ap(表示)railroads.2.Scientific theories m ust be(以……为基础)on facts.3.Your flight,hotel and m eals are all(包括)in the price of thisholiday.4.The old hotel(烧)down yearsago and was never rebuilt.5.She was one of the fam ous(美人)of the last century.6.Let us(团结)against thecom m on enem y.7.The new law will reduce(污染)of the air.8.Our holidays are(限制)to twoweeks a year.9.The accident did very littl…  相似文献   

The indirect boundary element method (IBEM) is used to study the surface motion of an alluvial valley in layered half-space for incident plane P-waves based on Wolf’s theory. Firstly, the free field response can be solved by the direct stiffness method, and the scattering wave response is calculated by Green’s functions of distributed loads acting on inclined lines in a layered half-space. The method is verified by comparing its results with literature and numerical analyses are performed by taking the amplification of incident plane P-waves by an alluvial valley in one soil layer resting on bedrock as an example. The results show that there exist distinct differences between the wave amplification by an alluvial valley embedded in layered half-space and that in homogeneous half-space and there is interaction between the valley and the soil layer. The amplitudes are relatively large when incident frequencies are close to the soil layer’s resonant frequencies.  相似文献   

樊文娟 《海外英语》2014,(15):49-51
The previous studies show that the major problems faced by the students in writing can be classified into two categories, that is, they don’t know"what to write"and"how to write". The researchers found that the specific problems existing in their writings are identified as poor content, incomplete generic structure and misuse of cohesive devices. Therefore, on the basis of the previous studies, this study attempts to use Martin’s genre theory to resolve the existed problems of the Professional College English major’s students in writing and enhance students’ discourse writing ability. Meanwhile, this study tries to answer the following questions:(1) Compared with the traditional writing teaching methods, whether the genre-based writing method has a significant effect to improve students’ writing skills;(2) Whether the genre-based writing method is possible to increase students’ interest in writing. The experimental result and the questionnaire show that genre-based approach in ESL writing teaching really can improve students’ writing achievement and enhance students’ interest in English writing.  相似文献   

维果 《今日中学生》2007,(26):25-27
January 1.New Year’s Day(新年January 1 st)2.The New Year’s Day in Korea(每年的1月末或2月初)3.Spring Festival(春节The New Moon on the first day of the new year—  相似文献   

英语的“同义句转换”是每年全国各地中考英语命题的热点之一,下面对近两年全国部分地区中考英语中的“同义句转换”题作一归纳。请根据 A 句,完成 B 句,使两句意思基本一致。1.A .The work will be finished by them in at least one year,not a fewm onths.B. w ill them atleastone year to finish the worka few m onths.(四川省)2.A .“D on tplay footballin the street,”the teacher said to them .B.The teacher told them play football in the street.(重庆市)3.A .Em m a didn t like playing com puter gam es.Paul didn …  相似文献   

A Fashion Show     
Story: The yearly fashion show day.The children take turns to walk on the stage and show the class their favorite clothes.Now it’s Joe’s and Phoebe’s turn.Joe walks on the stage and says,“My shorts are blue.Do you like my blue shorts?”On the other side of the stage, Phoebe is wearing her favorite pink skirt.“My skirt is pink.Do you like my pink skirt?”asks  相似文献   

英语中表示方位的介词很多,易于混淆。如果能巧妙地借助简笔画,就能化难为易,轻轻松松地掌握它们。40picture1e郾g—W here’s the ball?—It’s on(in、under、near、behind)the box.oninunderbehindneare郾gThe bus is com ing郾The driver is at the front of the bus郾(在……内部的前面)The wom an is at the back of the bus郾(在……内部的后面)The old m an is in front of the bus郾(在……外部的前面)The little girl is behind the bus郾(在……外部的后面)behind in front of穴in雪at the front ofat the back ofpicture2pic…  相似文献   

1.Q:...byagroupofscientistsinthe1920s.(L38P47)年份后加s表示什么概念?A:英语中表示多少世纪多少年代常用“in the 年份 s(’s)”结构。如:十九世纪六十年代inthe1860s或inthe1860’s,读作eighteensixties,sixty要用复数。此外我们在指年龄时也常采用这种表达方式,如:在他五十多岁时inhisfifties,年龄范围在50岁到59岁之间。2.Q:Sotheseeggswerelaidlonglongago...。(L38P47)句中laid的原形是lay(产卵),而lay又是lie(躺)的过去式,同时动词lie还表示“撒谎”之意,请将这几词的词意及词形的变化区分一下。A:好的。这几个词确实难于掌握,易于用错。请看下表可一目了然:3.Q:...becausethedinosaurwascoveredwithfeathers。(L38P47)句中with可用by表示吗?A:不可以。becoveredwith与becoveredby虽然都有“被……所覆盖”之意,前者侧重覆盖的状态,而后者强调被动和结果。试比较:Thedeskisa...  相似文献   

ol den Ⅰ.词汇(15分) A )根据句意和所给首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分) 1.Y ou should be p to everyone. 2.H ow m any l of words are there on this page? 3.The drivers shouldn t s while driving. 4.D on t throw any l in the streets ofa town. 5.The gardens h  相似文献   

1.population是个集合名词,意思是“人口;人数”,常用来指人口的总称,在日常使用时,必须注意以下几种用法:(1)population在句中作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。如:The population of Germany is about 81,000,000. 德国大约有八千一百万人口。The world’s population is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增长越来越快。注:如果population与分数或百分数连用时,谓语动词多用复数形式。如:Three fifths of the population in our town are farmers. 我们镇五分之三的人是农民。(2)表示“……的人口”可用the population of 地名,也可…  相似文献   

Amorphous InGaZnO (a-IGZO) film is deposited on the glass substrate by radio-frequency sputtering and the influence of annealing on wet etch of a-IGZO films were investigated.The results show that etch rate of IGZO films decrease with the increase of annealing temperature.Etching taper angle is less than 60 and critical dimension (CD) loss is less than 1 μm in over-etching time of 30 s.The fact implies that IGZO films etching with oxalic acid may be a good wet etching way for the thin-film transistor (TFT) ...  相似文献   

Based on the former research work of the authors,the resistance of differentsolid particle suspension flow in a vertical pipe is analysed,and investigatedexperimentally.The applicable formulas of pressure drop are presented.Two types of par-ticles,talcum powder and glass beads,are convcyed in the test which has been carried outat various air vclocities of 10 to 28 m/s and at the ratio of solids-air mass flow rateranged from 0 to 2.The experimental results show a good agreement with the calculatedones.  相似文献   

一、问:在Book 1(上),Lesson 46,Part Ⅰ中:Thereis a boat on the river。一句中“on the river”意为“在河里”,而在以前的课本中“在河里”常译为“inthe river”。例如:A boy is swimming in the river.“on the river”与“in the river”如何区分?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示, 完成单词。 1. My computer is on the t____ in my room. 2. This is a p____ of my family. 3. The baseball is u____ the bed. 4. His brother is b____ you and me. 5. ——What!s on the s____? ——It!s a backpack. Ⅱ.单项选择。 1. Here is  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Som e of m y r ,m y m other’s auntand uncle,live in A m erica.2.The weather is m today;it isneither hot nor cold.3.G lass has a s surface.4.This school is m for boys;thereare only a few girls in it.5.It’s not s that the com pany’s indebt now that it’s been com pletelym ism anaged.6.W ool is one of the chief e ofA ustralia.7.H ave they decided on the l(地点)of the new building yet?8.W e have s (解决)who will payfor the m eal.9.…  相似文献   

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