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《野性的呼唤》是美国作家杰克·伦敦的著作,巴克是其作品中的主人公。巴克的主人连续不断地更换,从法官米勒到狗贩子到哈尔,再到约翰·桑顿。不同的主人对待巴克的方式、手段等都是完全不一样的,他们的行为举止等充分揭示了该小说的主题:人性的善与恶。  相似文献   

一文 《中华武术》2004,(12):38-40
谁也没想到,在盛产神话的雅典奥运会上,胜利女神并没有眷顾英国的"长跑巨人"拉德克里夫,因为她像众多世界名将一样,在自己擅长的马拉松和10000米比赛中,均没有跑完全程就中途退出,以悲剧的结果结束了自己"雅典娜"的夺金之旅,对她的心理造成了从未有过的严重打击,引起英国媒体的极大反响。  相似文献   

万史玉 《上海集邮》2000,(10):23-24
为适应国际邮展活动的新趋势,以及2001日本世界邮展将设开放类的需要,日本邮趣协会把开放类作为其年度小规模专门邮展的内容之一(参见本刊今年第3期)。 今年5月举办的第一届开放类邮展上,共有28部展品。只设1个大奖及9个特别奖。展品中专题式占绝  相似文献   

《我国优秀运动员竞技能力状态的诊断和监测系统的研究与建立》系国家发展计划委员会的国家重点科技项目。该项目由国家体育总局体育科学研究所承担,项目主管部门为国家体育总局科教司,主要协作单位为北京体育大学、上海市体育科学研究所、北京市体育科学研究所、武汉体育学院、首都体育学院、北京师范大学、广东省体育科学研究所、广州体育学院、浙江大学、  相似文献   

牛郎织女神话萌芽于西周,形成于汉代;在魏晋南北朝时期有了较大发展,同时神话也开始向传说转化;魏晋南北朝以后,经过长期广泛流传,故事逐渐定型,神话演变为传说。牛郎织女神话传说是中国农耕明和星辰信仰相结合的产物,体现了中国传统化的丰富意蕴。  相似文献   

赛艇运动员的力量素质及其训练方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文针对赛艇项目的特点,对赛艇运动员力量素质的特点和影响因素,以及发展赛艇运动员力量素质的训练方法和训练原则进行了探讨。  相似文献   

计算机仿真作为电力电子技术辅助教学手段,对改善课堂教学效果和开拓学生的主动学习能力具有重要作用,本文对Saber仿真软件在电力电子教学改革中的应用进行了研究。本文以三相桥式全控整流电路为例,建立了电路仿真模型,讨论了触发角和输出波形间的关系,研究了整流器故障对输出波形的影响。教学效果表明结合Saber教学方法对提高教学效果和培养学生创新能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Growing literature has demonstrated that exercise may be an effective prevention and treatment option for drug addiction. In the past few years, many studies have suggested that there were sex differences in all phases of drug addiction. However, very limited research has investigated sex differences in the effectiveness of exercise intervention in drug addiction and rehabilitation. In this mini review, we summarize the effect of sex on the results of using exercise to prevent and treat drug addiction. The studies we consider span various animal models and use multiple types of exercise to examine the effectiveness of exercise on the neurobiological mechanism of exercise rehabilitation. We believe that exercise as an adjuvant intervention strategy can be applied better in drug addiction prevention and recovery.  相似文献   

王镇兴 《福建体育科技》2003,22(1):53-53,57
本文对体育教学中的思想品德教育进行了探讨 ,并对具体做法展开了论述。  相似文献   

The field of sport for development (SFD) has been criticised for the way that evidence has been produced and used to account for and demonstrate the perceived success of SFD programmes. Much of this critique has highlighted shortcomings in approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E), which underpins a perceived weak evidence base concerning what works, why and within which contexts (Coalter, 2007, Coalter and Taylor, 2010, Pawson and Tilley, 1997). Conceptually a lack of evidence discourse (Nicholls et al., 2010) has emerged. This paper explores and analyses the power dynamics that shape this discourse and argues that an understanding of the dominant neoliberal context within which SFD is located is critical. While offering a Foucauldian framework, the power, knowledge and discourse related to political actors in SFD processes are examined. This paper addresses two key questions: what is power and who is it for? Whose interests are served in the interpretation, generation and reporting of evidence? The paper concludes that the role of the sport development practitioner (SDP) is underprivileged and to enable the field of sport for development (SFD) to move forward, the very people who implement the programmes need to be better understood. Furthermore it is argued that a deeper understanding and interpretation of the terrain of the sport development practitioner (SDP) within UK and international shores are a necessity if a more open and transparent knowledge transfer process, surrounding evidence, is to be entered into.  相似文献   

大型火电厂的主蒸汽控制系统是保障锅炉稳定运行的,提高发电效率的主要设备。以传统PID为基础的常规控制系统已无法适应越来越高的现代化高效率生产的要求。本文利用遗传蚁群算法从控制论的角度出发对PID参数优化进行研究,动态调整电厂主蒸汽锅炉的蒸汽温度PID参数。仿真实验结果表明,该方法提高了系统的鲁棒性,且具备良好的经济运行效益,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

本文就构成体育教学过程的四个基本要素(即教师、教材、学生、媒介),认为教师转换视角和思维方式,突破常规组织专教法的局限,将有利于更好地激发与培养学生的创造力。  相似文献   

通过查阅文献资料,以及对NBA现役球员加内特、邓肯、巴蒂尔的比赛录像进行观察和分析,阐述了大前锋在篮球比赛中有球进攻和无球进攻时的特点及在进攻中的作用。分析了大前锋在进攻中经常运用的突破、远投、中投、篮下单打、二次进攻、快攻和挡拆等手段,为培养和提高大前锋进攻能力的训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

For most countries with developed economies, the increasing prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle has led to a decline in adolescents' physical fitness and increased risk of chronic disease and obesity. A common solution to this problem has been to encourage greater youth participation in sports and physical activities. However, there is little evidence to suggest that this approach has been successful. Since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, the development of elite sports in China has received increasing attention, reaching its climax during the Beijing Olympic Games, where China won the most gold medals. According to a study undertaken by Dong Xinguang, who designed the ‘Outline of the National Fitness Program,’ China's success in elite sports has, to some degree, been built at the expense of the country's national fitness. This study focuses on the sport-for-all policy change, especially the changes to the Peoples Republic of China's (PRC) national fitness policy after an official speech delivered after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by the president of the PRC, Hu Jintao, who, for the first time, mentioned the idea of ‘changing from a major sports country to a world sports power.’ In an attempt to help assess the extent of change in China's national fitness policy, this study adopts the five policy change indicators (comprising organization, statutes, budget, personnel, and the media) developed by Hogwood and Peters and Juang. Furthermore, elite theory is adopted as our analytical framework to explain how the political elites have tackled the difficulties in promoting sports in China. Finally, our findings are presented in three parts: the driving forces behind the policy change, policy change reflected in the five dimensions, and the conclusion.  相似文献   

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