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Recently, multirisk factor and multidimensional models have been proposed to explain the complexity and diversity of bulimic symptomatology. According to the multirisk factor model, bulimia represents the final common pathway of a number of sociocultural, familial, genetic and psychological factors interacting with one another. This paper places demographic variables within the context of such a model, examining the role of the various demographic variables in the development of bulimia. Implications for clinical practice and suggestions for future research are also explored.  相似文献   

Bulimia is presented as a way young women negotiate the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Developmental demands for more independence place gender-specific demands on young women. The primary identification of the female child with the mother, along with familial and cultural expectations of women, encourage the development of traditionally feminine qualities. In emotionally "needy" families these relational qualities are developed at the expense of autonomous capacities. Coupled with the cultural overvaluation of women's appearance in general, and unrealistic expectations of slenderness in particular, the body becomes the focus of conflict, and eating problems often develop. Bulimia is viewed as an effort to make up for the lack of inner sources of self-esteem by living up to external ideals of perfection.  相似文献   

Bulimia has medical consequences that affect virtually every organ system in the body to some degree. Some consequences seem relatively minior while some are catastrophic and life threatening. All are important for the health care professional to recognize so that appropriate therapy can be instituted. While attempting to avoid confusing technical details, this chapter outlines the most major of these complications and discusses their implications both as to the health of the patient and our understanding of this mysterious and unique disease. The author emphasizes the hypothalamic control of autonmic function as a common pathway for many of the medical complications.  相似文献   

Bulimia is a multidetermined, psychosomatic disorder in which biological, familial, personality, and sociocultural factors combine to predispose the development of symptoms. We suggest that bulimia represents a common cluster a symptoms for a heterogeneous population, primarily young women, who range along a developmental continuum of personality adjustment. Thus, college students with identical eating symptoms (e.g. bingeing and purging twice a week) may have very different levels of adaptation and require different degrees of intervention. Treatment considerations for the spectrum of bulimic patients are discussed.  相似文献   

Little has been written about the development of a system deliberately combining outreach, consultative, and treatment approaches to bulimia on college campuses. The purpose of this paper is to present a philosophy, implementation strategy, and examples of coordinated interventions that can occur on campuses to prevent, identify, and treat college students with bulimia. The development of a multidisciplinary team that pools the resources of the college community is outlined.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate particularly high incidence rates of bulimia nervosa among college students. In this paper the special need to services to identity, treat and prevent bulimia nervosa on college campuses is discussed. Eight general principles about the nature of bulimia, its prevalence in society, and sociocultural factors which promote the disorder are presented to help guide the development of effective services. Potential resources available on campus that can provide needed services are identified along with target groups toward which the services should be directed. Included among the resources are the faculty, residence hall personnal, and medical and mental health professionals on the staff. The need for educational, referral, and support services as well as treatment services is emphasized. The benefits of a campus committee to oversee the development and coordination of campus services are also discussed.  相似文献   

当代大学生责任心培养的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要阐述了责任心的含义、当代大学生责任心的现状,通过分析大学生责任心缺失的现象及原因,有针对性的提出一些解决办法。  相似文献   

大学生英语自主学习意识的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了自主学习的内涵,阐述了英语自主学习的必要性,着重论述了如何培养大学生英语自主学习的意识.  相似文献   

本文通过对高职教育与普通教育的培养目标分析,从个体终身发展需要和为了提高高职学生综合素质的基础上,阐述了高职院校在培养学生自主学习能力中学校、教师、学生三者在网络环境下新的角色定位,结合我校实际提出了学校与教师角色的新转变,希望能为后续的相关课程设置,自主学习能力培养提供一定的思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

重视大学生自我意识的发展状况,使他们形成积极健康的自我意识是当前高校管理工作的重要任务。当前,我们应从大学生自我意识现状、成因进行分析入手,积极地提出相应的调适措施。  相似文献   

当代大学生责任意识现状和培养途径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要培养出人才,首先要让学生学会如何做人,大学生是未来社会的中坚力量,是社会发展的栋梁,他们的责任态度在某种程度上将直接决定未来几十年内社会主导责任观的价值取向,所以如何提升大学生责任意识应成为当前高校教育工作者着重思考的重要问题。如今高校在读学生的主体为"80后"、"90后",他们有着自身的时代特点,对他们的责任意识教育应该结合他们各方面的特点来进行。文章分别从自我责任意识、家庭责任意识、社会责任意识三方面归纳出当代大学生责任意识的特点,进而分析影响大学生责任意识的因素,最后对增强大学生责任意识的途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

公民责任意识教育包括公民政治责任意识教育、社会责任意识教育、公共责任意识教育和自我公民责任意识教育.对大学生进行公民责任意识教育是国家发展、民族振兴和社会进步的需要.可以通过不同的教育形式、内容和渠道增强大学生的公民责任意识.  相似文献   

自我意识的健全是大学生自我完善和自我教育的途径,是大学生人格的自我调控系统。大学阶段是自我意识发展的高级阶段,分析大学生自我意识发展过程中出现的冲突,寻求合理的培养途径,尤其关注女大学生自我意识的发展。是高校学生管理和健全学生心理素质的重要方面。  相似文献   

了解大学生人际信任与自我和谐的关系,为提高大学生人际信任,改善其人际关系提供依据.采用人际信任量表(ITS)和自我和谐量表(SCCS)对贵州省554名大学生进行测查.结果显示:不同自我和谐程度组大学生人际信任得分存在显著差异;人际信任与自我和谐及各维度存在显著相关;自我和谐的自我灵活性、自我刻板性对特殊信任具有正向预测作用,自我灵活性与自我与经验不和谐对普遍信任具有负向预测作用.结果表明:人际信任与自我和谐存在关联,促进大学生的自我和谐可提高其人际信任水平.  相似文献   

对西南地区9所高校的1450名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果发现农村大学生的尊严感低于城市大学生;农村女大学生的尊严感低于城市女大学生;农村男大学生与城市男大学生尊严感没有明显的差异,此外,研究着重分析了农村大学生尊严感较低的原因。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a noteworthy increase in attention given to eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, and the search for causative factors and effective therapies is intensive. For this reason, efforts directed toward establishing diagnostic criteria are crucial. Indeed, the growing literature in this area gives a confusing impression because diagnostic criteria vary widely among investigators. The present article reviews current thinking in this area.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对大连地区1776名大学生进行调查研究,分析大学生自我心理调控行为的现状及特点。结果发现:(1)自编的《大学生自我心理调控》问卷具有良好的信效度;(2)大学生自我心理调控年级差异显著,自我心理调控呈现逐年提高趋势;(3)学生干部自我心理调控分数显著高于非学生干部;(4)获得奖学金及其他荣誉的学生自我心理调控评估分数显著高于未获得任何奖励或荣誉的学生。  相似文献   

论大学生社会责任感的培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前,在社会、家庭、学校以及自身多方面因素的作用下。部分大学生的社会责任感趋于淡化,这与时代的要求背道而驰。正视大学生社会责任感淡化的现实,分析大学生社会责任感淡化的原因.进而探索大学生社会责任感培养的教育对策,成为高校德育一个刻不容缓的课题。  相似文献   

目的:了解大学生羞耻心现状及特点。方法t采用自编问卷对南京市4所高校646名大学生进行调查。结果:①大学生羞耻心总平均数为3.16介于“中等符合”与“大部分符合”之间;②女大学生的非道德因子、自律因子和正确因子得分高于男大学生(t=-6.05~-2.04,P=0.000~0.05),而错误和他律两因子得分低于男生(t=3.24,2.17,P=0.001,0.030);③道德因子、自律因子、他律因子及错误因子存在年级差异(F=2.66~8.86,P=0.000~0.047);④文科大学生非道德因子得分高于理科大学生(t=2.60,P=0.10);⑤非独生子女自律因子和正确因子得分均高于独生子女(t=-3.39,-3.00,P=0.001,0.003)。结论:大学生羞耻心总体体验程度居于中高水平,并受性剐、年级、专业、独生子女与否等人口社会学变量影响。  相似文献   

大学生忧患意识教育是当前高校思想政治教育工作的一项重要内容.然而多年来,大学生忧患意识教育的效果不强.本文试从大学生忧患意识教育的内容、方式和原则等方面来探讨大学生忧患意识教育.  相似文献   

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