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当前,教师教育一体化备受关注,但是,人们对教师教育一体化却有不同的理解。综合文献中对“教师教育”和“一体化”的论述,可以得出,1.“教师教育一体化”是针对专业教师培养而言的。2.“教师教育一体化”是对教师培养中的不同维度内各有联系的因素进行的。3.“教师教育一体化”是人们有意进行的,一体化的过程符合社会发展要求。4.一体化之后,教师教育在不同的维度上将成为一个有机联系的整体。  相似文献   

In an effort to establish a baseline of technology competency among our entering education students, our College of Education began implementing the Assessment of Technology Competencies (ATC) in Fall 2003. This performance-based assessment evaluates word-processing, presentation, spreadsheet, graphic/drawing, and Internet skills. Although students are not required to pass the ATC, failure impacts their final grade in an Introduction to Education course. This paper explores the impact this assessment has had on the students' use and development of technology in subsequent courses. Student perceptions of the ATC and its impact were elicited through a self-reported survey administered in a junior-level education course. Results indicate that the ATC has facilitated technology use among the participants. Respondents also revealed that their high school experiences with technology adequately prepared them for passing the ATC, despite the fact that most students are unable to pass the ATC in the first attempt.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,为实现教师教育一体化,许多国家(如美、英)的大学与中小学在教师教育上密切合作,收效颇丰。借鉴国外经验,我国教师教育中大学与中小学开展合作研究,可探索出一条新路。  相似文献   

我国的师范教育体系为我国教师的培养做出了巨大的贡献,但是,也存在一些问题。随着学习化时代的来临,各国教育的竞争愈演愈烈,师范教育体系已不能适应时代发展的要求,教师教育逐渐取代了师范教育。构建一体化的教师教育体系已经成为我国教育发展战略目标。  相似文献   

Decades of research have shown that technological change in schools depends on multiple interrelated factors. Structural equation models explaining the interplay of factors often suffer from high complexity and low coherence. To reduce complexity, a more robust structural equation model was built with data from a survey of 349 Swiss primary school teachers. It confirms that educational technology integration is dependent on individual teachers' readiness, which is in turn influenced by school readiness. Teacher readiness to integrate educational technology is based on perceived skills and beliefs. Facets of school readiness include educational technology resources in classrooms, perceived importance of technology integration, goal clarity, head teacher support, as well as formal and informal exchange among teachers.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

中国的教师教育正处于转型和建设时期,正在由传统的"封闭式"定向型师范教育模式向现代的"开放式"非定向型教师教育模式的转变过程中。在这个转型期间,理论界、高等师范院校、基础教育界和教育管理部门都在理论和实践上积极探索教师教育的办学模式、课程设置、管理体制等。教师教育的核心是实现职前教育与职后教育的有机结合,构建一体化的教师教育体系。天津在实施教师教育一体化方面进行了具有重要意义的理论探索和实践。  相似文献   

城乡教育一体化进程中的教师流动机制建构已成为我国教育发展迫切需要解决的一项重要任务。当前城乡教师流动包括城市教师向农村流动和农村教师向城市流动两种方式,这两种流动方式都不同程度地陷入了难以摆脱的困境。城乡教育一体化的教师流动目标可定位为公平优先兼顾效率,同时要处理好个体价值和社会价值的矛盾。城乡一体化的教师流动机制本质上是一种以农村为导向的教师流动机制,由三部分构成,即农村教师流入机制、农村教师稳定机制和农村教师培训机制。  相似文献   

Technology-enhanced mathematics tasks were introduced to elementary pre-service candidates (n = 84) and in-service teachers (n = 38), who then, either in partners or small groups, created and taught inquiry-based lessons incorporating technology, with individual reflections. The lessons were coded using the following criteria: (a) The students themselves used the technology for inquiry learning, (b) technology was integral to the learning task, (c) the lesson focused on mathematics concepts—not the technology, and (d) the task would have been more difficult to accomplish without the technology. The lesson analysis revealed that, after instruction on inquiry learning and technology integration, each group achieved a high level of proficiency using these criteria. Further, the analysis assisted the instructors in identifying issues and concerns regarding implementation of technology in elementary mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

As technology integration continues to gain importance, preservice teachers must develop higher levels of confidence and proficiency in using technology in their classrooms (Kay, 2006 Kay, R. H. 2006. Evaluating strategies used to incorporate technology into preservice education: A review of the literature. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38: 383408. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). The acceptance of the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) by National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) has compelled teacher education programs to reexamine their curricula. However, most of these efforts lack the theory-based measures (Netemeyer, Bearden, &; Sharma, 2003 Netemeyer, R. G., Bearden, W. O. and Sharma, S. 2003. “Scaling procedures: Issues and applications”. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) of NETS-T dispositions and proficiency. In an effort to address this need, the Technology Integration Confidence Scale (TICS) was developed at Brigham Young University's McKay School of Education. This article describes the development of the TICS, which consists of 28 self-efficacy items based on tasks described in the NETS-T. It was pilot tested on preservice teachers during the spring 2006 term (N = 52), and the results were analyzed for item functioning and reliability. Evidence was also gathered to support the result's validity.  相似文献   

教师教育一体化改革的回顾与反思   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国教师教育一体化改革已经取得了一些成绩,但要实现真正意义上的一体化还需不断努力。进一步推进教师教育一体化改革,必须在保证一体化改革整体目标的前提下,推进一体化课程体系的建设和加强教师校本培训。  相似文献   


Although computers have become common features of schools worldwide, their impact on education and learning has been far less than what could be expected from such a versatile and powerful technology. A significant deterrent has been teachers’ lack of skills and expertise with the new technologies but although computer education is increasingly becoming a significant component within teacher education programmes, this paper will argue that the direction and nature of the teaching and learning in many of these courses is counter‐productive and unable to provide the skills and expertise required from new teaching graduates. The paper posits that these skills can best be developed and achieved through instructional programmes in teacher education that mirror the models that student teachers will be required to embrace in their own classrooms. In order to achieve this, the IT component within teacher education must become an integral part of the programme.  相似文献   

开设适合的技术类课程以应对当前技术教育不断发展的新形势是师范院校亟待解决的关键问题。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架是奥克兰大学、梅西大学等六所高校共同开发的一个共享资源,旨在支持六所高校在职前技术教育方面保持信息一致,提升职前技术教师教育质量。该框架由技术哲学、技术教育的原理、技术课程和技术教学四个关键要素组成,在强调技术知识和技术教学知识的同时,关注技术价值观和目的观教育,并提供相应素材支持课程开发与实施。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架对我国技术教师教育具有重要启示。  相似文献   

教师教育一体化是当今世界教师教育中的一种重要教育理念。我国高等师范院校的教师教育应借鉴国外教师教育的经验 ,开展高师“一般课程”一体化研究 ,合理调整教师职前教育和职后教育中的“一般课程”的门类和学时比例。  相似文献   

This study investigated major course changes in 11 sections of a stand-alone educational technology course redesigned around 21st century skill sets as opposed to technical skill development. Conducted in the fall of 2007 and spring 2008 with a random sample of 100 pre-service teachers, independent and paired sample t tests and correlational analyses were used to examine differences in students’ computer attitude, self-efficacy, and computer skills before and after instruction. Results of the study suggest that, even in a more rigorous course, pre-service teachers became less anxious about computers, their belief in the value of using technology to enhance teaching and learning as well as their self-efficacy toward integrating technology in the classroom significantly improved, and they became more advanced in their technical skills and knowledge of how to apply these skills in the classroom.  相似文献   

教师职前职后教育一体化改革探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
教师职业是一种专业性职业,从业者需要专门的情感、知识和能力等素养。教师专业素养的形成,不应是自发的,而应该接受专门的教育。教师教育主要包括职前培养和职后培训。从教师专业发展的内在需要看,职前培养和职后培训需要在管理体制、目标、内容和师资等方面实现一体化。在实现教师教育一体化的探索中,省级教育学院有职后培训的优势,但在职前培养方面还需要积累经验。为了更好地创建新型教师教育体系,实现教师教育的一体化,四川教育学院作了多方面的探索,取得了预期的阶段性成果。  相似文献   

现代教育技术条件下高校教师角色转换的策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先分析了高校教师传统角色的局限性;然后提出由于现代教育技术改变了高等教育的目标、观念和课程,改变了知识的传播方式及其对高校师生关系的影响等,这些影响将改变人们对教师角色的认识和期望,也意味着在现代教育技术条件下教师角色必然发生转换.硬件技术、潜件技术及软件技术的不断发展和完善为高校教师角色的转换提供了可能性,现代教育技术的不断发展对高校教师角色提出了挑战,论文进而提出了高校教师角色转换的策略.  相似文献   

教师学习的内涵是多元的。从学习过程看,教师学习是建构性学习;从学习方式看,教师学习是参与式学习;从学习结果看,教师学习是理解性学习。教师学习内涵的研究为我国的教师教育提供了依据和启示。  相似文献   

应时代发展要求,美国专业取向教师教育课程思想由技术理性主义向整合主义发展,教学专业化发展也经历了相应的转变。20世纪中下叶占支配性影响地位的技术理性主义教师教育课程,主张对教师进行训练,让其掌握批量的教学技术理论知识。这导致教师教育课程出现理论知识与实践分离、忽视了实践知识的情景性等问题,促使新的教师教育课程理念和实践的出现。整合主义教师教育课程关注对实践知识的情景性关怀、对个体知识的关怀,以解决目前美国乃至国际教师教育面临的问题——提高(职前)教师教学实践能力,强调在合作探究的基础上寻求理论本位与经验本位知识的融合。  相似文献   

在当前高等师范院校教师教育专业的课程设计中,要合理吸取职业主义和科学主义的价值取向.明确教师教育课程结构的指导思想,逐步建构并优化教师教育课程结构体系。突出教育课程的统一性、实践性、广博性、衔接性和超前性等主要特征.努力增强教育科学课程体系的开放性与兼容性。丰富教师教育资源,提高教师教育的质量。  相似文献   

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