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为了培养学生具有适应当前社会需求的专业技能,在计算机教学中采用了行之有效的项目教学。在实施项目教学时,也遇到了学生由于知识和技能的差异,在同一个项目中,有的学生能轻松地完成项目,有的学生经过努力可以完成项目,但也有学生感到困难重重,再努力也完成不了项目,结果对项目教学任务有了放弃的思想,进而丧失了学习的兴趣。如何使不同的学生在项目教学中共同提高,开展同项目多层次教学策略就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This paper presents an action research approach to exploring methods of improving the learning styles and outcomes of first year university students within large class environments. The genesis of this project stemmed from an observation that entire tutorial groups were often lethargic in their approach to learning. Following a survey of learning styles, students were exposed to more student-centric teaching styles within tutorial groups, with a view to encouraging deeper student learning and self-regulated learning behaviours. Although the project was successful in motivating students' participation in class activities, no noticeable change to a sustained deeper learning style became evident. The findings suggest that simply motivating students to participate in class does not necessarily alter overall learning styles, at least in the short term. This suggests that the process of “unlearning” previous learning styles may pose a significant problem for instructors and it appears likely that the process of changing from surface to deep learning may require more than a single course intervention. However, there is some evidence that student-centred and self-regulated learning results in a more positive learning experience for both students and teachers. The article concludes with a model of proposed relationships uncovered by the research which deserve further exploration in the quest to provide greater levels of student satisfaction with their higher education experiences.  相似文献   

‘Setting’ is a widespread practice in the UK, despite little evidence of its efficacy and substantial evidence of its detrimental impact on those allocated to the lowest sets. Taking a Bourdieusian approach, we propose that setting can be understood as a practice through which the social and cultural reproduction of dominant power relations is enacted within schools. Drawing on survey data from 12,178 Year 7 (age 11/12) students and discussion groups and individual interviews with 33 students, conducted as part of a wider project on secondary school grouping practices, we examine the views of students who experience setting, exploring the extent to which the legitimacy of the practice is accepted or challenged, focusing on students’ negative views about setting. Analyses show that privileged students (White, middle class) were most likely to be in top sets whereas working‐class and Black students were more likely to be in bottom sets. Students in the lowest sets (and boys, Black students and those in receipt of free school meals) were the most likely to express negative views of setting and to question the legitimacy and ‘fairness’ of setting as a practice, whereas top‐set students defended the legitimacy of setting and set allocations as ‘natural’ and ‘deserved’. This paper argues that setting is incompatible with social justice approaches to education and calls for the foregrounding of the views of those who are disadvantaged by the practice as a tool for challenging the doxa of setting.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project undertaken with the primary aim of investigating the extent to which situations that evoke a sense of wonder can promote scientific inquiry. Given the intense interest, curiosity, and wonder that some students had begun to develop after seeing the film The Prestige, a science teacher used this film, which showed Tesla’s demonstrations on the wireless transmission of electrical power, as a source of curiosity and wonder. The class that participated in this action research project was an 11th grade class in a rural area of southern Greece. Through an analysis of students’ journals, observation, informal discussions, and paper-and-pencil tests, it was found that students (a) became involved with Tesla’s life and work, thus developing an interest in current electricity; (b) learned about the skin effect, the biological effects of AC and DC currents; and (c) better understood Ohm’s law in their attempt to find out the degree of damage or injury a certain measure of current can cause. Moreover, some students began to develop scepticism and open-mindedness, in addition to their sense of wonder. The paper also presents a planning framework for teaching the Tesla story.  相似文献   

The conception of Global Learning Communities (GLCs) was researched to discover potential benefits of the use of online technologies that facilitated communication and scientific data sharing outside of the normal classroom setting. 1,419 students in 635 student groups began the instructional unit. Students represented the classrooms of 33 teachers from the USA, 6 from Thailand, 7 from Australia, and 4 from Germany. Data from an international environmental education project were analyzed to describe grades 7–9 student scientific writing in domestic US versus international–US classroom online partnerships. The development of an argument analytic and a research model of exploratory data analysis followed by statistical testing were used to discover and highlight different ways students used evidence to support their scientific claims about temperature variation at school sites and deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Findings show modest gains in the use of some evidentiary discourse components by US students in international online class partnerships compared to their US counterparts in domestic US partnerships. The analytic, research model, and online collaborative learning tools may be used in other large-scale studies and learning communities. Results provide insights about the benefits of using online technologies and promote the establishment of GLCs.  相似文献   

Conclusion As a means of providing some insights into the research activity for future science teachers, the project was a qualified success. Throughout its inception and implementation there remained an uneasy compromise between conducting a piece of worthwhile research and providing the maximum possible range of experiences for the students undertaking the subject. The experience undoubtedly was valuable for the students, it provided them with insights which served as the bases for developing individual research proposals, for the evaluation of a curriculum change in a secondary school. In general, through, the scope of the project was too ambitious for the time that was available and this led to a feeling of frustration, if not in the students, certainly in the authors. The investigation itself suffered from obvious limitations which have been discussed above. However, the gains observed in favour of the class using SCIS materials are congruent with those identified by a four-year longitudinal study conducted by Renner et al. (1973) and suggest that a more rigorous investigation is warranted. It may be possible to engage our under-graduate students in a longitudinal study of the effectiveness of SCIS by involving different groups at different stages of the project. We believe that the first attempt has shown that it is a worthwhile component of pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

大学英语听说课堂是学生提高听说能力的重要场所,学生在课堂的积极参与是实现其听说能力提升的重要保证。文章通过问卷调查和访谈,调查了大学英语听说课堂学生参与状况,并探析了相关影响因素,从而提出了四大方面措施,以期有利于激励学生积极参与到大学英语听说课堂的学习中。  相似文献   

To complement traditional learning activities in a masters-level research methodology course, social work students worked on a formal research project which involved: designing the study, constructing measures, selecting a sampling strategy, collecting data, reducing and analyzing data, and finally interpreting and communicating the results. The final product was accepted in a respected, peer-reviewed journal. In the hopes of motivating social work educators to use active learning strategies when teaching research methods and to provide some pragmatic advice on how to do so, this article presents students' perceptions of involvement and lessons learned by the instructor. Through open- and closed-ended questions, students reported that involvement was meaningful, promoted understanding of research, strengthened relations among students, and made learning more exciting. Additionally, 41% of students reported that work on the project increased their interest in pursuing doctoral level work. Students also reported that engagement was time-consuming, stressful, and occasionally frustrating. Pragmatic suggestions about how to incorporate a formal research project with teaching are given based on experiences of the students and instructor.  相似文献   

Electronic mail (e-mail) is an extremely important medium for Internet-based education. Due to its unique characteristics, there is reason to be concerned that students do not put appropriate care into writing messages that are sent via e-mail. This has significant implications for the effectiveness of online learning environments. This paper describes an empirical research project to investigate the amount of thought students put into e-mail communication versus traditional face-to-face communication. A survey was administered to 596 undergraduates. The results of this survey indicate that students put significantly more thought into e-mail communication with the instructor and groups of peers than they do for equivalent face-to-face communication. At the same time, students tend to put about the same amount of thought into e-mail compared to verbal communication with individual peers. Finally, the research uncovered some interesting patterns concerning student gender and technology comfort as predictors of thought put into e-mail communication.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question: To what extent do tertiary teachers and students have similar understandings of what engages students in classroom settings? It employs data from a funded research project in Aotearoa New Zealand that draws on selected questions from two surveys. One survey asked students how important nine selected teacher behaviours were in engaging them in learning, the other asked teachers what priority they put on these behaviours and how important they thought they were to students. The selected questions were drawn from an extensive research literature identifying teacher behaviours that engaged students. The article reports that teachers and students had some similar but more dissimilar perceptions about what engages students. Suggested reasons for the differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Ellwood’s and Abrams’s paper, Students’s social interaction in inquiry-based science education: how experiences of flow can increase motivation and achievement, describes two groups of students and their experiences in an extended inquiry unit. For one of these, the Off-Campus group, several educational aspects were enhanced compared with the group that stayed on campus for their fieldwork. In the analysis this was related to the nature and quality of students’ social interactions during the project and their experiences of flow. This forum article seeks to expand and reframe some of the interpretations made by the authors concerning the role of time, place and attention for setting up conditions for experiences of flow in general, and in scientific inquiry in particular. A comparison with the result from research on wait-time is made, and the significance of place and social interactions are related to a typology of attention helpful for understanding Flow theory. It is suggested that an additional finding may be that there are certain moments in an inquiry unit where slowing down the tempo of instruction to allow for feedback and discussion is particularly important, because doing so can significantly alter the subsequent development and quality of students’ social interactions, experiences of flow, and consequently learning. Implications for science teaching and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

完善国家助学贷款制度 推进高等教育发展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
国家助学贷款作为一项推动高等教育改革、帮助高校经济困难学生顺利完成学业的重要政策,实施5年来取得了显著效果。但随着实施范围的扩大和还款期的到来,现行制度中的一些问题也正在不断暴露。现有制度性障碍已严重影响到国家助学贷款政策的实施,应引入风险准备基金的方式来解决问题。  相似文献   

The background of the work presented in this article is that for quite some time project work has been a method of working that is more theoretically described than it is put into practice. The aim of this text is to show how a teacher can function as a facilitator or a guide for the students within project‐directed teaching and how this setting can enhance the students’ learning. A qualitative method with a focus on dialogues in the classroom was used in the inquiry process. In this article a dialogue between the students in the realization phase of the work is analysed in depth to illustrate how student interaction framed by project work can enhance the students’ learning. In the study Dewey’s, Vygotsky’s and Bakhtin’s theories are used as a theoretical framework and the activity system is used to visualize the work processes in their intertwined context. The outcome of the study shows that learning is inherent in language, but concludes that it demands a great deal of the teacher to create such learning situations.  相似文献   

For group projects to be pedagogically successful, instructors must understand how students view group work, factors that influence students’ perceptions about group work, and students’ views about the importance of group work. Understanding these factors will provide instructors with guidance in effectively using group projects in their courses. This study examines how students perceive group work after completing a semester-long group project. Our sample consists of 145 students taking an upper division research methods class in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at a large regional university. Our data support the idea that small groups may work more effectively together than larger ones, that high grade point average students have more concerns than others about group work and that those with more time demands are less positive than others about group work. The authors suggest strategies for successful group work in classes.  相似文献   

In response to international concerns about scientific literacy and students’ waning interest in school science, this study investigated the effects of a science‐writing project about the socioscientific issue (SSI) of biosecurity on the development of students’ scientific literacy. Students generated two BioStories each that merged scientific information with the narrative storylines in the project. The study was conducted in two phases. In the exploratory phase, a qualitative case study of a sixth‐grade class involving classroom observations and interviews informed the design of the second, confirmatory phase of the study, which was conducted at a different school. This phase involved a mixed methods approach featuring a quasi‐experimental design with two classes of Australian middle school students (i.e., sixth grade, 11 years of age, n = 55). The results support the argument that writing the sequence of stories helped the students become more familiar with biosecurity issues, develop a deeper understanding of related biological concepts, and improve their interest in science. On the basis of these findings, teachers should be encouraged to engage their students in the practice of writing about SSI in a way that integrates scientific information into narrative storylines. Extending the practice to older students and exploring additional issues related to writing about SSI are recommended for further research.  相似文献   

This article takes as its point of departure an action research project conducted in an upper secondary school in Sweden. The project had a practitioner research approach and was carried out with students in one class. In this article, I elaborate on the tensions that appeared during the project concerning collaboration and action. This is done by revisiting the project with a theoretical approach of sociomaterialism. Revisiting entails critically and creatively exploring how to comprehend collaboration and action differently. It raises question about who or what are involved in the collaborations and what are to be considered ‘good’ actions. Within the elaboration, collaboration and action become intertwined phenomena that are always working together. Furthermore, it proposes how the notion of intervention embraces the distributed and collective disposition of both collaboration and action. By addressing the notions of collaboration and action with a sociomaterial approach changing a teaching practice becomes a relational experiment without preset goals. The potential for change becomes within speculative interventions that affords various encounters and relations.  相似文献   

中国与韩国都是非英语国家,两国的大学英语教育具有相通之处。韩国大学英语教育在较大程度上体现了以学生为主体的特点,重视培养学生的听说交流能力,课程设置能充分体现个性化与开放性的特点,网络与多媒体等教学手段的运用有利于学生主动参与,小班授课突出学生主体,聘请外教为学生创造了用英语交流的机会。了解韩国的大学英语教育现状,可为我国的大学英语教育带来启示。  相似文献   

This article addresses Making the Difference (Connell et al., 1982) as a research project, in the specific context of Australian education and Australian sociology. It argues that the form of its research and writing have been as influential as the argument itself, and illustrates these themes by comparing that project of the early 1980s with two more recent Australian projects of the late 1990s. It is suggested that Making the Difference was successful in illustrating class and culturally based inequalities in the form of Australian schooling, and in illuminating some gendered processes of that schooling, but that its proposal for an 'organic working class curriculum' was difficult and utopian in conception, and quickly overtaken by broader interests in school 'effectiveness', and political moves to 'third way' policies rather than class war. It is argued that the Queensland New Basics project illustrates some of the lessons of engagement and communication offered by Making the Difference , and also the pragmatism of this new political context; and that the longitudinal 12 to 18 Project attempted to build on insights about class and gender of the earlier work, but with attention to some of the limitations of the type of focus on class of that work.  相似文献   

Competence in intercultural communication has become a necessity for functioning effectively in our increasingly globalised and multicultural society. This study reports the use of a group project to enhance students’ learning of intercultural communication. Participants were from a large undergraduate class in an Australian university. The aim of the course is to encourage students to develop knowledge of intercultural communication by orienting themselves to the world beyond the classroom, and by learning from each other’s experiences and perspectives. In a group project assignment, students used the knowledge and skills gained in class to resolve practical problems that they encountered in intercultural interactions outside the classroom. This paper focused on students’ experience of working in groups, and links between this experience and performance on the group project. Our study confirms previous research that demonstrates active engagement in group work can enhance learning outcomes. It also goes further in showing that groups that more highly rated their learning of intercultural communication through the group work experience obtained higher grades on the project.  相似文献   

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