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Human Behavior in the Social Environment (HBSE) is an ideal location in which graduate social work students can enhance their critical reflection and writing skills while integrating social work theories with practice, research, and policy. A writing-intensive, learner-centered model using specific strategies is described via a framework of critical pedagogy. In addition to its application within HBSE, this model can be adapted across the social work curriculum. The article is situated within ongoing debates concerning the relevance of social constructionism and postmodernism to social work.  相似文献   


Social work, like other disciplines, has long used case studies as a (1) methodological approach to communicating a body of knowledge, and (2) as a tangible means to acquaint students with archetypical applications of realistic conditions. In social work, one required course sequence enhanced by case study assessments is Human Behavior and the Social Environment (HBSE). This paper describes the author's use of another social work professor's controversial and sensitive autobiography, To Ascend into the Shining World Againto instruct graduate students in HBSE courses. In his non-fictional account, the social work professor recalls the time when, during his own youth, he killed a teenager in 1967. The author recounts the way in which she incorporated the professor's story as a focus for analysis at The Ohio State University and how it was similarly examined in a course at the University of Louisville.  相似文献   

Foundation social work practice education is critical to the preparation of BSW practitioners for professional practice and the establishment of a theoretical and skill base upon which graduate students may build competencies in the advanced curriculum. Issues in the foundation practice curriculum may hinder this development. The common factors model holds promise as an organizing framework for foundation social work practice education. This model may help to resolve some key issues in social work and social work education, and may provide a useful, coherent, and empirical base for the foundation practice curriculum.  相似文献   

社会工作专业价值理念是社会工作的核心和灵魂,对社会工作实践起着重要的指导作用。培育学生的社会工作专业价值理念,必须提高思想认识,高度重视这项3-作;加强理论研究,构建完善的社会工作专业价值体系;制定专业守则,把专业价值理念付诸社会工作实践。  相似文献   

The use of fiction and autobiography in social science course work has been shown to enhance students' learning experience. Using the novel PUSH, by Sapphire, we designed a curriculum supplement for the social work course, human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) that encourages students to integrate course content in an innovative way and enables them to apply the material to life-like situations. The HBSE supplement allows students to explore poignant and problematic issues that push them past intrapersonal and interpersonal limits. Classes are infused with energy and the critical consciousness of the students. Final projects are a systematic case study of a chosen character (or characters) in the book and are a testament to student critical thinking and creativity. Methods, assignments, and student experiences in an introductory BSW course are described.  相似文献   

采用文献法和访谈法对在校体育生参与社会体育指导员工作的优势和可行性进行研究,结果显示,学生较社会上的体育指导员优势明显、职业固定和业余时间多、有完备的体育设施及高素质的专业教师智囊团作支持等。同时在校学生从事社会体育指导员工作有诸多条件支持,可使学生指导健身人群成为现实。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of student learning about collaboration and discusses the effectiveness of different forms of assessment in facilitating learning. The study was conducted in a large health and social care faculty in which all students on pre‐qualifying professional programmes learn together in modules aimed at developing collaborative skills. Data about student learning were collected through interviews with 42 students and analysis of 53 students’ completed assignments. The paper focuses on two questions: (1) What did students learn about collaborating in groups and about their own collaborative skills? (2) Which forms of assessment were effective in recording this learning? Interview and assignment data demonstrated that students learned about groups and group participation, about themselves in group situations and about the relevance of interprofessional learning to working collaboratively in professional practice. Module 3 (third year) assessments provided evidence of transference of learning from module to practice. Whereas learning logs, completed during the module as a form of reflective assessment, appeared to promote self‐awareness about own collaborative skills, reflective essays, completed after module sessions had ended, provided more opportunities for analysis and to link theory to practice.  相似文献   


This article describes two collaborative research projects whose common goal was to explore the potential role of professional controversies in building teachers’ summative assessment capacity. In the first project, upper primary teachers were encouraged to compare their practices through a form of social moderation, without prior instructor input or theoretical preparation. In the second project, lower secondary school teachers were encouraged to compare their summative assessment practices with reference to a theoretical model of curriculum alignment, under the guidance of an instructor. The findings support the potentially constructive role of professional controversies in supporting teachers’ professional development for summative assessment. They highlight the status of references called upon in discussion of controversies, and their contribution to the construction of the subjects under discussion.  相似文献   

The forms that assessment takes are widely recognised as determinants of educational practice. This paper, however, argues that a teacher's professional consciousness is a more fundamental determinant of teaching practice. To explore the issue, this paper examines data from a larger study which set out to examine the relationship between teachers' practice and their beliefs in the context of a mandatory school-based assessment scheme. Using a theoretical framework that advocates an emancipatory approach to educational changes, it was found that some teachers adopted a passive role regarding policy interpretation and implementation while others adopted a more critical stance in interpreting the policy requirements, demonstrating a more proactive approach in its implementation. The emancipatory approach is conceptualised in terms of three key dimensions: professional confidence, professional interpretation and professional consciousness. The findings of the study carry implications for teacher professional development.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for AfL to be successfully implemented in the classroom is the teachers’ assessment practice. In many contexts, including the Norwegian, AfL has not been successfully dealt with during initial teacher education, and there is a need for qualified teachers to engage in professional development in AfL.This article first discusses different perspectives of professional development, not all of which lead to change of attitudes and beliefs resulting in changed practice. Difficulties in implementing AfL beyond the individual teacher and reach the full teaching staff is presented through experiences from a Norwegian research and development project. The next project to be briefly discussed focuses on engaging teachers in developing their own criteria for good classroom assessment.Finally the paper proposes that a major obstacle to teachers’ professional development in AfL is the competence of teacher educators in AfL. Do those who are to guide and support professional development in schools hold the essential knowledge and competence themselves?The conclusive argument is that for AfL to be common assessment practice in schools there is a need for development processes at various levels of the education system.  相似文献   

An intergenerational oral history project paired 63 students enrolled in human behavior in the social environment (HBSC) courses in a bachelor of social work (BSW) programs with older adults. The goal of the project was to provide contextual application of HBSE theories and concepts by engaging students in semester-long intentional interaction with older adults. Qualitative evaluation of the oral history project found that students reported multiple benefits from participation. The authors attribute the project's positive outcomes to its service-learning nature as well as the unique and applied way in which it allowed students to learn mandated course content.  相似文献   

推拿学是运动医学领域内的一门操作性极强的实践性课程,也是国家教委指定的体育专业学生的一门必修课程。借鉴和参照竞技体育裁判规则和评价尺度,结合专业学科的实际情况,制定出具有较好科学性、客观性、标准性及可操作性的推拿手法操作技能的考核与评定方法。以推拿技能操作考核为主笔试为辅,客观、公正地评价考生的推拿技能,以考促教,加强学生专业素质和实际动手能力的培养。  相似文献   

远程职业教育核心是职业教育。远程教育作为手段、方法、策略甚至战略应用于职业教育,为的是更好地促进职业教育发展。远程职业教育以职业需求为导向构建其课程资源与实践教学体系,主要包括:以职业需求为导向的实用性课程资源建设;强化面向远程职业教育的实践性教学资源建设;培养远程职业教育双师型教师队伍;校企合作开展远程职业教育。  相似文献   

Teacher education all over Europe is increasingly becoming school‐based oriented. This implies new roles for those who support student teachers learning in school. This article describes the way four school‐based teacher educators fulfill their role as educators of student teachers who learn how to teach while participating in the workplace. Based on theoretical notions derived from the literature on teacher education and workplace learning, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model was specified and used in a case study as a framework to describe the activity of these school‐based teacher educators. They use tools (e.g., apprenticeship assignments) developed within the teacher education institute and rely on their professional knowledge as experienced schoolteachers. This results in student teachers being provided with useful tricks which, however, hardly helps them to interpret and elaborate their experiences from a more conceptual or theoretical perspective. Also the possibilities of the social context of the school as a learning environment are not systematically used.  相似文献   

Dynamic Assessment would appear to be an appropriate tool for educational psychologists (EPs) as it is concerned with how children learn and has a wider social remit of promoting inclusion. Yet the literature consistently shows this approach has been one of the least utilised methods in educational psychology practice. This paper addresses the role of Dynamic Assessment within professional practice and critiques what this model of service delivery can contribute to the four stages of assessment according to the Division of Educational and Child Psychology guidelines: what is happening; who is concerned; why there is a problem, and what can be done to make a difference to the situation. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be analysed, supported by practical examples. The implications for EPs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper which developed out of a seminar for graduating MSW students presents a conceptual framework for practice which can be utilized by the clinician in adapting and expanding the knowledge and skills of assessment and intervention to work within the service delivery system. Concepts such as: relationship, exploration, problem identification, assessment, goal setting and intervention are discussed and applied to the organizational context through case illustrations. Emphasis is placed on helping the students consolidate and extent their professional role in relation to agencies and institutions and to balance their identification as clinician with other crucial identifications indluding: identification with the agency, a broad social welfare perspective, the profession's social purpose, social values and professional autonomy.  相似文献   

旅游专业实践基地运营平台是旅游专业学生能力训练的重要载体,有利于促进高等院校旅游人才培养质量提升。在校企合作和岗位目标培养的理念指导下,着力优化旅游专业实践基地的四大功能:实施岗位目标导向,促进大学生专业素质养成;整合资源构筑平台,完善大学生旅游创业实训机制;集聚优势深化校企合作,创新实践教学模式;创新体验旅游新理念,引导大学生旅游市场有序发展。依托基地,充分发挥双师教学团队作用,整合社会教学资源,创新旅游专业实践基地(实验旅行社)运营机制,进而从制度和政策层面确保旅游专业实践基地可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着我国对人才培养进行新的结构调整,专业学位教育备受社会各界关注。文章从2009年专业硕士招生改革后带来生源差异的问题着手,分析专业硕士招生的现状和新特征,探讨在生源差异的情形下,如何在培养目标、课程计划、教学方法、实践环节及考核标准方面进行专业硕士分类培养的新模式。  相似文献   

The currently fashionable professional ideal of reflective practice has focused on how good teaching might be informed by theoretical (invariably social scientific) enquiry and has been commonly construed as a matter of the effective application of theory. This paper rejects technicist assumptions underpinning the idea of applied theory, tracing them to confusion between two different sorts of practical deliberation, phronesis and techne. Understanding professional reflection primarily in term of phronesis calls into doubt both the precise role of genuine theoretical studies in professional reflection and the very status as theoretical of the sort of the principled understanding and deliberation required for the wise conduct of education.  相似文献   

教师情境学习是教师在工作情境中的一种社会文化实践学习,是教师在教学实践参与过程中,与所处社会、文化环境持续互动,观察与学习他人教学行为,判断与解决实践问题,协调自身与环境关系,与同事、专家、材料等进行互动,不断改进教学实践,从而适应学校文化、建构专业身份并不断获得实践知识、提高专业能力的过程。教师情境学习具有情境性、实践性、身体性、社会性、文化性等特征。教师情境学习有助于促进教师协调自身与环境的关系,促进教师身份建构与教学效能感提高,并促进学校文化传递与组织整体能力提升。  相似文献   

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