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焦虑作为学习者情感因素重要变量之一,对外语学习有重要影响。同时计算机网络辅助外语教学已被广泛应用于外语教学实践中。在简要介绍焦虑的定义、分类、影响和原因的基础上,通过问卷调查的方式探讨计算机网络环境下的外语学习焦虑问题,并提出了减轻和克服学生焦虑的策略和方法。  相似文献   

职业倦怠是发生于人际工作者的一组情感衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低的综合症状。由于不能满足自我实现的需要、压力过大而形成的无助感及缺乏工作的激励力量,高校心理咨询教师的职业倦怠普遍存在。对此,作者提出了提高心理咨询教师对职业倦怠的认识,增强自我效能感和释放压力,寻求多方面的帮助、支持与关怀三项应对策略。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the benefits that information and communications technology (ICT) offers to learning processes, the majority of learners in rural and township areas in South Africa either do not have access to computers and the internet, or they lack sufficient skills to exploit the benefits of ICT. This lack of skills and access to computers may lead to computer anxiety and low computer self-efficacy among undergraduates entering higher education. Low computer anxiety and high computer self-efficacy levels are important factors in assisting students to be academically successful in the present technological era. This article reports on a study that assessed the computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy and attitude towards the internet among first year students at a South African university of technology. Data collection was done through a five section survey. The research revealed that students suffer from moderate computer anxiety; they have a moderate compute self-efficacy; and their attitude towards the internet is positive. The results, research contributions, and limitations are discussed, and implications for future studies are suggested.  相似文献   

利用质的研究方法,研究了—位随班就读学生在普通学校的学习情况。结果发现,学校和部分教师对此学生的态度不够积极,对他的教育教学缺乏针对性。研究结果启示我们要加强对随班就读学生的个别化教学,以满足他们的特殊教育需要。  相似文献   

焦虑感是影响英语学习的最重要的情感因素之一。从教师角度出发,以教学行动研究为基础,通过分析原因、设计对策、制定并执行相应的解决方案,以期最终有效调节学生英语学习的焦虑感。  相似文献   

李童  杨楠  王煜 《教育技术导刊》2020,19(2):249-253
传统学习行为分析注重事后分析,即根据学习结果评价学习效果。计算机类课程不同于其它领域课程,实践性很强,对学生动手能力要求较高。由于学生在该课程中的学习行为涉及大量动手操作,如建模、编程、测试等,通过监控、存储与分析相关数据,可对学生学习过程持续进行学习行为分析,从而及时发现学生学习中的困难,并给予相应反馈。设计并实现一个BJUTModeling系统平台,以持续监控与记录学生的建模操作数据,并利用频繁序列挖掘技术进行学习分析,取得了较好的实际教学效果。  相似文献   

Computer Technology Integration and Student Learning: Barriers and Promise   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Political and institutional support has enabled many institutions of learning to spend millions of dollars to acquire educational computing tools (Ficklen and Muscara, Am Educ 25(3):22–29, 2001) that have not been effectively integrated into the curriculum. While access to educational technology tools has remarkably improved in most schools, there is still concern about instructional integration of computer technology to support student learning. Appropriate integration of computer tools constitutes a major change in people’s lives; technology integration is a complex phenomenon that involves understanding teachers’ motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about learning and technology (Woodbridge, ). Although computer technology has a great potential to reform or even transform education, barriers come in the way of achieving success especially with student learning. This paper presents an overview of technology use in education with a focus on barriers to computer technology integration. Further, this paper provides suggestions to maximize the benefits of learning with computer technology.  相似文献   

在网络环境下,学习者由于高度自由同时又缺乏有效的监管,学习很容易受到外界事件的干扰,并不能完全保证学习者的学习行为是有效的。为保证网络环境下学习的质量与绩效,有必要对网络环境下的有效学习行为进行深入研究。文章在“有效学习”定义基础上,提出网络环境下有效学习行为的概念及其特征,并详细讨论了网络环境下有效学习行为的主要影响因素,最后从中得到提高网络环境下学习行为有效性的启示:在课前,教师要做好学前分析,检查学习者是否已有本次学习必要的基础知识储备,并帮助学习者明确自己的学习目标,给学习者提供必要的学习环境;在课中,教师要注重学习者信息技术应用能力的培养,同时给学习者施加一定的外部动机,并结合具体情况,给予学习者有效的引导;在课后,教师需要及时对这节课进行反思总结。  相似文献   

樊宁 《海外英语》2011,(11):100-101
Listening has been playing a key role in daily communication and ELT.However,it’s an obstacle for most non-English majors.Among affective factors the students encounter in listening,anxiety is the most usual one.In this paper,I will analyze the situation based on my observations on listening class and interviews with some students in terms of the relationship between students’ anxiety and their listening performance and the characteristics of the listening materials.Subsequently,with the interviews with some students,some possible ways of improving listening ability are discussed.  相似文献   

以广西师范大学非英语专业新生为调查对象,对新生英语学习焦虑进行了研究,并针对他们的焦虑状况试图提出了几点相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

刘海燕 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(1):66+150-66,150
情感过滤在第二语言习得过程中起着非常关键的作用。情感过滤程度的高低往往决定着第二语言学习者习得第二语言的程度。以克拉申的情感过滤假设为基础,阐述了在大学英语计算机辅助教学中,教师该如何激发学生学习动机、帮助学生建立自信心、保持适当焦虑,从而将情感过滤降到最低点,成功实现语言习得。  相似文献   

网络多媒体技术在英语学习中的广泛应用给学生自主学习实践提供了很好的平台,但在实际应用中却难以达到理想的效果。学习者在网络自主学习中不同的学习行为特征会因各种因素影响着大学英语网上学习效能,分析网络环境中学习行为特征和学习效能的关系可以引起学习者和教学者的重视,对网络自主学习更好地辅助大学英语学习起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

论教学研究中的教学行为分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用“教学行为”这一概念工具去研究和分析教学现象,既符合马克思主义宏观理论的精神,又能如实地反映教学在中观、微观上存在的基本状态。教学行为本身是一个包含多种互动要素的系统,而且具有层级性结构。教学行为分析就是运用行为理论和教学原理对其构成要素及各个要素之间的关系进行分析,即要素论分析,同时对其实现单位及各个实现单位之间的内部转化关系进行分析,即过程论分析,从而进一步探明教学行为在学生发展中的独特规律。教学行为分析的主要方法有课堂观察法、课堂语言行为互动分析法和人种志方法。进行教学行为分析有三个方面的原因:教学论学科建设的需要,教学设计的需要和转化教学观念的需要。  相似文献   

许多高职院校计算机专业近年来都加大了专业教学改革建设的力度,并加大了对专业实验室以及校外实习基地的投入,其目的都是为了建立了工学结合为主线的教学模式,培养实用型的人才。然而,从实际效果来看,计算机专业的学生学习效果以及毕业后就业的出路均不理想,归其原因是只看到了影响学生在专业学习方面的外在因素,而忽视了学生在整个专业学习过程中自身学习兴趣和自主性培养方面的问题。  相似文献   

目前高校的心理咨询员多由其他学科的教师兼职担任,在咨询工作中难免进入角色误区和导致心理疲劳。高校兼职心理咨询员应注重提升自身心理支持的资源,充分认识自我,客观地认识和评价咨询工作,确立切实可行的目标和期望值。  相似文献   

焦虑有多种表现类型,其中语言学习焦虑涉及诸多方面的因素且有自身的特点。本文主要讨论外语教学中存在的语言学习焦虑。通过参阅、比较相关研究并结合笔者对学生进行的课堂问卷分析,文章认为外语学习焦虑的产生可归结为学生的个人原因、语言能力、课堂原因以及文化因素等。对语言学习焦虑的研究可进一步加深对外语教学中学生语言学习过程的认识。  相似文献   

Most college students experience stress and an increasing number also experience anxiety. This stress and anxiety has negative impacts on academic performance, as well as psychological well-being. In the K–12 setting, social-emotional learning (SEL) interventions have been consistently associated with improvements in outcomes related to stress and anxiety. However, little to no research has been conducted on effective ways for college instructors to help students in this area utilizing SEL. We developed a semester-long SEL program as an easy-to-implement and scientifically driven program to address this striking void. In statistics courses at two separate institutions (N?=?46), students completed weekly activities that fostered SEL-based skills and mindsets conducive to alleviating anxiety and appraising stressors in a productive manner. In our exploratory analyses, we empirically assessed the efficacy of our program utilizing a number of pre- and post- measures, including stress appraisal and various dimensions of anxiety. Significant improvements were noted in students’ ability to appraise stressors as positive challenges, rather than threats. Noteworthy improvements were also seen in students’ ability to recognize the resources available to help them cope with stressors, as well as decreases in math anxiety. These preliminary findings demonstrate that SEL programs implemented in a college setting have the potential to impact students’ psychological well-being and, in turn, their academics.  相似文献   

焦虑是学习者在语言学习过程中最重要的情感因素之一,文章在概述国内外对语言焦虑相关研究的基础上,就语言学习焦虑分类及其产生原因进行了分析与阐述,并在文章最后提出一些可行性应对策略。  相似文献   

本研究对非英语专业大学生在网络自主学习情境下的英语听说焦虑进行了调查。通过对问卷调查和访谈所得数据的分析发现:(1)学生英语听力焦虑和口语焦虑都属于中等程度,其中因子"听力自我信念"引起的听力焦虑达到高等程度,因子"低自尊"引起的口语焦虑达到高等程度;(2)听力焦虑不仅与听力成绩相关,还影响口语成绩;同样口语焦虑不仅与口语成绩相关还与听力成绩相关,即听说焦虑与听说成绩存在交叉相关性;(3)听说焦虑呈现出新的焦虑现象,如学生不仅担心自身成绩、教师的评价,还担心情感缺失及自制力的松懈。研究发现对英语听说自主学习有一定的意义。  相似文献   

在外语学习过程中,除了学习策略、环境等外部因素之外,学习者自身的情感因素对外语学习也有着不可忽视的影响,而其中的语言焦虑是影响外语学习诸多因素中的主要因素,解决情感问题有助于提高语言学习效果.  相似文献   

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