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Bullying is a serious and escalating problem in public schools across America. Each day, thousands of students face taunts and humiliation stemming from bullies. Bullying victims experience emotional and psychological problems that may persist for a lifetime. Other victims commit suicide or retaliate against bullies out of fear for their own safety. Because the courts presume that schools are safe places, teachers and administrators have a leading responsibility to protect students from the harmful behavior exhibited by bullies. They are expected to foresee that bullying is a harmful activity and initiate appropriate steps to eliminate it.

This article discusses the magnitude of the problem of bullying in public schools and the threat of liability for school personnel who fail to respond to bullying incidents. It concludes with a set of guides that should assist teachers and administrators in protecting students from foreseeable harm while minimizing their legal exposure to law suits based on negligence.  相似文献   

The relationship between self–injury (SI) and suicide is largely unclear. However, researchers have suggested that clients who self–injure are at a heightened risk of suicide (Chapman & Dixon–Gordon, 2007 ; Toprak, Cetin, Guven, Can, & Demircan, 2011 ). Thus, it is important that college counselors be knowledgeable about both SI and suicide. In this article, the authors provide an overview of SI and suicide, as well as practical information for college counselors.  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education and their counseling centers are under intense pressure to prevent student suicide. This article proposes that routinely using threat assessment and management teams in working with suicidal students would add value to existing suicide prevention efforts. The unique features of threat assessment and management provide several advantages over traditional clinical intervention. First and foremost, the majority of students who die of suicide do not seek services from campus counseling centers. These students may, nonetheless, come to the attention of campus constituents in a number of ways and may readily be referred to a threat assessment and management team. For students who are clients of the counseling center, a campus should still activate a threat assessment and management process. In this way, threat assessment and management may be useful for students who refuse to seek help as well as in providing assistance when students are engaged in treatment. Nonetheless, higher education in general and counseling centers in particular have not engaged in a standard practice of involving threat assessment and management teams with students who present at risk for suicide. Limitations to clinical approaches for suicide prevention are reviewed in contrast with the complementary advantages of threat assessment and management as applied to suicidal students. Regularly including threat assessment and management in working with suicidal students in higher education may provide synergy in improving the likelihood of desirable outcomes in preventing suicides.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe features of interventions that are empirically validated for use with first‐grade students at risk for reading disabilities who are English language learners (ELLs) and whose home language is Spanish. The empirical evidence supporting these interventions is summarized. Interventions for improving oral language and reading abilities with struggling readers who are ELLs taught in either Spanish or English are described as a means to assist school districts and teachers in defining and implementing effective interventions for ELLs at risk for reading difficulties. The interventions described may be useful to educators seeking information about Response to Intervention as a means of identifying ELLs who require services for learning disabilities.  相似文献   

In an increasingly complex global society, schools frequently have to re-examine their understanding of the social and cultural dimensions that constitute 'community'. One such dimension is the sexual orientation of individuals who make up this group. Historically, this has been a difficult task, given the tension that exists between sexuality and education and the heteronormative practices within schools. Consequently, individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT), are thought to be LGBT or who are connected with the LGBT community, have frequently found themselves in a marginalized and vulnerable position. In the case of young people, the consequences of this include lowered self-esteem, absenteeism, underachievement and, in some cases, suicide. Given the mantra that Every Child Matters , schools now have a strategic opportunity to formulate new responses in supporting this group. A key question in this article relates to the ways in which the dimensions of strategy can be integrated into 'joined-up', effective action.  相似文献   

危机干预是指针对处于危机状态的个体及时给予适当的心理援助,使之尽快摆脱困境。危机干预可分为预防性和补救性两种。目前各高校的危机干预机制多数停留在补救阶段,预防性的干预机制还不普遍。文章分析了自杀个体的心理,结合危机干预的预防性和补救性特点,提出了如何预防和干预大学生自杀行为的具体措施和建议。这些措施和建议有良好的操作性,对于从事高校学生工作者有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

Because of a dearth of experience in preventing suicide in diverse student populations, Pace University developed a multicultural suicide prevention kit. This article details the process used to develop the kit. The rationale for approaching suicide prevention in a culturally competent manner is presented, and methods used to gain culture-specific phenomena that impact the mental health of diverse students are discussed. It is hoped this kit will encourage other colleges and universities to enhance their own suicide prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Students usually have plenty of experience with online social technologies, but they lack understanding about how to use these tools and methods for course learning. This article is designed to help college students who are anxious about participating in an online learning community or do not know how to build one effectively. With ideas derived from research and practice, this guide has been written to inform online students about learning communities, the benefits they offer, and how students can assist in building a successful online community.  相似文献   

Adolescent suicide is escalating, especially among White male teenagers who use drugs and/or alcohol, are depressed or cognitively rigid, have maladaptive families, have experienced recent loss, misunderstand death, and know a suicide victim. Teachers can foster suicide resistance by developing teens' cognitive deterrents and encouraging adaptive coping strategies. Recommended assessment tools for potentially suicidal children and teens include the Reasons for Living Inventory and the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire. For teachers, intervention strategies include listening empathically, asking directly about potential suicide, and breaking confidentiality in cases of an actively suicidal child or teenager. Administratively, helpful strategies are hot lines, suicide prevention training modules, and publicity of popular students' adaptive responses to stress such as drug rehabilitation or therapy. After suicide, administrators should work to diminish survivor guilt, minimize scapegoating, and prevent contagion.  相似文献   

College and university personnel are often confronted with several ethical and legal issues as they respond to students who present with suicidal ideation or suicide attempts on campus. This article presents an overview of the issues and the solutions that seek to address the ethical guidelines of the counseling profession and the university's goal of a safe learning environment. Solutions are applied to the creation of policies for dealing with suicidal students.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenges faced by nontraditional college students who are coparents as a result of divorce. The need for college counseling centers to have counseling options designed to assist this special population in successfully completing their academic pursuits is presented. Conflict resolution techniques based on the Parenting Coordination model are offered to help these students deal with the challenges of coparenting responsibilities.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of and clinical experience with college students who make suicide attempts converge upon a glaring conclusion: that suicidal students are now paying a high price for experimentation with alcohol and other intoxicating substances. A significant proportion of suicidal students are abusers of psychoactive substances. Their numbers may be small in terms of total college and university populations, but their personal sacrifice and group impact is great. The first section of this chapter reviews the epidemiology of college student suicide and substance use disorder. One objective of the review is to help college clinicians and administrators examine the suicide-substance use relationship from multiple frames of reference. Data from a new survey of the relationship between substance use and suicidality in students are presented. The second section introduces selected issues on the important topic of substance use and suicide prevention. The third section deals with specific clinical aspects of the student with suicidal thinking and the therapy of the post-suicide attempter who uses or has intoxicating substances.  相似文献   

This Burkean analysis of suicide notes argues that suicide is motivated by an innate human desire for “Order.” The notes analyzed in this study were composed by individuals who portrayed their lives as filled with much chaos and pain. In Burke's words, they viewed their lives as highly disordered. Their final communiques indicate that they saw suicide as a way to overcome the tremendous feelings of guilt and/or shame associated with that disorder. In a smaller number of cases, the deceased suggested that suicide allowed them to transcend their painful circumstances, thereby allowing them to avoid the assignment of guilt or shame. As the rhetoric of suicide notes reveals, suicide functions as an agency by which their authors believe a sense of “control” can be reestablished and, ultimately, “Order” restored to their worlds.  相似文献   

The increasing rate of child abuse and neglect is a special concern for educators who are legally mandated reporters of suspected maltreatment, are often the first to identify and refer children who have been harmed, are in contact with parents and are aware of the family conditions contributing to child maltreatment, and who must often work closely with other professionals in their efforts to support child victims and prevent further abuse. Moreover, children's emotional or behavioral problems, learning disabilities, or other difficulties often reflect broader problems that are associated with abuse or neglect. Consequently, understanding the causes and consequences of child maltreatment, and contemporary child protection efforts, is essential to educators in their efforts to assist victimized children. This article surveys current research on child maltreatment with particular attention to the challenges of child protection, the multidimensionality of child maltreatment (distinguishing physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological maltreatment), and hopeful new avenues for prevention. The implications of this research for educational professionals are emphasized.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, young children and their families anticipate the start of school with expectations and hopes, as well as concerns. Although the approaches and customs differ from one nation, region, or culture to another, one constant is the recognition that a collaborative effort is needed to welcome young children and their families into formal schooling experiences. The transition process should be proactive and responsive to the children’s needs. This article addresses four key components of appropriate support for young children who are starting school: (1) a consideration of the developmental characteristics of young children, (2) a recognition of factors that affect adjustment to new situations, (3) the establishment of relationships with families, and (4) the implementation of strategies that assist young children in making this important transition. Strategies for assisting children who are beginning their school careers are shared.  相似文献   

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a significant issue among college students but few resources are available to college mental health professionals. This article consolidates extant knowledge on NSSI from the empirical and clinical literature, including common NSSI characteristics (rates, methods, demographics, and concomitants), intrapersonal and social functions, and NSSI's relation to suicide. Practical strategies for assessing NSSI among students are presented, as are empirically informed treatments. With this knowledge, college mental health professionals will have a theoretical and practical understanding of NSSI and will be better equipped to work with students who self-injure.  相似文献   

As the second leading cause of death for adolescents, suicide is a major concern for school personnel. School psychologists' training in mental health makes them well-positioned to lead in suicide prevention efforts; however, studies have shown a lack of preparedness in crisis intervention and, more specifically, suicide risk assessment. This study surveyed practicing school psychologists (N = 92) to explore their perception of both their role and competency in suicide risk assessment. Suicide risk assessment was defined as a broad term pertaining to any measures taken in suicide prevention, intervention, or postvention. The majority of school psychologists reported having a primary role at the tertiary level (i.e., intervening with a student identified as needing help). Participants indicated lacking adequate graduate preparation; however, most participants were confident in their knowledge of suicide and suicide risk assessment and were comfortable identifying and intervening with a student who is suicidal. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪的二三十年代,上海的自杀现象已成为严重的社会问题,而女性自杀问题尤为突出。从《申报》所载的相关情况来看,上海女性自杀现象呈现以下特点:自杀人数女性多于男性;以年轻女性为主;外地多过本地;以服毒为常见方式。究其原因,家庭及婚恋矛盾成为激发女性自杀的最重要的因素。  相似文献   

A particular subtype of learning disability (nonverbal learning disability) is described. This subtype of individuals with learning disability is seen to be at particular risk for depression and suicide. The origins of the study of this subtype of learning disability, its incidence in various forms of neurological disease, disorder, and dysfunction, and its behavioral and socioemotional manifestations (including its association with significant internalized forms of psychopathology) are described. A case history of a young woman who manifests this disability and who has attempted suicide on three occasions is also presented.  相似文献   

To assist counselors who are supervising students working with clients infected with HIV, this article uses Loganbill, Hardy, and Delworth's (1982) framework to highlight important issues that counselors-in-training are likely to face.  相似文献   

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